About Institutional Repositories | Digital Commons@Becker

About Digital Commons@Becker

Digital Commons@Becker strives to showcase and provide access to the scholarly output of Washington University School of Medicine through a centralized, publically available institutional repository.

Digital Commons@Becker allows groups, departments, centers, divisions, or programs within Washington University School of Medicine to create collections to highlight their intellectual output. Materials appropriate for Digital Commons@Becker include conference abstracts, manuscripts, capstones, monographs, book chapters, photographs, digital files, research papers, poster presentations, newsletters, data sets, sound files, working papers, videos, technical reports, annual reports, and more.

The staff of the Becker Medical Library is responsible for the processing, indexing, and maintenance of all materials stored in Digital Commons@Becker.


  • Materials are full-text searchable and available for downloading from one central location.
  • Collections can include a wide variety of publication types and materials.
  • Digital Commons@Becker is optimized for fast and accurate indexing by Google and Google Scholar.
  • Comprehensive reports are available to allow authors and groups to track usage statistics.
  • Materials within collections can be “branded” with a cover sheet.
  • Collections can contain links to content on external websites.
  • Materials (all or specific parts of the collection) can be made fully accessible to the public or restricted to a specific IP address range.
  • Digital Commons@Becker allows individuals to subscribe to a collection and provides automated RSS feeds and automatic email notification to subscribers when new content is published.

To learn more about Digital Commons@Becker, please contact Brittney Sandler.