The Feasibility of Using Metacognitive Strategy Training to Improve Performance, Foster Participation, and Reduce Impairment Following Neurological Injury

Author's School

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences


Author's Department/Program

Rehabilitation and Participation Science


English (en)

Date of Award

Spring 5-15-2016

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Chair and Committee

Carolyn M. Baum

Committee Members

Scott Frey, Allison King, Jay Piccirillo, Desiree White


Executive function is central to our ability to learn and participate in everyday life activities and rehabilitation outcomes for individuals with executive dysfunction after neurological injury are poor. The impairments and performance challenges these individuals experience are typically not identified appropriately so they often do not receive adequate rehabilitation and can have significant challenges returning to complex everyday life activities. The vast majority of rehabilitation efforts to support individuals with neurological injuries with executive dysfunction are based on a restoration model that aims to improve cognitive function with the expectation that these gains will translate to everyday life. The available evidence suggests this translation is not happening as improvement in cognitive performance is often not leading to improvement in everyday life activities. Performance-based interventions that target improved engagement in everyday life activity are being developed with the expectation that this approach will remediate/mitigate impairments; however, these performance-based approaches have not been adequately evaluated. The purpose of this dissertation was to evaluate the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a performance-based intervention approach, metacognitive-strategy training, on performance and impairment reduction in individuals with central neurological injury.

