Digital Commons@Becker

Robley Dunglison, Professor of Physiology [University of Virginia] to Joseph Lovell [Washington, DC] regarding: experiments suggested by Dunglison on artificial digestion. January 12, 1833

W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to Robley Dunglison [University of Virginia] regarding: expressing gratitude for interest in Beaumont’s gastric experiments, a sample of gastric juice sent to Dunglison. January 25, 1833

Robley Dunglison [University of Virginia] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] regarding: receipt of gastric juice by Dunglison and further experiments suggested by Dunglison. January 29, 1833

Thomas Sewall [Washington, DC] to J. K. Mitchell [Philadelphia, PA] regarding: letter of introduction to Mitchell regarding analysis of gastric juice. February 5, 1833

Robley Dunglison [University of Virginia] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] regarding: results of his analysis of gastric juice. February 6, 1833

W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to Robley Dunglison [University of Virginia] regarding: experiments on digestion of vegetables and meat in vitro. February 10, 1833

W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to Robley Dunglison [University of Virginia] regarding: sample of gastric juice sent to Dunglison for chemical analysis and the digestion of gelatin in vitro. February 19, 1833

Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [New York, NY] to Joseph Lovell [Washington, DC] regarding: supplies sent to St. Augustan, searching for Mrs. Donahoe, a warrant from the Treasury Department, and news about a New York City recruiting station. March 19, 1833

Joseph Lovell [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [New York, NY] regarding: outline of the case history of St. Martin. March 22, 1833

Robley Dunglison [University of Virginia] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] regarding: receipt of gastric juice, Dunglison’s idea that gastric action is by solution not by chemical conversion, and new experiments suggested by Dunglison to test this idea. March 23, 1833

Benjamin Silliman [New Haven, CT] to W. Beaumont [New York, NY] regarding: directions for sending a sample of gastric juice to Jacob Berzelius. April 10, 1833

Benjamin Silliman [New Haven, CT] to Mr. Gahn, Swedish Consul [New York, NY] regarding: W. Beaumont’s copy of letter of introduction to Gahn and request for transmittal of gastric juice to Jacob Berzelius. April 10, 1833

Benjamin Silliman [New Haven, CT] to Jacob Berzelius [Stockholm, Sweden] regarding: W. Beaumont’s copy of thanks for volumes of Berzelius’ Chemistry and request for analysis of the samples of gastric juice sent by Beaumont to Berzelius. April 10, 1833

W. Beaumont [New York, NY] to Joseph Lovell, regarding: request for accounts payable for St. Martin, difficulties of working in New York because of calls of the curious, progress on manuscript, and request for advice about publishers, sample of gastric juice sent to Silliman, and his suggestion that gastric juice be sent to Berzelius. April 16, 1833

W. Beaumont [New York, NY] to Jacob Berzelius [Stockholm, Sweden] regarding: request for analysis of samples of gastric juice sent to Berzelius, case history of St. Martin, and artificial digestion in vitro. April 17, 1833

Joseph Lovell [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: pay arrears for St. Martin sent and manuscripts returned by Lovell. April 19, 1833

Joseph Lovell [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: bilious attack suffered by Lovell and manuscripts returned by Lovell. May 5, 1833

W. Beaumont [New York, NY] to Joseph Lovell, regarding: advice on publishing given by S. B. (Beaumont), rough draft of manuscript prepared, request for transfer to Burlington and Plattsburgh for the printing of the book, chemical analysis from Berzelius not expected for 5 to 6 months, documents to be returned by Lovell. June 1, 1833

Joseph Lovell [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [New York, NY] regarding: transfer to Plattsburgh to attend to the book printing approved by Lovell, Livingston’s proposal that St. Martin and Beaumont visit Paris. June 3, 1833

Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [New York, NY] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: wish to rush execution of the book, drawings engraved in New York, upcoming transfer to Plattsburgh, accounts payable for St. Martin enclosed, furlough extension for St. Martin, request for transportation allowance. June 10, 1833

S. Cooper, Adjutant General’s Office [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [New York, NY] regarding: order for St. Martin’s transfer to Beaumont. June 10, 1833

W. B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Fort Crawford, WI] regarding: returns for medicines and hospital stores. January 10, 1833

W. Beaumont to Professor Thomas Sewall [New York, NY] regarding: credentials sent. March 1, 1833

Descriptive roll of Sergeant St. Martin from S. Cooper, Adjutant General’s Office [Washington, DC]. March 4, 1833

Orders from Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [New York, NY] regarding: transfer of funds to Russell on leaving New York. June 13, 1833

Catalogue of subscribers to Experiments and Observations, with added memo of agents selling the book. 1833

Social invitations mailed to W. Beaumont from Mrs. Lewis Cass, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Livingston, Colonel Abert, Colonel and Mrs. Towson, Major J. K. Hook, Joseph Lovell, Ramsey Crooks, and Eliza Lovell. 1833

N.P. Trist to W. Beaumont (at Joseph Lovell’s Office) regarding: invitation to call on the President. [1833]

Special order from S. Cooper, Adjutant General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: furlough granted to St. Martin. March 4, 1833