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Memorial (with narrative of experiments and expenses incurred) of Doctor William Beaumont, a surgeon in the U.S. Army to 23rd Congress regarding: request for government assistance to continue experiments, remuneration for expenses already incurred. January 1834

Martin Van Buren, Vice President of the United States [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont, regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. January 1, 1834

Thomas Henderson to W. Beaumont, U. S. Army [Fuller’s Boarding House, Washington, DC] regarding: thanks and praise for Experiments and Observations. January 8, 1834

Thomas Sewall, Chairman of the Committee of the U. S. Senate [Washington, DC] to Asher Robbins, with attached note by Joseph Lovell to Asher Robbins, regarding: their favorable opinion of Experiments and Observations and Beaumont’s memorial to Congress for ongoing expenses of this work. January 20, 1834

Robert M. Johnson [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont, Army [Washington, DC] regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. January 21, 1834

Franklin Bache [Philadelphia, PA] to W. Beaumont, Surgeon, U. S. Army [Washington, DC] regarding: advice from Bache on memorial to Congress. January 24, 1834

Mr. Binney [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont, regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. January 24, 1834

Robley Dunglison, Professor of materia medica, therapeutics, hygiene and medical jurisprudence [University of Maryland, Baltimore] to Senator Asher Robbins [Washington, DC] in support of the memorial to Congress. January 25, 1834

James T. Cromwell, M.D., Secretary of the Medical Society of the City and County of New York, to Samuel Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] requesting W. Beaumont’s address. January 26, 1834

Aaron Ward [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont, Surgeon to the U. S. Army [Washington, DC] regarding: thanks and praise for Experiments and Observations. January 26, 1834

R. H. Wilde to W. Beaumont, regarding: thanks and praise for Experiments and Observations. January 27, 1834

Thomas H. Benton, U. S. Senate [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. January 28, 1834

S. Beardsley, Surgeon, U. S. Army [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. January 28, 1834

D. Wardwell, U.S. House of Representatives [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont, Surgeon, U. S. Army, regarding: thanks and praise for Experiments and Observations. January 28, 1834

W. Beaumont, memo preparatory to drafting memorial to Congress requesting reimbursement for experiments. 1834

Edward Everett [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont, regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. February 4, 1834

P. C. Fuller [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont regarding: thanks and praise for Experiments and Observations. February 5, 1834

Thomas Henderson [Washington, DC] to Senator Asher Robbins regarding: endorsing W. Beaumont’s memorial to Congress. February 10, 1834

Abel Huntington, John Thompson, and Robert Mitchell, House of Representatives [Washington, DC] to James M. Wayne of the Library Committee regarding: endorsement of the memorial to Congress and suggested purchase of Experiments and Observations for the Library of Congress, Department of the Army, and Department of the Navy. February 11, 1834

F. Whittlesey, House of Representatives [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. February 14, 1834

Henry Renshaw [London, England] to W. Miller regarding: declining offer to reprint Experiments and Observations. February 24, 1834

A. Vail [London, England] to W. Beaumont, regarding: failure to secure a European publisher for Experiments and Observations. March 2, 1834

Special order from R. Jones, Adjutant General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: W. Beaumont’s assignment to medical board. March 4, 1834

Minutes of Army Medical Board [Washington, DC] by W. Beaumont, member and recorder, regarding: examination of Rives and Clement A. Finley as candidates for the Army Medical staff. March 5, 1834–March 7, 1834

Draft of minutes of Army Medical Board [Washington, DC] by W. Beaumont, member and recorder, regarding: examination of Rives and Clement A. Finley as candidates for the Army Medical staff. March 5, 1834–March 7, 1834

Justice Joseph Story [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont, regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. March 6, 1834

W. Beaumont, Army Medical Board, to Lucius Abbott [Washington, DC] requesting Abbott to appear for examination as candidate for the Army Medical staff. March 7, 1834

W. Beaumont, Army Medical Board, to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: Lucius Abbott’s refusal to appear for examination. March 7, 1834

Edward Livingston, Ambassador to France [Paris, France] to W. Beaumont regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. March 16, 1834

W. Beaumont’s draft of “Physiology of digestion–dyspeptics take notice, the stomach,” promoting sale of Experiments and Observations. March 1834

Edward Everett, U.S. House of Representatives [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont regarding: the defeat of an appropriation for experiments, suggesting resubmission as a reimbursement. April 1, 1834

Dr. Coopers [Columbia, SC] to unknown recipient in support of W. Beaumont’s memorial to Congress, with critique of parts of Experiments and Observations. April 7, 1834

Thomas P. Jones [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont, regarding: letter from A. Vail on failure to secure a London publisher for Experiments and Observations. April 19, 1834

W. Beaumont, extract from the Monthly Review, London, Vol. 1, No. 4, April 1834, regarding: comments by Prout on the chemical analysis of plant and animal substances as it relates to digestion. April 1834

Thomas Jones, Thomas Henderson, and I. C. Hall [Columbian College, Washington, D.C.] regarding: copy of memorial to the Joint Committee Library of Congress in support of W. Beaumont. April 1834

R. Jones, Adjutant General’s Office [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont regarding: special order 35, to report to Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. April 30, 1834

Milo L. North and Edward P. Terry, Connecticut Medical Convention [New Haven, CT] to W. Beaumont, regarding: resolution of thanks. May 15, 1834

W. Beaumont, Army Medical Board [Washington, DC] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General of the United States Army, regarding: hospital inspection tour report for Fort Constitution, NH; Fort Preble, ME; Hancock Barracks, ME; Fort Sullivan, ME; Fort Wolcott, RI; and Fort Trumbull, CT. May 17, 1834. W. Beaumont, Army Medical Board [Washington, DC] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General of the United States Army, regarding: hospital inspection tour report. 1834

Charles T. Jackson [Boston, MA] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] regarding: Jackson’s research on the chemical composition of gastric juice from Beaumont’s sample and hopes for further chemical analysis with St. Martin in residence in Boston. May 23, 1834

W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to 23rd Congress, draft of memorial with narrative of experiments and expenses incurred requesting reimbursement. 1834

W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to 23rd Congress, draft of memorial with narrative of experiments and expenses incurred requesting reimbursement. May 27, 1834

W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to Sarah Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: present of music sent to her to sing by Mr. Lamotte and Major Hook, advice to Sarah Beaumont on assembling a library to instruct the children on the coming journey. May 29, 1834

W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to Secretary of the Navy [Washington, DC] suggesting purchase of 100 copies of Experiments and Observations for that branch of service. June 2, 1834

W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to Secretary of War [Washington, DC] suggesting purchase of 100 copies of Experiments and Observations for that branch of service. June 2, 1834

Levi Woodbury, Navy Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] regarding: purchase of 12 copies of Experiments and Observations. June 3, 1834

W. Beaumont to Finance Committee, draft of memorial to Congress sent to the Committee. June 3, 1834

W. Beaumont’s manuscript copy of reviews of Experiments and Observations extracted from The Athenaeum (Journal of English and Foreign Literature, Science, and the Fine Arts) No. 338, April 19, 1834. June 4, 1834

W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to Major Kirby, draft request for book revenues and money owed to St. Martin. June 15, 1834

St. Martin [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] refusing to join Beaumont because of wife’s objections. June 26, 1834

W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: official notice of arrival at Jefferson Barracks. July 30, 1834

W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: arrival at Jefferson Barracks, St. Martin absent without leave, letter from St. Martin received, news of Jefferson Barracks, transfer of Foot requested. July 31, 1834

F. L. Alexander [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to W. Beaumont, regarding: hospital attendants excused for parades. August 9, 1834

W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: Certification for furlough and request for sick leave by Lieutenant Phillip St. George Cooke. August 11, 1834

Manuscript copy of “Review of Beaumont on the Gastric Juices” (Experiments and Observations) in the Western Medical Gazette of Cincinnati, May 1834

Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: Lyman Foot’s transfer to Fort Winnebago. September 4, 1834

W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: request for furlough for family reasons. September 6, 1834

W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: hopes to employ St. Martin and to continue observations and experiments, preference for posts more centrally located and conducive to research work, and request for furlough. September 6, 1834

S. Cooper [Jefferson Barracks, Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont, regarding: transfer to Fort Crawford, transfer of Finley to Jefferson Barracks. October 1, 1834. W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: Finley’s desertion. October 1, 1834

W. Beaumont Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: inventories of effects of two dead soldiers, William Telford and Corporal Jones. October 25, 1834

W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: request for transfer of Samuel G. I. Decamp to Jefferson Barracks instead of Finley. October 20, 1834

Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: Finley ordered to Jefferson Barracks to await trial with W. Beaumont as witness. October 21, 1834

W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to Deborah Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: travels by boat and stage from Louisville over the Allegheny Mountains to Virginia. November 15, 1834

Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: vaccine supply sent and official notice of transfer to Jefferson Barracks. December 26, 1834

Lieutenant Potter to W. Beaumont, requesting clarification of latter’s orders. 1834

S. Highley, [London, England] to Thomas P. Jones [Washington, DC] regarding: declining offer to publish Experiments and Observations and return of manuscript. February 20, 1834

Notes on “Review of Beaumont on the Gastric Juices” (Experiments and Observations) in the Western Medical Gazette of Cincinnati, May 1834

Memo, draft memorial, W. Beaumont to Congress, with narrative of experiments on St. Martin and expenses incurred. 1834