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William Mason, M.C. [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: discussion of family, national politics, a proposal to establish commercial hospitals on the “western waters”. January 2, 1835

Samuel Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to St. Martin, regarding: W. Beaumont’s return to Saint Louis and his continued negotiations with St. Martin. January 12, 1835

Joseph Lovell, War Department [Washington, DC] rejecting transfers for Mower and Elwes. January 26, 1835. Alfred Elwes [Fort Hamilton, NY] to Lewis Cass [Washington, DC] copy to W. Beaumont, requesting transfer of Mower and Elwes to New York City. January 15, 1835

Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: medical office to be established at Saint Louis. January 16, 1835

John McKeon [New York, NY] to Lewis Cass [Washington, DC] regarding: request for transfer of Mower and Elwes to New York City. January 20, 1835

A.E. Macomb [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: letter of recommendation for G. Johnson. January 26, 1835

Major J.K. Hook [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: letter of recommendation for G. Johnson. January 27, 1835

Lewis Cass [Washington, DC] to John McKeon [New York, NY] regarding: request received for transfer of Elwes to New York City. January 31, 1835

Lewis Cass [Washington, DC] to Alfred W. Elwes [Fort Hamilton, NY] regarding: rejecting request for transfer of Elwes. February 4, 1835

Memorial to the Honorable Lewis Cass, Secretary of War [Washington, DC] from New York Congressmen A. Mann, Jr., C.P. White, John J. Morgan, John Adams, C. McVean, S.G. Hathaway, Abraham Bockie, Charles G. Ferris, C. C. Cambeling, W.K. Fuller, and Edward Howell petitioning transfer of Alfred W. Elwes to New York City station after rejection by Cass and Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General. February 12, 1835. Statement of concurrence with additional signatures including A. Huntington, W. Taylor, J. Pierson, R. Day, John W. Brower, R.H. Gillet, Silas Wright, Jr., N. P. Talmadge, J. Turrill, S. Beardsley, Aaron Ward, Henry Mitchell, Reuben, Nisol Halsey. February 14, 1835

Lewis Cass, War Dept. [Washington, DC] to Major General Winfield Scott regarding: acknowledging receipt of recommendation for Mower. February 19, 1835

Winfield Scott, Headquarters, Eastern Department [Washington, DC] to Lewis Cass, War Department [Washington, DC] regarding: army regulations and professional considerations in the case of the removal of Mower from New York City in favor of Elwes. February 19, 1835

Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office, to Lewis Cass, Secretary of War [Washington, DC] regarding: giving military and professional reasons to retain Mower, the senior officer, over Elwes, his junior. February 21, 1835

W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: trials of Finley and Lieutenant Nichols at Saint Louis, transfer to Saint Louis for trial, news from Jefferson Barracks. February 27, 1835

W. Beaumont’s manuscript copy of “Gastric Liquor” by Benjamin Silliman, American Journal of Science and Arts, Vol. 27, No. 2, January 1835, p. 405-407. February 28, 1835

W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: court-martial of Finley and Lieutenant Nichols, termination of Lieutenant Nichols, acquittal of Finley. March 17, 1835. W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: departure for Plattsburgh after discharge from attendance on court-martial. March 17, 1835

W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General, regarding: physical examination and physical defects of recruits, remuneration of examining physicians. April 6, 1835

W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to William Morrison regarding: attempt to employ St. Martin through Morrison. April 18, 1835. W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to Joseph Lovell [Washington, DC] regarding: reporting arrival in Plattsburgh. April 16, 1835

W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to John Beaumont and other family [Lebanon, CT] regarding: notice of permanent station in Saint Louis, travels across the United States, possible agricultural investments. April 22, 1835

Henry Stanton, Quartermaster, U.S. Army [New York, NY] to W. Beaumont, Surgeon, U.S. Army [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: funds for transportation. April 28, 1835

W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: acknowledgement of letter from Lovell and Quartermaster’s (Stanton’s) check. May 1, 1835

W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to Lieutenant Colonel H. (Henry) Stanton, Quartermaster, U.S. Army [New York, NY] regarding: receipt of Quartermaster’s (Stanton’s) check for transportation. May 1, 1835

W. Beaumont, U.S. Army [Plattsburgh, NY] to Samuel Beaumont [Clinton County, New York] regarding: power of attorney for recovery from Lilly Wait and Company Booksellers (Boston) of money from sale of 500 copies of Experiments and Observations. May 21, 1835

R. Johnson [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: inability to work due to cauterization of an injury to the third finger with silver nitrate, criticism of W. Beaumont’s “caustic theory.” July 17, 1835

W. R. Jawett [Harrodsburg, KY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] recommending a Dr. Prather to practice surgery. August 12, 1835

A.J. Eaton [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: remarks concerning Andrew Beaumont, the “Old Man and Little Van” (Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren), and Senator Preston’s objections to Eaton’s business before the Senate Committee on Military Affairs. December 27, 1835

Thomas G. Mower [New York, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: acquaintances in New York City especially “Poor B.” (Major Boynton), resignation of Dr. Bryant, and promotion of (Robert C.) Wood. June 8, 1835