Digital Commons@Becker

Edward Macomb [Fort Leavenworth, KS] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: vaccine requested by Macomb and news of Fort Leavenworth. January 19, 1837. W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Edward Macomb [Fort Leavenworth, KS] regarding: vaccine sent Macomb, success of Colonel and Mrs. Kearney in recruitment for dragoon corps. February 2, 1837

W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees [Saint Louis University] regarding: accepting the chair of surgery unless new surgeon general disapproves. February 10, 1837

William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] to Samuel Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: attempt to employ St. Martin through Morrison, St. Martin and family ready to travel. April 26, 1837

S. W. Beall [Buffalo, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: deposit at the Bank of Wisconsin of Whitney’s notes for $2000 received in exchange for property that Beaumont sold him. June 22, 1837

Henry Hamilton [Buffalo, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: Hamilton’s sale of property in Green Bay to John M. Clark and request for deferment of payment because of tight money situation in the country. July 25, 1837

W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Henry Hamilton regarding: deferment of payment of note on land Hamilton sold to John M. Clark. August 12, 1837

W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to David Campbell, the American Physiological Society [Boston, MA] regarding: attempt to re-engage St. Martin with help of the Society. August 29, 1837

W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to James Sykes, regarding: declined partnership offered by Sykes. September 25, 1837

Benjamin King, Acting Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: return of duplicate vouchers. October 30, 1837. Beaumont’s note regarding receipt of account from the Surgeon General. October 25, 1837

W. B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: accounts settled for third quarter of 1837. November 2, 1837

W. B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: offering advice about a warrant issued to Beaumont from Purchasing Department. November 6, 1837

Hercules L. Dousman [St. Peters, MN and Prairie du Chien, WI] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: money owed to Beaumont, land speculation in Prairie du Chien and Winnebago, attempt to employ St. Martin through Lake Superior traders, deeds sent Beaumont by Dousman. November 13, 1837

Benjamin King [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: attempt to employ St. Martin, papers sent to Lovell returned by King, recruits by our friend Lawson to Florida for the Seminole War, request for account of expenses separating expenses of department from those for Indian hostilities. December 6, 1837

W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to J.H.F. (John Henry Freligh), regarding: his suit for Sarah Beaumont’s hand. December 26, 1837

W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to H. (Henry) Hamilton [Buffalo, NY] regarding: request for payment of Hamilton’s note. January 9, 1838

S. W. Beall [Cooperstown, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] requesting payment of note now in the hands of Lyman Foot. February 13, 1838

W. Beaumont’s draft of a case history of Fr. B. Jemison regarding fracture of the left leg and ankle joint complicated by gangrene. March 1, 1838

W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to S. W. Beall [Cooperstown, NY] regarding: payment of note. March 2, 1838

S. W. Beall, Cooperstown, NY to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: payment of note. April 8, 1838

Andrew Combe [Edinburgh, Scotland] to W. Beaumont regarding: books sent by Andrew Combe. May 1, 1838

William B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: notice of warrant issued for funds. May 9, 1838

W. B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: returns of medical and hospital stores for September 1836. May 10, 1838

W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Benjamin King, Acting Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: case of Lieutenant Potter malingering. May 24, 1838

Benjamin King, Acting Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: acknowledges the report of recruits examined. May 25, 1838

Dictated letter from St. Martin [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: St. Martin ready to join Beaumont and attempt to engage St. Martin by the American Physiological Society. June 5, 1838

William B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: receipt of accounts for first quarter of 1838. June 11, 1838

Benjamin King, Acting Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: articles not accounted for on returns of public property for first quarter 1838. June 14, 1838

Benjamin King, Acting Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: received letter explaining articles not accounted for. July 6, 1838

Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: received report of recruits examined. July 16, 1838

Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: receipt of accounts and disbursements for first quarter of 1838. July 24, 1838

Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: received report of sick and diary of weather. July 20, 1838

William B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: accounts settled for second quarter of 1838. July 31, 1838

Assistant Surgeon William Gibson [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: medicines for the sick at Jefferson Barracks hospital. August 17, 1838

Assistant Surgeon William Gibson [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: invoice requested, enclosed requisition and receipt. September 23, 1838

W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Adjutant General [Washington, DC] regarding: error in Official Army Register for Beaumont’s date of birth and date of appointment. October 20, 1838

Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: receipt of the disbursements for third quarter of 1838, the quarterly report of sick, the diary of weather, and semi-annual returns of medical and hospital stores. October 22, 1838

John Turnbull [New York, NY] to W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: books sent by Andrew Combe via Turnbull. October 24, 1838

Joseph J. B. Wright [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: requisition for medicines including pink root for children of the soldiers. November 16, 1838

William B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: accounts settled for third quarter of 1838. November 17, 1838

Joseph H. Lamotte [Fort Lloyd, GA] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: Seminole War, Indian duplicity, Zachary Taylor, and enclosed letter to Sarah with proposition for her hand. December 18, 1838

Mrs. Potter, U.S. Arsenal [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: services of Beaumont not needed in the case of Lieutenant Potter. May 23, 1838