Digital Commons@Becker

W. Beaumont’s manuscript copy of article on statistics with commentary on actuary tables. Undated

W. Beaumont’s notes “On the phenomena of animal temperature,” regarding: inflammation, combustion, and theories of Crawford and Black. Undated

W. Beaumont’s notes on digestion. Undated

W. Beaumont’s notes on science, nature, philosophy, and truth. Undated

W. Beaumont’s full manuscript of Experiments and Observations. Undated

W. Beaumont’s preliminary manuscript text of Experiments and Observations. Undated

Index created by Beaumont of different authors on digestion, stomach, and gastric juice. Undated

W. Beaumont’s notes including those titled “Inferences from the foregoing experiments” and “Thoughts on digestion, Progressive motions of the alimentary canal.” Undated

W. Beaumont’s notes on the treatment of diphtheria regarding: prescription and dosage. Undated

Register of Beaumont’s correspondence between September 1824 and May 15, 1852 with synopses of each letter. Undated

Chronological list of events of Beaumont’s life from his birth on November 21, 1785 to Doctor Joseph Lovell’s death on October 17, 1836. Undated

Chronological list of events of Beaumont’s life from June 9, 1812–June 11, 1815, including a copy of Beaumont’s diary. Undated

Review of Beaumont’s Experiments and Observations. Undated

W. Beaumont’s manuscript copy of extracts from Sam Hood M.D.’s Analytic Physiology. Undated

St. Martin [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: request for money. Undated

E. Martin to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: partnership request of E. Martin. Undated

Extracts from Beaumont’s official title and deed books. Undated

W. Beaumont’s “Suggestions for a plan and regulations of commercial hospitals.” Undated

W. Beaumont’s notes from works of Jan Baptist van Helmont including “His Dream on the Flux or flowing unto generation” and “Prophetic Poems on himself and his works with an acrostic on his name.” Undated

Israel Green Beaumont’s short manuscript biography of W. Beaumont. Undated

W. Beaumont’s “On physical man or the phenomena of life principally in relation to nutrition.” Undated