Qual Research: Municipal officials' perspectives on policymaking for addressing obesity and health equity
Orcid ID
Renee Parks (0000-0002-7178-3378) (orcid.org) corresponding author
Fanice Thomas (0000-0001-6632-1542) (orcid.org)
Alexandra Morshed (0000-0001-9960-0409) (orcid.org)
Ruiyi Tian (0000-0001-5024-6832) (orcid.org)
Mary Politi (0000-0001-9103-6495) (orcid.org)
Resource Type
Dataset - restricted access
The aim of this qualitative research was to understand decision-making for policies impacting obesity and community health, and perspectives on obesity and related health disparities among local policymakers from municipalities experiencing obesity disparities. The dataset includes transcripts from 20 semi-structured interviews with local elected and top-appointed officials from municipalities across the United States, conducted between December 2020 and April 2021. The Institutional Review Board of Washington University in St. Louis approved this study (#202001197).
Local policy, evidence-based policymaking, obesity policy, health equity
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Parks, Renee G.; Thomas, Fanice; Morshed, Alexandra B.; Dodson, Elizabeth A.; Tian, Ruiyi; Politi, Mary C.; Eyler, Amy A.; Thomas, Ian; and Brownson, Ross C., "Qual Research: Municipal officials' perspectives on policymaking for addressing obesity and health equity" (2023). Data and Supporting Files. Paper 5.
Description of available files
Codebook_sharing.pdf (769 kB)
Interview Guide_sharing.pdf (214 kB)
Table_Health-related sources cited as credible.pdf (293 kB)
Table_Orgs mentioned for community health.pdf (524 kB)
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