Publication Date


Degree Awarded Date

December 15, 2023



Noise is a significant problem in the operating room with numerous negative impacts physically, mentally, and emotionally for both healthcare workers and patients. In particular, the obstetric operating room is the noisiest operating room in the hospital. The majority of patients in the obstetric operating room do not receive sedation medications and remain fully awake throughout the procedure; thus, they are fully aware of the noise levels surrounding them during their procedures. Elevated noise levels impair communication between providers and decrease satisfaction scores among patients and providers. Noise reduction strategies, including educating staff about the importance of noise reduction, have been proven to decrease noise levels in the operating room. This project aimed to evaluate current noise levels and obstetric operating room staff members’ perceptions about noise in the obstetric operating rooms through a survey at a large academic hospital. The project leaders presented the findings and made recommendations for strategies to reduce noise levels in the operating room through an educational handout. Post-education data were collected to determine if the education was successful in decreasing the noise levels and improving staff satisfaction scores with the noise levels in the operating room. The project was successful in reducing noise in the OB operating room by informing staff of the current operating room noise and educating them on recommendations for reducing noise. Staff satisfaction with the noise levels improved with the reduction in noise levels.


English (en)

Document Type



Henrichs, Bernadette PhD, CRNA, CCRN, CHSE, FAANA (Chair) Barnes Jewish College, Goldfarb School of Nursing

Associated Committee

Walsh, Robert CRNA (Committee Member) Barnes Jewish College, Goldfarb School of Nursing

Palanisamy, Arvind MBBS, MD, FRCA (Mentor) Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Included in

Nursing Commons
