2011 Conversations with Sergio Litewka, MD, MPH | 2011 Conferences | Washington University School of Medicine

Conversations with Sergio Litewka brought together the Washington University HRPO, Center for Latino Family Research and the Institute for Public Health in an effort that brought Dr. Sergio Litewka, a 2011 President Obama appointee to the United States Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues. Dr. Litewka is also the director of the Pan American Bioethics Initiative, a research professor at the University of Miami’s Ethics Programs, and the Latin American coordinator for the Collaborative Institutional Training Imitative (CITI).


Submissions from 2011


2011 Conversations with Sergio Litewka, MD, MPH: Flyer, Human Research Protection Office, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis


The challenges of conducting research in developing countries, Sergio G. Litewka


What the case of Guatemala has taught us, Sergio G. Litewka