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Open Access Publication



elife-69264-fig2-data1-v2.xlsx (20 kB)
Figure 2—source data 1 Summary of normal and disrupted neuromast counts following sustained and periodic stimulus exposures.

elife-69264-fig2-data2-v2.xlsx (14 kB)
Figure 2—source data 2 ummary of normal and disrupted neuromast counts in lhfpl5b mutants and wildtype siblings following sustained stimulus exposure.

elife-69264-fig3-data1-v2.xlsx (55 kB)
Figure 3—source data 1 Raw data and statistical analysis of hair-cell counts and innervation immediately following sustained stimulus exposure.

elife-69264-fig4-data1-v2.xlsx (51 kB)
Figure 4—source data 1 Raw data and statistical analysis of synapse counts immediately following sustained stimulus exposure.

elife-69264-fig7-data1-v2.xlsx (18 kB)
Figure 7—source data 1 Summary of normal and disrupted neuromast counts following sustained exposure with 0, 2, or 48 hr recovery.

elife-69264-fig7-data2-v2.xlsx (33 kB)
Figure 7—source data 2 Raw data and statistical analysis of hair-cell counts and innervation following sustained stimulus exposure with 0 and 2 hr recovery.

elife-69264-fig7-data3-v2.xlsx (29 kB)
Figure 7—source data 3 Raw data and statistical analysis of hair-cell counts and innervation following sustained stimulus exposure with 0 and 48 hr recovery.

elife-69264-video1.mp4 (4328 kB)
Swimming behavior of control fish with intact lateral line organs. Magenta circle indicates a fish prior to a ‘fast escape’ response.

elife-69264-video2.mp4 (4045 kB)
Swimming behavior of larvae whose lateral-line neuromasts were ablated with CuSO4. Magenta circles indicate larvae that were swept into the waves and could no longer tracked.

Figures and figure supplements.pdf (15641 kB)
elife-69264-transrepform1-v2.pdf (152 kB)
Transparent reporting form
