
Nature Communications

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Open Access Publication



Supplementary Information.pdf (6147 kB)
Supplementary Figures

Supplementary Movie (18619 kB)
Electron tomography of mitochondria sequestered inside endosomes in WT MEF. Four distinct endosomes all containing a single mitochondrion can be seen (one at bottom center, three at top center) after FCCP treatment. Single slice images of these puncta are found in Supplementary Fig. 5b,d. This movie and associated data can be accessed for downloading in the Cell Centered Database and Cell Image Library ( under the project ID 20381.

Supplementary Movie (29166 kB)
Electron tomography of mitochondria sequestered inside endosomes in Atg5-/- MEF with 3D model overlay. Two distinct endosomes both containing a single mitochondrion can be seen (top center and bottom center) after FCCP treatment. A third endosome, adjacent to the top endosome, can also be seen. Single slice images of these puncta are found in Figure 3B (top enlarged box), and Supplementary Figure 5i. In the top left-hand corner, a mitochondrion is in the process of being engulfed by an endosome. This event has been traced and 3D-modeled in Figure 4e. 3D Modeling clearly shows spherical mitochondria contained within early endosomes. This movie and associated data can be accessed for downloading in the Cell Centered Database and Cell Image Library ( under the project ID 20381.
