

Publication Date




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Open Access Publication



elife-54097-supp1-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Common online resources for finding academic jobs.

elife-54097-supp2-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Applicants by field of research and gender.

elife-54097-supp3-v2.xlsx (9 kB)
Applicant demographics: country of research origin (applicant location).

elife-54097-supp4-v2.xlsx (9 kB)
Country to which faculty application was made (job location).

elife-54097-supp5-v2.xlsx (9 kB)
Current research/academic position for all applicants.

elife-54097-supp6-v2.xlsx (9 kB)
Postdoctoral training times for all applicants.

elife-54097-supp7-v2.xlsx (16 kB)
Summary of the statistical analysis in this paper.

elife-54097-supp8-v2.xlsx (9 kB)
Applicant demographics: applicants with first or multiple postdoctoral position.

elife-54097-supp9-v2.xlsx (9 kB)
Scholarly metrics for all applicants.

elife-54097-supp10-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Scholarly metrics for applicants in the life/biomedical sciences.

elife-54097-supp11-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Responses on Cell/Nature/Science or “CNS” journal publications for all applicants.

elife-54097-supp12-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Responses on Cell/Nature/Science or “CNS” journal publications from applicants in the life/biomedical sciences.

elife-54097-supp13-v2.xlsx (11 kB)
Fellowships and funding

elife-54097-supp14-v2.xlsx (11 kB)
Responses about preprints.

elife-54097-supp15-v2.xlsx (9 kB)
Twitter poll: number of offers current faculty received.

elife-54097-supp16-v2.xlsx (9 kB)
Applicants who also applied to non-faculty jobs.

elife-54097-supp17-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Themes from job applicant survey written responses to helped your application.

elife-54097-supp18-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Themes from written responses to question about obstacles.

elife-54097-supp19-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Application statistics.

elife-54097-supp20-v2.xlsx (9 kB)
Career transition awards.

elife-54097-supp21-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Responses on patenting.

elife-54097-supp22-v2.xlsx (9 kB)
Use of resources that offered information about the application process.

elife-54097-supp23-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Responses to “Why did you find the Future PI Google Sheet helpful?”.

elife-54097-supp24-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Logistic regression with stepwise variable selection analysis on the survey data.

elife-54097-supp25-v2.xlsx (11 kB)
Logistic regression with stepwise variable selection analysis on survey data of applicants from only the life sciences applicants.

elife-54097-supp26-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Applicants by their application type (R1 Universities, PUIs or both) and gender.

elife-54097-supp27-v2.xlsx (9 kB)
Teaching experience.

elife-54097-supp28-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Themes from responses to question about teaching experiences beyond being a teaching assistant.

elife-54097-supp29-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Frequency of job applicant comments who received an offer.

elife-54097-supp30-v2.xlsx (9 kB)
Applicant demographics: number of times (cycles/years) that the candidates had applied for faculty positions.

elife-54097-supp31-v2.xlsx (11 kB)
General perceptions of the application process.

elife-54097-supp32-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Search committee survey: other comments.

elife-54097-supp33-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Search committee survey: statistics.

elife-54097-supp34-v2.xlsx (9 kB)
Search committee survey: demographics.

elife-54097-supp35-v2.xlsx (9 kB)
Search committee survey: preprints.

elife-54097-supp36-v2.xlsx (9 kB)
Search committee survey: perceptions of the job market.

elife-54097-supp37-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Search committee survey: weighting given to various aspects of an application.

elife-54097-supp38-v2.xlsx (9 kB)
Search committee survey: responses to the question “What information do you wish more candidates knew when they submitted their application?”.

elife-54097-supp39-v2.xlsx (9 kB)
Search committee survey: changes in the search process.

elife-54097-supp40-v2.xlsx (10 kB)
Applicant survey: scholarly metrics by gender with breakdown by offer status.

elife-54097-supp41-v2.docx (16 kB)
The job applicant survey.

elife-54097-supp42-v2.docx (15 kB)
The search committee survey.

Transparent reporting form.docx (247 kB)
Figures and Figure Supplement.pdf (8464 kB)
