Psychological Medicine
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Spinazzola E, Quattrone D, Rodriguez V, Trotta G, Alameda L, Tripoli G, Gayer-Anderson C, Freeman TP, Johnson EC, Jongsma HE, Stilo S, La Cascia C, Ferraro L, La Barbera D, Lasalvia A, Tosato S, Tarricone I, D'Andrea G, Galatolo M, Tortelli A, Tagliabue I, Turco M, Pompili M, Selten JP, de Haan L, Rossi Menezes P, Del Ben CM, Santos JL, Arrojo M, Bobes J, Sanjuán J, Bernardo M, Arango C, Kirkbride JB, Jones PB, O'Donovan M, Rutten BP, Van Os J, Morgan C, Sham PC, Austin-Zimmerman I, Li Z, Vassos E; EU-GEI WP2 Group; Murray RM, Di Forti M. The association between reasons for first using cannabis, later pattern of use, and risk of first-episode psychosis: the EU-GEI case-control study. Psychol Med. 2023 Nov;53(15):7418-7427. doi: 10.1017/S0033291723001071. © The Author(s), 2023. Published by Cambridge University Press. This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (, which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution and reproduction, provided the original article is properly cited.
Recommended Citation
Spinazzola, Edoardo; Johnson, Emma C; and et al., "The association between reasons for first using cannabis, later pattern of use, and risk of first-episode psychosis: The EU-GEI case-control study." Psychological Medicine. 53, 15. 7418 - 7427. (2023).
ICTS (Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences), Psychiatry
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