Journal of Participatory Medicinee
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Duncan CL, Muther EF, Lindwall JJ, Durkin K, Ruvalcaba E, Williamson E, Ahrabi-Nejad C, Bord E, Green A, Harrison ML, Polineni D Using Community Engagement to Create a Telecoaching Intervention to Improve Self-Management in Adolescents and Young Adults With Cystic Fibrosis: Qualitative Study J Particip Med 2025;17:e49941 URL: doi: 10.2196/49941 ©Christina L Duncan, Emily F Muther, Jennifer J Lindwall, Kristine Durkin, Elizabeth Ruvalcaba, Eliza Williamson, Corrine Ahrabi-Nejad, Evelyn Bord, Angela Green, Megan L Harrison, Deepika Polineni. Originally published in Journal of Participatory Medicine (, 20.01.2025. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in Journal of Participatory Medicine, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.
Recommended Citation
Duncan, Christina L; Muther, Emily F; Lindwall, Jennifer J; Durkin, Kristine; Ruvalcaba, Elizabeth; Williamson, Eliza; Ahrabi-Nejad, Corrine; Bord, Evelyn; Green, Angela; Harrison, Megan L; and Polineni, Deepika, "Using community engagement to create a telecoaching intervention to improve self-management in adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis: Qualitative study." Journal of Participatory Medicinee. 17, e49941 (2025).
ICTS (Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences)
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