OHS Faculty Publications | Occupational Health and Safety | Washington University School of Medicine


Submissions from 2017


Facilitators & Barriers to the Adoption of Ergonomic Solutions in Construction, Ann Marie Dale, Lisa Jaegers, Laura Welch, Ellen Barnidge, Nancy Weaver, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Prevalence and Perception of risky health behaviors among construction workers, Jaime Strickland, Samiullah Wagan, Ann Marie Dale, and Bradley Evanoff

Submissions from 2016


Postoffer Pre-Placement Screening for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Newly Hired Manufacturing Workers, Ann Marie Dale, Bethany T. Gardner, Skye Buckner-Petty, Jaime R. Strickland, and Bradley Evanoff


Evaluation of a Participatory Ergonomics Intervention in Small Commercial Construction Firms, Ann Marie Dale, Lisa Jaegers, Laura Welch, Bethany T. Gardner, Bryan Buchholz, Nancy Weaver, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Results of a Fall Prevention Educational Intervention for Residential Construction, Bradley Evanoff, Ann Marie Dale, Angelique Zeringue, Mark Fuchs, John Gaal, Hester J. Lipscomb, and Vicki Kaskutas


Long-term Symptomatic, Functional, and Work Outcomes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome among Construction Workers, Bradley Evanoff, Bethany T. Gardner, Jaime R. Strickland, Skye Buckner-Petty, Alfred Franzblau, and Ann Marie Dale


Functional Measures Developed for Clinical Populations Identified Impairment Among Active Workers with Upper Extremity Disorders, Bethany T. Gardner, Ann Marie Dale, Skye Buckner-Petty, Robert Rachford, Jaime Strickland, Vicki Kaskutas, and Bradley Evanoff


Comparison of Employer Productivity Metrics to Lost Productivity Estimated by Commonly Used Questionnaires, Bethany T. Gardner, Ann Marie Dale, Skye Buckner-Petty, Linda Van Dillen, Benjamin C. Amick III, and Bradley Evanoff


Foremen's Intervention to Prevent Falls and Increase Safety Communication at Residential Construction Sites, Vicki Kaskutas, Skye Buckner-Petty, Ann Marie Dale, John Gaal, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Toolbox Talks: Insights for Improvement, Vicki Kaskutas, Lisa Jaegers, Ann Marie Dale, and Bradley Evanoff

Submissions from 2015


Developing a pooled job physical exposure data set from multiple independent studies: An example of a consortium study of carpal tunnel syndrome, Stephen S. Bao, Jay M. Kapellusch, Arun Garg, Barbara A. Silverstein, Carisa Harris-Adamson, Susan E. Burt, Ann Marie Dale, Bradley A. Evanoff, Frederic E. Gerr, Kurt T. Hegmann, Linda A. Merlino, Matthew S. Thiese, and David M. Rempel


Comparison of automated versus traditional nerve conduction study methods for median nerve testing in a general worker population, Ann Marie Dale, Folasad Agboola, Amber Yun, Angelique Zeringue, Muhammed T. Al-Lozi, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Responsiveness of a 1-year recall modified DASH Work module in active workers with upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms, Ann Marie Dale, Bethany T. Gardner, Skye Buckner-Petty, Victoria Kaskutas, Jamie Strickland, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Comparison of musculoskeletal disorder health claims between construction floor layers and a general working population, Ann Marie Dale, Daniel Ryan, Laura Welch, Margaret A. Olsen, Bryan Buchholz, and Bradley A. Evanoff


General population job exposure matrix applied to a pooled study of prevalent carpal tunnel syndrome, Ann Marie Dale, Angelique Zeringue, Carisa Harris-Adamson, David Rempel, Stephen Bao, Matthew S. Thiese, Linda Merlino, Susan Burt, Jay Kapellusch, Arun Garg, Fred Gerr, Kurt T. Hegmann, Ellen A. Eisen, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Lateral epicondylitis: new evidence for work relatedness, Alexis Descatha, Ann Marie Dale, Barbara A. Silverstein, Yves Roquelaure, and David Rempel


Biomechanical risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome: a pooled study of 2474 workers, Carisa Harris-Adamson, Ellen A. Eisen, Jay Kapellusch, Arun Garg, Kurt T. Hegmann, Matthew S. Thiese, Ann Marie Dale, Bradley A. Evanoff, Susan Burt, Stephen Bao, Barbara Silverstein, Linda Merlino, Fred Gerr, and David Rempel


Enhancing workplace wellness efforts to reduce obesity: A qualitative study of low-wage workers in St Louis, Missouri, 2013-2014, Jaime Strickland, Amy A. Eyler, Jason Q. Purnell, Anna M. Kinghorn, Cynthia Herrick, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Worksite influences on obesogenic behaviors in low-wage workers in St Louis, Missouri, 2013-2014, Jaime R. Strickland, Galen Pizzorno, Anna M. Kinghorn, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Development of targeted messages to promote smoking cessation among construction trade workers, J R. Strickland, N. Smock, C. Casey, T Poor, M. W. Kreuter, and Bradley A. Evanoff

Submissions from 2014


Weak grip strength does not predict upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms or injuries among new workers, Ann Marie Dale, Lesley Addison, Josh Lester, Vicki Kaskutas, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Self-reported physical work exposures and incident carpal tunnel syndrome, Ann Marie Dale, Bethany T. Gardner, Angelique Zeringue, Jaime Strickland, Alexis Descatha, Alfred Franzblau, and Bradley A. Evanoff


The effectiveness of post-offer pre-placement nerve conduction screening for carpal tunnel syndrome, Ann Marie Dale, Bethany T. Gardner, Angelique Zeringue, Robert Werner, Alfred Franzblau, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Do symptoms and physical examination findings predict elbow pain and functional outcomes in a working population?, Alexis Descatha, Ann Marie Dale, Lisa Jaegers, and Bradley Evanoff


Do comorbid ulnar symptoms or ulnar neuropathy affect the prognosis of workers with carpal tunnel syndrome?, Alexis Descatha, Ann Marie Dale, Angelique Zeringue, and Bradley Evanoff


A conceptual model of musculoskeletal disorders for occupational health practitioners, Bradley A. Evanoff, Ann Marie Dale, and Alexis Descatha


Using job-title-based physical exposures from O*NET in an epidemiological study of carpal tunnel syndrome, Bradley A. Evanoff, Angelique Zeringue, Alfred Franzblau, and Ann Marie Dale


Natural history of upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms and resulting work limitations over 3 years in a newly hired working population, Bethany T. Gardner, Ann Marie Dale, Alexis Descatha, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Development of a program logic model and evaluation plan for a participatory ergonomics intervention in construction, Lisa Jaegers, Ann Marie Dale, Nancy Weaver, Bryan Buchholz, and Laura Welch


Exposure-response relationships for the ACGIH threshold limit value for hand-activity level: results from a pooled data study of carpal tunnel syndrome, Jay M. Kapellusch, Frederic E. Gerr, Elizabeth J. Malloy, Arun Garg, Carisa Harris-Adamson, Stephen S. Bao, Susan E. Burt, Ann Marie Dale, Ellen A. Eisen, Bradley A. Evanoff, Kurt T. Hegmann, Barbara A. Silverstein, Matthew S. Theise, and David M. Rempel


Breaking down silos: Mapping growth of cross-disciplinary collaboration in a translational science initiative, Douglas A. Luke, Bobbi J. Carothers, Dhand Amar, Sarah Moreland-Russell, Cathy C. Sarli, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Exploring physical exposures and identifying high-risk work tasks within the floor layer trade, Jamie McGaha, Kim Miller, Alexis Descatha, Laurie Welch, Bryan Buchholz, Bradley A. Evanoff, and Ann Marie Dale


Effects of varying case definition on carpal tunnel syndrome prevalence estimates in a pooled cohort, Matthew S. Thiese, Fred Gerr, Kurt T. Hegmann, Carisa Harris-Adamson, Ann Marie Dale, Bradley A. Evanoff, Ellen A. Eisen, Jay Kapellusch, Arun Garg, Susan Burt, Stephen Bao, Barbara Silverstein, Linda Merlino, and David Rempel

Submissions from 2013


Prevalence and incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome in US working populations: pooled analysis of six prospective studies, Ann Marie Dale, C. Harris-Adamson, David Rempel, F. Gerr, K. Hegmann, B. Silverstein, S. Burt, A. Garg, J. Kapellusch, L. Merlino, M. S. Thiese, E. A. Eisen, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Natural history and predictors of long-term pain and function among workers with hand symptoms, Alexis Descatha, Ann Marie Dale, Alfred Franzblau, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Self-reported physical exposure association with medial and lateral epicondylitis incidence in a large longitudinal study, Alexis Descatha, Ann Marie Dale, Lisa Jaegers, Eleonore Herquelot, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Personal and workplace psychosocial risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome: a pooled study cohort, Carisa Harris-Adamson, Ellen A. Eisen, Ann Marie Dale, Bradley A. Evanoff, Kurt T. Hegmann, Matthew S. Thiese, Jay M. Kapellusch, Arun Garg, Susan Burt, Stephen Bao, Barbara Silverstein, Fred Garr, Linda Merlino, and David Rempel


Pooling job physical exposure data from multiple independent studies in a consortium study of carpal tunnel syndrome, Jay M. Kapellusch, Arun Garg, Stephen S. Bao, Barbara A. Silverstein, Susan E. Burt, Ann Marie Dale, Bradley A. Evanoff, Frederic E. Gerr, Carisa Harris-Adamson, Kurt T. Hegmann, Linda A. Merlino, and David M. Rempel


Fall prevention and safety communication training for foremen: report of a pilot project designed to improve residential construction safety, Vicki Kaskutas, Ann Marie Dale, Hester Lipscomb, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Fall prevention and safety communication training for foremen: Report of a pilot project designed to improve residential construction safety, Vicki Kaskutas, Ann Marie Dale, Hester Lipscomb, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Fall prevention on residential construction sites, Vicki Kaskutas, Bradley A. Evanoff, and Harry Miller


Residential fall protection case study: Habitat for Humanity St. Louis., Vicki Kaskutas and Kyle Hunsberger

Submissions from 2012


Performance of simplified scoring systems for hand diagrams in carpal tunnel syndrome screening, Ryan P. Calfee, Ann Marie Dale, Daniel Ryan, Alexis Descatha, Alfred Franzblau, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Using process evaluation to determine effectiveness of participatory ergonomics training interventions in construction, Ann Marie Dale, Lisa Jaegers, Brian Buchholz, Laurie Welch, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Risk factors for incident carpal tunnel syndrome: results of a prospective cohort study of newly-hired workers, Bradley A. Evanoff, Ann Marie Dale, Elena Deych, Daniel Ryan, and Alfred Franzblau


Outcomes of a revised apprentice carpenter fall prevention training curriculum, Bradley A. Evanoff, Victoria Kaskutas, Ann Marie Dale, John Gaal, Mark Fuchs, and Hester Lipscomb

Submissions from 2011


Physical examination has a low yield in screening for carpal tunnel syndrome, Ann Marie Dale, Alexis Descatha, Justin Coomes, Alfred Franzblau, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Evaluation of anti-vibration interventions for the hand during sheet metal assembly work, Ann Marie Dale, A E. Rohn, A Burwell, W Shannon, J Standeven, A Patton, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Variability and misclassification of worker estimated hand force, Ann Marie Dale, Amanda E. Rohn, Amanda Patton, John Standeven, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Comparison of research case definitions for carpal tunnel syndrome, Alexis Descatha, Ann-Marie Dale, Alfred Franzblau, Justin Coomes, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Occupation and workplace policies predict smoking behaviors: Analysis of national data from the current population survey, David Cal Ham, Thomas Przybeck, Jaime R. Strickland, Douglas A. Luke, Laura J. Bierut, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Knee disorders among carpenters in the St. Louis area, Lu Yuan, Bryan Buchholz, and Ann Marie Dale

Submissions from 2010


Assessing agreement of self-reported and observed physical exposures of the upper extremity, Ann Marie Dale, Jaime Strickland, Bethany T. Gardner, Jurgen Symanzik, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Diagnostic strategies using physical examination are minimally useful in defining carpal tunnel syndrome in population-based research studies, Alexis Descatha, Ann Marie Dale, A Franzblau, J. Coomes, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Modeling the cost–benefit of nerve conduction studies in pre-employment screening for carpal tunnel syndrome, Bradley A. Evanoff and Steven M. Kymes


Physical Work Exposures: Comparing Self-Reported, Observer-Rated and O*NET Ratings, Bethany T. Gardner, David A. Lombardi, Ann Marie Dale, Alfred Franzblau, and Bradley Evanoff


Reliability of job-title based physical work exposures for the upper extremity: comparison to self-reported and observed exposure estimates, Bethany T. Gardner, David A. Lombardi, Ann Marie Dale, Alfred Franzblau, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Changes in fall prevention training for apprentice carpenters based on a comprehensive needs assessment, Vicki Kaskutas, Ann Marie Dale, Hester Lipscomb, John Gaal, Mark Fuchs, Bradley A. Evanoff, and Carpenters' Joint Appreticeship Program Instructor Team


Fall prevention among apprentice carpenters, Victoria Kaskutas, Ann Marie Dale, H. Lipscomb, J. Gaal, M. Fuchs, and Bradley A. Evanoff

Submissions from 2009


Work, a prognosis factor for upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders, Alexis Descatha, Yves Roquelaure, Jean Francois Chastang, Bradley A. Evanoff, D. Cyr, and Annette Leclerc


Fall hazard control observed on residential construction sites, Vicki Kaskutas, Ann Marie Dale, James Nolan, Dennis Patterson, Hester J. Lipscomb, and Bradley A. Evanoff

Submissions from 2008


Median and ulnar nerve conduction studies at the wrist: criterion validity of the NC-stat automated device, Theodore Armstrong, Ann Marie Dale, Muhammad T. Al-Lozi, Alfred Franzblau, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome and median neuropathy in a working population, Theodore Armstrong, Ann Marie Dale, Alfred Franzblau, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Reliability of hand diagrams for the epidemiologic case definition of carpal tunnel syndrome, Ann Marie Dale, Jaime Strickland, Jurgen Symanzik, Alfred Franzblau, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Do workers with self-reported symptoms have an elevated risk of developing upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders three years later?, Alexis Descatha, J. F. Chastang, D. Cyr, A. Leclerc, Yves Roquelaure, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Predictors of upper extremity symptoms and functional impairment among workers employed for 6 months in a new job, Bethany T. Gardner, Ann Marie Dale, Linda VanDillen, Alfred Franzblau, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Employers' concerns regarding research participation, Alicia M. Johnson, Ann Marie Dale, Jaime Strickland, Pat Venditti, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Development of the St. Louis assessment of fall risks at residential construction sites running head: An assessment of residential construction fall risks, Vicki K. Kaskutas, Ann M. Dale, Hester J. Lipscomb, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Challenges in residential fall prevention: insight from apprentice carpenters, Hester J. Lipscomb, Ann Marie Dale, Vicki Kaskutas, Roslyn Sherman-Voellinger, and Bradley A. Evanoff

Submissions from 2007


A pattern recognition approach to the development of a classification system for upper-limb musculoskeletal disorders of workers, Dorcas E. Beaton, Claire Bombardier, Donald C. Cole, Sheilah Hogg-Johnson, Dwayne Van Eerd, Bradley A. Evanoff, and The Clinical Expert Group


Validity of Nordic-style questionnaires in the surveillance of upper-limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders, Alexis Descatha, Yves Roquelaure, Jean Francois Chastang, Bradley A. Evanoff, Maria Melchior, Camille Mariot, Catherine Ha, Ellen Imbernon, Marcel Goldberg, and Annette Leclerc

Submissions from 2006


Physical activity, psychological complaints, and occupational health, Bradley A. Evanoff


Why are manual workers at high risk of upper limb disorders? The role of physical work factors in a random sample of workers in France (the Pays de la Loire study), M. Melchior, Yves Roquelaure, Bradley A. Evanoff, J. F. Chastang, C. Ha, E. Imbernon, M. Goldberg, and A. Leclerc

Submissions from 2004


An evaluation of a "best practices" musculoskeletal injury prevention program in nursing homes, J. W. Collins, L. Wolf, J. Bell, and Bradley A. Evanoff


Use of mechanical patient lifts decreased musculoskeletal symptoms and injuries among health care workers, J. Li, L. Wolf, and Bradley A. Evanoff

Submissions from 2001


Improved compliance with universal precautions in the operating room following an educational intervention, Lynn E. Kim, Donna B. Jeffe, Bradley A. Evanoff, Sunita Mutha, Brad Freeman, and Victoria J. Fraser

Submissions from 1999


Use of personal protective equipment and operating room behaviors in four surgical subspecialties: personal protective equipment and behaviors in surgery, Deniz Akduman, Lynn E. Kim, Rodney L. Parks, Paul B. L'Ecuyer, Sunita Mutha, Donna B. Jeffe, Bradley A. Evanoff, and Victoria J. Fraser


Healthcare workers' perceptions of occupational exposure, Sunita Mutha, Donna B. Jeffe, Lynn E. Kim, Paul B. L'Ecuyer, Bradley A. Evanoff, and Victoria J. Fraser


Healthcare workers' perceptions of occupational exposure, Sunita Mutha, Donna B. Jeffe, Lynn E. Kim, Paul B. L'Ecuyer, Bradley A. Evanoff, and Victoria J. Fraser

Submissions from 1998


Does clinical experience affect medical students' knowledge, attitudes, and compliance with universal precautions?, Donna B. Jeffe, Sunitha Mutha, Lynn E. Kim, Bradley A. Evanoff, Paul B. L'Ecuyer, and Victoria J. Fraser

Submissions from 1997


Healthcare workers' attitudes and compliance with universal precautions: gender, occupation, and specialty differences, Donna B. Jeffe, Mutha Sunita, Paul B. L'Ecuyer, Lynn E. Kim, Renee B. Singal, Bradley A. Evanoff, and Victoria J. Fraser