Open October
Open October is an annual, month-long series of presentations and educational events highlighting trends in open science, open data and open access. It is held in October to coincide with International Open Access Week. The series is presented and sponsored by Bernard Becker Medical Library and the Washington University Libraries.
Submissions from 2024
How Open Science Can Advance Equity for People with Disabilities, Bonnielin K. Swenor
Scientific Publishing and Openness: Perspectives from Insiders, Marcy Vana, Janine Bijsterbosch, Carey-Ann Burnham, and Jay Piccirillo
Submissions from 2023
The tools that supercharge open-source scientific software, Timothy Holy
ORCID iD: What it is and how it can help you, Brittney E. Sandler
Expanding public access: Perspectives from NIH, NSF and NASA, Jessica Tucker, Martin Halbert, and Patricia Knezek
Submissions from 2022
Make data count: Data citations, John Chodacki
ORCID & NSPM-33: What to know and how to be ready, Brittney E. Sandler
Open Access at the School of Medicine, Cathy Sarli
What's your story? Using narratives to open science, Maryam Zaringhalam
Submissions from 2021
The Evolution of Preprints in the Life Sciences, Jessica Polka
Submissions from 2020
Open October Publishing Panel, Liz Kramer, Matthew Lew, Angela Miller, and David A. Patterson Silver Wolf
Establishing the Reliability of Scientific Claims from Big Data in Biomedicine, Lara Mangravite
Preprints in Medicine More Promise or Pitfall for Research Transparency, Joseph S. Ross
Drug Discovery in the Era of Precision Medicine, Marina Sirota