2000-2009 OA Pubs | Open Access Publications | Washington University School of Medicine


Submissions from 2009


Mutations in ampG and lytic transglycosylase genes affect the net release of peptidoglycan monomers from Vibrio fischeri, Dawn M. Adin, Jacquelyn T. Engle, William E. Goldman, Margaret J. McFall-Ngai, and Eric V. Stabb


Item response modeling of DSM-IV mania symptoms in two representative US epidemiological samples, A. Agrawal, J. I. Nurnberger Jr., and M. T. Lynskey


Cancer stem cells - from initiation to elimination, how far have we reached?, Kamal Akhtar, Wendy Bussen, and Shaun P. Scott


Physical and sexual violence and incident sexually transmitted infections, Jenifer E. Allsworth, Mallika Anand, Colleen A. Redding, and Jeffrey F. Peipert


Classification of nonenzymatic homologues of protein kinases, K. Anamika, K. R. Abhinandan, K. Deshmukh, and N. Srinivasan


Copper-64 radiopharmaceuticals for PET imaging of cancer: Advances in preclinical and clinical research, Carolyn J. Anderson and Riccardo Ferdani


αA-crystallin R49Cneo mutation influences the architecture of lens fiber cell membranes and causes posterior and nuclear cataracts in mice, Usha P. Andley


Exploring the feasibility of a meta-structure for DSM-V and ICD-11: Could it improve utility and validity, G. Andrews, D. P. Goldberg, R. F. Krueger, W. T. Carpenter Jr, S. E. Hyman, P. Sachdev, and D. S. Pine


Heritability of risk-taking in adolescence: A longitudinal twin study, Andrey P. Anokhin, Simon Golosheykin, Julia Grant, and Andrew C. Heath


Epistatic interactions of CDKN2B-TCF7L2 for risk of type 2 diabetes and of CDKN2B-JAZF1 for triglyceride/high-density lipoprotein ratio longitudinal change: Evidence from the Framingham Heart Study, Ping An, Mary Feitosa, Shamika Ketkar, Avril Adelman, Shiow Lin, Ingrid Borecki, and Michael Province


Difficulty in diagnosing surgical site infection after arthroscopy in developing countries, Anucha Apisarnthanarak, Siriporn Wittayachanyapong, Pranee Sitaposa, Kanokporn Thongphubeth, Hilary Babcock, and Victoria J. Fraser


Protocol for the BAG-RECALL clinical trial: A prospective, multi-center, randomized, controlled trial to determine whether a bispectral index-guided protocol is superior to an anesthesia gas-guided protocol in reducing intraoperative awareness with explicit recall in high risk surgical patients, Michael S. Avidan, Ben J. Palanca, David Glick, Eric Jacobsohn, Alex Villafranca, Michael O'Connor, and George A. Mashour


Microbiological, clinical, and surgical features of fungal prosthetic joint infections: A multi-institutional experience, Khalid Azzam, Javad Parvizi, Donald Jungkind, Arlen Hanssen, Thomas Fehring, Bryan Springer, Kevin Bozic, Craig Della Valle, Luis Pulido, and Robert Barrack


Transcriptomic analysis of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora TTO1, Xiaodong Bai, Byron J. Adams, Todd A. Ciche, Sandra Clifton, Randy Gaugler, Saskia A. Hogenhout, John Spieth, Paul W. Sternberg, Richard K. Wilson, and Parwinder S. Grewal


Chitinases are essential for sexual development but not vegetative growth in cryptococcus neoformans, Lorina G. Baker, Charles A. Sprecht, and Jennifer K. Lodge


Requirements of Hsp104p activity and Sis1p binding for propagation of the [RNQ+] prion, J. Patrick Bardill, Jennifer E. Dulle, Jonathan R. Fisher, and Heather L. true


Detecting heterozygosity in shotgun genome assemblies: Lessons from obligately outcrossing nematodes, Antoine Barrière, Shiaw-Pyng Yang, Elizabeth Pekarek, Cristel G. Thomas, Eric S. Haag, and Ilya Ruvinsky


Transport characteristics of nanoparticle-based ferrofluids in a gel model of the brain, Soubir Basak, David Brogan, Hans Dietrich, Roger Ritter, Ralph G. Dacey, and Pratim Biswas


The membrane proteome of the mouse lens fiber cell, Steven Bassnett, Phillip A. Wilmarth, and Larry L. David


An intraductal human-in-mouse transplantation model mimics the subtypes of ductal carcinoma in situ, Fariba Behbod, Frances S. Kittrell, Heather LaMarca, David Edwards, Sofia Kerbawy, Jessica C. Heestand, Evelin Young, Purna Mukhopadhyay, Hung-Wen Yeh, D Craig Allred, Min Hu, Kornelia Polyak, Jeffrey M. Rosen, and Daniel Medina


An intact urease assembly pathway is required to compete with NikR for nickel ions in Helicobacter pylori, Erin L. Benanti and Peter T. Chivers


Selective versus nonselective arterial clamping during laparoscopic partial nephrectomy: Impact upon renal function in the setting of a solitary kidney in a porcine model, Brian M. Benway, Geneva Baca, Sam B. Bhayani, Nitin A. Das, Matthew D. Katz, Dilmer L. Diaz, Keegan L. Maxwell, Khalid H. Badwan, Michael R. Talcott, Helen Liapis, Jose M. Cabello, Ramakrishna Venkatesh, and Robert S. Figenshau


Open versus laparoscopic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection: Assessing adequacy of dissection in a porcine model, Brian M. Benway, Dilmer L. Diaz, Matthew D. Katz, Itay Y. Vardi, Naeem T. Chavla, Khalid H. Badwan, Keegan L. Maxwell, Geneva Baca, Peter A. Humphrey, Sam B. Bhayani, and Robert S. Figenshau


Blast-related brain injury: imaging for clinical and research applications: report of the 2008 St. Louis workshop, Tammie L.S Benzinger, David Brody, Mark A. Mintun, R. Gilbert Jost, Karen Kharasch, Philip V. Bayly, Maurizio Corbetta, Joseph P. Culver, Evan D. Kharasch, Christine Mac Donald, Daniel Marcus, Steve Petersen, Kathy J. Pierce, Jose Pineda, Joshua S. Shimony, Victor Sheng-Kwei Song, Gregory Zipfel, and et al


Epidermodysplasia verruciform-like lesions in an HIV patient, David R. Berk, Anna L. Bruckner, and Dongsi Lu


The transcriptional cofactor Nab2 Is induced by TGF-beta and suppresses fibroblast activation: Physiological roles and impaired expression in scleroderma, Swati Bhattacharyya, Jun Wei, Denisa S. Melichian, Jeffrey Milbrandt, Kazuhiko Takehara, and John Varga


Immunopurification of pathological prion protein aggregates, Emiliano Biasini, Laura Tapella, Susanna Mantovani, Matteo Stravalaci, Marco Gobbi, David A. Harris, and Roberto Chiesa


Detection and characterization of the fimbrial sfp cluster in enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O165:H25/NM isolates from humans and cattle, Martina Bielaszewska, Rita Prager, Liz Vandivinit, Anne Musken, Alexander Mellmann, Nicholas J. Holt, Phillip I. Tarr, Helge Karch, and Wenlan Zhang


Further analysis of previously implicated linkage regions for Alzheimer's disease in affected relative pairs, Elin S. Blom, Vilmantas Giedraitis, Sampath Arepalli, Marian L. Hamshere, Omanma Adighibe, Alison Goate, Julie Williams, Lars Lannfelt, John Hardy, Fabienne Wavrant-De Vrièze, and Anna Glaser


Patient satisfaction in postmenopausal women treated with a weekly bisphosphonate transitioned to once-monthly ibandronate, Sydney Lou Bonnick, Stuart Silverman, S. Bobo Tanner, Mark Martens, Gloria Bachmann, Joseph D. Kohles, and Roberto Civitelli


Mice lacking mannose 6-phosphate uncovering enzyme activity have a milder phenotype than mice deficient for N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase activity, Marielle Boonen, Peter Vogel, Kenneth A. Platt, Nancy Dahms, and Stuart Kornfeld


The completion of the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC), Michael Brent, Laura Langton, Charles L.G. Comstock, Michael Stevens, Chaochun Wei, Marijke J. van Baren, and et al


What's new in spine surgery, Keith H. Bridwell, Paul A. Anderson, Scott D. Boden, Alexander R. Vaccaro, and Jeffrey C. Wang


Key role of T cell defects in age-related vulnerability to West Nile virus, James D. Brien, Jennifer L. Uhrlaub, Alec Hirsch, Clayton A. Wiley, and Janko Nikolich-Zugich


Test-retest reliability of web-based retrospective self-report of tobacco exposure and risk, Janet Brigham, Christina N. Lessov-Schlaggar, Harold S. Javitz, Ruth E. Krasnow, Mary McElroy, and Gary E. Swan


Helminth genomics: The implications for human health, Paul J. Brindley, Makedonka Mitreva, Elodie Ghedin, and Sara Lustigman


αII-spectrin breakdown product cerebrospinal fluid exposure metrics suggest differences in cellular injury mechanisms after severe traumatic brain injury, Gretchen M. Brophy, Jose A. Pineda, Linda Papa, Stephen B. Lewis, Alex B. Valadka, H. Julia Hannay, Shelley C. Heaton, Jason A. Demery, Ming Cheng Liu, Joseph J. Tepas III, Andrea Gabrielli, Steven Robicsek, Kevin K.W Wang, Claudia S. Robertson, and Ronald L. Hayes


Dorsal root ganglion neurons react to semaphorin 3A application through a biphasic response that requires multiple myosin II isoforms, Jacquelyn A. Brown, Robert B. Wysolmerski, and Paul C. Bridgman


Factors influencing the implementation of school wellness policies in the United States, 2009, Elizabeth L. Budd, Cynthia Schwarz, Byron W. Yount, and Debra Haire-Joshu


Patellar resurfacing compared with nonresurfacing in total knee arthroplasty: A concise follow-up of a randomized trial, R. Stephen Burnett, Julienne L. Boone, Seth D. Rosenzweig, and Karen Steger-May


Antimicrobial therapy for acute colonic diverticulitis, Matthew C. Byrnes and John E. Mazuski


Robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy: Surgical technique using a 3-arm approach and sliding-clip renorrhaphy, Jose M. Cabello, Brian M. Benway, and Sam B. Bhayani


A common role for Atg16L1, Atg5 and Atg7 in small intestinal Paneth cells and Crohn disease, Ken Cadwell, Khushbu K. Patel, Masaaki Komatsu, Herbert W. Virgin IV, and Thaddeus S. Stappenbeck


Chimeric IgH-TCR/ translocations in T lymphocytes mediated by RAG, Elsa Callen, Sam Bunting, Ching-Yu Huang, Michael J. Difilippantonio, Nancy Wong, Bernard Khor, Grace Mahowald, Michael J. Kruhlak, Thomas Ried, Barry P. Sleckman, and Andre Nussenzweig


Impact of an antimicrobial utilization program on antimicrobial use at a large teaching hospital: A randomized controlled trial, Bernard C. Camins, Mark D. King, Jane B. Wells, Heidi L. Googe, Manish Patel, Ekaterina V. Kourbatova, and Henry M. Blumberg


In vitro and murine efficacy and toxicity studies of nebulized SCC1, a methylated caffeine-silver(I) complex, for treatment of pulmonary infections, Carolyn L. Cannon, Lisa A. Hogue, Ravy K. Vajravelu, George H. Capps, Aida Ibricevic, Khadijah M. Hindi, Aysegul Kascatan-Nebioglu, Michael J. Walter, Steven L. Brody, and Wiley J. Youngs


The psychoses: Cluster 3 of the proposed meta-structure for DSM-V and ICD-11, W. T. Carpenter Jr., J. R. Bustillo, G. K. Thaker, J. van Os, R. F. Krueger, and M. J. Green


Recombinant Listeria monocytogenes expressing a cell wall-associated listeriolysin O is weakly virulent but immunogenic, Javier A. Carrero, Boris Calderon, Hector Vivanco-Cid, and Emil R. Unanue


Risky sexual behaviors and sexually transmitted diseases: a comparison study of cocaine-dependent individuals in treatment versus a community-matched sample, Patricia A. Cavazos-Rehg, Edward L. Spitznagel, Mario Schootman, Jaime R. Strickland, Stephanie E. Afful, Linda B. Cottler, and Laura Jean Bierut


Plumbing the depths of urinary tract obstruction by using murine models, Feng Chen


KirBac1.1: It's an inward rectifying potassium channel, Wayland W.L. Cheng, Decha Enkvetchakul, and Colin G. Nichols


G protein subunit dissociation and translocation regulate cellular response to receptor stimulation, Mariangela Chisari, Deepak Kumar Saini, Joon-Ho Cho, Vani Kalyanaraman, and N. Gautam


Activated by different signals, the PhoP/PhoQ two-component system differentially regulates metal uptake, Eunna Choi, Eduardo A. Groisman, and Dongwoo Shin


Contributions of the two accessory subunits, RNASEH2B and RNASEH2C, to the activity and properties of the human RNase H2 complex, Hyongi Chon, Alex Vassilev, Melvin L. DePamphilis, Yingming Zhao, Junmei Zhang, Peter M. Burgers, Robert J. Crouch, and Susana M. Cerritelli


Identification of deleterious mutations within three human genomes, Sung Chun and Justin C. Fay


Task control signals in pediatric Tourette syndrome show evidence of immature and anomalous functional activity, Jessica A. Church, Kristin K. Wenger, Nico U.F. Dosenbach, Francis M. Miezin, Steven E. Petersen, and Bradley L. Schlaggar


A genomic score prognostic of outcome in trauma patients, J. P. Cobb and et al.


Developmental course of autistic social impairment in males, John N. Constantino, Anna M. Abbacchi, Patricia D. Lavesser, Hannah Reed, Leah Givens, Lily Chang, Teddi Gray, Maggie Gross, Yi Zhang, and Richard D. Todd


Adenylyl cyclases 1 and 8 initiate a presynaptic homeostatic response to ethanol treatment, Alana C. Conti, James W. Maas Jr., Krista L. Moulder, Xiaoping Jiang, Bhumy A. Dave, Steven Mennerick, and Louis J. Muglia


Comparative effects of heterologous TRPV1 and TRPM8 expression in rat hippocampal neurons, Devon C. Crawford, Krista L. Moulder, Robert W. Gereau IV, Gina M. Story, and Steven Mennerick


Power and false-positive rates for the restricted partition method (RPM) in a large candidate gene data set, Robert Culverhouse, Wu Jin, Carol H. Jin, Anthony L. Hinrichs, and Brian K. Suarez


Topics in biomedical optics: Introduction to the feature issue, Joseph P. Culver, Wolfgang Drexler, Rebekah A. Drezek, Irene Georgakoudi, Elizabeth M C Hillman, and Rebecca Richards-Kortum


Genetic Analysis Workshop 16: Strategies for genome-wide association study analyses, L Adrienne Cupples, Joseph Beyene, Heike Bickeböller, E Warwick Daw, M Daniele Fallin, W James Gauderman, Saurabh Ghosh, Ellen L. Goode, Elizabeth R. Hauser, Anthony Hinrichs, Jack W. Kent Jr, Lisa J. Martin, Maria Martinez, Rosalind J. Neuman, Michael Province, Silke Szymczak, Marsha A. Wilcox, Andreas Ziegler, Jean W. MacCluer, and Laura Almasy


Interleukin-10 overexpression promotes Fas-ligand-dependent chronic macrophage-mediated demyelinating polyneuropathy, Dru S. Dace, Aslam A. Khan, Jennifer L. Stark, Jennifer Kelly, Anne H. Cross, and Rajendra S. Apte


Induction of IFN-beta and the innate antiviral response in myeloid cells occurs through an IPS-1-dependent signal that does not require IRF-3 and IRF-7, Stephane Daffis, Mehul S. Suthar, Kristy J. Szretter, Michael Gale Jr., and Michael S. Diamond


Lung and heart-lung transplantation, Hiroshi Date and Stuart C. Sweet


Chronic cyclodextrin treatment of murine Niemann-Pick C disease ameliorates neuronal cholesterol and glycosphingolipid storage and disease progression, Cristin D. Davidson, Nafeeza F. Ali, Mathew C. Micsenyi, Gloria Stephney, Sophie Renault, Kostantin Dobrenis, Daniel S. Ory, Marie T. Vanier, and Steven U. Walkley


Proteomic comparison of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar and the role of E. histolytica alcohol dehydrogenase 3 in virulence, Paul H. Davis, Minghe Chen, Xiaochun Zhang, C. Graham Clark, R. Reid Townsend, and Samuel L. Stanley Jr.


A framework for analyzing both linkage and association: An analysis of Genetic Analysis Workshop 16 simulated data, E Warwick Daw, Jevon Plunkett, Mary Feitosa, Xiaoyi Gao, Andrew Van Brunt, Duanduan Ma, Jacek Czajkowski, Michael A. Province, and Ingrid Borecki


Considering usual medical care in clinical trial design, Liza Dawson, Deborah A. Zarin, Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Lawrence M. Friedman, Bimal Chaudhari, and Steven N. Goodman


Should burden of disease estimates include cannabis use as a risk factor for psychosis?, Louisa Degenhardt, Wayne D. Hall, Michael Lynskey, John McGrath, Jennifer McLaren, Bianca Calabria, Harvey Whiteford, and Theo Vos


Depth sensitivity and image reconstruction analysis of dense imaging arrays for mapping brain function with diffuse optical tomography, Hamid Dehghani, Brian R. White, Benjamin W. Zeff, Andrew Tizzard, and Joseph P. Culver


Skin-derived TSLP triggers progression from epidermal- barrier defects to asthma, Shadmehr Demehri, Mitsuru Morimoto, Michael J. Holtzman, and Raphael Kopan


Mechanisms of evasion of the type i interferon antiviral response by flaviviruses, Michael S. Diamond


Virus and host determinants of West Nile virus pathogenesis, Michael S. Diamond


Umbilical artery Doppler indices in small for gestational age fetuses: Correlation with adverse outcomes and placental abnormalities, Jeffrey M. Dicke, Phyllis Huettner, Sida Yan, Anthony Odibo, and Frederick T. Kraus


Endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria crosstalk in NIX-mediated murine cell death, Abhinav Diwan, Scot J. Matkovich, Qunying Yuan, Wen Zhao, Atsuko Yatani, Joan Heller Brown, Jeffrey D. Molkentin, Evangelia G. Kranias, and Gerald W. Dorn II


Targeted knock-in mice expressing mutations of CD28 reveal an essential pathway for costimulation, Lindzy F. Dodson, Jonathan S. Boomer, Christine M. Deppong, Dulari D. Shah, Julia Sim, Traci L. Bricker, John H. Russell, and Jonathan M. Green


Polarized traffic of LRP1 involves AP1B and SNX17 operating on Y-dependent sorting motifs in different pathways, Maribel Donoso, Jorge Cancino, Jiyeon Lee, Peter van Kerkhof, Claudio Retamal, Guojun Bu, Alfonso Gonzalez, Alfredo Cáceres, and María-Paz Marzolo


A role for dynein in the inhibition of germ cell proliferative fate, Maia Dorsett and Tim Schedl


Multicenter study of the impact of community-onset Clostridium difficile infection on surveillance for C. difficile infection, Erik R. Dubberke, Anne M. Butler, Bala Hota, Yosef M. Khan, Julie E. Mangino, Jeanmarie Mayer, Kyle J. Popovich, Kurt B. Stevenson, Deborah S. Yokoe, L Clifford McDonald, John Jernigan, and Victoria J. Fraser


Artemisone and artemiside control acute and reactivated toxoplasmosis in a murine model, Ildiko R. Dunay, Wing Chi Chan, Richard K. Haynes, and L. David Sibley


Human Dna2 is a nuclear and mitochondrial DNA maintenance protein, Julien P. Duxin, Benjamin Dao, Peter Martinsson, Nina Rajala, Lionel Guittat, Judith L. Campbell, Johannes N. Spelbrink, and Sheila A. Stewart


Disparities by race and ethnicity in cancer survivor stories available on the web, Katherine S. Eddens, Matthew W. Kreuter, Jennifer C. Morgan, Kate E. Beatty, Sina A. Jasim, Lori Garibay, Donghua Tao, Trent D. Buskirk, and Keri A. Jupka


Sequence mining and transcript profiling to explore cyst nematode parasitism, Axel A. Elling, Makedonka Mitreva, Xiaowu Gai, John Martin, Justin Recknor, Eric L. Davis, Richard S. Hussey, Dan Nettleton, James P. McCarter, and Thomas J. Baum


Distribution of Brugia malayi larvae and DNA in vector and non-vector mosquitoes: Implications for molecular diagnostics, Sara M. Erickson, Kerstin Fischer, Gary J. Weil, Bruce M. Christensen, and Peter U. Fischer


The 9-methyl group of retinal is essential for rapid Meta II decay and phototransduction quenching in red cones, Maureen E. Estevez, Alexander V. Kolesnikov, Petri Ala-Laurila, Rosalie K. Crouch, Victor I. Govardovskii, and M. Carter Cornwall


Functional brain networks develop from a ‘‘local to distributed’’ organization, Damian A. Fair, Alexander L. Cohen, Jonathan D. Power, Nico U. F. Dosenbach, Jessica A. Church, Fancis M. Miezin, Bradley L. Schlaggar, and Steven E. Petersen


An electrostatic switch displaces phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinases from the membrane during phagocytosis, Gregory D. Fairn, Koji Ogata, Roberto J. Botelho, Philip D. Stahl, Richard A. Anderson, Pietro De Camilli, Tobias Meyer, Shoshana Wodak, and Sergio Grinstein


Reference equation for 6-minute walk in individuals with Parkinson disease, Michael J. Falvo and Gammon M. Earhart


Polymorphisms in the VEGFA and VEGFR-2 genes and neovascular age-related macular degeneration, Amy M. Fang, Aaron Y. Lee, Mukti Kulkarni, Melissa P. Osborn, and Milam A. Brantley Jr.


Multiple loci within the major histocompatibility complex confer risk of psoriasis, Bing-Jian Feng, Liang-Dan Sun, Razieh Soltani-Arabshahi, Anne M. Bowcock, Rajan P. Nair, Philip Stuart, James T. Elder, Steven J. Schrodi, Ann B. Begovich, Goncalo R. Abecasis, Xue-Jun Zhang, Kristina P. Callis-Duffin, Gerald G. Krueger, and David E. Goldgar


PfeIK1, a eukaryotic initiation factor 2α kinase of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, regulates stress-response to amino-acid starvation, Clare Fennell, Shalon Babbitt, Ilaria Russo, Jonathan Wilkes, Lisa Ranford-Cartwright, Daniel E. Goldberg, and Christian Doerig


Human stool contains a previously unrecognized diversity of novel astroviruses, Stacy R. Finkbeiner, Lori R. Holtz, Yanfang Jiang, Priya Rajendran, Carl J. Franz, Guoyan Zhao, Gagandeep Kang, and David Wang


Detection of newly described astrovirus MLB1 in stool samples from children, Stacy R. Finkbeiner, Binh-Minh Le, Lori R. Holtz, Gregory A. Storch, and David Wang


Multiplicative auditory spatial receptive fields created by a hierarchy of population codes, Brian J. Fischer, Charles H. Anderson, and Jose Luis Pena


Discovering structural cis-regulatory elements by modeling the behaviors of mRNAs, Barrett C. Foat and Gary D. Stormo


Zero: What is it, and how do we get there?, Victoria J. Fraser


Detailed analysis of a contiguous 22-Mb region of the maize genome, Robert S. Fulton, Laura Courtney, Scott Kruchowski, Tina A. Graves, Susan M. Rock, Stephanie Adams, Lucinda A. Fulton, Catrina Fronick, William Courtney, Sandra W. Clifton, Richard K. Wilson, and et al.


Interleukin-1 beta single-nucleotide polymorphism's C allele is associated with elevated risk of gastric cancer in helicobacter pylori-infected Peruvians, Sebastian Gehmert, Billie Velapatiño, Phabiola Herrera, Jaqueline Balqui, Livia Santivañez, Jamie Cok, Gloria Vargas, Juan Combe, Douglas J. Passaro, Sijin Wen, Frank Meyer, Douglas E. Berg, and Robert H. Gilman