2000-2009 OA Pubs | Open Access Publications | Washington University School of Medicine


Submissions from 2009


OmpA of uropathogenic Escherichia coli promotes postinvasion pathogenesis of cystitis, Tracy F. Nicholson, Kristin M. Watts, and David A. Hunstad


Phase II study of continuous daily sunitinib dosing in patients with previously treated advanced non-small cell lung cancer, Silvia Novello, Giorgio V. Scagliotti, Rafael C. Rosell, Mark A. Socinski, Julie R. Brahmer, James N. Atkins, Cinta Palleres, Russell E. Burgess, Lesley Tye, Paulina Selaru, Erjian Wang, Richard Chao, and Ramaswamy Govindan


Tregs control the development of symptomatic West Nile virus infection in humans and mice, Katie M. O'Brien, Whitney E. Purtha, Michael S. Diamond, Marion C. Lanteri, Mark J. Cameron, Jennifer M. Lund, Rachel E. Owen, John W. Heitman, Brian Custer, Dale F. Hirschkorn, Leslie H. Tobler, Nancy Kiely, Harry E. Prince, Lishomwa C. Ndhlovu, Douglas F. Nixon, and et. al


Developing a risk stratification model for surgical site infection after abdominal hysterectomy, Margaret A. Olsen, James Higham-Kessler, Deborah S. Yokoe, Anne M. Butler, Johanna Vostok, Kurt B. Stevenson, Yosef Khan, and Victoria J. Fraser


Assessment of personaility dimensions in children and adolescents with bipolar disorder using the junior temperament and character inventory, Rene L. Olvera, Manoela Fonseca, Sheila C. Caetano, John P. Hatch, Kristina Hunter, Mark Nicoletti, Steven R. Pliszka, C. Robert Cloninger, and Jair C. Soares


Chromatin remodeling finds its place in the DNA double-strand break response, Tej K. Pandita and Christine Richardson


Longitudinal trends in the association of metabolic syndrome with 550 k single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the Framingham Heart Study, Yong-Moon Park, Michael A. Province, Xiaoyi Gao, Mary Feitosa, Jun Wu, Duanduan Ma, DC Rao, and Aldi T. Kraja


Unusual composition of a yeast chromosome arm is associated with its delayed replication, Célia Payen, Gilles Fischer, Christian Marck, Caroline Proux, David James Sherman, Jean-Yves Coppée, Mark Johnston, Bernard Dujon, and Cécile Neuvéglise

High throughput digital quantification of mRNA abundance in primary human acute myeloid leukemia samples, Jacqueline E. Payton, Nicole R. Grieselhuber, Li-Wei Chang, Mark Murakami, Gary K. Geiss, Daniel C. Link, Rakesh Nagarajan, Mark A. Watson, and Timothy J. Ley


Retention of a well-fixed acetabular component in the setting of massive acetabular osteolysis and pelvic discontinuity: A case report, Murat Pekmezci, James Keeney, Amanda Schutz, and John C. Clohisy


Evolution of a bacterial regulon controlling virulence and Mg(2+) homeostasis, J. Christian Perez, Dongwoo Shin, Igor Zwir, Tammy Latifi, Tricia J. Hadley, and Eduardo A. Groisman


Potentially pathogenic bacteria in shower water and air of a stem cell transplant unit, Sarah D. Perkins, Jennie Mayfield, Victoria Fraser, and Largus T. Angenent


The effects of tail biopsy for genotyping on behavioral responses to nociceptive stimuli, Maria Elena P. Morales and Robert W. Gereau IV


Host-dependent Lewis (Le) antigen expression in Helicobacter pylori cells recovered from Leb-transgenic mice, Mary Ann Pohl, Judith Romero-Gallo, Janaki L. Guruge, Doris B. Tse, Jeffrey I. Gordon, and Martin J. Blaser


Biomechanics of running indicates endothermy in bipedal dinosaurs, Herman Pontzer, Vivian Allen, and John R. Hutchinson


Profile analysis and prediction of tissue-specific CpG island methylation classes, Christopher Previti, Oscar Harari, Igor Zwir, and Coral del Val


A proposal for a coordinated effort for the determination of brainwide neuroanatomical connectivity in model organisms at a mesoscopic scale, Joseph L. Price, David C. Van Essen, and et al.


Yersinia pestis can reside in autophagosomes and avoid xenophagy in murine macrophages by preventing vacuole acidification, Celine Pujol, Kathryn A. Klein, Galina A. Romanov, Lance E. Palmer, Carol Cirota, Zijiang Zhao, and James B. Bliska


Suggestion for linkage of chromosome 1p35.2 and 3q28 to plasma adiponectin concentrations in the GOLDN Study, Laura J. Rasmussen-Torvik, James S. Pankow, James M. Peacock, Ingrid B. Borecki, James E. Hixson, Michael Y. Tsai, Edmond K. Kabagambe, and Donna K. Arnett


Human T cell leukemia virus reactivation with progression of adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma, Lee Ratner, William Harrington, Xuan Feng, Christian Grant, Steve Jacobson, Ariela Noy, Joseph Sparano, Jeannette Lee, Richard Ambinder, Nancy Campbell, and Michael Lairmore


T-cell activation promotes tumorigenesis in inflammation-associated cancer, Dan Rauch, Shimon Gross, John Harding, Sirosh Bokhari, Stefan Niewiesk, Michael Lairmore, David Piwnica-Worms, and Lee Ratner


Bringing KASH under the SUN: The many faces of nucleo-cytoskeletal connections, David Razafsky and Didier Hodzic


Cloning, characterization and expression analysis of porcine microRNAs, Alavala Matta Reddy, Yun Zheng, Guru Jagadeeswaran, Simone L. Macmil, Wiley B. Graham, Bruce A. Roe, Udaya Desilva, Weixiong Zhang, and Ramanjulu Sunkar


Inclusion biogenesis and reactivation of persistent Chlamydia trachomatis requires host cell sphingolipid biosynthesis, D. Kesley Robertson, Ling Gu, Regina K. Rowe, and Wandy L. Beatty


The value of avian genomics to the conservation of wildlife, Michael N. Romanov, Elaina M. Tuttle, Marlys L. Houck, William S. Modi, Leona G. Chemnick, Marisa L. Korody, Emily M. Stremel Mork, Christie A. Otten, Tanya Renner, Kenneth C. Jones, Sugandha Dandekar, Jeanette C. Papp, Yang Da, NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, Eric D. Green, Vincent Magrini, Matthew T. Hickenbotham, Jarret Glasscock, Sean McGrath, Elaine R. Mardis, and Oliver A. Ryder


Evidence for high bi-allelic expression of activating Ly49 receptors, Arefeh Rouhi, C. B. Lai, Tammy P. Cheng, Fumio Takei, Wayne M. Yokoyama, and Dixie L. Mager


An ensemble learning approach to reverse-engineering transcriptional regulatory networks from time-series gene expression data, Jianhua Ruan, Youping Deng, Edward J. Perkins, and Weixiong Zhang


Supplementing high-density SNP microarrays for additional coverage of disease-related genes: Addiction as a paradigm, Scott F. Saccone, Laura J. Bierut, Elissa J. Chesler, Peter W. Kalivas, Caryn Lerman, Nancy L. Saccone, George R. Uhl, Chuan-Yun Li, Vivek M. Philip, Howard J. Edenberg, Stephen T. Sherry, Michael Feolo, Robert K. Moyzis, and Joni L. Rutter


HIV-1 CRF 02 AG polymerase genes in Southern Ghana are mosaics of different 02 AG strains and the protease gene cannot infer subtypes, Kwamena W. Sagoe, Magda Dwidar, Theophilus K. Adiku, and Max Q. Arens


The Bacillus anthracis protein MprF is required for synthesis of lysylphosphatidylglycerols and for resistance to cationic antimicrobial peptides, Shalaka Samant, Fong-Fu Hsu, Alexander A. Neyfakh, and Hyunwoo Lee


Comparison of arthroscopic and open treatment of septic arthritis of the wrist, Douglas M. Sammer and Alexander Y. Shin


Multiple hereditary exostosis, EXT genes, and skeletal development, Linda J. Sandell


Regulation of the Drosophila Enhancer of split and invected-engrailed gene complexes by sister chromatid cohesion proteins, Cheri A. Schaaf, Ziva Misulovin, Gurmukh Sahota, Akbar M. Siddiqui, Yuri B. Schwartz, Tatyana G. Kahn, Vincenzo Pirrotta, Maria Gause, and Dale Dorsett


A phase 2 study of vorinostat in acute myeloid leukemia, Eric W. Schaefer, Arturo Loaiza-Bonilla, Mark Juckett, John F. DiPersio, Vivek Roy, James Slack, Wenting Wu, Kristina Laumann, Igor Espinoza-Delgado, and Steven D. Gore


High harvest yield, high expansion, and phenotype stability of CD146 mesenchymal stromal cells from whole primitive human umbilical cord tissue, Rebecca C. Schugar, Steven M. Chirieleison, Kristin E. Wescoe, Benjamin T. Schmidt, Yuko Askew, Jordan J. Nance, Joshua M. Evron, Bruno Peault, and Bridget M. Deasy


Routine screening for depression: Identifying a challenge for successful HIV care, E Shacham, D Nurutdinova, V Satyanarayana, K Stamm, and E. T. Overton


Cervical spine motion during extrication: A pilot study, Jeffrey S. Shafer and Rosanne S. Naunheim


RNA-interference knockdown of Drosophila pigment dispersing factor in neuronal subsets: The anatomical basis of a neuropeptide’s circadian functions, Orie T. Shafer and Paul H. Taghert


Echogenic intracardiac foci: Associated with increased risk for fetal trisomy 21 or not?, Anthony L. Shanks, Anthony O. Odibo, and Diana L. Gray


Application of three-level linear mixed-effects model incorporating gene-age interactions for association analysis of longitudinal family data, Gang Shi, Treva K. Rice, Chi Charles Gu, and Debeeru C. Rao


Candidemia on presentation to the hospital: Development and validation of a risk score, Andrew F. Shorr, Ying P. Tabak, Richard S. Johannes, Xiaowu Sun, James Spalding, and Marin H. Kollef


Cost-effectiveness analysis of a silver-coated endotracheal tube to reduce the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia, Andrew F. Shorr, Marya D. Zilberberg, and Marin Kollef


Ion channels underlying stimulus-exocytosis coupling and its cell-to-cell heterogeneity in β-cells of transplantable porcine islets of Langerhans, Amelia M. Silva, Adam S. Dickey, David W. Barnett, and Stanley Misler


A role of SCN9A in human epilepsies, as a cause of febrile seizures and as a potential modifier of Dravet syndrome, Nanda A. Singh, Chris Pappas, E. Jill Dahle, Lieve R. F. Claes, Timothy H. Pruess, Peter De Jonghe, Joel Thompson, Missy Dixon, Christina Gurnett, Andy Peiffer, H. Steve White, Francis Filloux, and Mark F. Leppert


Information technology resource management in radiation oncology, R. Alfredo Siochi, Peter Balter, Charles D. Bloch, Harry S. Bushe, Charles S. Mayo, Bruce H. Curran, Wenzheng Feng, George C. Kagadis, Thomas H. Kirby, and Robin L. Stern


Systematic review of the role of sedation in diagnostic spinal interventional techniques, Howard S. Smith, Pradeep Chopra, Vikram B. Patel, Michael E. Frey, and Rahul Rastogi


Molecularly targeted nanocarriers deliver the cytolytic peptide melittin specifically to tumor cells in mice, reducing tumor growth, Neeleesh R. Soman, Steven L. Baldwin, Grace Hu, Jon N. Marsh, Gregory M. Lanza, John E. Heuser, Jeffrey M. Arbeit, Samuel A. Wickline, and Paul H. Schlesinger


A novel role for Stat1 in phagosome acidification and natural host resistance to intracellular infection by Leishmania major, Gerald F. Spath, Paul Schlesinger, Robert Schreiber, and Stephen M. Beverley


Bioinformatics methods for learning radiation-induced lung inflammation from heterogeneous retrospective and prospective data, Sarah J. Spencer, Damian Almiron Bonnin, Joseph O. Deasy, Jeffrey D. Bradley, and Issam El Naqa


Improving the outcome of infants born at <30 >weeks' gestation - a randomized controlled trial of preventative care at home, Alicia J. Spittle, Carmel Ferretti, Peter J. Anderson, Jane Orton, Abbey Eeles, Lisa Bates, Roslyn N. Boyd, Terrie E. Inder, and Lex W. Doyle


Reliability and validity of the Student Perceptions of School Cohesion Scale in a sample of Salvadoran secondary school students, Andrew E. Springer, Amy McQueen, Guillermo Quintanilla, Marcela Arrivillaga, and Michael W. Ross


Acute dosing of latrepirdine (Dimebon™), a possible Alzheimer therapeutic, elevates extracellular amyloid-β levels in vitro and in vivo, John W. Steele, Soong H. Kim, John R. Cirrito, Deborah K. Verges, Jessica L. Restivo, David Westaway, Paul Fraser, Peter St George Hyslop, Mary Sano, Ilya Bezprozvanny, Michelle E. Ehrlich, David M. Holtzman, and Sam Gandy


Identification of Atg5-dependent transcriptional changes and increases in mitochondrial mass in Atg5-deficient T lymphocytes, Linda M. Stephenson, Brian C. Miller, Aylwin Ng, Jason Eisenberg, Zijiang Zhao, Ken Cadwell, Daniel B. Graham, Noboru N. Mizushima, Ramnik Xavier, Herbert W. Virgin, and Wojciech Swat


Low-fidelity DNA synthesis by the L979F mutator derivative of Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA polymerase zeta, Jana E. Stone, Grace E. Kissling, Scott A. Lujan, Igor B. Rogozin, Carrie M. Stith, Peter M.J. Burgers, and Thomas A. Kunkel


Mutants of the Paf1 complex alter phenotypic expression of the yeast prion [PSI+], Lisa A. Strawn, Changyi A. Lin, Elizabeth M.H Tank, Morwan M. Osman, Sarah A. Simpson, and Heather L. True


Pathogenicity of a disease-associated human IL-4 receptor allele in experimental asthma, Raffi Tachdjian, Clinton Mathias, Shadi Al Khatib, Paul J. Bryce, Hong S. Kim, Frank Blaeser, Brian D. O'Connor, Danuta Rzymkiewicz, Andrew Chen, Michael J. Holtzman, Gurjit K. Hershey, Holger Garn, Hani Harb, Harald Renz, Hans C. Oettgen, and Talal A. Chatila


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in preschool children: an investigation of validation based on visual attention performance, Mini Tandon, Xuemei Si, Andy Belden, and Joan Luby


Closed-channel block of BK potassium channels by bbTBA requires partial activation, Qiong-Yao Tang, Xu-Hui Zeng, and Christopher J. Lingle


Disease-associated mutant ubiquitin causes proteasomal impairment and enhances the toxicity of protein aggregates, Elizabeth M. H. Tank and Heather L. true


Multiple-infection and recombination in HIV-1 within a longitudinal cohort of women, Alan R. Templeton, Melissa G. Kramer, Joseph Jarvis, Jeanne Kowalski, Stephen Gange, Michael F. Schneider, Qiujia Shao, Guang Wen Zhang, Mei-Fen Yeh, Hua-Ling Tsai, Hong Zhang, and Richard B. Markham


Non-invasive stroke volume measurement and passive leg raising predict volume responsiveness in medical ICU patients: An observational cohort study, Steven W. Thiel, Marin H. Kollef, and Warren Isakow


A therapeutic antibody against West Nile virus neutralizes infection by blocking fusion within endosomes, Bruce S. Thompson, Bastiaan Moesker, Jolanda M. Smit, Jan Wilschut, Michael S. Diamond, and Daved H. Fremont


Sustained CTL activation by murine pulmonary epithelial cells promotes the development of COPD-like disease, Jay W. Tichelaar, Michael T. Borchers, Scott C. Wesselkamper, Victor Curull, Alba Ramirez-Sarmiento, Albert Sanchez-Font, Judith Garcia-Aymerich, Carlos Coronell, Josep Lloreta, Alvar G. Agusti, Joaquim Gea, John A. Howington, Michael F. Reed, Sandra L. Starnes, and Nathaniel L. Harris


Neuropsychological functioning of U.S. Gulf War veterans 10 years after the war, Rosemary Toomey, Renee Alpern, Jennifer J. Vasterling, Dewleen G. Baker, Domenic J. Reda, Michael J. Lyons, William G. Henderson, Han K. Kang, Seth A. Eisen, and Frances M. Murphy


Greater occipital nerve stimulation via the Bion microstimulator: Implantation technique and stimulation parameters clinical trial: NCT00205894, Terrence L. Trentman, David M. Rosenfeld, Bert B. Vargas, Todd J. Schwedt, Richard S. Zimmerman, and David W. Dodick


Optical imaging of interaural time difference representation in rat auditory cortex., Vassiliy Tsytsarev, Hidenao Fukuyama, Daniel Pope, Elena Pumbo, and Minoru Kimura


Dietary fat feeding alters lipid peroxidation in surfactant-like particles secreted by rat small intestine, Aasma Turan, Akhtar Mahmood, and David Alpers


LULL1 retargets TorsinA to the nuclear envelope revealing an activity that is impaired by the DYT1 dystonia mutation, Abigail B. Vander Heyden, Teresa V. Naismith, Erik L. Snapp, Didier Hodzic, and Phyllis I. Hanson


Intra-tumor heterogeneity of MLH1 promoter methylation revealed by deep single molecule bisulfite sequencing, Katherine E. Varley, David G. Mutch, Tina B. Edmonston, Paul J. Goodfellow, and Robi D. Mitra


The Coxiella burnetii ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein family is heterogeneous, with C-terminal truncations that influence Dot/Icm-mediated secretion, Daniel E. Voth, Dale Howe, Paul A. Beare, Joseph P. Vogel, Nathan Unsworth, James E. Samuel, and Robert A. Heinzen


Parental alcoholism and offspring behavior problems: Findings in Australian children of twins, Mary Waldron, Nicholas G. Martin, and Andrew C. Heath


Synchronous gene expression of the Yersinia enterocolitica Ysa type III secretion system and its effectors, Kimberly A. Walker and Virginia L. Miller


Oncogenic HPV infection interrupts the expression of tumor-suppressive miR-34a through viral oncoprotein E6, Xiaohong Wang, Hsukun Wang, John P. McCoy, Nilam Sanjib Banerjee, Janet S. Rader, Thomas R. Broker, Craig A. Meyers, Louise Chow, and Zhiming Zheng


Ube2j2 ubiquitinates hydroxylated amino acids on ER-associated degradation substrates, Xiaoli Wang, Roger A. Herr, Martijn Rabelink, Rob C. Hoeben, Emmanual J.H.J. Wiertz, and Ted H. Hansen


A PCR-based platform for microRNA expression profiling studies, Xiaowei Wang


Selection of hyperfunctional siRNAs with improved potency and specificity, Xiaowei Wang, Xiaohui Wang, Rajeev K. Varma, Lesslie Beauchamp, Susan Magdaleno, and Timothy J. Sendera


Cdc42 antagonizes Rho1 activity at adherens junctions to limit epithelial cell apical tension, Stephen J. Warner and Gregory D. Longmore


The physical and genetic framework of the maize B73 genome, Fusheng Wei, Jianwei Zhang, Shiguo Zhou, Ruifeng He, Mary Schaeffer, Kristi Collura, David Kudrna, Ben P. Faga, Marina Wissotski, Wolfgang Gloser, Susan M. Rock, Tina A. Graves, Robert S. Fulton, Ed Coe, Patrick S. Schnable, David C. Schwartz, Doreen Ware, Sandra W. Clifton, Richard K. Wilson, and Rod A. Wing


Surgical compared with nonoperative treatment for lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis, James N. Weinstein, Jon D. Lurie, Tor D. Tosteson, Wenyan Zhao, Emily A. Blood, Anna N.A. Tosteson, Nancy Birkmeyer, Harry Herkowitz, Michael Longley, Lawrence Lenke, Sanford Emery, and Serena S. Hu


Long-term safety and effectiveness of lisdexamfetamine dimesylate in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Richard Weisler, Joel Young, Greg Mattingly, Joseph Gao, Liza Squires, and Lenard Adler


The theory of discovering rare variants via DNA sequencing, Michael C. Wendl and Richard K. Wilson


The metal homeostasis protein, Lsp, of Streptococcus pyogenes is necessary for acquisition of zinc and virulence, Benjamin F. Westin, Audrey Brenot, and Michael G. Caparon


Lack of X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein leads to increased apoptosis and tissue loss following neonatal brain injury, Tim West, Madeliene Stump, Gregory Lodygensky, Jeff J. Neil, Mohanish Deshmukh, and David M. Holtzman


Neuroprotective effects of blockers for T-type calcium channels, Norelle C. Wildburger, Avary Lin-Ye, Michelle A. Baird, Debin Lei, and Jianxin Bao


Late life depression with cognitive impairment: Evaluation and treatment, Consuelo H. Wilkins, Jose Mathews, and Yvette I. Sheline


A genome-wide association study of pulmonary function measures in the Framingham heart study, Jemma B. Wilk, Ting-hsu Chen, Daniel J. Gottlieb, Robert E. Walter, Michael W. Nagle, Brian J. Brandler, Richard H. Myers, Ingrid B. Borecki, Edwin K. Silverman, Scott T. Weiss, and George T. O'Connor


Targeting colorectal cancer with anti-epidermal growth factor receptor antibodies: focus on panitumumab, Kerry J. Williams and A. Craig Lockhart


Physical activity and colon cancer prevention: A meta-analysis, Kathleen Yaus Wolin, Yan Yan, Graham A. Colditz, and I. M. Lee


Identification of pediatric septic shock subclasses based on genome-wide expression profiling, Hector R. Wong, Natalie Cvijanovich, Richard Lin, Geoffrey L. Allen, Neal J. Thomas, Douglas F. Willson, Robert J. Freishtat, Nick Anas, Keith Meyer, Paul A. Checchia, Marie Monaco, Kelli Odom, and Thomas P. Shanley


D-chiro-Inositol is absorbed but not synthesised in rodents, Lin Xiaobo, Lina Ma, Chaya Gopalan, and Richard E. Ostlund


Discovering cis-regulatory RNAs in Shewanella genomes by Support Vector Machines, Xing Xu, Yongmei Ji, and Gary D. Stormo


Interactions between beta subunits of the KCNMB family and Slo3: Beta4 selectively modulates Slo3 expression and function, Cheng-Tao Yang, Xu-Hui Zeng, Xiao-Ming Xia, and Christopher J. Lingle


Bcl3 interacts cooperatively with peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) coactivator 1α to coactivate nuclear receptors estrogen-related receptor α and PPARα, John Yang, R. Sanders Williams, and Daniel P. Kelly


BOLD correlates of trial-by-trial reaction time variability in gray and white matter: A multi-study fMRI analysis, Tal Yarkoni, Deanna M. Barch, Jeremy R. Gray, Thomas E. Conturo, and Todd S. Braver


Dissection of the transformation of primary human hematopoietic cells by the oncogene NUP98-HOXA9, Enas R. Yassin, Nayan J. Sarma, Anmaar M. Abdul-Nabi, James Dombrowski, Ye Han, Akiko Takeda, and Nabeel R. Yaseen


Histone H2AX stabilizes broken DNA strands to suppress chromosome breaks and translocations during V(D)J recombination, Bu Yin, Velibor Savic, Marisa M. Juntilla, Andrea L. Bredemeyer, Katherine S. Yang-Iott, Beth A. Helmink, Gary A. Koretzky, Barry P. Sleckman, and Craig H. Bassing


The mating-specific Gα interacts with a kinesin-14 and regulates pheromone-induced nuclear migration in budding yeast, Sofia V. Zaichick, Metodi V. Metodiev, Scott A. Nelson, Oleksii Durbrovskyi, Edward Draper, John A. Cooper, and David E. Stone


The MUS81 endonuclease is essential for telomerase negative cell proliferation, Sicong Zeng and Qin Yang


Dosage effects of cohesin regulatory factor PDS5 on mammalian development: Implications for cohesinopathies, Bin Zhang, Jufang Chang, Ming Fu, Jie Huang, Rakesh Kashyap, Ezequiel Salavaggione, Sanjay Jain, Kulkarni Shashikant, Matthew A. Deardorff, Maria L. Giovannucci Uzielli, Dale Dorsett, David C. Beebe, Patrick Y. Jay, Robert O. Heuckeroth, Ian Krantz, and Jeffrey Milbrandt


Chemosensitizing and cytotoxic effects of 2-deoxy-D-glucose on breast cancer cells, Fanjie Zhang and Rebecca L. Aft