2020-Current year OA Pubs | Open Access Publications | Washington University School of Medicine


Submissions from 2020


Mechanical stimuli affect Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin-cyclic GMP signaling in a human enteroid Intestine-Chip model, Laxmi Sunuwar, Jianyi Yin, Magdalena Kasendra, Katia Karalis, James Kaper, James Fleckenstein, and Mark Donowitz


Mechanisms of action of autophagy modulators dissected by quantitative systems pharmacology analysis, Qingya Shi, Fen Pei, Gary A Silverman, Stephen C Pak, David H Perlmutter, Bing Liu, and Ivet Bahar


Medulloblastoma has a global impact on health related quality of life: Findings from an international cohort, Cynthia B de Medeiros, Josh Rubin, and et al


Melanin deposition in two Cryptococcus species depends on cell-wall composition and flexibility, Christine Chrissian, Emma Comacho, Man Shun Fu, Rafael Prados-Rosales, Subhasish Chatterjee, Radames J.B. Cordero, Jennifer K. Lodge, Arturo Casadevall, and Ruth E. Stark


Meningioma: A review of clinicopathological and molecular aspects, Kristin Huntoon, Angus Martin Shaw Toland, and Sonika Dahiya


Mental distress and human rights violations during COVID-19: A rapid review of the evidence informing rights, mental health needs, and public policy around vulnerable populations, Muhammad Rahman, Rabab Ahmed, Ross Brownson, Mary McKay, and et al


Mental health and weather extremes in a Southeastern U.S. city: Exploring group differences by race, Lisa Reyes Mason, Bonita B Sharma, Jayme E Walters, and Christine C Ekenga


Metabolic and addiction indices in patients on opioid agonist medication-assisted treatment: A comparison of buprenorphine and methadone, Igor Elman, Margaret Howard, Jacob T. Borodovsky, David Mysels, David Rott, David Borsook, and Mark Albanese


Metabolic dysfunction in Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome, Ray Kreienkamp and Susana Gonzalo


Metabolic effects of selective deletion of group VIA phospholipase A2 from macrophages or pancreatic islet beta-cells, John Turk, Haowei Song, Mary Wohltmann, Cheryl Frankfater, Xiaoyong Lei, and Sasanka Ramanadham


Metabolic tumor volume response assessment using (11)C-methionine positron emission tomography identifies glioblastoma tumor subregions that predict progression better than baseline or anatomic magnetic resonance imaging alone, Sean Miller, Matthew Schipper, Larry Junck, Morand Piert, Theodore S. Lawrence, Christina Tsien, Yue Cao, and Michelle M. Kim


Methylation-directed glycosylation of chromatin factors represses retrotransposon promoters, Mathieu Boulard, Sofia Rucli, John R. Edwards, and Timothy H. Bestor


Microglia implicated in tauopathy in the striatum of neurodegenerative disease patients from genotype to phenotype, Huifangjie Li, William C Knight, Pengfei Yang, Yingqiu Guo, Joel S Perlmutter, John C Morris, Randall J Bateman, Tammie L S Benzinger, and Jinbin Xu


Microscaled proteogenomic methods for precision oncology, Shankha Satpathy, David Mutch, Mark A. Watson, Cynthia Ma, Foluso O. Ademuyiwa, Jeremy Hoog, and et al.


Microstructural and mechanical properties of grafts commonly used for cruciate ligament reconstruction, Ryan M Castile, Matthew J Jenkins, Spencer P Lake, and Robert H Brophy


Midkine activation of CD8+ T cells establishes a neuron–immune–cancer axis responsible for low-grade glioma growth, Xiaofan Guo, Yuan Pan, Min Xiong, Shilpa Sanapala, Corina Anastasaki, Olivia Cobb, Sonika Dahiya, and David H. Gutmann


miRNA-based rapid differentiation of purified neurons from hPSCs advancestowards quick screening for neuronal disease phenotypes in vitro, Mitsuru Ishikawa, Takeshi Aoyama, Shoichiro Shibata, Takefumi Sone, Hiroyuki Miyoshi, Hirotaka Watanabe, Mari Nakamura, Saori Morota, Hiroyuki Uchino, Andrew S Yoo, and Hideyuki Okano


Mitigating disruptions, and scalability of radiation oncology physics work during the COVID-19 pandemic, Arash Darafsheh, Hossein Lavvafi, Reza Taleei, and Rao Khan


Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter (MCU) defciency reveals an alternate path for ­Ca2+ uptake in photoreceptor mitochondria, Celia M. Bisbach, Rachel A. Hutto, Deepak Poria, Whitney M. Cleghorn, Fatima Abbas, Frans Vinberg, Vladimir J. Kefalov, James B. Hurley, and Susan E. Brockerhoff


Mitofusin 2 dysfunction and disease in mice and men, Gerald W Dorn II


Modeling biological and genetic diversity in upper tract urothelial carcinoma with patient derived xenografts, Kwanghee Kim, James J. Hsieh, and et al.


Molecular characterization of sarcomatoid clear cell renal cell carcinoma unveils new candidate oncogenic drivers, Gabriel G. Malouf, James J. Hsieh, and et al.


Monitoring the itinerary of lysosomal cholesterol in Niemann-Pick Type C1-deficient cells after cyclodextrin treatment, McKenna Feltes, Sarah E. Gale, Samantha Moores, Daniel S. Ory, and Jean E. Schaffer


Monocyte distribution width enhances early sepsis detection in the emergency department beyond SIRS and qSOFA, Elliott D Crouser, Joseph E Parrillo, Greg S Martin, David T Huang, Pierre Hausfater, Ilya Grigorov, Diana Careaga, Tiffany Osborn, Mohamad Hasan, and Liliana Tejidor


Motile Onchocerca volvulus microfilariae in the anterior chamber of the eye, Michael E Gyasi, Augustine R Hong, and Gary J Weil


Motor unit discharge variability is increased in mild-to-moderate Parkinson's disease, Jessica M Wilson, Christopher K Thompson, Laura Miller McPherson, Cindy Zadikoff, C J Heckman, and Colum D MacKinnon


Mouse genetics identifies unique and overlapping functions of fibroblast growth factor receptors in keratinocytes, Michael Meyer, Maya Ben-Yehuda Greenwald, Theresa Rauschendorfer, Catharina Sänger, Marko Jukic, Haruka Iizuka, Fumimasa Kubo, Lin Chen, David M Ornitz, and Sabine Werner


Movement pattern training compared with standard strengthening and flexibility among patients with hip-related groin pain: Results of a pilot multicentre randomised clinical trial, Marcie Harris-Hayes, Karen Steger-May, Allyn M. Bove, Stefanie N. Foster, Michael J. Mueller, John C. Clohisy, and G. Kelley Fitzgerald


Multiple network disconnection in anosognosia for hemiplegia, Elena Monai, Francesca Bernocchi, Marta Bisio, Antonio Luigi Bisogno, Alessandro Salvalaggio, and Maurizio Corbetta


Multi-system factors associated with metatarsophalangeal joint deformity in individuals with type 2 diabetes, Jennifer A Zellers, Michael J Mueller, Paul K Commean, Ling Chen, Hyo-Jung Jeong, and Mary K Hastings


Multitasking by the OC lineage during bone infection: Bone resorption, immune modulation, and microbial niche, Philip M Roper, Christine Shao, and Deborah J Veis


Murine Surf4 is essential for early embryonic development, Brian T. Emmer, Paul J. Lascuna, Vi T. Tang, Emilee N. Kotnik, Thomas L. Saunders, Rami Khoriaty, and David Ginsburg


Mutualist and pathogen traits interact to affect plant community structure in a spatially explicit model, John W. Schroeder, Andrew Dobson, Scott A. Mangan, Daniel F. Petticord, and Edward Allen Herre


Mycena genomes resolve the evolution of fungal bioluminescence, Huei-Mien Ke, Rita Jui-Hsien Lu, and et al.


MYCN amplification and ATRX mutations are incompatible in neuroblastoma, Maged Zeineldin, Xiang Chen, and Michael A. Dyer


MyD88-dependent influx of monocytes and neutrophils impairs lymph node B cell responses to chikungunya virus infection via Irf5, Nos2 and Nox2, Mary K. McCarthy, Glennys V. Reynoso, Emma S. Winkler, Matthias Mack, Michael S. Diamond, Heather D. Hickman, and Thomas E. Morrison


Myeloid-specific Asxl2 deletion limits diet-induced obesity by regulating energy expenditure, Wei Zou, Nidhi Rohatgi, Jonathan R Brestoff, John R Moley, Yongjia Li, Jesse W Williams, Yael Alippe, Hua Pan, Terri A Pietka, Gabriel Mbalaviele, Elizabeth P Newberry, Nicholas O Davidson, Anwesha Dey, Kooresh I Shoghi, Richard D Head, Samuel A Wickline, Gwendalyn J Randolph, Nada A Abumrad, and Steven L Teitelbaum


nab-paclitaxel plus durvalumab in patients with previously treated advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer (ABOUND.2L+), Daniel Morgensztern, Manuel Cobo Dols, Santiago Ponce Aix, Pieter E Postmus, Jaafar Bennouna, Jürgen R Fischer, Oscar Juan-Vidal, David J Stewart, Andrea Ardizzoni, Rafia Bhore, Marianne Wolfsteiner, Martin Reck, Denis Talbot, Ramaswamy Govindan, and Teng Jin Ong


nab-paclitaxel/xarboplatin in vulnerable populations with advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Pooled analysis, Corey J Langer, Ajeet Gajra, Cesare Gridelli, Kartik Konduri, Daniel Morgensztern, David Spigel, Denis Talbot, Michael Thomas, Jared Weiss, Richard Pilot, Rafia Bhore, Marianne Wolfsteiner, Teng Jin Ong, and Mark Socinski


Nanoscale integrin cluster dynamics controls cellular mechanosensing via FAKY397 phosphorylation, Bo Cheng, Wanting Wan, Guoyou Huang, Yuhui Li, Guy M Genin, Mohammad R K Mofrad, Tian Jian Lu, Feng Xu, and Min Lin


Nanotherapy delivery of c-myc inhibitor targets protumor macrophages and preserves antitumor macrophages in breast cancer, Alison K. Esser, Michael H. Ross, Francesca Fontana, Xinming Su, Ariel Gabay, Gregory C. Fox, Yalin Xu, Jingyu Xiang, Anne H. Schmieder, Xiaoxia Yang, Grace Cui, Michael Scott, Samuel Achilefu, Jay Chauhan, Steven Fletcher, Gregory M. Lanza, and Katherine N. Weilbaecher


Natural bladder flling alters resting brain function at multiple spatial scales: A proof‑of‑concept MAPP Network Neuroimaging Study, Ishtiaq Mawla, Henry Lai, Gerald Andriole, and et al.


Necrotizing soft tissue infections: A focused review of pathophysiology, diagnosis, operative management, antimicrobial therapy, and pediatrics, Jeffrey M. Tessier, James Sanders, Massimo Sartelli, Jan Ulrych, Belinda De Simone, Julia Grabowski, Sara Buckman, and Therese M. Duane


Neighborhood socioeconomic deprivation associated with fat mass and weight status in youth, Morgan Clennin, Asia Brown, Min Lian, Marsha Dowda, Natalie Colabianchi, and Russell R Pate


Neural networks to predict radiographic brain injury in pediatric patients treated with Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, Neel Shah, Abdelaziz Farhat, Jefferson Tweed, Ziheng Wang, Jeon Lee, Rafe McBeth, Michael Skinner, Fenghua Tian, Ravi Thiagarajan, and Lakshmi Raman


Neutron activation of gadolinium for ion therapy: A Monte Carlo study of charged particle beams, Kurt W. Van Delinder, Rao Khan, and James L. Gräfe


Neutrophil L-plastin controls ocular paucibacteriality and susceptibility to keratitis, Xiaoxiao Lu, Abirami Kugadas, Kirsten Smith-Page, Jeffrey Lamb, Tiffany Lin, Yusha Ru, Sharon Celeste Morley, Raina Fichorova, Sharad K Mittal, Sunil K Chauhan, Sejiro Littleton, Daniel Saban, and Mihaela Gadjeva


Neutrophil swarming delays the growth of clusters of pathogenic fungi, Alex Hopke, Allison Scherer, Samantha Kreuzburg, Michael S. Abers, Christa S. Zerbe, Mary C. Dinauer, Michael K. Mansour, and Daniel Irimia


Newborn screening for Pompe disease in Illinois: Experience with 684,290 infants, Barbara K Burton, Joel Charrow, George E Hoganson, Julie Fleischer, Dorothy K Grange, Stephen R Braddock, Lauren Hitchins, Rachel Hickey, Katherine M Christensen, Daniel Groepper, Heather Shryock, Pamela Smith, Rong Shao, and Khaja Basheeruddin


New imaging tools to measure nephron number in vivo: Opportunities for developmental nephrology, K M Bennett, E J Baldelomar, D Morozov, R L Chevalier, and J R Charlton


Non-conventional treatments for conventional chondrosarcoma, Varun Monga, Hariharasudan Mani, Angela Hirbe, and Mohammed Milhem


Nonmicrobial activation of TLRs controls intestinal growth, wound repair, and radioprotection, William F Stenson and Matthew A Ciorba


Novel multimodal molecular imaging of Vitamin H (Biotin) transporter activity in the murine placenta, Ben Eliezer Noam, Lysenko Marina, Biton E. Inbal, Golani Ofra, Bartels L. Jennifer, Fernandez R. Solana, Aweda A. Tolulope, Clanton A. Nicholas, Beacham Rebecca, Lapi E. Suzanne, Garbow R. Joel, and Neeman Michal


Nutrition in necrotizing enterocolitis and following intestinal resection, Jocelyn Ou, Cathleen M Courtney, Allie E Steinberger, Maria E Tecos, and Brad W Warner


Obesity is a risk factor for acute promyelocytic leukemia: Evidence from population and cross-sectional studies and correlation with FLT3 mutations and polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism, Luca Mazzarella, Timothy J. Ley, and et al.


Oncologists’ communication and decision-making behaviors affect perceptions of sensitive information exchange for adolescent and young adult patients, Bryan A. Sisk, Karen Fasciano, Susan D. Block, and Jennifer W. Mack


On complement, memory, and microglia, Robyn S. Klein


Orbitofrontal-striatal potentiation underlies cocaine-induced hyperactivity, Sebastiano Bariselli, Nanami L. Miyazaki, Meaghan C. Creed, and Alexxai V. Kravitz


Orsay virus CP-δ adopts a novel β-bracelet structural fold and incorporates into virions as a head fiber, Yusong R. Guo, Yanlin Fan, Ying Zhou, Miao Jin, Jim L. Zhang, Hongbing Jiang, Matthew V. Holt, Tao Wang, Nicolas L. Young, David Wang, Weiwei Zhong, and Yizhi J. Tao


Outcome of everolimus-based therapy in hormone-receptor-positive metastatic breast cancer patients after progression on palbociclib, Ajay Dhakal, Roby Antony Thomas, Ellis G. Levine, Adam Brufsky, Kazuaki Takabe, Matthew G. Hanna, Kristopher Attwood, Austin Miller, Thaer Khoury, Amy P. Early, Saif Soniwala, Tracy O'Connor, and Matuesz Opyrchal


Pain relief after surgical decompression of the distal brachial plexus, Richard Morgan, Iain Elliot, Vibhu Banala, Christopher Dy, Briana Harris, and Elizabeth Anne Ouellette


Pancreatic triglyceride lipase mediates lipotoxic systemic inflammation, Cristiane de Oliveira, Mark E Lowe, and et al


Parcel-guided rTMS for depression, M. Moreno Ortega, A. Kangarlu, S. Lee, T. Perera, J. Kangarlu, T. Palomo, M.F. Glasser, and D.C. Javitt


Pathophysiological consequences of KATP channel overactivity and pharmacological response to glibenclamide in skeletal muscle of a murine model of Cantù syndrome, Rosa Scala, Fatima Maqoud, Nicola Zizzo, Antonietta Mele, Giulia Maria Camerino, Francesco Alfredo Zito, Girolamo Ranieri, Conor McClenaghan, Theresa M Harter, Colin G Nichols, and Domenico Tricarico


Patient-controlled intravenous morphine analgesia combined with transcranial direct current stimulation for post-thoracotomy pain: A cost-effectiveness study and a feasibility for its future implementation, Nemanja Rancic, Katarina Mladenovic, Nela V Ilic, Viktorija Dragojevic-Simic, Menelaos Karanikolas, Tihomir V Ilic, and Dusica M Stamenkovic


Patient-derived small intestinal myofibroblasts direct perfused, physiologically responsive capillary development in a microfluidic gut-on-a-chip model, Kristen M. Seiler, Adam Bajinting, David M. Alvarado, Mahama A. Traore, Michael M. Binkley, William H. Goo, Wyatt E. Lanik, Jocelyn Ou, Usama Ismail, Micah Iticovici, Cristi R. King, Kelli L. VanDussen, Elzbieta A. Swietlicki, Vered Gazit, Jun Guo, Cliff J. Luke, Thaddeus Stappenbeck, Matthew A. Ciorba, Steven C. George, J. Mark Meacham, Deborah C. Rubin, Misty Good, and Brad W. Warner


PD-L1 blockade in combination with inhibition of MAPK oncogenic signaling in patients with advanced melanoma, Antoni Ribas, Alain Algazi, Paolo A. Ascierto, Marcus O. Butler, Sunandana Chandra, Michael Gordon, Leonel Hernandez-Aya, Donald Lawrence, Jose Lutzky, Wilson H. Miller Jr., Katie M. Campbell, Bruno Delafont, Shannon Marshall, Nancy Mueller, and Caroline Robert


Pediatric research priorities in healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial stewardship, Susan E Coffin, Stephanie Fritz, Jason Newland, and et al


Pemphigus foliaceus in a patient with gastrointestinal stromal tumor treated with adjuvant imatinib mesylate, Hal A. Lewis, David Y. Chen, Ilana S. Rosman, Joel Picus, and Milan J. Anadkat


Peptidoglycan editing provides immunity to Acinetobacter baumannii during bacterial warfare, Nguyen-Hung Le, Gisela Di Venanzio, Juvenal Lopez, Seth W Hennon, Mario F Feldman, and et al


Performance of a multiplexed amplicon-based next-generation sequencing assay for HLA typing, Chang Liu, Brian F. Duffy, Eric T. Weimer, Maureen C. Montgomery, Jo-Ellen Jennemann, Rachel Hill, Donna Phelan, Lindsay Lay, and Bijal A. Parikh


Peripheral nerve resident macrophages share tissue-specific programming and features of activated microglia, Peter L. Wang, Aldrin K. Y. Yim, Ki-Wook Kim, Denis Avey, Rafael S. Czepielewski, Marco Colonna, Jeffrey Milbrandt, and Gwendalyn J. Randolph


Personality traits as markers of psychosis risk in Kenya: Assessment of temperament and character, Daniel Mamah, C Robert Cloninger, Victoria N Mutiso, Isaiah Gitonga, Albert Tele, and David M Ndetei


Pharmacological inhibition of ataxia-telangiectasia mutated exacerbates acute kidney injury by activating p53 signaling in mice, Masahiro Uehara, Tetsuro Kusaba, Tomoharu Ida, Kunihiro Nakai, Tomohiro Nakata, Aya Tomita, Noriko Watanabe-Uehara, Kisho Ikeda, Takashi Kitani, Noriyuki Yamashita, Yuhei Kirita, Satoaki Matoba, Benjamin D. Humphreys, and Keiichi Tamagaki


Phase 1–2 trial of antisense oligonucleotide tofersen for SOD1 ALS, Timothy Miller, Robert C. Bucelli, Alan Pestronk, and et al.


Phase 2 study of ruxolitinib and decitabine in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasm in accelerated and blast phase, John O. Mascarenhas, Camille N. Abboud, and et al.


Phase I study of vemurafenib in children with recurrent or progressive BRAFV600E mutant brain tumors: Pacific Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Consortium study (PNOC-002), Theodore Nicolaides, Karen Gauvain, and et al


Photoreceptor responses to light in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy, Shahriyar P Majidi and Rithwick Rajagopal


Physician attitudes towards-and adoption of-mobile health, Tracie Kong, Mary Morgan Scott, Yang Li, and Cynthia Wichelman


Pif1, RPA, and FEN1 modulate the ability of DNA polymerase δ to overcome protein barriers during DNA synthesis, Melanie A. Sparks, Peter M. Burgers, and Roberto Galletto


PKIS deep dive yields a chemical starting point for dark kinases and a cell active BRSK2 inhibitor, Tigist Y. Tamir, David H. Drewry, Carrow Wells, M. Ben Major, and Alison D. Axtman


Plasmacytoid dendritic cell impairment in metastatic melanoma by lactic acidosis, Matilde Monti, Raffaella Vescovi, Francesca Consoli, Davide Farina, Daniele Moratto, Alfredo Berruti, Claudia Specchia, and William Vermi


Platelet α-granules are required for occlusive high-shear-rate thrombosis, Dongjune A. Kim, Katrina J. Ashworth, Jorge Di Paola, and David N. Ku


Policies and practices of SHEA Research Network hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic, Michael S Calderwood, Valerie M Deloney, Deverick J Anderson, Vincent Chi-Chung Cheng, Shruti Gohil, Jennie H Kwon, Lona Mody, Elizabeth Monsees, Valerie M Vaughn, Timothy L Wiemken, Matthew J Ziegler, and Eric Lofgren


Polycystin 2 is increased in disease to protect against stress-induced cell death, Allison L. Brill, Tom T. Fischer, Jennifer M. Walters, Arnaud Marlier, Lorenzo R. Sewanan, Parker C. Wilson, Eric K. Johnson, Gilbert Moeckel, Lloyd G. Cantley, Stuart G. Campbell, Jeanne M. Nerbonne, Hee Jung Chung, Marie E. Robert, and Barbara E. Ehrlich


Portal dosimetry scripting application programming interface (PDSAPI) for Winston-Lutz test employing ceramic balls, Yao Hao, Matthew C Schmidt, Yu Wu, and Nels C Knutson


Positive allosteric modulation of CD11b as a novel therapeutic strategy against lung cancer, Terese Geraghty, Anugraha Rajagopalan, Rabail Aslam, Alexander Pohlman, Ishwarya Venkatesh, Andrew Zloza, David Cimbaluk, David G DeNardo, and Vineet Gupta


Positron emission tomography objective parameters for assessment of left ventricular assist device infection using 18F-FDG PET/CT, Saul N Friedman, Maryam Mahmood, Jennifer R Geske, Muhammad Rizwan Sohail, Geoffrey B Johnson, John M Stulak, and Ayse Tuba Kendi


Postdischarge antibiotic use for prophylaxis following spinal fusion, David K Warren, Katelin B Nickel, Jennifer H Han, Pam Tolomeo, Christopher J Hostler, Katherine Foy, Ian R Banks, Victoria J Fraser, Margaret A Olsen, and CDC Prevention Epicenter Program


Postural directionality and head tremor in cervical dystonia, Qiyu Chen, Jeanne P Vu, Elizabeth Cisneros, Casey N Benadof, Zheng Zhang, Richard L Barbano, Christopher G Goetz, Joseph Jankovic, Hyder A Jinnah, Joel S Perlmutter, Mark I Appelbaum, Glenn T Stebbins, Cynthia L Comella, and David A Peterson


Practitioner perspectives on building capacity for evidence-based public health in state health departments in the United States: A qualitative case study, Stephanie Mazzucca, Cheryl A Valko, Amy A Eyler, Marti Macchi, Andrew Lau, Jeanne Alongi, John Robitscher, and Ross C Brownson


Pragmatic application of the RE-AIM framework to evaluate the implementation of tobacco cessation programs within NCI-Designated Cancer Centers, Heather D'Angelo, Alex T Ramsey, Li-Shiun Chen, and et al


Precise breakpoint detection in a patient with 9p- syndrome, Jeffrey Ng, Eleanor Sams, Dustin Baldridge, Milinn Kremitzki, Daniel J Wegner, Tina Lindsay, Robert Fulton, F Sessions Cole, and Tychele N Turner


Preclinical single photon emission computed tomography of alpha particle-emitting radium-223, Diane S. Abou, Andrew Rittenbach, Ryan E. Tomlinson, Paige A. Finley, Benjamin Tsui, Brian W. Simons, Abhinav K. Jha, David Ulmert, Ryan C. Riddle, and Daniel L. J. Thorek


Predictive value of midtrimester universal cervical length screening based on parity, Joshua I. Rosenbloom, Nandini Raghuraman, Lorene A. Temming, Molly J. Stout, Methodius G. Tuuli, Jeffery M. Dicke, George A. Macones, and Alison G. Cahill


Preemptive analgesic effect of intrathecal applications of neuroactive steroids in a rodent model of post-surgical pain: Evidence for the role of T-type calcium channels, Quy L Tat, Srdjan M Joksimovic, Kathiresan Krishnan, Douglas F Covey, Slobodan M Todorovic, and Vesna Jevtovic-Todorovic


Prehospital use of a modified HEART Pathway and point-of-care troponin to predict cardiovascular events, Jason P. Stopyra, Louis Fornage, and et al.


Prevalence of cryptococcal antigen and outcomes in people with human immunodeficiency virus in Honduras: A cohort study, Julio C. Zuniga-Moya, Jane A. O'Halloran, Andrej Spec, and et al


Prevention and management of dermatologic adverse events associated with Tumor Treating Fields in patients with glioblastoma, Mario E Lacouture, Milan J Anadkat, Matthew T Ballo, Fabio Iwamoto, Suriya A Jeyapalan, Renato V La Rocca, Margaret Schwartz, Jennifer N Serventi, and Martin Glas


Primary cilia as the nexus of biophysical and hedgehog signaling at the tendon enthesis, Fei Fang, Andrea G Schwartz, Emily R Moore, McKenzie E Sup, and Stavros Thomopoulos