2020-Current year OA Pubs | Open Access Publications | Washington University School of Medicine


Submissions from 2020


Efficacy and safety of tocilizumab in the treatment of acute active antibody-mediated rejection in kidney transplant recipients, April A. Pottebaum, Karthikeyan Venkatachalam, Chang Liu, Daniel C. Brennan, Haris Murad, Andrew F. Malone, and Tarek Alhamad


Eflornithine plus sulindac for prevention of progression in familial adenomatous polyposis, Carol A. Burke, Paul E. Wise, and et al


Electrical impedance myography for reducing sample size in Duchenne muscular dystrophy trials, Melanie L Leitner, Kush Kapur, Basil T Darras, Michele Yang, Brenda Wong, Laura Dalle Pazze, Julaine Florence, Martin Buck, Laura Freedman, Jose Bohorquez, Seward Rutkove, and Craig Zaidman


End of an era of administering erythropoiesis stimulating agents among Veterans Administration cancer patients with chemotherapy-induced anemia, Shamia Hoque, Brian J. Chen, Martin W. Schoen, Kenneth R. Carson, Jesse Keller, Bartlett J. Witherspoon, Kevin B. Knopf, Y Tony Yang, Benjamin Schooley, Chadi Nabhan, Oliver Sartor, Paul R. Yarnold, Paul Ray, Laura Bobolts, William J. Hrushesky, Michael Dickson, and Charles L. Bennett


Endothelial cell CD36 deficiency prevents normal angiogenesis and vascular repair, Lara Bou Khzam, Ni-Huiping Son, Adam E Mullick, Nada A Abumrad, and Ira J Goldberg


Enhanced recovery with paravertebral and transversus abdominis plane blocks in microvascular breast reconstruction, Ryan Guffey, Grace Keane, Austin Y. Ha, Rajiv Parikh, Elizabeth Odom, Li Zhang, and Terence M. Myckatyn


Enhancing the anti-tumour activity of 177Lu-DOTA-octreotate radionuclide therapy in somatostatin receptor-2 expressing tumour models by targeting PARP, Carleen Cullinane, Kelly Waldeck, Laura Kirby, Buck E. Rogers, Peter Eu, Richard W. Tothill, and Rodney J. Hicks


Enteric viral co-infections: Pathogenesis and perspective, Heyde Makimaa, Harshad Ingle, and Megan T Baldridge


Environmental remodeling of human gut microbiota and antibiotic resistome in livestock farms, Jian Sun, Alaric W. D'Souza, Manish Boolchandani, Gautam Dantas, and et al.


Epigenomic differences in the human and chimpanzee genomes are associated with structural variation, Xiaoyu Zhuo, Alan Y Du, Erica C Pehrsson, Daofeng Li, and Ting Wang


E proteins orchestrate dynamic transcriptional cascades implicated in the suppression of the differentiation of group 2 innate lymphoid cells, Vincent Peng, Constantin Georgescu, Anna Bakowska, Aneta Pankow, Liangyue Qian, Jonathan D. Wren, and Xiao-Hong Sun


Esophageal baseline impedance from high-resolution impedance manometry correlates with mean nocturnal baseline impedance from pH-impedance monitoring, Anthony Horton, Brian Sullivan, Katie Charles, Thasha McIntosh, Andrea Davis, Ziad Gellad, Rahul Shimpi, C Prakash Gyawali, and Amit Patel


Essential but undefined — Reimagining how policymakers identify safety-net hospitals, Paula Chatterjee, Benjamin D. Sommers, and Karen E. Joynt Maddox


Evaluating circadian dysfunction in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease: Where do we stand?, Patrick W Sheehan and Erik S Musiek


Evaluation of a new secondary dose calculation software for Gamma Knife radiosurgery, Michael T Prusator, Tianyu Zhao, James A Kavanaugh, Lakshmi Santanam, Joe Dise, S Murty Goddu, Timothy J Mitchell, Jacqueline E Zoberi, Taeho Kim, Sasa Mutic, and Nels C Knutson


Evaluation of naturalistic driving behavior using in-vehicle monitoring technology in preclinical and early Alzheimer's disease, Jennifer D Davis, Ganesh M Babulal, George D Papandonatos, Erin M Burke, Christopher B Rosnick, Brian R Ott, and Catherine M Roe


Evidence-based guidelines for managing patients with primary ER+ HER2− breast cancer deferred from surgery due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Mitch Dowsett, Cynthia X. Ma, and et al.


Evolution and structure of clinically relevant gene fusions in multiple myeloma, Steven M. Foltz, Qingsong Gao, Christopher J. Yoon, Hua Sun, Lijun Yao, Yize Li, Reyka G. Jayasinghe, Song Cao, Justin King, Daniel R. Kohnen, Mark A. Fiala, Li Ding, and Ravi Vij


Exercise training-induced PPARβ increases PGC-1α protein stability and improves insulin-induced glucose uptake in rodent muscles, Ju-Sik Park, John O Holloszy, Kijin Kim, and Jin-Ho Koh


Exercise training results in lower amyloid plaque load and greater cognitive function in an intensity dependent manner in the Tg2576 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, Riya Thomas, Scott D Zimmerman, Kayla M Yuede, John R Cirrito, Leon M Tai, Benjamin F Timson, and Carla M Yuede


Expanding the genetic architecture of nicotine dependence and its shared genetics with multiple traits, Bryan C. Quach, Michael J. Bray, Pamela Madden, Laura J. Bierut, Nancy L. Saccone, and et al.


Experience-dependent resonance in amygdalocortical circuits supports fear memory retrieval following extinction, Minagi Ozawa, Patrick Davis, Jianguang Ni, Jamie Maquire, Thomas Papouin, and Leon Reijmers


Experiences from the Missouri Antimicrobial Stewardship Collaborative: A mixed methods study, Sena J Sayood, Chinmayi Venkatram, Jason G Newland, Hilary M Babcock, David K Warren, George Turabelidze, Virginia R McKay, Erin C Rachmiel, Kate Peacock, Tracey Habrock-Bach, Kevin Hsueh, and Michael J Durkin


Exploration of sensory and spinal neurons expressing gastrin-releasing peptide in itch and pain related behaviors, Devin M. Barry, Xue-Ting Liu, Benlong Liu, Xian-Yu Liu, Fang Gao, Xiansi Zeng, Juan Liu, Qianyi Yang, Steven Wilhelm, Jun Yin, Ailin Tao, and Zhou-Feng Chen


Exploring differences in the role of hospitalization on weight gain based on treatment type from randomized clinical trials for adolescent anorexia nervosa, Nandini Datta, Brittany E Matheson, Daniel Le Grange, Harry A Brandt, Blake Woodside, Katherine A Halmi, Denise E Wilfley, and James D Lock


Exposure to COVID-19 patients increases physician trainee stress and burnout, Thomas G. Kannampallil, Charles W. Goss, Bradley A. Evanoff, Jaime R. Strickland, Rebecca P. McAlister, and Jennifer Duncan


False-negative upper extremity ultrasound in the initial evaluation of patients with suspected subclavian vein thrombosis due to thoracic outlet syndrome (Paget-Schroetter syndrome), Evan R Brownie, Ahmmad A Abuirqeba, J Westley Ohman, Brian G Rubin, and Robert W Thompson


Family encouragement of healthy eating predicts child dietary intake and weight loss in family-based behavioral weight-loss treatment, Sophia A. Rotman, Lauren A. Fowler, Mary Katherine Ray, Richard I. Stein, Jacqueline F. Hayes, Rachel P. Kolko, Katherine N. Balantekin, Alexis Engel, Brian E. Saelens, R. Robinson Welch, Michael G. Perri, Leonard H. Epstein, and Denise E. Wilfley


Feasibility and safety of focused ultrasound-enabled liquid biopsy in the brain of a porcine model, Christopher Pham Pacia, Lifei Zhu, Yaoheng Yang, Yimei Yue, Arash Nazeri, H. Michael Gach, Michael R. Talcott, Eric C. Leuthardt, and Hong Chen


Feasibility and validity of a low-cost racing simulator in driving assessment after stroke, Jonathan Tiu, Annie C Harmon, James D Stowe, Amen Zwa, Marc Kinnear, Latch Dimitrov, Tina Nolte, and David B Carr


Federated learning in medicine: Facilitating multi‑institutional collaborations without sharing patient data, Micah J. Sheller, Brandon Edwards, G. Anthony Reina, Jason Martin, Sarthak Pati, Aikaterini Kotrotsou, Mikhail Milchenko, Weilin Xu, Daniel Marcus, Rivka R. Colen, and Spyridon Bakas


Fenofibrate prevents iron induced activation of canonical Wnt/β-catenin and oxidative stress signaling in the retina, Ashok Mandala, Austin Armstrong, Becky Girresch, Jiyao Zhu, Aruna Chilakala, Sanmathi Chavalmane, Kapil Chaudhary, Pratim Biswas, Judith Ogilvie, and Jaya P. Gnana-Prakasam


Fenofibrate reduces the severity of neuroretinopathy in a type 2 model of diabetes without inducing peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha-dependent retinal gene expression, Jennifer M Enright, Sheng Zhang, Christina Thebeau, Emily Siebert, Alexander Jin, Veda Gadiraju, Xiaodong Zhang, Shiming Chen, Clay F Semenkovich, and Rithwick Rajagopal


Fetal cortical plate segmentation using fully convolutional networks with multiple plane aggregation, Jinwoo Hong, Hyuk Jin Yun, Gilsoon Park, Seonggyu Kim, Cynthia T Laurentys, Leticia C Siqueira, Tomo Tarui, Caitlin K Rollins, Cynthia M Ortinau, P Ellen Grant, Jong-Min Lee, and Kiho Im


FHIR Genomics: Enabling standardization for precision medicine use cases, Gil Alterovitz, Bret Heale, James Jones, David Kreda, Fan Lin, Lei Liu, Xin Liu, Kenneth D. Mandl, David W. Poloway, Rachel Ramoni, Alex Wagner, and Jeremy L. Warner


Filmless quality assurance of a Leksell Gamma Knife® Icon™, Borna Maraghechi, Taeho Kim, Timothy J Mitchell, S Murty Goddu, Joe Dise, James A Kavanaugh, Jacqueline E Zoberi, Sasa Mutic, and Nels C Knutson


Financial evaluation of kidney transplant with hepatitis C viremic donors to uninfected recipients, David A. Axelrod, Krista L. Lentine, Ramji Balakrishnan, Su-Hsin Chang, Terek Alhamad, Huiling Xiao, Bertran L. Kasiske, Roy D. Bloom, and Mark A. Schnitzler


Five-year outcomes of transcatheter or surgical aortic-valve replacement, Raj R. Makkar, Alan Zajarias, and et al.


FlyNet 2.0: Drosophila heart 3D (2D + time) segmentation in optical coherence microscopy images using a convolutional long short-term memory neural network, Zhao Dong, Jing Men, Zhiwen Yang, Jason Jerwick, Airong Li, Rudolph E Tanzi, and Chao Zhou


Focal dynamic thermal imaging for label‑free high‑resolution characterization of materials and tissue heterogeneity, Christine M. O'Brien, Hongyu Meng, Leonid Shmuylovich, Julia Carpenter, Praneeth Gogineni, Haini Zhang, Kevin Bishop, Suman B. Mondal, Gail P. Sudlow, Cheryl Bethea, Clyde Bethea, and Samuel Achilefu


Focused ultrasound for safe and effective release of brain tumor biomarkers into the peripheral circulation, Lifei Zhu, Arash Nazeri, Christopher Pham Pacia, Yimei Yue, and Hong Chen


Food addiction and psychosocial adversity: Biological embedding, contextual factors, and public health implications, David A Wiss, Nicole Avena, and Mark Gold


Foot salvage with selective arterialization of pedal venosomes, Maleeh Effendi, Austin Y. Ha, and John M. Felder III


Formation of lung inducible bronchus associated lymphoid tissue is regulated by Mycobacterium tuberculosis expressed determinants, Micah D Dunlap, Oliver A Prince, Javier Rangel-Moreno, Kimberly A Thomas, Julia M Scordo, Jordi B Torrelles, Jeffery Cox, Adrie J C Steyn, Joaquín Zúñiga, Deepak Kaushal, and Shabaana A Khader


Frequency and clinical significance of localized adverse events following mass drug administration for lymphatic filariasis in an endemic area in South India, Vijesh Sreedhar Kuttiatt, Roopali K Somani, Subramanian Swaminathan, Kaliannagounder Krishnamoorthy, Gary J Weil, and Jambulingam Purushothaman


From stigma to validation: A qualitative assessment of a novel national program to improve retention of physician-scientists with caregiving responsibilities, Rochelle D. Jones, Victoria J. Fraser, and et al.


Full-range space-division multiplexing optical coherence tomography angiography, Yongyang Huang, Jason Jerwick, Guoyan Liu, and Chao Zhou


Functional analysis of rare genetic variants in complement factor I (CFI) using a serum-based assay in advanced age-related macular degeneration, Anuja Java, Peter Baciu, Rafael Widjajahakim, Yun Ju Sung, Jae Yang, David Kavanagh, John Atkinson, and Johanna Seddon


Functional profiling of FSH and estradiol in ovarian granulosa cell tumors, Ulla-Maija Haltia, Marjut Pihlajoki, Noora Andersson, Lotta Mäkinen, Johanna Tapper, Alejandra Cervera, Hugo M. Horlings, Ursula Turpeinen, Mikko Anttonen, Ralf Bützow, Leila Unkila-Kallio, Olli Carpén, David B. Wilson, Markku Heikinheimo, and Anniina Färkkilä


Gait asymmetry, and bilateral coordination of gait during a six‑minute walk test in persons with multiple sclerosis, Meir Plotnik, Joanne M. Wagner, Gautam Adusumilli, Amihai Gottlieb, and Robert T. Naismith


Gardnerella vaginalis as a cause of bacterial vaginosis: Appraisal of the evidence from in vivo models, Sydney Morrill, Nicole M Gilbert, and Amanda L Lewis


Gastric cancer with radiographically occult metastatic disease: Biology, challenges, and diagnostic approaches, Aravind Sanjeevaiah, Haeseong Park, Benjamin Fangman, and Matthew Porembka


Gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumors in Fontan patients, Corey Vural, Priya Skaria, Louis P. Dehner, and Geetika Khanna


GATA2 regulates constitutive PD-L1 and PD-L2 expression in brain tumors, Yujie Fu, Connor J. Liu, Dale K. Kobayashi, Tanner M. Johanns, Jay A. Bowman-Kirigin, Maximilian O. Schaettler, Diane D. Mao, Diane Bender, Diane G. Kelley, Ravindra Uppaluri, Wenya Linda Bi, Ian F. Dunn, Yu Tao, Jingqin Luo, Albert H. Kim, and Gavin P. Dunn


Gene-by-gene interactions associated with the risk of conotruncal heart defects, Chen Lyu, Daniel M Webber, Stewart L MacLeod, Charlotte A Hobbs, Ming Li, and National Birth Defects Prevention Study


Gene expression in meniscal tears at the time of arthroscopic partial meniscectomy predicts the progression of osteoarthritis within 6 years of surgery, Joseph D. Lamplot, Muhammad Farooq Rai, William P. Tompkins, Michael V. Friedman, Eric J. Schmidt, Linda J. Sandell, and Robert H. Brophy


Generation of light-producing somatic-transgenic mice using adeno-associated virus vectors, Rajvinder Karda, Jonathan D. Cooper, and et al.


Gene therapy for follistatin mitigates systemic metabolic inflammation and post-traumatic arthritis in high-fat diet-induced obesity, Ruhang Tang, Natalia S Harasymowicz, Chia-Lung Wu, Kelsey H Collins, Yun-Rak Choi, Sara J Oswald, and Farshid Guilak


Genetic aetiology of self-harm ideation and behaviour, Adrian I. Campos, Karin J. H. Verweij, Dixie J. Statham, Pamela A. F. Madden, Dominique F. Maciejewski, Katrina A. S. Davis, Ann John, Matthew Hotopf, Andrew C. Heath, Nicholas G. Martin, and Miguel E. Rentería


Genetic architecture of circulating very-long-chain (C24:0 and C22:0) ceramide concentrations, Sharon Cresci, Ruibo Zhang, Qiong Yang, Meredith S Duncan, Vanessa Xanthakis, Xuntian Jiang, Ramachandran S Vasan, Jean E Schaffer, and Linda R Peterson


Genetic architecture of reciprocal social behavior in toddlers: Implications for heterogeneity in the early origins of autism spectrum disorder, Natasha Marrus, Julia D Grant, Brooke Harris-Olenak, Jordan Albright, Drew Bolster, Jon Randolph Haber, Theodore Jacob, Yi Zhang, Andrew C Heath, Arpana Agrawal, John N Constantino, Jed T Elison, and Anne L Glowinski


Genetic loci associated with prevalent and incident myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease in the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium, Julie Hahn, Mary F. Feitosa, and et al.


Genome-scale analysis identifies novel transcript-variants in esophageal adenocarcinoma, B P D Purkayastha, E R Chan, D Ravillah, L Ravi, R Gupta, M I Canto, J S Wang, N J Shaheen, J E Willis, A Chak, V Varadan, and K Guda


Genome-wide association study of opioid cessation, Jiayi W Cox, Richard M Sherva, Kathryn L Lunetta, Emma C Johnson, Nicholas G Martin, Louisa Degenhardt, Arpana Agrawal, Elliot C Nelson, Henry R Kranzler, Joel Gelernter, and Lindsay A Farrer


Genomic prediction of alcohol-related morbidity and mortality, Tuomo Kiiskinen, Nina J. Mars, Teemu Palviainen, Jukka Koskela, Joel T. Rämö, Pietari Ripatti, Sanni Ruotsalainen, FinnGen, GSCAN Consortium, Aarno Palotie, Pamela A.F. Madden, Richard J. Rose, Jaakko Kaprio, Veikko Salomaa, Pia Mäkelä, Aki S. Havulinna, and Samuli Ripatti


Genomic profiling of circulating tumor DNA from cerebrospinal fluid to guide clinical decision making for patients with primary and metastatic brain tumors, Lori A Ramkissoon, Sonika Dahiya, and et al.


Genomics of MPNST (GeM) consortium: Rationale and study design for multi-omic characterization of NF1-associated and sporadic MPNSTs, David T Miller, Angela C Hirbe, and et al


Genotype-phenotype correlations in children with HHT, Alexandra Kilian, Andrew J White, Murali M Chakinala, and et al


Germline sequencing identifies rare variants in Finnish subjects with familial germ cell tumors, Erin L Crowgey, Tea Soini, Nidhi Shah, Satu-Liisa Pauniaho, Pekka Lahdenne, David B Wilson, Markku Heikinheimo, and Todd E Druley


Glibenclamide reverses cardiovascular abnormalities of Cantu syndrome driven by KATP channel overactivity, Conor McClenaghan, Yan Huang, Zihan Yan, Theresa M Harter, Carmen M Halabi, Rod Chalk, Attila Kovacs, Gijs van Haaften, Maria S Remedi, and Colin G Nichols


Gliomas display distinct sex-based differential methylation patterns based on molecular subtype, Mette L Johansen, L C Stetson, Vachan Vadmal, Kristin Waite, Michael E Berens, James R Connor, Justin Lathia, Joshua B Rubin, and Jill S Barnholtz-Sloan


Global proteomics analysis of circulating extracellular vesicles isolated from lung transplant recipients, Sandhya Bansal, Marissa McGilvrey, Krystine Garcia-Mansfield, Ritin Sharma, Ross M. Bremner, Michael A. Smith, Ramsey Hachem, Patrick Pirrotte, and Thalachallour Mohanakumar


Going beyond integration: The emerging role of HIV-1 integrase in virion morphogenesis, Jennifer L Elliott and Sebla B Kutluay


Harnessing activin A adjuvanticity to promote antibody responses to BG505 HIV envelope trimers, Diane G Carnathan, Kirti Kaushik, Ali H Ellebedy, Chiamaka A Enemuo, Etse H Gebru, Pallavi Dhadvai, Mohammed Ata Ur Rasheed, Matthias G Pauthner, Gabriel Ozorowski, Rafi Ahmed, Dennis R Burton, Andrew B Ward, Guido Silvestri, Shane Crotty, and Michela Locci


Harnessing real-world data to inform decision-making: Multiple Sclerosis Partners Advancing Technology and Health Solutions (MS PATHS), Ellen M Mowry, Tammie L S Benzinger, Robert T Naismith, and et al


Hearing loss in mucopolysaccharidoses: Current knowledge and future directions, Jeremy Wolfberg, Keerthana Chintalapati, Shunji Tomatsu, and Kyoko Nagao


Heavy metals contaminating the environment of a progressive supranuclear palsy cluster induce tau accumulation and cell death in cultured neurons, Carolina Alquezar, Jessica B. Felix, Elizabeth McCandlish, Brian T. Buckley, Dominique Caparros-Lefebvre, Celeste M. Karch, Lawrence I. Golbe, and Aimee W. Kao


Hematopoeitic cell transplantation and CAR T-cell therapy: Complements or competitors?, Scott R Goldsmith, Armin Ghobadi, and John F DiPersio


Hematopoietic cell transplantation in patients with Primary Immune Regulatory Disorders (PIRD): A Primary Immune Deficiency Treatment Consortium (PIDTC) survey, Alice Y. Chan, Jeffrey J. Bednarski, Megan A. Cooper, Shalini Shenoy, and et al


Hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma associated with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis by a possible paraneoplastic process, Adem Aktas, Daniel Probst, Brian Van Tine, and Kathryn Marlow


Higher cortical dysfunction presenting as visual symptoms in neurodegenerative diseases, Yin Liu, Victoria S Pelak, Gregory van Stavern, and Heather E Moss


Higher iron stores and the HFE 187C>G variant delay onset of peripheral neuropathy during combination antiretroviral therapy, Asha R. Kallianpur, Wanqing Wen, Angelika L. Erwin, David B. Clifford, Todd Hulgan, and Gregory K. Robbins


High prevalence of radiographic outliers and revisions with unicompartmental knee arthroplasty, Gregory S Kazarian, Toby N Barrack, Louis Okafor, Robert L Barrack, Ryan M Nunley, and Charles M Lawrie


High-resolution manometry determinants of refractoriness of reflux symptoms to proton pump inhibitor therapy, Mentore Ribolsi, Edoardo Savarino, Benjamin Rogers, Arvind Rengarajan, Marco Della Coletta, Matteo Ghisa, Michele Cicala, and C. Prakash Gyawali


High-throughput analysis of adaptation using barcoded strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Vincent J Fasanello, Ping Liu, Carlos A Botero, and Justin C Fay


High-throughput single-cell functional elucidation of neurodevelopmental disease-associated genes reveals convergent mechanisms altering neuronal differentiation, Matthew A Lalli, Denis Avey, Joseph D Dougherty, Jeffrey Milbrandt, and Robi D Mitra


Hippocampal volume in Provisional Tic Disorder predicts tic severity at 12-month follow-up, Soyoung Kim, Deanna J Greene, Carolina Badke D'Andrea, Emily C Bihun, Jonathan M Koller, Bridget O'Reilly, Bradley L Schlaggar, and Kevin J Black


Histone H3.3 beyond cancer: Germline mutations in Histone 3 Family 3A and 3B cause a previously unidentified neurodegenerative disorder in 46 patients, Laura Bryant, Marcia C Willing, Linda Manwaring, and et al


Histopathologic findings in malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor predict response to radiotherapy and overall survival, Calixto-Hope G Lucas, Harish N Vasudevan, William C Chen, Stephen T Magill, Steve E Braunstein, Line Jacques, Sonika Dahiya, Fausto J Rodriguez, Andrew E Horvai, Arie Perry, Melike Pekmezci, and David R Raleigh


Histopathologic, immunophenotypic, and proteomics characteristics of low-grade phyllodes tumor and fibroadenoma: More similarities than differences, Lingxin Zhang, Chen Tang, John D. Pfeifer, Richard M. Caprioli, Audra M. Judd, Nathan H. Patterson, Michelle L. Reyzer, Jeremy L. Norris, and Horacio M. Maluf


Hitting the target: Natural history of the hip based on achieving an acetabular safe zone following periacetabular osteotomy, Cody C Wyles, Juan S Vargas, Mark J Heidenreich, Kristin C Mara, Christopher L Peters, John C Clohisy, Robert T Trousdale, and Rafael J Sierra


HLA‑A alleles including HLA‑A29 affect the composition of the gut microbiome: A potential clue to the pathogenesis of birdshot retinochoroidopathy, Peter R. Sternes, Tammy M. Martin, Michael Paley, Sarah Diamond, Mark J. Asquith, Matthew A. Brown, and James T. Rosenbaum


How do subjective health literacy measures work in young adults? Specifying "online" or "paper-based" forms impacts results, Mary C Politi, Courtney M Goodwin, Kimberly A Kaphingst, Xuechen Wang, Angela Fagerlin, Lindsay N Fuzzell, and Sydney E Philpott-Streiff


HPV‑EM: An accurate HPV detection and genotyping EM algorithm, Matthew J. Inkman, Kay Jayachandran, Thomas M. Ellis, Fiona Ruiz, Michael D. McLellan, Christopher A. Miller, Yufeng Wu, Akinyemi I. Ojesina, Julie K. Schwarz, and Jin Zhang


Human brain functional network organization is disrupted after whole-brain radiation therapy, Timothy J. Mitchell, Benjamin A. Seitzman, Nicholas Ballard, Steven E. Petersen, Joshua S. Shimony, and Eric C. Leuthardt


Human ferroportin mediates proton-coupled active transport of iron, Shuang Li, Yihu Yang, and Weikai Li


Human iPSC-derived neuronal cells from CTBP1-mutated patients reveal altered expression of neurodevelopmental gene networks, S Vijayalingam, Eric Tycksen, Christina A Gurnett, and et al


Human plasmacytoid dendritic cells and cutaneous melanoma, Matilde Monti, Francesca Consoli, Raffaella Vescovi, Mattia Bugatti, and William Vermi


Human recombinant apyrase therapy protects against myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury and preserves left ventricular systolic function in rats, as evaluated by 7T cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging, Ziqian Xu, Wei Chen, Ruzhi Zhang, Lei Wang, Ridong Chen, Jie Zheng, and Fabao Gao


Huntingtin-interacting protein family members have a conserved pro-viral function from Caenorhabditis elegans to humans, Hongbing Jiang, Luis Enrique Sandoval Del Prado, Christian Leung, and David Wang