Submissions from 2015
The effect of dietary resistant starch type 2 on the microbiota and markers of gut inflammation in rural Malawi children, M. Isabel Ordiz, Thaddaeus D. May, Kathie Mihindukulasuriya, John Martin, Jan Crowley, Phillip I. Tarr, Kelsey Ryan, Elissa Mortimer, Geetha Gopalsamy, Ken Maleta, Makedonka Mitreva, Graeme Young, and Mark J. Manary
The effects of different tensile parameters for the neurodynamic mobilization technique on tricipital muscle wet weight and MuRf-1 expression in rabbits with sciatic nerve injury, Yan Wang, Ming Ma, Qiang Tang, Luwen Zhu, Melanie Koleini, and Dequan Zou
The effects of white matter hyperintensities and amyloid deposition on Alzheimer dementia, Brian A. Gordon, Safa Najmi, Phillip Hsu, Catherine M. Roe, John C. Morris, and Tammie L.S. Benzinger
The female protective effect in autism spectrum disorder is not mediated by a single genetic locus, Jake Gockley, A. Jeremy Willsey, Shan Dong, Joseph D. Dougherty, John N. Constantino, and Stephan J. Sanders
The future of glaucoma surgery, Arsham Sheybani
The genome of the vervet (Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus), Wesley C. Warren, Chad Tomlinson, Patrick Minx, Michael Montague, Kim Kyung, LaDeana W. Hillier, Milinn Kremitzki, Tina Graves, Colby Chiang, and Richard K. Wilson
The glucose transporter PfHT1 is an antimalarial target of the HIV protease inhibitor lopinavir, Thomas E. Kraft, Christopher Armstrong, Monique R. Heitmeier, Audrey R. Odom, and Paul W. Hruz
The impact of CT scan energy on range calculation in proton therapy planning, Kevin K. Grantham, Hua Li, Tianyu Zhao, and Eric E. Klein
The impact of immune system in regulating bone metastasis formation by osteotropic tumors, Lucia D'Amico and Ilaria Roato
The impact of two semiannual treatments with albendazole alone on lymphatic filariasis and soil-transmitted helminth infections: A community-based study in the Republic of Congo, Sébastien D S Pion, Cédric B. Chesnais, Jean Bopda, Frédéric Louya, Peter U. Fisher, Andrew C. Majewski, Gary J. Weil, Michael Boussinesq, and François Missamou
The influence of age and sex on genetic associations with adult body size and shape: A large-scale genome-wide interaction study, Llida Barata, Mary F. Feitosa, Jacek Czajkowski, Jeannette Simino, Pamela A. F. Madden, Yun Ju Sung, Andrew C. Heath, Treva K. Rice, D. C. Rao, and et al.
The Interferon-stimulated gene Ifi27l2a restricts West Nile virus infection and pathogenesis in a cell-type and region-specific manner, Tiffany M. Lucas, Justin M. Richner, and Michael S. Diamond
The lysosomal enzyme receptor protein (LERP) is not essential, but is implicated in lysosomal function in Drosophila melanogaster, Medina Hasanagic, Eline van Meel, Shan Luan, Rajeev Aurora, Stuart Kornfeld, and Joel C. Eissenberg
The malaria parasite cation ATPase PfATP4 and its role in the mechanism of action of a new arsenal of antimalarial drugs, Natalie Jane Spillman and Kiaran Kirk
The metabolomics of asthma control: A promising link between genetics and disease, Robert C. Strunk and et al
The microbiome of uncontacted Amerindians, Bin Wang, Gautam Dantas, and et al
The mitochondria in diabetic heart failure: From pathogenesis to therapeutic promise, Joel D. Schilling
The National Cancer Institute’s Community Networks Program initiative to reduce cancer health disparities: Outcomes and lessons learned, Aimee James and et al
The nsp1, nsp13, and M proteins contribute to the hepatotropism of murine coronavirus JHM.WU, Rong Zhang, Yize Li, Timothy J. Cowley, Adam D. Steinbrenner, Judith M. Phillips, Boyd L. Yount, Ralph S. Baric, and Susan R. Weiss
The N-Terminal domain of SIRT1 is a positive regulator of endogenous SIRT1-dependent deacetylation and transcriptional outputs, Fiorella Ghisays, Cynthia S. Brace, Shawn M. Yackly, Hyock Joo Kwon, Kathryn F. Mills, Elena Kashentseva, Igor P. Dmitriev, David T. Curiel, Shin-ichiro Imai, and Tom Ellenberger
The number of discharge medications predicts thirty-day hospital readmission: A cohort study, David Picker, Kevin Heard, Thomas C. Bailey, Nathan R. Martin, Gina N. LaRossa, and Marin H. Kollef
The nutrition transition in Colombia over a decade: A novel household classification system of anthropometric measures, Diana C. Parra, Lora Iannotti, Luis F. Gomez, Helena Pachon, Debra Haire-Joshu, Olga L. Sarmiento, Anne Sebert Kuhlmann, and Ross C. Brownson
The pancreas anatomy conditions the origin and properties of resident macrophages, Boris Calderon, Javier A. Carrero, Stephen T. Ferris, Dorothy K. Sojka, Lindsay Moore, Slava Epelman, Kenneth M. Murphy, Wayne M. Yokoyama, Gwendalyn J. Randolph, and Emil R. Unanue
The Physarum polycephalum genome reveals extensive use of prokaryotic two-component and metazoan-type tyrosine kinase signaling, Pat Minx, Catrina Fronick, Lucinda Fulton, Chad Tomlinson, Wesley C. Warren, Richard K. Wilson, and et al
Therapeutic hypothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in children, Jose A. Pineda and et al
The Relevance of the Colon to Zinc Nutrition, Geetha Lavaniya Gopalsamy, David H. Alpers, Henry J. Binder, Cuong D. Tran, B. S. Ramakrishna, Ian Brown, Mark Manary, Elissa Mortimer, and Graeme P. Young
The revised Temperament and Character Inventory: Normative data by sex and age from a Spanish normal randomized sample, Alfonso Gutierrez-Zotes, Javier Labad, Lourdes Martorell, Ana Gaviria, Carmen Bayon, Elisabet Vilella, and C. Robert Cloninger
The role of conduct disorder in the relationship between alcohol, nicotine and cannabis use disorders, J. D. Grant, M. T. Lynskey, P. A. F. Madden, E. C. Nelson, L. R. Few, K. K. Bucholz, D. J. Statham, N. G. Martin, A. C. Heath, and A. Agrawal
The role of dopamine and dopaminergic pathways in dystonia: Insights from neuroimaging, Morvarid Karimi and Joel S Perlmutter
The role of hypoxia in cancer progression, angiogenesis, metastasis, and resistance to therapy, Barbara Muz, Pilar de la Puente, Feda Azab, and Abdel K. Azab
The role of the lymphatic system in cholesterol transport, Li-Hao Huang, Andrew Elvington, and Gwendalyn J. Randolph
The transcriptional profile of coronary arteritis in Kawasaki disease, Anne H. Rowley, Kristine M. Wylie, Kwang-Youn A. Kim, Adam J. Pink, Amy Yang, Rebecca Reindel, Susan C. Baker, Stanford T. Shulman, Jan M. Orenstein, Mark W. Lingen, George M. Weinstock, and Todd N. Wylie
The use of sodium bicarbonate in the treatment of acidosis in sepsis: A literature update on a long term debate, Dimitrios Velissaris, Vesilios Karamouzos, Nikolaos Ktenopoulos, Charalampos Pierrakos, and Menelaos Karanikolas
The utility of Google Trends data to examine interest in cancer screening, Mario Schootman, Aroona H. Toor, Patricia A. Cavazos-Rehg, Donna B. Jeffe, Amy McQueen, J. Eberth, and Nicholas O. Davidson
Three-dimensional matrix fiber alignment modulates cell migration and MT1-MMP utility by spatially and temporally directing protrusions, Stephanie I. Fraley, Pei-hsun Wu, Lijuan He, Yunfeng Feng, Ranjini Krisnamurthy, Gregory D. Longmore, and Denis Wirtz
Three-year efficacy and safety of a new 52-mg levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system, David L. Eisenberg, Courtney A. Schreiber, David K. Turok, Stephanie B. Teal, Carolyn L. Westhoff, Mitchell D. Creinin, and ACCESS IUS Investigators
Thyroid cancer and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use: a pooled analysis of patients older than 40 years of age, Dhaval Patel, Cari M. Kitahara, Yikyung Park, Linda M. Liao, Martha Linet, Electron Kebebew, and Naris Nilubol
Tolerance and cross-tolerance following Toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 and -9 activation are mediated by IRAK-M and modulated by IL-7 in murine splenocytes, Mark W. Julian, Heather R. Strange, Megan N. Ballinger, Richard S. Hotchkiss, Tracey L. Papenfuss, and Elliott D. Crouser
Tourette Syndrome research highlights 2014, Cheryl A. Richards and Kevin J. Black
Toxoplasma actin is required for efficient host cell invasion, Lisa L. Drewry and L. David Sibley
TP53 mutations, tetraploidy and homologous recombination repair defects in early stage high-grade serous ovarian cancer, Jeremy Chien, Yaman Tarabishy, and et al
Trade-offs in the effects of the apolipoprotein E polymorphism on risks of diseases of the heart, cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders: Insights on mechanisms from the long life family study, Alexander M. Kulminski, Konstantin G. Arbeev, Irina Culminskaya, Svetlana V. Ukraintseva, Eric Stallard, Michael A. Province, and Anatoli I. Yashin
Transcription errors induce proteotoxic stress and shorten cellular lifespan, Daniel W. Summers and et al
Transcriptomic profiles of aging in purified human immune cells, Charles Gu and et al
Transcriptomic responses of the heart and brain to anoxia in the Western Painted turtle, Sarah W. Keenan, Craig A. Hill, Cyriac Kandoth, Leslie T. Buck, and Daniel E. Warren
Transcriptomic-wide discovery of direct and indirect HuR RNA targets in activated CD4+ T cells, Patsharaporn Techasintana, J. Wade Davis, Matthew M. Gubin, Joseph D. Magee, and Ulus Atasoy
Transfer of the brachialis to the anterior interosseous nerve as a treatment strategy for cervical spinal cord injury: Technical note, Ammar H. Hawasli, Jodie Chang, Matthew R. Reynolds, and Wilson Z. Ray
Translational control by lysine-encoding A-rich sequences, Laura L. Arthur, Slavica Pavlovic-Djuranovic, Kristin S. Koutmou, Rachel Green, Pawel Szczesny, and Sergej Djuranovic
Trans-mitochondrial coordination of cristae at regulated membrane junctions, Martin Picard, Meagan J. McManus, György Csordás, Péter Várnai, Gerald W. Dorn II, Dewight Williams, György Hajnóczky, and Douglas C. Wallace
Travel advice for the immunocompromised traveler: prophylaxis, vaccination, and other preventive measures, Rupa R. Patel, Stephen Y. Liang, Pooja Koolwal, and Frederick Matthew Kuhlmann
Treatment of congenital vertical talus: Comparison of minimally invasive and extensive soft-tissue release procedures at minimum five-year follow-up, Justin S. Yang and Matthew B. Dobbs
Treatment-resistant major depression: Rationale for NMDA receptors as targets and nitrous oxide as therapy, Charles F. Zorumski, Peter Nagele, Steven Mennerick, and Charles R. Conway
TREM2 is associated with increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease in African Americans, Sheng Chih Jin, Bruno A. Benitez, Tara Skorupa, David Carrell, Dwani Patel, Alison M. Goate, Carlos Cruchaga, Nilufer Ertekin-Taner, and et al
Trends in opioid analgesic abuse and mortality in the United States, Richard C. Dart, Hilary L. Surratt, Theodore J. Cicero, Mark W. Parrino, S Geoff Severtson, Becki Bucher-Bartelson, and Jody L. Green
Trial of early, goal-directed resuscitation for septic shock, Paul R. Mouncey, Tiffany M. Osborn, G. Sarah Power, David A. Harrison, M. Zia Sadique, Richard D. Grieve, Rahi Jahan, Sheila E. Harvey, Derek Bell, Julian F. Bion, Timothy J. Coats, Mervyn Singer, J. Duncan Young, and Kathryn M. Rowan
Trial of short-course antimicrobial therapy for intraabdominal infection, J E. Mazuski and et al
Tuberous Sclerosis complex protein 2-independent activation of mTORC1 by human cytomegalovirus pUL38, Yadan Bai, Baoqin Xuan, Haiyan Liu, Jin Zhong, Dong Yu, and Zhikang Qian
Tumor necrosis factor inhibition and head and neck cancer recurrence and death in rheumatoid arthritis, Christopher Phillips, Angelique L. Zeringue, Jay R. McDonald, Seth A. Eisen, and Prabha Ranganathan
Tumor neoantigens: Building a framework for personalized cancer immunotherapy, Matthew M. Gubin, Maxim N. Artyomov, Elaine R. Mardis, and Robert D. Schreiber
Two classes of regulatory subunits coassemble in the same BK channel and independently regulate gating, Vivian Gonzalez-Perez, Xiao-Ming Xia, and Christopher J. Lingle
Two potential hookworm DAF-16 target genes, SNR-3 and LPP-1: gene structure, expression profile, and implications of a cis-regulatory element in the regulation of gene expression, Xin Gao, Kevin Goggin, Jason Qian, and John M. Hawdon
Two susceptibility loci identified for prostate cancer aggressiveness, Gerald Andriole and et al.
TYK2 protein-coding variants protect against rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmunity, with no evidence of major pleiotropic effects on non-autoimmune complex traits, Robert S. Fulton, David E. Larson, Tracie L. Deluca, Michelle O'Laughlin, Catrina C. Fronick, Lucinda L. Fulton, Elaine R. Mardis, and et al
Typhoid fever in young children in Bangladesh: Clinical findings, antibiotic susceptibility pattern and immune responses, Farhana Khanam, Md. Abu Sayeed, Feroza Kaneez Choudhury, Alaullah Sheikh, Dilruba Ahmed, Doli Goswami, Md. Lokman Hossain, Abdullah Brooks, Stephen B. Calderwood, Richelle C. Charles, Alejandro Cravioto, Edward T. Ryan, and Firdausi Qadri
Ultrasound-aided multi-parametric photoacoustic microscopy of the mouse brain, Bo Ning, Naidi Sun, Ruimin Chen, K Kirk Shung, John A. Hossack, Jin-Moo Lee, Qifa Zhou, Song Hu, and Rui Cao
Unique and redundant functions of NKp46+ ILC3s in models of intestinal inflammation, Christina Song, Jacob S. Lee, Susan Gilfillan, Michelle L. Robinette, Rodney D. Newberry, Thaddeus S. Stappenbeck, Matthias Mack, Marina Cella, and Marco Colonna
Urban Health Project: A sustainable and successful community internship program for medical students, Kasey K. Roberts, Thomas Park, Nancy C. Elder, Saundra Regan, Sarah N. Theodore, Monica J. Mitchell, and Yolanda N. Johnson
Uropathogenic Escherichia coli superinfection enhances the severity of mouse bladder infection, Drew J. Schwartz, Matt S. Conover, Thomas J. Hannan, and Scott J. Hultgren
Use of concept mapping to characterize relationships among implementation strategies and assess their feasibility and importance: Results from the Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC) study, Thomas J. Waltz, Byron J. Powell, Monica M. Matthieu, Laura J. Damschroder, Matthew J. Chinman, Jeffrey L. Smith, Enola K. Proctor, and JoAnn E. Kirchner
Use of culturally focused theoretical frameworks for adapting diabetes prevention programs: A qualitative review, Vetta L. Sanders Thompson, Michelle Johnson-Jennings, Ana A. Baumann, and Enola Proctor
Use of diverging apertures to minimize the edge scatter in passive scattering proton therapy, Tianyu Zhao, Bin Cai, Baozhou Sun, Kevin Grantham, Sasa Mutic, and Eric Klein
Using segmented regression analysis of interrupted time series data to assess colonoscopy quality outcomes of a web-enhanced implementation toolkit to support evidence-based practices for bowel preparation: A study protocol, Alex T. Ramsey, Julia Maki, Beth Prusaczyk, Yan Yan, Jean Wang, and Rebecca Lobb
Using whole-genome sequences of the LG/J and SM/J inbred mouse strains to prioritize quantitative trait genes and nucleotides, Igor Nikolskiy, Donald F. Conrad, Sung Chun, Justin C. Fay, James M. Cheverud, and Heather A. Lawson
Utilization of an Eilat virus-based chimera for serological detection of chikungunya infection, Jesse H. Erasmus, James Needham, Syamal Raychaudhuri, Michael S. Diamond, David W. C. Beasley, Stan Morkowski, Henrik Salje, Ildefonso Fernandez Salas, Dal Young Kim, Ilya Frolov, Farooq Nasar, and Scott C. Weaver
Validation of a risk prediction tool for coronary heart disease in middle-aged women, Katerina M. De Vito, Heather J. Baer, Hank Dart, Stephanie E. Chiuve, Eric B. Rimm, and Graham A. Colditz
Valproic acid enhances the efficacy of radiation therapy by protecting normal hippocampal neurons and sensitizing malignant glioblastoma cells, Dinesh Thotala, Rowan M. Karvas, John A. Engelbach, Joel R. Garbow, Andrew N. Hallahan, Todd A. Dewees, Andrei Laszlo, and Dennis E. Hallahan
Variability in the practice of fertility preservation for patients with cancer, Kasey A. Reynolds, Natalia M. Grindler, Julie S. Rhee, Amber R. Cooper, Valerie S. Ratts, Kenneth R. Carson, and Emily S. Jungheim
Vasohibin-1 suppresses colon cancer, Shuai Liu, Bing Han, Qunyuan Zhang, Jie Dou, Fang Wang, Wenli Lin, Yuping Sun, and Guangyong Peng
Visual learning induces changes in resting-state fMRI multivariate pattern of information, Roberto Guidotti, Cosimo Del Gratta, Antonello Baldassarre, Gian Luca Romani, and Maurizio Corbetta
Voluntary exercise training: Analysis of mice in uninjured, inflammatory, and nerve-injured pain states, Tyler D. Sheahan, Bryan A. Copits, Judith P. Golden, and Robert W. Gereau IV
What's new in Orthopaedic Trauma, William M. Ricci, James C. Black, Christopher M. McAndrew, and Michael J. Gardner
What’s new in shoulder and elbow surgery?, Aaron M. Chamberlain, Surena Namdari, and Jay D. Keener
What's new in Spine Surgery, Keith H. Bridwell, Paul A. Anderson, Scott D. Boden, Han Jo Kim, Alexander Vaccaro, and Jeffrey C. Wang
Where next for genetics and genomics?, Chris Tyler-Smith, Huanming Yang, Laura F. Landweber, Ian Dunham, Bartha M. Knoppers, Peter Donnelly, Elaine R. Mardis, Michael Snyder, and Gil McVean
Whole body melanoma transcriptome response in medaka, Manfred Schartl, Yingjia Shen, Katja Maurus, Ron Walter, Chad Tomlinson, Richard K. Wilson, John Postlethwait, and Wesley C. Warren
Whole genome sequence of multiple myeloma-prone C57BL/KaLwRij mouse strain suggests the origin of disease involves multiple cell types, Sarah R. Amend, William C. Wilson, Liang Chu, Lan Lu, Xinming Su, Yalin Xu, Julie O'neal, Michelle Hurchla, Graham Colditz, Ravi Vij, Katherine N. Weilbaecher, Michael H. Tomasson, and et al
Workplace social and organizational environments and healthy-weight behaviors, Rachel G. Tabak, J. Aaron Hipp, Christine M. Marx, and Ross C. Brownson
Worksite influences on obesogenic behaviors in low-wage workers in St Louis, Missouri, 2013-2014, Jaime R. Strickland, Galen Pizzorno, Anna M. Kinghorn, and Bradley A. Evanoff
WormBase 2016: Expanding to enable helminth genomic research, Tim Schedl and et al
WSES guidelines for management of Clostridium difficile infection in surgical patients, John E. Mazuski and et al
WU-CRISPR: Characteristics of functional guide RNAs for the CRISPR/Cas9 system, Nathan Wong, Weijun Liu, and Xiaowei Wang
WU polyomavirus in respiratory epithelial cells from lung transplant patient with job syndrome, Erica A. Siebrasse, Nang L. Nguyen, Annie Wang, David Wang, Diana V. Pastrana, Mark J. Roth, Steven M. Holland, Alexandra F. Freeman, Christopher B. Buck, and John McDyer
Zoonotic potential of simian arteriviruses, Adam L. Bailey, Michael Lauck, Samuel D. Sibley, Thomas C. Friedrich, Jens H. Kuhn, Nelson B. Freimer, Anna J. Jasinska, Jane E. Phillips-Conroy, Clifford J. Jolly, Preston A. Marx, Cristian Apetrei, Jeffrey Rogers, Tony L. Goldberg, and David H. O'Connor
ανβ3-targeted copper nanoparticles incorporating an Sn 2 lipase-labile fumagillin prodrug for photoacoustic neovascular imaging and treatment, Ruiying Zhang, Dipanjan Pan, Xin Cai, Xiaoxia Yang, Angana Senpan, John S. Allen, Gregory M. Lanza, and Lihong V. Wang
Submissions from 2014
A critical review of the role of local excision in the treatment of early (T1 and T2) rectal tumors, Thomas A. Heafner and Sean C. Glasgow
ACR appropriateness criteria® pre-irradiation evaluation and management of brain metastases, Jeffrey D. Bradley and et al
SkpA restrains synaptic terminal growth during development and promotes axonal degeneration following injury, E. J. Brace, Chunlai Wu, Vera Valakh, and Aaron DiAntonio
A training programme to build cancer research capacity in low- and middle-income countries: Findings from Guatemala, Lauren D Arnold, Joaquin Barnoya, Eduardo N Gharzouzi, Peter Benson, and Graham A Colditz
Bicuspid pulmonic valve and pulmonary artery aneurysm, Carlos Jamis-Dow, George Barbier, Mary Watkins, Gregory Lanza, Shelton Caruthers, and Samuel Wickline