The Open Access Publications collection contains peer-reviewed articles authored by Washington University School of Medicine faculty that have been published in open access journals or authorized by the publishers for open access availability. Open access works are generally defined as being publicly available online and free of most licensing and copyright restrictions. The Bernard Becker Medical Library maintains this collection in support of Washington University’s commitment to the principles of open access publishing and making the scholarly work and research results of our faculty as widely and easily available as possible.
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Submissions from 2002
Transcriptional induction of slit diaphragm genes by Lmx1b is required in podocyte differentiation, Jeffrey H. Miner, Roy Morello, Kaya L. Andrews, Cong Li, Corinne Antignac, Andrey S. Shaw, and Brendan Lee
Regulation of lutropin circulatory half-life by the mannose/N-acetylgalactosamine-4-SO4 receptor is critical for implantation in vivo, Yiling Mi, Steven D. Shapiro, and Jacques U. Baenziger
Cytoskeleton of Apicomplexan parasites, Naomi S. Morrissette and L. David Sibley
Thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) deficiency is compatible with murine life, Mariko Nagashima, Zheng-Feng Yin, Lei Zhao, Kathy White, Yanhong Zhu, Meredith Halks-Miller, George J. Broze Jr., William P. Fay, and John Morser
Kinase suppressor of Ras (KSR) Is a scaffold which facilitates mitogen-activated protein kinase activation in vivo, AnhCo Nguyen, W. Richard Burack, Jeffrey L. Stock, Robert Kortum, Oleg V. Chaika, Maryam Afkarian, William J. Muller, Kenneth M. Murphy, Deborah K. Morrison, Robert E. Lewis, John McNeish, and Andrey S. Shaw
Intrinsic and extrinsic pathway signaling during neuronal apoptosis: Lessons from the analysis of mutant mice, Girish V. Putcha, Charles A. Harris, Krista L. Moulder, Rachael M. Easton, Craig B. Thompson, and Eugene M. Johnson
Structural changes in the forefoot of individuals with diabetes and a prior plantar ulcer, Douglas D. Robertson, Michael J. Mueller, Kirk E. Smith, Paul K. Commean, Thomas Pilgrim, and Jeffrey E. Johnson
Effect of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole on recurrent bacteriuria and bacterial persistence in mice infected with uropathogenic Escherichia coli, Joel D. Schilling, Robin G. Lorenz, and Scott J. Hultgren
What's new in orthopaedic research, Matthew J. Silva and Linda J. Sandell
Restrictions limiting the generation of DNA double strand breaks during chromosomal V(D)J recombination, Robert E. Tillman, Andrea L. Wooley, Maureen M. Hughes, Tara D. Wehrly, Wojciech Swat, and Barry P. Sleckman
Critical role for a high-affinity chemokine-binding protein in γ-herpesvirus-induced lethal meningitis, Victor van Berkel, Beth Levine, Sharookh B. Kapadia, James E. Goldman, Samuel H. Speck, and Herbert W. Virgin
Stat1-vitamin D receptor interactions antagonize 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D transcriptional activity and enhance Stat1-mediated transcription, Marcos Vidal, Chilakamarti V. Ramana, and Adriana S. Dusso
Viral induction of a chronic asthma phenotype and genetic segregation from the acute response, Michael J. Walter, Jeffrey D. Morton, Naohiro Kajiwara, Eugene Agapov, and Michael J. Holtzman
Assessing allele frequencies of single nucleotide polymorphisms in DNA pools by pyrosequencing technology, Jon Wasson, Gary Skolnick, Latisha Love-Gregory, and M. Alan Permutt
Zoonotic onchocerciasis of the shoulder: A case report, Rick W. Wright, Matthew McLean, Ronald C. Neafie, and Alan W. Markman
The Sur7p family defines novel cortical domains in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, affects sphingolipid metabolism, and is involved in sporulation, Michael E. Young, Tatiana S. Karpova, Britta Brugger, Darcy M. Moschenross, Georgeann K. Wang, Roger Schneiter, Felix T. Wieland, and John A. Cooper
A comprehensive study of patients with surgically treated lumbar spinal stenosis with neurogenic claudication, Yasutsugu Yukawa, Lawrence G. Lenke, Keith H. Bridwell, K. Daniel Riew, and Kathy Blanke
A monoclonal antibody to the amebic lipophosphoglycan-proteophosphoglycan antigens can prevent disease in human intestinal xenografts infected with Entamoeba histolytica, Zhi Zhang, Michael Duchene, and Samuel L. Stanley Jr.
Submissions from 2001
Biological methods for cell-cycle synchronization of mammalian cells, Penny Davis, Alan Ho, and Steven Dowdy
The distributed annotation system, Robin D. Dowell, Rodney M. Jokerst, Allen Day, Sean R. Eddy, and Lincoln Stein
Universal SNP genotyping assay with fluorescence polarization detection, T. M. Hsu, X. Chen, S. Duan, R. D. Miller, and P. Y. Kwok
Gray scale sonography of breast masses in adolescent girls, Keith A. Kronemer, Kyung Rhee, Marilyn J. Siegel, Laura Sievert, and Charles F. Hildebolt
Matrix metalloproteinases in lung biology, William C. Parks and Steven D. Shapiro
Laparoscopic repair of diaphragmatic defect by total intracorporeal suturing: Clinical and technical considerations, Jamil Rehman, Jaime Landman, Kurt Kerbl, and Ralph V. Clayman
Noncoding RNA gene detection using comparative sequence analysis, Elena Rivas and Sean R. Eddy
Submissions from 2000
Surfactant protein-D and pulmonary host defense, Erika C. Crouch
Childhood sexual abuse and pathogenic parenting in the childhood recollections of adult twin pairs, Tara L. McLaughlin, Andrew C. Heath, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Pamela A F Madden, Laura J. Bierut, Wendy S. Slutske, Stephen H. Dinwiddie, Dixie J. Statham, Michael P. Dunne, and Nicholas G. Martin
The emotional modulation of cognitive processing: An fMRI study, Joseph Simpson, Dost Ongür, Erbil Akbudak, Thomas Conturo, John Ollinger, Abraham Snyder, Debra Gusnard, and Marcus Raichle
Assessment of the diabetic foot using spiral computed tomography imaging and plantar pressure measurements : A technical report, Kirk E. Smith, Paul K. Commean, Michael J. Mueller, Douglas D. Robertson, Thomas Pilgram, and Jeffrey Johnson
Sonographic differences in the appearance of acute and chronic full-thickness rotator cuff tears, Sharlene A. Teefey, William D. Middleton, Gregory S. Bauer, Charles F. Hildebolt, and Ken Yamaguchi
Submissions from 1998
Resection of hilar cholangiocarcinoma, Steven M. Strasberg
Peak height pattern in dichloro-rhodamine and energy transfer dye terminator sequencing, H Zakeri, G Amparo, S. M. Chen, S Spurgeon, and P. Y. Kwok
Submissions from 1996
Ultrasound-guided transvaginal aspiration in the management of actinomyces pelvic abscess, Eyal Y. Anteby, Galiya Rahav, Josef Hanoch, Shlomo Shimonovitz, Simeha Yagel, and Neri Laufer
AmpliTaq DNA polymerase, FS dye-terminator sequencing: Analysis of peak height patterns, L. T. Parker, H Zakeri, Q Deng, S Spurgeon, P. Y. Kwok, and D. A. Nickerson
A different method of hepaticojejunostomy for proximal biliary injuries, Diane M. Radford and Glennon Schaefer
Submissions from 1995
Is late recurrence after radical resection for ampullary carcinoma a problem?, Steven M. Strasberg
Submissions from 1994
Platelet activating factor synthesis and metabolism in intestinal ischaemia-reperfusion injury, M. J. Mangino, M. Murphy, A. Bohrer, and J. Turk