The Open Access Publications collection contains peer-reviewed articles authored by Washington University School of Medicine faculty that have been published in open access journals or authorized by the publishers for open access availability. Open access works are generally defined as being publicly available online and free of most licensing and copyright restrictions. The Bernard Becker Medical Library maintains this collection in support of Washington University’s commitment to the principles of open access publishing and making the scholarly work and research results of our faculty as widely and easily available as possible.
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Submissions from 2006
Trimeric autotransporters require trimerization of the passenger domain for stability and adhesive activity, Shane E. Cotter, Neeraj K. Surana, Susan Grass, and Joseph W. St. Geme III
Mechanisms of sympathoadrenal failure and hypoglycemia in diabetes, Philip E. Cryer
Contraselectable streptomycin susceptibility determinant for genetic manipulation and analysis of Helicobacter pylori, Daiva Dailidiene, Giedrius Dailide, Dangeruta Kersulyte, and Douglas E. Berg
Adaptively inferring human transcriptional subnetworks, Debopriya Das, Zaher Nahlé, and Michael Q. Zhang
VPg of murine norovirus binds translation initiation factors in infected cells, Katie F. Daughenbaugh, Christiane E. Wobus, and Michele E. Hardy
Maintenance of warfarin anticoagulation for patients undergoing vitreoretinal surgery, Pouya N. Dayani and M. Gilbert Grand
New role for hPar-1 kinases EMK and C-TAK1 in regulating localization and activity of class IIa histone deacetylases, Franck Dequiedt, Maud Martin, Julia Von Blume, Didier Vertommen, Emily Lecomte, Nathalie Mari, Marie-France Heinen, Malte Bachmann, Jean-Claude Twizere, Mei Chris Huang, Mark H. Rider, Helen Piwnica-Worms, Thomas Seufferlein, and Richard Kettmann
The type and frequency of fetal renal disorders and management of renal pelvis dilatation, Jeffrey M. Dicke, Valerie M. Blanco, Yan Yan, and Douglas E. Coplen
Long-term follow-up of patients with clubfeet treated with extensive soft-tissue release, Matthew B. Dobbs, Ryan Nunley, and Perry L. Schoenecker
Early results of a new method of treatment for idiopathic congenital vertical talus, Matthew B. Dobbs, Derek B. Purcell, Ryan Nunley, and Jose A. Morcuende
GOurmet: A tool for quantitative comparison and visualization of gene expression profiles based on gene ontology (GO) distributions, Jason M. Doherty, Lynn K. Carmichael, and Jason C. Mills
Efficient pairwise RNA structure prediction and alignment using sequence alignment constraints, Robin D. Dowell and Sean R. Eddy
Relationships between upper-limb functional limitation and self-reported disability 3 months after stroke, Alexander W. Dromerick, Catherine E. Lang, Rebecca Birkenmeier, Michele G. Hahn, Shirley A. Sahrmann, and Dorothy F. Edwards
H-NS represses inv transcription in Yersinia enterocolitica through competition with RovA and interaction with YmoA, Damon W. Ellison and Virginia L. Miller
Outbreak of Salmonella javiana infection at a children's hospital, Alexis Elward, Autumn Grim, Patricia Schroeder, Patricia Kieffer, Patricia Sellenriek, Rhonda Ferrett, Hilda Chaski Adams, Virginia Phillips, Rhonda Bartow, Debra Mays, Steven Lawrence, Patrick Seed, Galit Holzmann-Pazgal, Louis Polish, Terry Leet, and Victoria Fraser
Risk factors for nosocomial primary bloodstream infection in pediatric intensive care unit patients: A 2-year prospective cohort study, Alexis M. Elward and Victoria J. Fraser
Surfactant protein D increases fusion of Mycobacterium tuberculosis- containing phagosomes with lysosomes in human macrophages, J Scott Ferguson, Jennifer L. Martin, Abul K. Azad, Travis R. McCarthy, Peter B. Kang, Dennis R. Voelker, Erika C. Crouch, and Larry S. Schlesinger
PGC-1 coactivators: Inducible regulators of energy metabolism in health and disease, Brian N. Finck and Daniel P. Kelly
Effectiveness of enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus PCR and random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting for Helicobacter pylori strain differentiation, S. Alison Finger, Billie Velapatino, Margaret Kosek, Livia Santivanez, Daiva Dailidiene, Willi Quino, Jacqueline Balqui, Phabiola Herrera, Douglas E. Berg, and Robert H. Gilman
Computational hyperspectral interferometry for studies of brain function: Proof of concept, Douglas J. Fox, Hana T. Velde, Chrysanthe Preza, Joseph A. O'Sullivan, William H. Smith, and Thomas A. Woolsey
Nicotine delays tendon-to-bone healing in a rat shoulder model, L. M. Galatz, M. J. Silva, S. Y. Rothermich, M. A. Zaegel, N. Havlioglu, and S. Thomopoulos
Nipped-A, the Tra1/TRRAP subunit of the Drosophila SAGA and Tip60 complexes, has multiple roles in Notch signaling during wing development, Maria Gause, Joel C. Eissenberg, Any F. MacRae, Maia Dorsett, Ziva Misulovin, and Dale Dorsett
Phylogeny based discovery of regulatory elements, Jason Gertz, Justin C. Fay, and Barak A. Cohen
Volumetric measurements of lung nodules with multi-detector row CT: Effect of changes in lung volume, Jin Mo Goo, Kwang Gi Kim, David S. Gierada, Mario Castro, and Kyongtae T. Bae
Femoral deformity in tibia vara, J. Eric Gordon, David J. King, Scott J. Luhmann, Matthew B. Dobbs, and Perry L. Schoenecker
A phase I trial of docetaxel and vinorelbine in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer, Ramaswamy Govindan, Wan-Teck Lim, Matthew A. Arquette, Sherry A. Goodner, Carole L. Fears, Joanne E. Mortimer, and Paula M. Fracasso
Current concepts review: Management of elbow osteoarthritis, Gregory D. Gramstad and Leesa M. Galatz
Chemokine signaling regulates apoptosis as well as immune cell traffic in host defense, Mitchell H. Grayson and Michael J. Holtzman
Genetic variation in the zebrafish, Victor Guryev, Marco J. Koudijs, Eugene Berezikov, Stephen L. Johnson, Ronald H.A. Plasterk, Fredericus J.M. Van Eeden, and Edwin Cuppen
Harnessing preclinical mouse models to inform human clinical cancer trials, David H. Gutmann, Kim Hunter-Schaedle, and Kevin M. Shannon
Molecular subtypes of breast cancer in relation to paclitaxel response and outcomes in women with metastatic disease: Results from CALGB 9342, Lyndsay N. Harris, Gloria Broadwater, Nancy U. Lin, Alexander Miron, Stuart J. Schnitt, David Cowan, Jonathan Lara, Ira Bleiweiss, Donald Berry, Matthew Ellis, Daniel F. Hayes, Eric P. Winer, and Lynn Dressler
Mechanistic insights into the regulation of the spermatogonial stem cell niche, Rex A. Hess, Paul S. Cooke, Marie-Claude Hofmann, and Kenneth M. Murphy
Lysosomal phospholipase A2 and phospholipidosis, Miki Hiraoka, Akira Abe, Ye Lu, Kui Yang, Xianlin Han, Richard Gross, and James A. Shayman
Elastin fragments drive disease progression in a murine model of emphysema, A. McGarry Houghton, Pablo A. Quintero, David L. Perkins, Dale K. Kobayashi, Diane G. Kelley, Luiz A. Marconcini, Robert P. Mecham, Robert M. Senior, and Steven D. Shapiro
Application of a superword array in genome assembly, Xiaoqiu Huang, Shiaw-Pyng Yang, Asif T. Chinwalla, LaDeana W. Hillier, Patrick Minx, Elaine R. Mardis, and Richard K. Wilson
Bigenic mouse models of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis involving pairwise interaction of CD2AP, Fyn, and synaptopodin, Tobias B. Huber, Christopher Kwoh, Hui Wu, Katsuhiko Asanuma, Markus Gödel, Björn Hartleben, Ken J. Blumer, Jeffrey H. Miner, Peter Mundel, and Andrey S. Shaw
Essential role of Vav family guanine nucleotide exchange factors in EphA receptor-mediated angiogenesis, Sonja G. Hunter, Guanglei Zhuang, Dana Brantley-Sieders, Wojciech Swat, Christopher W. Cowan, and Jin Chen
The molecular portraits of breast tumors are conserved across microarray platforms, Zhiyuan Hu, Cheng Fan, Daniel S. Oh, J S. Marron, Xiaping He, Bahjat F. Qaqish, Chad Livasy, Lisa A. Carey, Evangeline Reynolds, Lynn Dressler, Andrew Nobel, Joel Parker, Matthew G. Ewend, Lynda R. Sawyer, Junyuan Wu, Yudong Liu, Rita Nanda, Maria Tretiakova, Alejandra Ruiz Orrico, Donna Dreher, Juan P. Palazzo, Laurent Perreard, Edward Nelson, Mary Mone, Heidi Hansen, Michael Mullins, John F. Quackenbush, Matthew J. Ellis, Olufunmilayo I. Olopade, Philip S. Bernard, and Charles M. Perou
ShiA abrogates the innate T-cell response to Shigella flexneri infection, Molly A. Ingersoll and Arturo Zychlinsky
Pigment pattern in jaguar/obelix zebrafish is caused by a Kir7.1 mutation: Implications for the regulation of melanosome movement, Motoko Iwashita, Masakatsu Watanabe, Masaru Ishii, Tim Chen, Stephen L. Johnson, Yoshihisa Kurachi, Norihiro Okada, and Shigeru Kondo
Proteinuria precedes podocyte abnormalities in Lamb2-/- mice, implicating the glomerular basement membrane as an albumin barrier, George Jarad, Jeanette Cunningham, Andrey S. Shaw, and Jeffrey H. Miner
Human sensory-evoked responses differ coincident with either "fusion-memory" or "flash-memory", as shown by stimulus repetition-rate effects, Don L. Jewett, Toryalai Hart, Linda J. Larson-Prior, Bill Baird, Marram Olson, Michael Trumpis, Katherine Makayed, and Payam Bavafa
A dopamine transporter polymorphism is a risk factor for borderline personality disorder in depressed patients, Peter R. Joyce, Patrick C. McHugh, Janice M. McKenzie, Patrick F. Sullivan, Roger T. Mulder, Suzanne E. Luty, Janet D. Carter, Christopher M. Frampton, and C. R. Cloninger
Maturation of intracellular Escherichia coli communities requires SurA, Sheryl S. Justice, Scott R. Lauer, Scott J. Hultgren, and David A. Hunstad
Epistatic effects between two genes in the renin-angiotensin system and systolic blood pressure and coronary artery calcification, Sharon L.R. Kardia, Lawrence F. Bielak, Leslie A. Lange, James M. Cheverud, Eric Boerwinkle, Stephen T. Turner, Patrick F. Sheedy II, and Patricia A. Peyser
Impaired inflammatory pain and thermal hyperalgesia in mice expressing neuron-specific dominant negative mitogen activated protein kinase kinase (MEK), Farzana Karim, Hui-Juan Hu, Hita Adwanikar, David Kaplan, and Robert W. Gereau IV
Immunization with persistent attenuated Δlpg2 Leishmania major parasites requires adjuvant to provide protective immunity in C57BL/6 mice, Chahnaz Kebaier, Jude E. Uzonna, Stephen M. Beverley, and Phillip Scott
A single common portal for clathrin-mediated endocytosis of distinct cargo governed by cargo-selective adaptors, Peter A. Keyel, Sanjay K. Mishra, Robyn Roth, John E. Heuser, Simon C. Watkins, and Linton M. Traub
Common inheritance of chromosome Ia associated with clonal expansion of Toxoplasma gondii, Asis Khan, L. David Sibley, and et al
Dual infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Pneumocystis jiroveci lymphadenitis in a patient with HIV infection: case report and review of the literature, Thana Khawcharoenporn, Anucha Apisarnthanarak, Dussadee Sakonlaya, Linda M. Mundy, and Thomas C. Bailey
Proteasome activator PA200 is required for normal spermatogenesis, Bernard Khor, Andrea L. Bredemeyer, Ching-Yu Huang, Isaiah R. Turnbull, Ryan Evans, Leonard B. Maggi Jr., J. Michael White, Laura M. Walker, Kay Carnes, Rex A. Hess, and Barry P. Sleckman
Metabolic loading of guanosine induces chondrocyte apoptosis via the Fas pathway, Dong-Jo Kim, Jun-Ho Chung, Eun-Kyeong Ryu, Jung-Hyo Rhim, Yoon-Sic Ryu, So-Hyun Park, Kyung Tae Kim, Heun-Soo Kang, Hong-Keun Chung, and Sang Chul Park
Glucocorticoids suppress bone formation via the osteoclast, Hyun-Ju Kim, Haibo Zhao, Hideki Kitaura, Sandip Bhattacharyya, Judson A. Brewer, Louis J. Muglia, Patrick Ross, and Steven L. Teitelbaum
Integration of transcriptional and posttranslational regulation in a glucose signal transduction pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Jeong-Ho Kim, Valerie Brachet, Hisao Moriya, and Mark Johnston
Actin-based motility during endocytosis in budding yeast, Kyoungtae Kim, Brian J. Galletta, Kevin O. Schmidt, Fanny S. Chang, Kendall J. Blumer, and John A. Cooper
Maternal alcohol use disorder and offspring ADHD: Disentangling genetic and environmental effects using a children-of-twins design, Valerie S. Knopik, Andrew C. Heath, Theodore Jacob, Wendy S. Slutske, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Pamela A F Madden, Mary Waldron, and Nicholas G. Martin
The intensive care unit as a research laboratory: Developing strategies to prevent antimicrobial resistance, Marin H. Kollef
The molecular scaffold kinase suppressor of Ras 1 is a modifier of Ras(V12)-induced and replicative senescence, Robert L. Kortum, Heidi J. Johnson, Diane L. Costanzo, Deanna J. Volle, Gina L. Razidlo, Angela M. Fusello, Andrey S. Shaw, and Robert E. Lewis
The polyamine binding site in inward rectifier K+ channels, Harley T. Kurata, Laurence J. Marton, and Colin G. Nichols
Comparison of the host responses to wild-type and cpsB mutant Klebsiella pneumoniae infections, Matthew S. Lawlor, Scott A. Handley, and Virginia L. Miller
RNA in situ hybridization of dissected gonads, Min-Ho Lee and Tim Schedl
RNA-binding proteins, Min'Ho Lee and Tim Schedl
Quantitative effect of luxS gene inactivation on the fitness of Helicobacter pylori, Won-Kon Lee, Keiji Ogura, John T. Loh, Timothy L. Cover, and Douglas E. Berg
Effect of lung surfactant collectins on bronchoalveolar macrophage interaction with Blastomyces dermatitidis: Inhibition of tumor necrosis factor alpha production by surfactant protein D, Madhavi Lekkala, Ann Marie LeVine, Michael J. Linke, Erika C. Crouch, Bruce Linders, Elmer Brummer, and David A. Stevens
Phosphorylation of Chk1 by ATR is antagonized by a Chk1-regulated protein phosphatase 2A circuit, Van Leung-Pineda, Christine E. Ryan, and Helen Piwnica-Worms
Unexpected diversity and complexity of the Guerrero Negro hypersaline microbial mat, Ruth Ley, J. Kirk Harris, Joshua Wilcox, John R. Spear, Scott R. Miller, Brad M. Bebout, Julia A. Maresca, Donald A. Bryant, Mitchell L. Sogin, and Norman R. Pace
Blinded comparison of repetitive-sequence PCR and multilocus sequence typing for genotyping methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates from a children's hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, Robert S. Liao, Gregory A. Storch, Richard S. Buller, Rachel C. Orscheln, Elaine R. Mardis, Jon R. Armstrong, and W. Michael Dunne Jr.
Enhanced analgesia with opioid antagonist administration, Jane E. Loitman
A unique role for Stat5 in recovery from acute anemia, Gregory D. Longmore
Regulation of SpeB in Streptococcus pyogenes by pH and NaCl: a model for in vivo gene expression, Jennifer A. Loughman and Michael Caparon
Effect of conventional and organic production practices on the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter spp. in poultry, Taradon Luangtongkum, Teresa Y. Morishita, Aaron J. Ison, Shouxiong Huang, Patrick F. McDermott, and Qijing Zhang
Risperidone in preschool children with autistic spectrum disorders: an investigation of safety and efficacy, Joan Luby, Christine Mrakotsky, Melissa Meade Stalets, Andy Belden, Amy Heffelfinger, Meghan Williams, and Edward Spitznagel
A gene expression signature predicts survival of patients with stage I non-small cell lung cancer, Yan Lu, William Lemon, Peng-Yuan Liu, Yigun Yi, Carl Morrison, Ping Yang, Zhifu Sun, Janos Szoke, William L. Gerald, Mark Watson, Ramaswamy Govindan, and Ming You
Cold shock domain family members YB-1 and MSY4 share essential functions during murine embryogenesis, Zhi Hong Lu, Jason T. Books, and Timothy J. Ley
Subtypes of illicit drug users: A latent class analysis of data from an Australian twin sample, Michael T. Lynskey, Arpana Agrawal, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Elliot C. Nelson, Pamela A.F. Madden, Alexandre A. Todorov, Julia D. Grant, Nicholas G. Martin, and Andrew C. Heath
An improved map of conserved regulatory sites for Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kenzie D. MacIsaac, Ting Wang, D Benjamin Gordon, David K. Gifford, Gary D. Stormo, and Ernest Fraenkel
Rab22a regulates the sorting of transferrin to recycling endosomes, Javier G. Magadan, M. Alejandro Barbieri, Rosana Mesa, Philip D. Stahl, and Luis S. Mayorga
Regulation of synaptic transmission by RAB-3 and RAB-27 in Caenorhabditis elegans, Timothy R. Mahoney, Qiang Liu, Takashi Itoh, Shuo Luo, Gayla Hadwiger, Rose Vincent, Zhao-Wen Wang, Mitsunori Fukuda, and Michael L. Nonet
Autoreactive marginal zone B cells are spontaneously activated but lymph node B cells require T cell help, Laura Mandik-Nayak, Jennifer Racz, Barry P. Sleckman, and Paul M. Allen
PLCγ2 regulates osteoclastogenesis via its interaction with ITAM proteins and GAB2, Dailing Mao, Holly Epple, Brian Uthgenannt, Deborah V. Novack, and Roberta Faccio
Lack of insurance coverage and urgent care use for asthma: A retrospective cohort study, Barry P. Markovitz and Elena M. Andresen
Reliability of a visual analog version of the QuickDASH, Leonard N. Matheson, J. Mark Melhorn, Tom G. Mayer, Brian R. Theodore, and Robert J. Gatchel
Suppression of insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) promotes mammary tumor metastasis, Zhefu Ma, Shannon L. Gibson, Maura A. Byrne, Junran Zhang, Morris F. White, and Leslie M. Shaw
Antibody-independent control of gamma-herpesvirus latency via B cell induction of anti-viral T cell responses, Kelly B. McClellan, Shivaprakash Gangappa, Samuel H. Speck, and Herbert W. Virgin IV
Targeted disruption of fibulin-4 abolishes elastogenesis and causes perinatal lethality in mice, Precious J. McLaughlin, Qiuyun Chen, Masahito Horiguchi, Barry C. Starcher, J. Brett Stanton, Thomas J. Broekelmann, Alan D. Marmorstein, Brian McKay, Robert Mecham, Tomoyuki Nakamura, and Lihua Y. Marmorstein
Protective immune responses against West Nile virus are primed by distinct complement activation pathways, Erin Mehlhop and Michael S. Diamond
Physical map-assisted whole-genome shotgun sequence assemblies, David Messina, Shiaw-Pyng Yang, Wesley C. Warren, John W. Wallis, LaDeana W. Hillier, Asif T. Chinwalla, and Richard K. Wilson
Characterization of a novel porin involved in systemic Yersinia enterocolitica infection, Shirly Mildiner-Earley and Virginia L. Miller
Development of the minimum information specification for in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry experiments (MISFISHIE), Jason C. Mills and et al
Biology and genome of Trichinella spiralis, Makedonka Mitreva and Douglas P. Jasmer
Codon usage patterns in Nematoda: Analysis based on over 25 million codons in thirty-two species, Makedonka Mitreva, Michael C. Wendl, John Martin, Todd Wylie, Yong Yin, Allan Larson, John Parkinson, Robert H. Waterston, and James P. McCarter
Analysis of IFT74 as a candidate gene for chromosome 9p-linked ALS-FTD, Parastoo Momeni, Jennifer Schymick, Shushant Jain, Mark R. Cookson, Nigel J. Cairns, Elisa Greggio, Matthew J. Greenway, Stephen Berger, Stuart Pickering-Brown, Adriano Chiò, Hon Chung Fung, David M. Holtzman, Edward D. Huey, Eric M. Wassermann, Jennifer Adamson, Michael L. Hutton, Ekaterina Rogaeva, Peter St George-Hyslop, Jeffrey D. Rothstein, Orla Hardiman, Jordan Grafman, Andrew Singleton, John Hardy, and Bryan J. Traynor
Childhood sexual abuse and risks for licit and illicit drug-related outcomes: A twin study, Elliot C. Nelson, Andrew C. Heath, Michael T. Lynskey, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Pamela A F Madden, Dixie J. Statham, and Nicholas G. Martin
A response to high-dose estrogen for tamoxifen, aromatase inhibitor and trastuzumab refractory HER2+ and ER+ advanced breast cancer, B. Nervi, A. Denes, and M. J. Ellis
Genotyping of toxoplasma gondii by multiplex PCR and peptide-based serological testing of samples from infants in Poland diagnosed with congenital toxoplasmosis, Dorota Nowakowska, Iris Colon, Jack S. Remington, Michael Grigg, Elzbieta Golab, J. Wilczynski, and L. D. Sibley
Evaluating the efficiency of using second-trimester nasal bone hypoplasia as a single or a combined marker for fetal aneuploidy, Anthony O. Odibo, Harish M. Sehdev, Laura Sproat, Claudia Parra, Linda Odibo, Linda Dunn, and George A. Macones
Vignettes: diverse library staff offering diverse bioinformatics services, David L. Osterbur, Kristine Alpi, Catarine Canevari, Pamela M. Corley, Medha Devare, Nicola Gaedeke, Donna K. Jacobs, Peter Kirlew, Janet A. Ohles, K.T.L. Vaughan, Lili Wang, Yongchun Wu, and Renata C. Greer
Mammalian Rad9 plays a role in telomere stability, S- and G2-phase-specific cell survival, and homologous recombinational repair, Raj K. Pandita, Girdhar G. Sharma, Andrei Laszlo, Kevin M. Hopkins, Scott Davey, Mikhail Chakhparonian, Arun Gupta, Raymund J. Wellinger, Junran Zhang, Simon N. Powell, Joseph L. Roti Roti, Howard B. Lieberman, and Tej K. Pandita
Role of mammalian Rad9 in genomic stability and ionizing radiation response, Tej K. Pandita
NF-κB-inducing kinase regulates selected gene expression in the Nod2 signaling pathway, Qilin Pan, Vladimir Kravchenko, Alex Katz, Shuang Huang, Masayuki Ii, John C. Mathison, Koichi Kobayashi, Richard A. Flavell, Robert D. Schreiber, David Goeddel, and Richard J. Ulevitch