
Submissions from 2007


Ubiquitination of serine, threonine, or lysine residues on the cytoplasmic tail can induce ERAD of MHC-I by viral E3 ligase mK3, Xiaoli Wang, Roger A. Herr, Wei-Jen Chua, Lonnie Lybarger, Emmanuel J.H.J. Wiertz, and Ted H. Hansen


Symposium integrating evidence-based medicine into clinical practice, Rick W. Wright, John E. Kuhn, Annunziato Amendola, Morgan H. Jones, and Kurt P. Spindler


DFsn collaborates with Highwire to down-regulate the Wallenda/DLK kinase and restrain synaptic terminal growth, Chunlai Wu, Richard W. Daniels, and Aaron DiAntonio


An investigation of the effects of lipid-lowering medications: Genome-wide linkage analysis of lipids in the HyperGEN study, Jun Wu, Michael A. Province, Hilary Coon, Steven C. Hunt, John H. Eckfeldt, Donna K. Arnett, Gerardo Heiss, Cora E. Lewis, R Curtis Ellison, Dabeeru C. Rao, Treva Rice, and Aldi T. Kraja


Neoplasia driven by mutant c-KIT Is mediated by intracellular, not plasma membrane, receptor signaling, Zhifu Xiang, Frederike Kreisel, Jennifer Cain, AnnaLynn Colson, and Michael H. Tomasson


Genetic and environmental contributions to pathological gambling symptoms in a 10-year follow-up, Hong Xian, Jeffrey F. Scherrer, Wendy S. Slutske, Kamini R. Shah, Rachel Volberg, and Seth A. Eisen


Evolution of symbiotic bacteria in the distal human intestine, Jian Xu, Michael A. Mahowald, Ruth E. Lay, Catherine A. Lozupone, Micah Hamady, Eric C. Martens, Bernard Henrissat, Pedro M. Coutinho, Patrick Minx, Philippe Latreille, Holland Cordum, Andrew Van Brunt, Kyung Kim, Robert S. Fulton, Lucinda A. Fulton, Sandra W. Clifton, Richard K. Wilson, Robin D. Knight, and Jeffrey I. Gordon


Shotgun lipidomics identifies a paired rule for the presence of isomeric ether phospholipid molecular species, Kui Yang, Zhongdan Zhao, Richard W. Gross, and Xianlin Han


Coronavirus replication does not require the autophagy gene ATG5, Zijiang Zhao, Larissa B. Thackray, Brian C. Miller, Teresa M. Lynn, Michelle M. Becker, Eric Ward, Noboru N. Mizushima, Mark R. Denison, and Herbert W. Virgin

Submissions from 2006


Contrasting models of genetic co-morbidity for cannabis and other illicit drugs in adult Australian twins, A. Agrawal, M. T. Lynskey, K. K. Bucholz, N. G. Martin, P. A F Madden, and A. C. Heath


Alteration in irrigant flow and deflection of flexible ureteroscopes with Nitinol baskets, Caroline D. Ames, Juan M. Perrone, Kyle J. Weld, Kelley V. Foyil, Yan Yan, Ramakrishna Venkatesh, and Jaime Landman


Pharmacologic manipulation of the porcine ureter: Acute impact of topical drugs on ureteral diameter and peristaltic activity, Caroline D. Ames, Kyle J. Weld, Stephen T. Dryer, Greg Hruby, Scott D. Minor, Yan Yan, Robert S. Figenshau, Sam Bhayani, Jaime Landman, and Ramakrishna Venkatesh


Evaluation of laparoscopic performance with alteration in angle of vision, Caroline Ames, Alison J. Frisella, Yan Yan, Peter Shulam, and Jaime Landman


C5a and Fcγ receptors: A mutual admiration society, John P. Atkinson


Bypassing complement: Evolutionary lessons and future implications, John P. Atkinson and Michael M. Frank


Effect of exercise training on in vitro LDL oxidation and free radical-induced hemolysis: The HERITAGE family study, Denis Blache, Suzanne Lussier-Cacan, Jacques Gagnon, Arthur S. Leon, D.C. Rao, James S. Skinner, Jack H. Wilmore, Tuomo Rankinen, Claude Bouchard, and Jean Davignon


Long-term memory deficits in Pavlovian fear conditioning in Ca2+/calmodulin kinase kinase α-deficient mice, Frank Blaeser, Matthew J. Sanders, Nga Truong, Shanelle Ko, Long Jun Wu, David F. Wozniak, Michael S. Fanselow, Min Zhuo, and Talal A. Chatila


A systematic model to predict transcriptional regulatory mechanisms based on overrepresentation of transcription factor binding profiles, Li-Wei Chang, Rakesh Nagarajan, Jeffrey A. Magee, Jeffrey Milbrandt, and Gary D. Stormo


Transcriptional regulation of metabotropic glutamate receptor 2/3 expression by the NF-κB pathway in primary dorsal root ganglia neurons: A possible mechanism for the analgesic effect of L-acetylcarnitine, Santina Chiechio, Agata Copani, Laura De Petris, Maria Elena P. Morales, Ferdinando Nicoletti, and Robert W. Gereau IV


Characterization of multimeric complexes formed by the human PTB1 protein on RNA, Caroline Clerte and Kathleen B. Hall


Toll-like receptors and IFN-α: Partners in autoimmunity, Marco Colonna


Mechanisms of sympathoadrenal failure and hypoglycemia in diabetes, Philip E. Cryer


The type and frequency of fetal renal disorders and management of renal pelvis dilatation, Jeffrey M. Dicke, Valerie M. Blanco, Yan Yan, and Douglas E. Coplen


Relationships between upper-limb functional limitation and self-reported disability 3 months after stroke, Alexander W. Dromerick, Catherine E. Lang, Rebecca Birkenmeier, Michele G. Hahn, Shirley A. Sahrmann, and Dorothy F. Edwards


Surfactant protein D increases fusion of Mycobacterium tuberculosis- containing phagosomes with lysosomes in human macrophages, J Scott Ferguson, Jennifer L. Martin, Abul K. Azad, Travis R. McCarthy, Peter B. Kang, Dennis R. Voelker, Erika C. Crouch, and Larry S. Schlesinger


PGC-1 coactivators: Inducible regulators of energy metabolism in health and disease, Brian N. Finck and Daniel P. Kelly


Volumetric measurements of lung nodules with multi-detector row CT: Effect of changes in lung volume, Jin Mo Goo, Kwang Gi Kim, David S. Gierada, Mario Castro, and Kyongtae T. Bae


A phase I trial of docetaxel and vinorelbine in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer, Ramaswamy Govindan, Wan-Teck Lim, Matthew A. Arquette, Sherry A. Goodner, Carole L. Fears, Joanne E. Mortimer, and Paula M. Fracasso


Chemokine signaling regulates apoptosis as well as immune cell traffic in host defense, Mitchell H. Grayson and Michael J. Holtzman


Harnessing preclinical mouse models to inform human clinical cancer trials, David H. Gutmann, Kim Hunter-Schaedle, and Kevin M. Shannon


Mechanistic insights into the regulation of the spermatogonial stem cell niche, Rex A. Hess, Paul S. Cooke, Marie-Claude Hofmann, and Kenneth M. Murphy


Lysosomal phospholipase A2 and phospholipidosis, Miki Hiraoka, Akira Abe, Ye Lu, Kui Yang, Xianlin Han, Richard Gross, and James A. Shayman


Elastin fragments drive disease progression in a murine model of emphysema, A. McGarry Houghton, Pablo A. Quintero, David L. Perkins, Dale K. Kobayashi, Diane G. Kelley, Luiz A. Marconcini, Robert P. Mecham, Robert M. Senior, and Steven D. Shapiro


Bigenic mouse models of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis involving pairwise interaction of CD2AP, Fyn, and synaptopodin, Tobias B. Huber, Christopher Kwoh, Hui Wu, Katsuhiko Asanuma, Markus Gödel, Björn Hartleben, Ken J. Blumer, Jeffrey H. Miner, Peter Mundel, and Andrey S. Shaw


Proteinuria precedes podocyte abnormalities in Lamb2-/- mice, implicating the glomerular basement membrane as an albumin barrier, George Jarad, Jeanette Cunningham, Andrey S. Shaw, and Jeffrey H. Miner


Human sensory-evoked responses differ coincident with either "fusion-memory" or "flash-memory", as shown by stimulus repetition-rate effects, Don L. Jewett, Toryalai Hart, Linda J. Larson-Prior, Bill Baird, Marram Olson, Michael Trumpis, Katherine Makayed, and Payam Bavafa


Dual infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Pneumocystis jiroveci lymphadenitis in a patient with HIV infection: case report and review of the literature, Thana Khawcharoenporn, Anucha Apisarnthanarak, Dussadee Sakonlaya, Linda M. Mundy, and Thomas C. Bailey


Proteasome activator PA200 is required for normal spermatogenesis, Bernard Khor, Andrea L. Bredemeyer, Ching-Yu Huang, Isaiah R. Turnbull, Ryan Evans, Leonard B. Maggi Jr., J. Michael White, Laura M. Walker, Kay Carnes, Rex A. Hess, and Barry P. Sleckman


Glucocorticoids suppress bone formation via the osteoclast, Hyun-Ju Kim, Haibo Zhao, Hideki Kitaura, Sandip Bhattacharyya, Judson A. Brewer, Louis J. Muglia, Patrick Ross, and Steven L. Teitelbaum


Maternal alcohol use disorder and offspring ADHD: Disentangling genetic and environmental effects using a children-of-twins design, Valerie S. Knopik, Andrew C. Heath, Theodore Jacob, Wendy S. Slutske, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Pamela A F Madden, Mary Waldron, and Nicholas G. Martin


The intensive care unit as a research laboratory: Developing strategies to prevent antimicrobial resistance, Marin H. Kollef


Blinded comparison of repetitive-sequence PCR and multilocus sequence typing for genotyping methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates from a children's hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, Robert S. Liao, Gregory A. Storch, Richard S. Buller, Rachel C. Orscheln, Elaine R. Mardis, Jon R. Armstrong, and W. Michael Dunne Jr.


Regulation of SpeB in Streptococcus pyogenes by pH and NaCl: a model for in vivo gene expression, Jennifer A. Loughman and Michael Caparon


Risperidone in preschool children with autistic spectrum disorders: an investigation of safety and efficacy, Joan Luby, Christine Mrakotsky, Melissa Meade Stalets, Andy Belden, Amy Heffelfinger, Meghan Williams, and Edward Spitznagel


PLCγ2 regulates osteoclastogenesis via its interaction with ITAM proteins and GAB2, Dailing Mao, Holly Epple, Brian Uthgenannt, Deborah V. Novack, and Roberta Faccio


Physical map-assisted whole-genome shotgun sequence assemblies, David Messina, Shiaw-Pyng Yang, Wesley C. Warren, John W. Wallis, LaDeana W. Hillier, Asif T. Chinwalla, and Richard K. Wilson


Development of the minimum information specification for in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry experiments (MISFISHIE), Jason C. Mills and et al


Biology and genome of Trichinella spiralis, Makedonka Mitreva and Douglas P. Jasmer


Codon usage patterns in Nematoda: Analysis based on over 25 million codons in thirty-two species, Makedonka Mitreva, Michael C. Wendl, John Martin, Todd Wylie, Yong Yin, Allan Larson, John Parkinson, Robert H. Waterston, and James P. McCarter


Childhood sexual abuse and risks for licit and illicit drug-related outcomes: A twin study, Elliot C. Nelson, Andrew C. Heath, Michael T. Lynskey, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Pamela A F Madden, Dixie J. Statham, and Nicholas G. Martin


Genotyping of toxoplasma gondii by multiplex PCR and peptide-based serological testing of samples from infants in Poland diagnosed with congenital toxoplasmosis, Dorota Nowakowska, Iris Colon, Jack S. Remington, Michael Grigg, Elzbieta Golab, J. Wilczynski, and L. D. Sibley


Evaluating the efficiency of using second-trimester nasal bone hypoplasia as a single or a combined marker for fetal aneuploidy, Anthony O. Odibo, Harish M. Sehdev, Laura Sproat, Claudia Parra, Linda Odibo, Linda Dunn, and George A. Macones


Genetic analyses of DSM-IV nicotine withdrawal in adult twins, Michele L. Pergadia, Andrew C. Heath, Nicholas G. Martin, and Pamela A F Madden


Ciprofloxacin-resistant gram-negative bacilli in the fecal microflora of children, Xuan Qin, Yasmin Razia, James R. Johnson, Jennifer R. Stapp, Daniel R. Boster, Treva Tsosie, Donna L. Smith, Christopher R. Braden, Kathryn Gay, Frederick J. Angulo, and Phillip I. Tarr


A real-time PCR-based assay for detection of Wuchereria bancrofti DNA in blood and mosquitoes, Ramakrishna U. Rao, Laura J. Atkinson, Reda M.R. Ramzy, Hanan Helmy, Hoda A. Farid, Moses J. Bockarie, Melinda Susapu, Sandra J. Laney, Steven A. Williams, and Gary J. Weil


Detection of Brugia parasite DNA in human blood by real-time PCR, Ramakrishna U. Rao, Gary J. Weil, Kerstin Fischer, Taniawati Supali, and Peter Fischer


Expression of putative virulence factors of Escherichia coli O157:H7 differs in bovine and human infections, Rebecca A. Rashid, Tami A. Tabata, Melissa J. Oatley, Thomas E. Besser, Phillip I. Tarr, and Steve L. Moseley


Insulin resistance and atherosclerosis, Clay F. Semenkovich


Geminin's double life: Chromatin connections that regulate transcription at the transition from proliferation to differentiation, Seongjin Seo and Kristen L. Kroll


Blocking monoclonal antibodies specific for mouse IFN-α/β receptor subunit 1 (IFNAR-1) from mice immunized by in vivo hydrodynamic transfection, Kathleen C F Sheehan, Koon Siew Lai, Gavin P. Dunn, Allen T. Bruce, Mark S. Diamond, Jennifer D. Heutel, Corazon Dungo-Arthur, Javier A. Carrero, J. Michael White, Paul J. Herzog, and Robert D. Schreiber


PKR-dependent autophagic degradation of herpes simplex virus type 1, Zsolt Talloczy, Herbert W. Virgin IV, and Beth Levine


Cortactin has an essential and specific role in osteoclast actin assembly, Shandiz Tehrani, Roberta Faccio, Indra Chandrasekar, F. Patrick Ross, and John A. Cooper


The alchemy of tendon repair: A primer for the (S)mad scientist, Dwight A. Towler and Richard H. Gelberman


Blocking airway mucous cell metaplasia by inhibiting EGFR antiapoptosis and IL-13 transdifferentiation signals, Jeffrey W. Tyner, Edy Y. Kim, Kyotaro Ide, Mark R. Pelletier, William T. Roswit, Jeffrey D. Morton, John T. Battaile, Anand C. Patel, G. Alexander Patterson, Mario Castro, Melanie S. Spoor, Yingjian You, Steven L. Brody, and Michael Holtzman


Identification of non-dot/icm suppressors of the Legionella pneumophila △dotL lethality phenotype, Carr D. Vincent, Benjamin A. Buscher, Jonathan R. Friedman, Lee Anne Williams, Patrick Bardill, and Joseph P. Vogel


Epimorphin-/- mice have increased intestinal growth, decreased susceptibility to dextran sodium sulfate colitis, and impaired spermatogenesis, Yuan Wang, Lihua Wang, Hristo Iordanov, Elzbieta A. Sweitlicki, Qun Zheng, Shujun Jiang, Yuzhu Tang, Marc S. Levin, and Deborah C. Rubin


Harpin mediates cell aggregation in Erwinia chrysanthemi 3937, Mee-Ngan Yap, Clemencia M. Rojas, Ching-Hong Yang, and Amy O. Charkowski

Submissions from 2005


Low ambient O2 enhances ureteric bud branching in vitro, Tetsu Akimoto, Marc R. Hammerman, and Eiji Kusano


FHL2 inhibits the activated osteoclast in a TRAF6-dependent manner, Shuting Bai, Hideki Kitaura, Haibo Zhao, Ju Chen, Judith M. Muller, Roland Schule, Bryant Darnay, Deborah V. Novack, Patrick Ross, and Steven L. Teitelbaum


Eukaryotic UDP-galactopyranose mutase (GLF Gene) in microbial and metazoal pathogens, Stephen M. Beverley, Katherine L. Owens, Melissa Showalter, Cara L. Griffith, Tamara L. Doering, Victoria C. Jones, and Michael R. McNeil


Phenotypic and molecular analysis of tellurite resistance among enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 and sorbitol-fermenting O157:NM clinical isolates, Martina Bielaszewska, Phillip I. Tarr, Helge Karch, Wenlan Zhang, and Werner Mathys


Molecular profiling and phenotype analysis of Escherichia coli O26:H11 and O26:NM: Secular and geographic consistency of enterohemorrhagic and enteropathogenic isolates, Martina Bielaszewska, Wenlan Zhang, Phillip I. Tarr, Anne-Katharina Sonntag, and Helge Karch


An interstitial deletion-insertion involving chromosomes 2p25.3 and Xq27.1, near SOX3, causes X-linked recessive hypoparathyroidism, Michael R. Bowl, Andrew Nesbit, Brian Harding, Elaine Levy, Andrew Jefferson, Emanuela Volpi, Karine Rizzoti, Robin Lovell-Badge, David Schlessinger, Michael P. Whyte, and Rajesh V. Thakker


Anti-Aβ antibody treatment promotes the rapid recovery of amyloid-associated neuritic dystrophy in PDAPP transgenic mice, Robert P. Brendza, Brain J. Bacskai, John R. Cirrito, Kelly A. Simmons, Jesse M. Skoch, William E. Klunk, Chester A. Mathis, Kelly R. Bales, Steven M. Paul, Bradley T. Hyman, and David M. Holtzman


Antioxidant supplementation for the prevention of kwashiorkor in Malawian children: Randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial, Heather Ciliberto, Michael Ciliberto, Andree Briend, Per Ashorn, Dennis Bier, and Mark Manary


P-glycoprotein deficiency at the blood-brain barrier increases amyloid-β deposition in an Alzheimer disease mouse model, John R. Cirrito, Rashid Deane, Anne M. Fagan, Michael L. Spinner, Maia Parsadanian, Mary Beth Finn, Hong Jiang, Julie L. Prior, Abhay Sagare, Kelly R. Bales, Steven M. Paul, Berislav V. Zlokovic, David Piwinca-Worms, and David M. Holtzman


Periacetabular osteotomy for the treatment of severe acetabular dysplasia, John C. Clohisy, Susan E. Barrett, J. Eric Gordon, Eliana D. Delgado, and Perry L. Schoenecker


Identification of functional transcription factor binding sites using closely related Saccharomyces species, Scott W. Doniger, Juyoung Huh, and Justin C. Fay


CD36 deficiency impairs intestinal lipid secretion and clearance of chylomicrons from the blood, Victor A. Drover, Mohammad Ajmal, Fatiha Nassir, Nicholas O. Davidson, Andromeda M. Nauli, Daisy Sahoo, Patrick Tso, and Nada A. Abumrad


Effects of combined diethylcarbamazine and albendazole treatment of bancroftian filariasis on parasite uptake and development in Culex pipiens L., Hoda A. Farid; Ragaa E. Hammad; Marah M. Hassan; Reda M.R, Ramzy; Maged El Setouhy; and Gary J. Weil


Dominant negative effects of the AML1/ETO fusion oncoprotein, Timothy S. Fenske, Gina Pengue, and Timothy A. Graubert


Pseudomonas aeruginosa acquires biofilm-like properties within airway epithelial cells, Raquel Garcia-Medina, W. Michael Dunne, Pradeep K. Singh, and Steven L. Brody


How the cell deals with DNA nicks, Parie Garg and Peter M.J. Burgers


Discovery, validation, and genetic dissection of transcription factor binding sites by comparative and functional genomics, Jason Gertz, Linda Riles, Peter Turnbaugh, Su-Wen Ho, and Barak A. Cohen


The relationship between stressful life events, the serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) genotype and major depression, Nathan A. Gillespie, John B. Whitfield, Ben Williams, Andrew C. Heath, and Nicholas G. Martin


Adolescent alcohol use is a risk factor for adult alcohol and drug dependence: Evidence from a twin design, Julia D. Grant, Jeffrey F. Scherrer, Michael T. Lynskey, Michael J. Lyons, Seth A. Eisen, Ming T. Tsuang, William R. true, and Kathleen K. Bucholz


Yersinia enterocolitica invasin-dependent and invasin-independent mechanisms of systemic dissemination, Scott A. Handley, Rodney D. Newberry, and Virginia L. Miller


Punctuated duplication seeding events during the evolution of human chromosome 2p11, Julie E. Horvath, Cassandra L. Gulden, Rhea U. Vallente, Marla Y. Eichler, Mario Ventura, John D. McPherson, Tina A. Graves, Richard K. Wilson, Stuart Schwartz, Mariano Rocchi, and Evan E. Eichler


Periplasmic peptidyl prolyl cis-trans isomerases are not essential for viability, but SurA Is required for pilus biogenesis in Escherichia coli, Sheryl S. Justice, David A. Hunstad, Jill Reiss Harper, Amy R. Duguay, Jerome S. Pinkner, James Bann, Carl Frieden, Thomas J. Silhavy, and Scott J. Hultgren

Comparing low coverage random shotgun sequence data from Brassica oleracea and Oryza sativa genome sequence for their ability to add to the annotation of Arabidopsis thaliana, Manpreet S. Katari, Vivekanand Balija, Richard K. Wilson, Robert A. Martienssen, and W. Richard McCombie


Genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii strains from immunocompromised patients reveals high prevalence of type I strains, A. Khan, C. Su, M. German, G. A. Storch, D. B. Clifford, and L. David Sibley


M-CSF mediates TNF-induced inflammatory osteolysis, Hideki Kitaura, Ping Zhou, Hyun-Ju Kim, Deborah V. Novack, Patrick Ross, and Steven L. Teitelbaum


Errors in radiation oncology: a study in pathways and dosimetric impact, Eric E. Klein, Robert E. Drzymala, James A. Purdy, and Jeff M. Michalski


Contributions of parental alcoholism, prenatal substance exposure, and genetic transmission to child ADHD risk : A female twin study, Valerie S. Knopik, Elizabeth P. Sparrow, Pamela A F Madden, Kathleen K. Bucholz, James J. Hudziak, Wendy Reich, Wendy S. Slutske, Julia D. Grant, Tara L. McLaughlin, Alexandre Todorov, Richard D. Todd, and Andrew C. Heath


Comparison of running and interrupted vesicourethral anastomoses in a porcine model, David Lieber, Veronique Tran, Jay Belani, Caroline Ames, Kevin Morissey, Yan Yan, Peter Humphrey, Ramakrishna Venkatesh, and Jaime Landman


Pseudomonas aeruginosa bloodstream infection: Importance of appropriate initial antimicrobial treatment, Scott T. Micek, Ann E. Lloyd, David J. Ritchie, Richard M. Reichley, Victoria J. Fraser, and Marin H. Kollef


Sequence, annotation, and analysis of synteny between rice chromosome 3 and diverged grass species, Pat Minx, Holly Cordum, Richard Wilson, and et al


Delaying the empiric treatment of Candida bloodstream infection until positive blood culture results are obtained: A potential risk factor for hospital mortality, Matthew Morrell, Victoria J. Fraser, and Marin H. Kollef


Amprenavir and efavirenz pharmacokinetics before and after the addition of nelfinavir, indinavir, ritonavir, or saquinavir in seronegative individuals, Gene D. Morse, Susan Rosenkranz, Michael F. Para, Yoninah Segal, Robin DiFrancesco, Elizabeth Adams, Barbara Brizz, Kevin E. Yarasheski, Richard C. Reichman, and ACTG 5043 Protocol Team


Time-dependent whole-body fluorescence tomography of probe bio-distributions in mice, Sachin V. Patwardhan, Sharon R. Bloch, Samuel Achilefu, and Joseph P. Culver