The Open Access Publications collection contains peer-reviewed articles authored by Washington University School of Medicine faculty that have been published in open access journals or authorized by the publishers for open access availability. Open access works are generally defined as being publicly available online and free of most licensing and copyright restrictions. The Bernard Becker Medical Library maintains this collection in support of Washington University’s commitment to the principles of open access publishing and making the scholarly work and research results of our faculty as widely and easily available as possible.

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Submissions from 2006


Anti-apoptotic effects of caspase inhibitors on rat intervertebral disc cells, Jon-Beom Park, In-Chul Park, Sung-Jin Park, Hyeon-Ok Jin, Jin-Kyung Lee, and K. Daniel Riew


Genetic analyses of DSM-IV nicotine withdrawal in adult twins, Michele L. Pergadia, Andrew C. Heath, Nicholas G. Martin, and Pamela A F Madden


Prospective measurement of function and pain in patients with non-neoplastic compression fractures treated with vertebroplasty, Heidi Prather, Linda Van Dillen, John P. Metzler, K. Daniel Riew, and Louis A. Gilula


Ciprofloxacin-resistant gram-negative bacilli in the fecal microflora of children, Xuan Qin, Yasmin Razia, James R. Johnson, Jennifer R. Stapp, Daniel R. Boster, Treva Tsosie, Donna L. Smith, Christopher R. Braden, Kathryn Gay, Frederick J. Angulo, and Phillip I. Tarr


A real-time PCR-based assay for detection of Wuchereria bancrofti DNA in blood and mosquitoes, Ramakrishna U. Rao, Laura J. Atkinson, Reda M.R. Ramzy, Hanan Helmy, Hoda A. Farid, Moses J. Bockarie, Melinda Susapu, Sandra J. Laney, Steven A. Williams, and Gary J. Weil


Cytokine profiles of filarial granulomas in jirds infected with Brugia pahangi, Ramakrishna U. Rao and Thomas R. Klei


Detection of Brugia parasite DNA in human blood by real-time PCR, Ramakrishna U. Rao, Gary J. Weil, Kerstin Fischer, Taniawati Supali, and Peter Fischer


Expression of putative virulence factors of Escherichia coli O157:H7 differs in bovine and human infections, Rebecca A. Rashid, Tami A. Tabata, Melissa J. Oatley, Thomas E. Besser, Phillip I. Tarr, and Steve L. Moseley


Duloxetine versus routine care in the long-term management of diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain, Joel Raskin, Timothy R. Smith, Kar Wong, Yili Lu Pritchett, Deborah N. D'Souza, Smriti Iyengar, and J. F. Wernicke


The generation and function of soluble apoE receptors in the CNS, G William Rebeck, Mary Jo LaDu, Steven Estus, Guojun Bu, and Edwin J. Weeber


Nerve root blocks in the treatment of lumbar radicular pain: A minimum five-year follow-up, K. Daniel Riew, Jong-Beom Park, Yong-Sun Cho, Louis Gilula, Alpesh Patel, Lawrence G. Lenke, and Keith H. Bridwell


Nothing but skin and bone, F. Patrick Ross and Angela M. Christiano


Unusual kinetic and structural properties control rapid assembly and turnover of actin in the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, Nivedita Sahoo, Wandy Beatty, John Heuser, David Sept, and L. David Sibley


A Tail of multiple calcium-sensing domains, Lawrence Salkoff


CpG-induced tyrosine phosphorylation occurs via a TLR9-independent mechanism and is required for cytokine secretion, Miguel A. Sanjuan, Navin Rao, Kuei-Tai A. Lai, Yin Gu, Siquan Sun, Anja Fuchs, Wai-Ping Fung-Leung, Marco Colonna, and Lars Karlsson


Insulin resistance and atherosclerosis, Clay F. Semenkovich


Geminin's double life: Chromatin connections that regulate transcription at the transition from proliferation to differentiation, Seongjin Seo and Kristen L. Kroll


Surveillance for vancomycin-resistant enterococci: Type, rates, costs, and implications, Brooke N. Shadel, Laura A. Puzniak, Kathleen N. Gillespie, Steven J. Lawrence, Marin Kollef, and Linda M. Mundy


Blocking monoclonal antibodies specific for mouse IFN-α/β receptor subunit 1 (IFNAR-1) from mice immunized by in vivo hydrodynamic transfection, Kathleen C F Sheehan, Koon Siew Lai, Gavin P. Dunn, Allen T. Bruce, Mark S. Diamond, Jennifer D. Heutel, Corazon Dungo-Arthur, Javier A. Carrero, J. Michael White, Paul J. Herzog, and Robert D. Schreiber


A prospective study of differences in duodenum compared to remaining small bowel motion between radiation treatments: Implications for radiation dose escalation in carcinoma of the pancreas, Anurag K. Singh, Ryan M. Tierney, Daniel A. Low, Parag J. Parikh, Robert J. Myerson, Joseph O. Deasy, Catherine S. Wu, Gisele C. Pereira, Sasha H. Wahab, Sasa Mutic MS, Perry W. Grigsby, and Andrew J. Hope


Research with Arctic peoples: Unique research opportunities in heart, lung, blood and sleep disorders. Working group summary and recommendations, Sally Smith, Peter Bjerregaard, Hing Man Chan, André Corriveau, Sven Ebbesson, Ruth Etzel, Richard Fabsitz, Hakon Hakonarson, Carl Hild, Elizabeth Nobmann, Jeff Reading, Larisa Tereshchenko, T. Kue Young, and Barbara Howard


Genomic and metabolic studies of the impact of probiotics on a model gut symbiont and host, Justin L. Sonnenburg, Christina T. Chen, and Jeffery I. Gordon


COG-7-deficient human fibroblasts exhibit altered recycling of Golgi proteins, Richard Steet and Stuart Kornfeld


The role of myristoylation in the membrane association of the Lassa virus matrix protein Z, Thomas Strecker, Anna Maisa, Stephane Daffis, Robert Eichler, Oliver Lenz, and Wolfgang Garten


The Haemophilus influenzae Type b hcsA and hcsB gene products facilitate transport of capsular polysaccharide across the outer membrane and are essential for virulence, Soila Sukupolvi-Petty, Susan Grass, and Joseph W. St. Geme III


Choosing the best heuristic for seeded alignment of DNA sequences, Yanni Sun and Jeremy Buhler


PKR-dependent autophagic degradation of herpes simplex virus type 1, Zsolt Talloczy, Herbert W. Virgin IV, and Beth Levine


Cortactin has an essential and specific role in osteoclast actin assembly, Shandiz Tehrani, Roberta Faccio, Indra Chandrasekar, F. Patrick Ross, and John A. Cooper


Altered renal tubular expression of the complement inhibitor Crry permits complement activation after ischemia/reperfusion, Joshua M. Thurman, Danica Ljubanovic, Pamela A. Royer, Damian M. Kraus, Hector Molina, Nicholas P. Barry, Gregory Proctor, Moshe Levi, and V. Michael Holers


The alchemy of tendon repair: A primer for the (S)mad scientist, Dwight A. Towler and Richard H. Gelberman


Endocytosis of cadherin from intracellular junctions is the driving force for cadherin adhesive dimer disassembly, Regina B. Troyanovsky, Eugene P. Sokolov, and Sergey M. Troyanovsky


Blocking airway mucous cell metaplasia by inhibiting EGFR antiapoptosis and IL-13 transdifferentiation signals, Jeffrey W. Tyner, Edy Y. Kim, Kyotaro Ide, Mark R. Pelletier, William T. Roswit, Jeffrey D. Morton, John T. Battaile, Anand C. Patel, G. Alexander Patterson, Mario Castro, Melanie S. Spoor, Yingjian You, Steven L. Brody, and Michael Holtzman


Alpha-gliadin genes from the A, B, and D genomes of wheat contain different sets of celiac disease epitopes, Teun WJM van Herpen, Svetlana V. Goryunova, Johanna van der Schoot, Makedonka Mitreva, Elma Salentijn, Oscar Vorst, Martijn F. Schenk, Peter A. van Veelen, Frits Koning, Loek JM van Soest, Ben Vosman, Dirk Bosch, Rob J. Hamer, Luud JWJ Gilissen, and Marinus JM Smulders


Validation of string test for diagnosis of Helicobacter pylon infections, Billie Velapatino, Jacqueline Balqui, Robert H. Gilman, Alejandro Bussalleu, Willi Quino, S. Alison Finger, Livia Santivanez, Phabiola Herrera, Alejandro Piscoya, Jose Valdiva, Jaime Cok, and Douglas E. Berg


Identification of non-dot/icm suppressors of the Legionella pneumophila △dotL lethality phenotype, Carr D. Vincent, Benjamin A. Buscher, Jonathan R. Friedman, Lee Anne Williams, Patrick Bardill, and Joseph P. Vogel


Genetic influences on free and cued recall in long-term memory tasks, Heather E. Volk, Kathleen B. McDermott, Henry L. Roediger III, and Richard D. Todd


Las noticias de Madrid (News from Madrid), Suzanne Elizabeth Wahrle


A steganalysis-based approach to comprehensive identification and characterization of functional regulatory elements, Guandong Wang and Weixiong Zhang


Epimorphin-/- mice have increased intestinal growth, decreased susceptibility to dextran sodium sulfate colitis, and impaired spermatogenesis, Yuan Wang, Lihua Wang, Hristo Iordanov, Elzbieta A. Sweitlicki, Qun Zheng, Shujun Jiang, Yuzhu Tang, Marc S. Levin, and Deborah C. Rubin


A multicenter intervention to prevent catheter-associate bloodstream infections, David K. Warren, Sara E. Cosgrove, Daniel J. Diekema, Gianna Zuccotti, Michael W. Climo, Maureen K. Bolon, Jerome I. Tokars, Gary A. Noskin, Edward S. Wong, Kent A. Sepkowitz, Loreen A. Herwaldt, Trish M. Perl, Steven L. Solomon, and Victoria J. Fraser


Epidemiology of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonization in a surgical intensive care unit, David K. Warren, Rebecca M. Guth, Craig M. Coopersmith, Liana R. Merz, Jeanne E. Zack, and Victoria J. Fraser


Preventing catheter-associated bloodstream infections: A survey of policies for insertion and care of central venous catheters from hospitals in the prevention epicenter program, David K. Warren, Deborah S. Yokoe, Michael W. Climo, Loreen A. Herwaldt, Gary A. Noskin, Gianna Zuccotti, Jermone I. Tokars, Trish M. Perl, and Victoria J. Fraser


A general coverage theory for shotgun DNA sequencing, Michael C. Wendl


The demographic and morphological features of rotator cuff disease: A comparison of asymptomatic and symptomatic shoulders, Ken Yamaguchi, Konstantinos Ditsios, William D. Middleton, Charles F. Hildebolt, Leesa M. Galatz, and Sharlene A. Teefey


Harpin mediates cell aggregation in Erwinia chrysanthemi 3937, Mee-Ngan Yap, Clemencia M. Rojas, Ching-Hong Yang, and Amy O. Charkowski


A eukaryotic capsular polysaccharide is synthesized intracellularly and secreted via exocytosis, Aki Yoneda and Tamara L. Doering


Nucleophosmin is essential for ribosomal protein L5 nuclear export, Yue Yu, Leonard B. Maggi Jr., Suzanne N. Brady, Anthony J. Apicelli, Mu-Shui Dai, Hua Lu, and Jason D. Weber


Slo3 K+ channels: Voltage and pH dependence of macroscopic currents, Xue Zhang, Xuhui Zeng, and Christopher J. Lingle


pH-regulated Slo3 K+ channels: Properties of unitary currents, Xue Zhang, Xuhui Zeng, Xiao-Ming Xia, and Christopher J. Lingle


The fidelity of DNA synthesis by yeast DNA polymerase zeta alone and with accessory proteins, Xuejun Zhong, Parie Garg, Stephanie A. Nick McElhinny, Carrie M. Stith, Grace E. Kissling, Peter M.J. Burgers, and Thomas A. Kunkel

Submissions from 2005


CD36 may determine our desire for dietary fats, Nada A. Abumrad


Low ambient O2 enhances ureteric bud branching in vitro, Tetsu Akimoto, Marc R. Hammerman, and Eiji Kusano


Comparison of holding strength of suture anchors for hepatic and renal parenchyma, Caroline D. Ames, Juan M. Perrone, Alison J. Frisella, Kevin Morrissey, and Jaime Landman


Preclinical and clinical performance of the Efoora test, a rapid test for detection of human immunodeficiency virus-specific antibodies, Max Q. Arens, Linda M. Mundy, and et al


NF-κB-inducing kinase controls lymphocyte and osteoclast activities in inflammatory arthritis, Kunihiko Aya, Muhammad Alhawagri, Amanda Hagen-Stapleton, Hideki Kitaura, Osami Kanagawa, and Deborah Veis Novack


Genetic Analysis Workshop 14: Microsatellite and single-nucleotide polymorphism marker loci for genome-wide scans, Joan E. Bailey-Wilson, Laura Almasy, Mariza de Andrade, Julia Bailey, Heike Bickeböller, Heather J. Cordell, E Warwick Daw, Lynn Goldin, Ellen L. Goode, Courtney Gray-McGuire, Wayne Hening, Gail Jarvik, Brion S. Maher, Nancy Mendell, Andrew D. Paterson, John Rice, Glen Satten, Brian Suarez, Veronica Vieland, Marsha Wilcox, Heping Zhang, Andreas Ziegler, and Jean W. MacCluer


FHL2 inhibits the activated osteoclast in a TRAF6-dependent manner, Shuting Bai, Hideki Kitaura, Haibo Zhao, Ju Chen, Judith M. Muller, Roland Schule, Bryant Darnay, Deborah V. Novack, Patrick Ross, and Steven L. Teitelbaum


Eukaryotic UDP-galactopyranose mutase (GLF Gene) in microbial and metazoal pathogens, Stephen M. Beverley, Katherine L. Owens, Melissa Showalter, Cara L. Griffith, Tamara L. Doering, Victoria C. Jones, and Michael R. McNeil


Phenotypic and molecular analysis of tellurite resistance among enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 and sorbitol-fermenting O157:NM clinical isolates, Martina Bielaszewska, Phillip I. Tarr, Helge Karch, Wenlan Zhang, and Werner Mathys


Molecular profiling and phenotype analysis of Escherichia coli O26:H11 and O26:NM: Secular and geographic consistency of enterohemorrhagic and enteropathogenic isolates, Martina Bielaszewska, Wenlan Zhang, Phillip I. Tarr, Anne-Katharina Sonntag, and Helge Karch


Targeted deletion of the murine apobec-1 complementation factor (acf) gene results in embryonic lethality, Valerie Blanc, Jeffrey O. Henderson, Elizabeth P. Newberry, Susan Kennedy, Jianyang Luo, and Nicholas O. Davidson


The ethics and politics of stem cell research, James C. Bobrow


An interstitial deletion-insertion involving chromosomes 2p25.3 and Xq27.1, near SOX3, causes X-linked recessive hypoparathyroidism, Michael R. Bowl, Andrew Nesbit, Brian Harding, Elaine Levy, Andrew Jefferson, Emanuela Volpi, Karine Rizzoti, Robin Lovell-Badge, David Schlessinger, Michael P. Whyte, and Rajesh V. Thakker


Objectives of undergraduate medical education in musculoskeletal surgery and medicine, Martin I. Boyer


Anti-Aβ antibody treatment promotes the rapid recovery of amyloid-associated neuritic dystrophy in PDAPP transgenic mice, Robert P. Brendza, Brain J. Bacskai, John R. Cirrito, Kelly A. Simmons, Jesse M. Skoch, William E. Klunk, Chester A. Mathis, Kelly R. Bales, Steven M. Paul, Bradley T. Hyman, and David M. Holtzman


What's new in spine surgery, Keith H. Bridwell, Paul A. Anderson, Scott D. Boden, Alexander R. Vaccaro, and Jeffrey C. Wang


The DotL protein, a member of the TraG-coupling protein family, is essential for viability of Legionella pneumophila strain Lp02, Benjamin A. Buscher, Gloria M. Conover, Jennifer L. Miller, Sinae A. Vogel, Stacey N. Meyers, Ralph R. Isberg, and Joseph P. Vogel


Replication protein A-directed unloading of PCNA by the Ctf18 cohesion establishment complex, Goran O. Bylund and Peter M. J. Burgers


The pleckstrin homology domain-containing protein CKIP-1 is involved in regulation of cell morphology and the actin cytoskeleton and interaction with actin capping protein, David A. Canton, Mary Ellen K. Olsten, Kyoungtae Kim, Amanda Doherty-Kirby, Gilles Lajoie, John A. Cooper, and David W. Litchfield


Antioxidant supplementation for the prevention of kwashiorkor in Malawian children: Randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial, Heather Ciliberto, Michael Ciliberto, Andree Briend, Per Ashorn, Dennis Bier, and Mark Manary


P-glycoprotein deficiency at the blood-brain barrier increases amyloid-β deposition in an Alzheimer disease mouse model, John R. Cirrito, Rashid Deane, Anne M. Fagan, Michael L. Spinner, Maia Parsadanian, Mary Beth Finn, Hong Jiang, Julie L. Prior, Abhay Sagare, Kelly R. Bales, Steven M. Paul, Berislav V. Zlokovic, David Piwinca-Worms, and David M. Holtzman


Periacetabular osteotomy for the treatment of severe acetabular dysplasia, John C. Clohisy, Susan E. Barrett, J. Eric Gordon, Eliana D. Delgado, and Perry L. Schoenecker


Architecture and adhesive activity of the Haemophilus influenzae Hsf adhesin, Shane E. Cotter, Hye-Jeong Yeo, Twyla Juehne, and Joseph W. St. Geme III


Identification of functional transcription factor binding sites using closely related Saccharomyces species, Scott W. Doniger, Juyoung Huh, and Justin C. Fay


CD36 deficiency impairs intestinal lipid secretion and clearance of chylomicrons from the blood, Victor A. Drover, Mohammad Ajmal, Fatiha Nassir, Nicholas O. Davidson, Andromeda M. Nauli, Daisy Sahoo, Patrick Tso, and Nada A. Abumrad


Use of several inducer and substrate antibiotic combinations in a disk approximation assay format to screen for AmpC induction in patient isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter spp., Citrobacter spp., and Serratia spp., W. Michael Dunne Jr. and Daniel J. Hardin


Microsatellites versus single-nucleotide polymorphisms in linkage analysis for quantitative and qualitative measures, Gerald Dunn, Anthony L. Hinrichs, Sarah Bertelsen, Carol H. Jin, John SK Kauwe, Brian K. Suarez, and Laura J. Bierut


A model of the statistical power of comparative genome sequence analysis, Sean R. Eddy


‘‘Antedisciplinary’’ science, Sean R. Eddy


Gene finding in the chicken genome, Eduardo Eyras, Alexandre Reymond, Robert Castelo, Jacqueline M. Bye, Francisco Camara, Paul Flicek, Elizabeth J. Huckle, Genis Parra, David D. Shteynberg, Carine Wyss, Jane Rogers, Stylianos E. Antonarakis, Ewan Birney, Roderic Guigo, and Michael R. Brent


Effects of combined diethylcarbamazine and albendazole treatment of bancroftian filariasis on parasite uptake and development in Culex pipiens L., Hoda A. Farid; Ragaa E. Hammad; Marah M. Hassan; Reda M.R, Ramzy; Maged El Setouhy; and Gary J. Weil


Evidence for domesticated and wild populations of saccharomyces cerevisiae, Justin C. Fay and Joseph A. Benavides


The LIM protein Ajuba influences interleukin-1-induced NF-κB activation by affecting the assembly and activity of the protein kinase Cζ/p62/TRAF6 signaling complex, Yungfeng Feng and Gregory D. Longmore


Dominant negative effects of the AML1/ETO fusion oncoprotein, Timothy S. Fenske, Gina Pengue, and Timothy A. Graubert


Normal cell cycle and checkpoint responses in mice and cells lacking Cdc25B and Cdc25C protein phosphatases, Angela M. Ferguson, Lynn S. White, Peter J. Donovan, and Helen Piwnica-Worms


Patterns and predictors of inpatient falls and fall-related injuries in a large academic hospital, Irene D. Fischer, Melissa J. Krauss, William Claiborne Dunagan, Stanley Birge, Eileen Hitcho, Shirley Johnson, Eileen Constantinou, and Victoria J. Fraser


Pseudomonas aeruginosa acquires biofilm-like properties within airway epithelial cells, Raquel Garcia-Medina, W. Michael Dunne, Pradeep K. Singh, and Steven L. Brody


How the cell deals with DNA nicks, Parie Garg and Peter M.J. Burgers


Computational technique for improvement of the position-weight matrices for the DNA/protein binding sites, Naum I. Gershenzon, Gary D. Stormo, and Illya P. Ioshikhes


Discovery, validation, and genetic dissection of transcription factor binding sites by comparative and functional genomics, Jason Gertz, Linda Riles, Peter Turnbaugh, Su-Wen Ho, and Barak A. Cohen


Analysis of memory T lymphocyte activity following stimulation with overlapping HLA-A*2402, A*0101 and Cw*0402 restricted CMV pp65 peptides, Monica Ghei, David F. Stroncek, and Maurizio Provenzano


Reporting quality of randomized trials in the diet and exercise literature for weight loss, Cheryl A. Gibson, Erik P. Kirk, James D. LeCheminant, Bruce W. Bailey Jr, Guoyuan Huang, and Joseph E. Donnelly


The relationship between stressful life events, the serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) genotype and major depression, Nathan A. Gillespie, John B. Whitfield, Ben Williams, Andrew C. Heath, and Nicholas G. Martin


Upper-extremity phocomelia reexamined: A longitudinal dysplasia, Charles A. Goldfarb, Paul R. Manske, Riccardo Busa, Janith Mills, Peter Carter, and Marybeth Ezaki


Comparative genome analysis reveals a conserved family of actin-like proteins in apicomplexan parasites, Jennifer L. Gordon and L David Sibley


Comprehensive treatment of late-onset tibia vara, J. Eric Gordon, Fred P. Heidenreich, Chris J. Carpenter, Jill Kelly-Hahn, and Perry L. Schoenecker


Adolescent alcohol use is a risk factor for adult alcohol and drug dependence: Evidence from a twin design, Julia D. Grant, Jeffrey F. Scherrer, Michael T. Lynskey, Michael J. Lyons, Seth A. Eisen, Ming T. Tsuang, William R. true, and Kathleen K. Bucholz


Rfam: Annotating non-coding RNAs in complete genomes, Sam Griffiths-Jones, Simon Moxon, Mhairi Marshall, Ajay Khanna, Sean R. Eddy, and Alex Bateman


The StcE protease contributes to intimate adherence of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 to host cells, Thomas E. Grys, Matthew B. Siegel, Wyndham W. Lathem, and Rodney A. Welch


Involvement of human MOF in ATM function, Arun Gupta, Girdhar G. Sharma, Charles S. H. Young, Manjula Agarwal, Edwin R. Smith, Tanya T. Paull, John C. Lucchesi, Kum Kum Khanna, Thomas Ludwig, and Tej K. Pandita