Papers from 2017 to current are no longer deposited into the Collection. Please contact the PACS Program,, for more information on papers 2017 to current.
Submissions from 1976
Acoustic reflex measurements in normals and Meniere's Syndrome using pulsed stimuli, Denise Lynn Newman and Karen D'Ellen Zucker
The effects of special lighting on the lipreading performance of profoundly deaf children, Christine Reimler
A longitudinal demographic study of a parent-infant program for hearing-impaired children, Mary A. Ruland
Latency and slope values of evoked responses in children in brain stem audiometry, Brenda S. Schick
Vowel target articulation of the deaf, Dale Shaughnessy
Speech intelligibility in noise-induced hearing loss: effects of high-frequency compensation, Margaret Walker Skinner
Reception of acoustic speech signals as a function of sensation levels by hearing-impaired children, Linda H. Witt
Acoustic reflex measurements in normals and Meniere's Syndrome using pulsed stimuli, Karen D'Ellen Zucker and Denise Lynn Newman
Submissions from 1975
Mainstreaming: panacea or pitfall, Patricia A. Gilliam
A technique to train auditory and visual memory for speech patterns in young hearing-impaired children, Bonnie Haas
Reaction-times of hearing-impaired children to acoustic stimuli of different sensation levels, Leslie E. Herman
Detection of words in real-speech background noise by profoundly deaf children, Anne Koester
Identification of normal and abnormal acoustic speech patterns by profoundly hearing-impaired children, Susan Levin
Use of the storage oscilloscope to train deaf children to convey meaning in sentences through intonation control, Terri Loewenthal and Linda Nakashima
Use of the storage oscilloscope to train deaf children to convey meaning in sentences through intonation control, Linda Nakashima and Terri Loewenthal
The use of otoscopy and middle-ear measurement as screening procedures, Pamela Nelson
An evaluation of videotaping for self evaluation by teachers of the hearing impaired, Ann Perry
An evaluation of videotaping for self evaluation by teachers of the hearing impaired, Jan Ronnenbaum and Ann Perry
A suggested speechreading program for the elderly adult, Naomi S. Schwartz
Test-retest reliability with the Madsen ZO70 electroacoustic impedance bridge, Peggy Solis
A study of six hearing-impaired children who have been successfully mainstreamed, Janet Weil
Submissions from 1974
Experimental method for teaching specific language structures to hearing-impaired children, Karen Kay Glover
The relation between Wechsler Performance Quotients and quotients on the Snijders-Oomen Non-Verbal Intelligence Scale, Karen Kramer
Project for instrumentation in education, Pat LaCoste
Central Institute for the Deaf vision screening program, Susan Levin
A survey of auditory training procedures at C.I.D., Melanie McNutt
Frequency responses of hearing aids and their effects on the speech perception of eight hard-of-hearing subjects, David Pedro Pascoe
A time study, Valerie Pederson
Rhythmical training for deaf children, Louise Salant
The use of a single channel, two attenuator hearing aid by severely hearing impaired children, Karen Suty
Submissions from 1973
An investigation of the communication strategies used by mothers of hearing-impaired children, Janice Duffield
Developmental sentence scoring, Carol Edley
A description of characteristics of very young children referred for speech and language evaluation at Central Institute for the Deaf, Kathleen Fioretti
The influence of sentence length and complexity on the speechreading performance of profoundly deaf children, Charles Gammel
Preliminary development of a connected-discourse speechreading test, Charles L. Gammel
Facilitating educational integration of the hearing-impaired child: a proposed integration program for Central Institute for the Deaf, Karen Kay Glover
Children with hearing loss who also have special talents, Joan Katz
Mothers' verbal language to young hearing impaired children, Star Christine Leonard
Oral and manual language skills of hearing children of deaf parents, Rachel I. Mayberry
Visual intelligibility of words in isolation and in sentence context, De McMahan
The use of three speech training aids by a profoundly deaf child, Martha Mitchell
Reviews of reading materials for parents, Patricia Sommerville
New Hope learning center, James F. Wilson
Submissions from 1972
Reading achievement of the deaf: another look, Dorothea Baker
A student handbook for the laryngectomy clinic, Janet K. Barger
Communication strategies used by teachers at a school for the deaf, Carol S. Williams Greer
A study of imitation, comprehension, and production, Leslie Lehner
Factors related to oral communication ability in profoundly deaf children, Helen Orringer
The Developmental Sentence Scoring Procedure, Kay M. Rheinhardt
Therapeutic procedures on the aphasic population, Marilyn J. Wilson
Submissions from 1971
Scar formation in the inner ear followig acoustical injury: sequence of changes from early signs of damage to healed lesion, Barbara Ann Bohne
Auditory word-recognition by young deaf children, Christine S. Bousquet
The Wechsler-Bellevue and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children as predictors of academic achievement for a severely hearing and speech impaired population, Ernest E. Haecker
Auditory speech-discrimination as a function of age and type of audiogram, Suzanne Cumberledge Holthouse
A case study of Steve P., Kathleen Kunimoto
A report on the language instruction provided to a group of deaf children, Luisa Pachano
Tutoring a little boy in language, N. Pava
A review of tests useful for evaluating language problems in children, L Robertson
The status of nine former C.I.D. students who are attending public high schools with hearing peers, Meredith Ann Stewart
Independent project in speech and hearing, Judy Winfrey
Submissions from 1970
Auditory and audio-visual reception of words in noise by observers with normal and impaired hearing, Norman Phillip Erber
The slow cortical evoked potential: cross modality interaction of auditory, vibro-tactile and shock stimuli, Izak S. Hay
Exercises in reacting to sensory imagery and words carrying emotional overtones, Robin P. Henne
The study of prefixes and suffixes, Pat Kirkham
A word study unit on Latin and Greek prefixes, roots and derivations, Darlene Kustra
Prefixes and suffixes, Marlene Miller
Word study: synonyms and antonyms, Purita I. Pagkalinawan
Submissions from 1969
Psychophysical estimation of the effective level of internal noise in the auditory system, John Robert Franks
Submissions from 1968
Threshold adaptation, temporal integration and frequency discrimination-learning in hearing impaired children, Roy Warner Gengel
Visual perceptual skills, reading ability and the young deaf child, Joseph Edward Hartung
Conditioning the chinchilla to novel sounds, George Arthur Luz
Submissions from 1967
The applicability of the California Test of Personality to a hearing-impaired population, Ann Elizabeth Beeler
Variables that influence the real-ear response of the TDH-49 earphone, Norman Phillip Erber
Submissions from 1966
Early experiences of children attending classes at Central Institute for the Deaf, Virginia Brinkmann Armbruster
Some considerations of word association test responses among deaf children, Betsy Frick
Submissions from 1965
Recall of deaf and normally hearing children on a short term memory task, Jacqueline Scott Hartman
Submissions from 1964
Bone-conducted tones masked by air-conducted noise, Peter Bryant Weston
Submissions from 1963
The relation of E.Q and I.Q. to learning from the standard self-instructional programs in spelling and english, Joseph Edward Hartung
Comparison of written and spoken language from deaf and hearing children at five age levels, Audrey Ann Simmons
Monitoring of monosyllabic words by deaf children, Carol Ann Vegely
Immediate recall by aphasic, deaf and normally hearing children for visual forms presented simultaneously or sequentially in tim, Frank Burdon Jr. Withrow
The structural component of linguistic meaning and the reading of normally hearing and deaf children, Helen Mary Eugenie Woodward
Submissions from 1962
Habituation of the immobility response of guinea pigs to auditory stimuli, Frank Stephen Murray
Submissions from 1961
Factors relating to the intelligibility of the speech of deaf children, William G. Thomas
Submissions from 1959
Perception and cognition in deaf children, Joseph Rosenstein
A comparison of the performance of aphasoid and non-aphasoid children in learning to discriminate among auditory stimuli, Lillian Frances Wilson
Submissions from 1958
An analysis of the language of certain social study textbooks pertinent to instruction of deaf children, David Levine
Speech audiometry in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, Beatriz M. Rosas
Submissions from 1957
Relation of audiometric patterns to the etiology of auditory disorders in children, Elizabeth Kay Smith
Submissions from 1956
The relation between the electroencephalogram and the ease of autonomic conditioning, Kirti Kumar Charan
Tactile perception of rhythmic patterns in normal, blind, deaf and aphasic children, Joseph Rosenstein
Submissions from 1954
The discrimination of auditory and visual number, Elizabeth Gilliatt Reynolds
Submissions from 1953
Alleviation of voice difficulties in adults, June Herye Schwankhaus
Submissions from 1952
An analysis of the achievement of deaf children on a standardized vocabulary test, Irene Leota Asbury
A study of cochlear potentials, Robert Goldstein
The intelligibility of cleft palate speech with and without dental prosthesis, Madeline C. Haertter
The intelligibility of different kinds of test material used in speech audiometry, Rae Leila Levin
Mathematical and electrical analysis of pulsed tones, Daniel Redmond McAuliffe
Submissions from 1951
The calibration and use of probe-test microphones, Robert Wilmer Benson