Content Posted in 2010
A. (Andrew) Beaumont [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: family news. February 5, 1830
Aaron Ward [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont, Surgeon to the U. S. Army [Washington, DC] regarding: thanks and praise for Experiments and Observations. January 26, 1834
Abel Huntington, John Thompson, and Robert Mitchell, House of Representatives [Washington, DC] to James M. Wayne of the Library Committee regarding: endorsement of the memorial to Congress and suggested purchase of Experiments and Observations for the Library of Congress, Department of the Army, and Department of the Navy. February 11, 1834
A blended classroom program, Jennifer Johnson
ABR as a predictor of neurodevelopment in very low birth weight neonates, Amanda Raynor
A case study of Steve P., Kathleen Kunimoto
Accelerated Skills: Basic Suturing, L. Michael Brunt
Accelerated Skills Preparation Outline, L. Michael Brunt
Acceptance of deafness: a study of family strategies and needs, Lynda Berkowitz
A comparative study of the creative expressions in paint and clay of deaf and hearing children, Audrey Cornelia Hicks
A comparative study of the leisure-time interests and activities of deaf and hearing children, Jane Odell McPheeters
A comparative study of two methods of measuring loss of capacity to hear speech, Edward Clevenger Gullion
A comparison between maximum length sequence and conventional auditory brainstem responses as a screening tool for auditory sensitivity, Sherry K. Wheeler
A comparison of communication breakdowns and repair strategies used by cochlear implant children from two differenct methodologies, Lara Jenkins
A comparison of physical measurements of pure-tones, third-octave bands of noise and third-octave bands of speech to subjective judgments of audibility threshold, MCL and UCL for three normally hearing listeners, John K. , Jr. Dawson
A comparison of scores of deaf and hearing children on the Hiskey Test of learning ability and on performance scales, Jane Gaertner MacPherson
A comparison of social-emotional patterns of day versus residential students enrolled in an oral educational setting, Dawn Marie Selover
A comparison of social interaction between groups of multiply handicapped and hearing-impaired children, Lisa Grundhauser
A comparison of the performance of aphasoid and non-aphasoid children in learning to discriminate among auditory stimuli, Lillian Frances Wilson
A comparison of the QuickSIN and TEN tests: two recent tests designed to predict patient benefit from high frequency amplification, Margaret Gregowicz
A comparison of three hearing aid manufacturers' recommended first fit to two generic prescriptive targets with the pediatric population, Kristen Bretz
A comparison of three language assessments, Laura Wrobel
A comparison of two reading programs; SPIRE and Scott Foresman, Amanda Cox
A comparison of two techniques for evaluating the development of syntax in children's language: developmental sentence analysis and the CID grammatical analysis of elicited language: simple sentence level, Barbara W. Hemphill
A consumer survey designed to identify attitudes, knowledge, acceptance, and use of assistive listening devices in public facilities, Pamela Ann Mosher
A correlative analysis of CID's grammatical analysis of elicted language with the carrow elicted language inventory, Catherine Klasing
Acoustical barriers to communication and hearing, Aline Renee Sundeen
Acoustic phonetics applied to auditory training and the teaching of speech to the hearing impaired, Valerie Pederson
Acoustic reflex measurements in normals and Meniere's Syndrome using pulsed stimuli, Denise Lynn Newman and Karen D'Ellen Zucker
Acoustic reflex measurements in normals and Meniere's Syndrome using pulsed stimuli, Karen D'Ellen Zucker and Denise Lynn Newman
A critical analysis of scores, accumulated from the presentation of the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Scale to adolescent and adult deafened individuals, Loraine Doris Meier
Activities development for 2 word combinations on pre-sentence level TAGS, Lisa VandenHeuvel
Activities for social skills development in deaf children preparing to enter the mainstream, Dorie L. Noll
Activities for the complex TAGS, Carol Latini
Activities to develop a positive self-concept in hearing-impaired children, Shara Starr
Adapting the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test for deaf children, Constance C. Harrison
Address of William Greenleaf Eliot at the funeral service of Dr. Beaumont. April 26, 1853
A description of characteristics of very young children referred for speech and language evaluation at Central Institute for the Deaf, Kathleen Fioretti
A descriptive study of six children diagnosed aphasic with respect to the implications for their education, Charles Henry Sessler
ADHD and initiation of drinking and drinking to intoxication in girls: Is there an association?, Valerie S. Knopik, Pamela A. Madden, and Andrew C. Heath
A.E. Macomb [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: letter of recommendation for G. Johnson. January 26, 1835
Afferent innervation of the quail utricle, Kathleen Ferrigan Faulkner
A follow-up study of the academic achievement of hearing impaired children, Beth Sugarman
A genome-wide association study of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis identifies new disease loci, Ying Liu, Cynthia Helms, Shenghui Duan, Jennifer Gardner, Andrew Miner, Scott Saccone, Nancy L. Saccone, and Anne M. Bowcock
A genome-wide association study of pulmonary function measures in the Framingham Heart Study, Ingrid B. Borecki and et. al.
A hearing aid orientation pamphlet for clinical use with first-time hearing aid users, Brian M. Kreisman
A hearing screening protocol in a pediatric practice based on otoacoustic emissions, Jordan E. King
A. J. Dallas, Department of War [Washington, DC] to Commanding Officer, 29th Infantry Regiment regarding: reduction in the size of the army. March 14, 1815
A.J. Eaton [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: remarks concerning Andrew Beaumont, the “Old Man and Little Van” (Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren), and Senator Preston’s objections to Eaton’s business before the Senate Committee on Military Affairs. December 27, 1835
A kinematic and electromyographic analysis of turning in people with Parkinson disease, Minna Hong, Joel S. Perlmutter, and Gammon M. Earhart
Albert G. Ellis [Green Bay, WI] to W. Beaumont regarding: offer to sell Green Bay land to Beaumont, land speculation in Green Bay. May 5, 1852
Alcohol and Tobacco Dependence: from Bench to Bedside Brochure
Alcoholism and Comorbidity Brochure
Alcoholism and the Latest Genetics & Neuroscience Findings Brochure
Alcohol, Suicide, and Suicidality Brochure
Alcohol Use Across the Lifespan Brochure
Alcohol use disorders and teenage sexual intercourse, A. E. Duncan, J. F. Scherrer, Kathleen K. Bucholz, W. R. True, and T. Jacob
A library-based approach to translational informatics education, Kristi L. Holmes, Ellen Dubinsky, and Lili Wang
A limited scope of objectives for the education of parents of young hearing impaired children, Laura L. Williams
A literature review of three common balance tests: Electronystagmography, Rotary Chair Testing, and Computerized Dynamic Posturography, Marie Schmitt
Alleviation of voice difficulties in adults, June Herye Schwankhaus
A longitudinal demographic study of a parent-infant program for hearing-impaired children, Mary A. Ruland
A longitudinal study of one cochlear implant recipient from baseline to twelve months, following a group-based rehabilitation program, Laura Fehrmann
Alterations in adipose tissue and hepatic lipid kinetics in obese men and women with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Elisa Fabbrini, B. Selma Mohammed, Faidon Magkos, Kevin M. Korenblat, Bruce W. Patterson, and Samuel Klein
Alterations in fatty acid kinetics in obese adolescents with increased intrahepatic triglyceride content, Elisa Fabbrini, Dinky deHaseth, Sheela Deivanayagam, Selma B. Mohammed, Bernadette E. Vitola, and Samuel Klein
Alumni of the St. Louis Medical College, 1879
A manual of FM systems for mainstream teachers, Stacey Morgan
Amplifications, Fall 2007, Volume 1, No. 1, Program in Audiology and Communication Sciences
Amplifications, Fall 2009, Vol. 2, No. 1, Program in Audiology and Communication Sciences
Amplifications, Summer 2010, Vol. 3, No. 1, Program in Audiology and Communication Sciences
Amplifications, Winter 2010, Vol. 3, No. 2, Program in Audiology and Communication Sciences
An address to the graduates of the Medical Department of the St. Louis University by A. Litton, 1851. [Original]
An address to the graduates of the Medical Department of the St. Louis University by A. Litton, 1851. Taken from the Missouri Republican
Analisis del lenguaje provocado: nivel pre-oracional, Lourdes Peyroncely
Analisis Gramatical del Lenguaje Elicitado Nivel Sencillo: A Spanish translation of the Grammatical Analysis of Elicited Language: Simple Sentence Level, William Michael Mudrovic
Analysis of return patterns of digital hearing aids, Seemin Qureshi and Jamie Taylor
Analysis of return patterns of digital hearing aids, Jamie Taylor and Seemin Qureshi
Analysis of the consistency of alphabet symbol/speech sound correspondence in three basal reader series, Leslie Walter
An analysis of chart stories from the pre-primary department, 1973-74, A Catherine Graham
An analysis of four reading series at the third grade reading level, Loryn M. Solomon
An analysis of the achievement of deaf children on a standardized vocabulary test, Irene Leota Asbury
An analysis of the language of certain social study textbooks pertinent to instruction of deaf children, David Levine
An analysis of the relationship between immittance results and AC/BC, Steven Smith
An analysis of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests and the Diagnostic Reading Scales for use with hearing-impaired children, Judith K. Schlesinger
An analysis of vocabulary and language constructions of six series of primary readers from the standpoint of teaching the deaf, Mary Lou Rush
An antibiotic-responsive mouse model of fulminant ulcerative colitis, Silvia S. Kang, Seth M. Bloom, Lyse A. Norian, Michael J. Geske, Richard A. Flavell, Thaddeus S. Stappenbeck, and Paul M. Allen
An assessment of the nonverbal test of cognitive skills for use with hearing impaired children, Mary Weinstock
Anatomic correlates of strial presbycusis in recombinant inbred mouse strains, Christina M. Walkonis
Andrew Beaumont [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] news of family and of national politics, high opinion of John C. Calhoun and Senator Benton, marriage of Andrew’s daughters. February 25, 1847
Andrew Beaumont [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: Congress, Andrew Jackson, Celeste Maselle, Mississippi Black Legs, and Dr. Pitrikin. March 11, 1836
Andrew Beaumont [Wilkes Barre, PA] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: letter of introduction for Charles Streater. September 1, 1836
Andrew Combe [Edinburgh, Scotland] to W. Beaumont regarding: books sent by Andrew Combe. May 1, 1838
An educational curriculum outline for teaching sound and hearing in elementary schools, Marty Bush
An effective course of study for teaching hearing-impaired children TTY/TDD skills, Dru Hawken and Susan White
An effective course of study for teaching hearing-impaired children TTY/TDD skills, Susan White and Dru Hawken
An evaluation of a "best practices" musculoskeletal injury prevention program in nursing homes, J. W. Collins, L. Wolf, J. Bell, and Bradley A. Evanoff
An evaluation of the CID perceived self-competence questionnaire, Deborah A. Lee
An evaluation of videotaping for self evaluation by teachers of the hearing impaired, Ann Perry
An evaluation of videotaping for self evaluation by teachers of the hearing impaired, Jan Ronnenbaum and Ann Perry
An examination of cued speech as a tool for language, literacy, and bilingualism for children who are deaf or hard of hearing, Sarah Elizabeth Reynolds
An examination of the appropriateness of the CID grammatical analysis of elicted language as an instrument to compare language acquisition in deaf children enrolled in cued speech vs. oral and signed english programs, Elizabeth Hightower
An experimental base to cognitive learning: its application in the education of young hearing-impaired children, Kathryn Ann Healy
An experiment in voice identification, Anne M. Ross
An exploration of the role of narrative skills in higher-level reading comprehension of teenagers with hearing loss, Anita New
An investigation of the communication strategies used by mothers of hearing-impaired children, Janice Duffield
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College and Hospital, Volume 36, 1876-1877
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College and Hospital, Volume 38, 1877-1878
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College and Hospital, Volume 39, 1879-1880
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College and Hospital, Volume 40, 1880-1881
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College and Hospital, Volume 41, 1881-1882
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College and Saint Louis Post-Graduate School of Medicine, Volume 50, 1890-1891
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College and Saint Louis Post-Graduate School of Medicine, Volume 51, 1891-1892
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College, Medical Department of the University of the State of Missouri, Volume 46, 1886-1887
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College, Medical Department of the University of the State of Missouri, Volume 47, 1887-1888
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College, Medical Department of the University of the State of Missouri, Volume 48, 1888-1889
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College, Medical Department of the University of the State of Missouri, Volume 49, 1889-1890
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 28, 1868-1869
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 29, 1869-1870
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 30, 1870-1871
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 31, 1871-1872
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 32, 1872-1873
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 33, 1873-1874
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 35, 1875-1876
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 42, 1882-1883
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 43, 1883-1884
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 44, 1884-1885
Annual Announcement and Catalogue of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 45, 1885-1886
Annual Announcement of the Medical Department of the St. Louis University, 1844-1845
Annual Announcement of the Medical Department of the St. Louis University, 1845-1846
Annual Announcement of the Medical Department of the St. Louis University, 1847
Annual Announcement of the Medical Department of the St. Louis University, 1851-1852
Annual Announcement of the Medical Department of the St. Louis University, 1852-1853
Annual Announcement of the Medical Department of the University of the State of Missouri, Volume 10, 1854-1855
Annual Announcement of the Medical Department of the University of the State of Missouri, Volume 11, 1855-1856
Annual Announcement of the Medical Department of the University of the State of Missouri, Volume 7, 1850-1851
Annual Announcement of the Medical Department of the University of the State of Missouri, Volume 8, 1851-1852
Annual Announcement of the Medical Department of the University of the State of Missouri, Volume 9, 1853-1854
Annual Announcement of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 12, 1857-1858
Annual Announcement of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 13, 1858-1859
Annual Announcement of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 14, 1859-1860
Annual Announcement of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 52, 1892-1893
Annual Announcement of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 53, 1893-1894
Annual Announcement of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 54, 1894-1895
Annual Announcement of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 55, 1895-1896
Annual Announcement of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 56, 1896-1897
Annual Announcement of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 57, 1897-1898
Annual Announcement of the Missouri Medical College, Volume 58, 1898-1899
Annual Announcement of the St. Louis Medical College, 1859-1860
Annual Bulletin of the Medical Department of the St. Louis University, 1847-1848
Annual Bulletin of the Medical Department of the St. Louis University, 1848-1849
Annual Bulletin of the Medical Department of the St. Louis University, 1849-1850
Annual Bulletin of the Medical Department of the St. Louis University, 1850-1851
Annual Bulletin of the Medical Department of the St. Louis University, 1851-1852
Annual Bulletin of the Medical Department of the St. Louis University, 1853-1854
Annual Bulletin of the Medical Department of the St. Louis University, 1854-1855
Annual Bulletin of the Saint Louis Medical College, 1855-1856
Annual Bulletin of the Saint Louis Medical College, 1857-1858. [Printed 1858]
Annual Bulletin of the Saint Louis Medical College, 1860-1861
Annual Bulletin of the Saint Louis Medical College, 1861-1862
Annual Bulletin of the Saint Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1870-1871), 1871-1872
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, 1856-1857
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, 1857-1858. [Printed 1857]
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, 1859-1860
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, 1864-1865
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, collegiate year (with catalogue for 1887-1888), 1888-1889
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, collegiate year (with catalogue for 1888-1889), 1889-1890
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, collegiate year (with catalogue for 1889-1890), 1890-1891
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, fiftieth annual announcement (with catalogue for 1890-1891), 1891-1892
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, fifty-fifth annual announcement (with catalogue for 1895-1896), 1896
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, fifty-first annual announcement (with catalogue for 1891-1892), 1892-1893
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, fifty-fourth annual announcement (with catalogue for 1894-1895), 1895
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, fifty-second annual announcement (with catalogue for 1892), 1893
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, fifty-seventh annual announcement (with catalogue for 1897-1898), 1898
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, fifty-sixth annual announcement (with catalogue for 1896-1897), 1897
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, fifty-third annual announcement (with catalogue for 1893-1894), 1894
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, preliminary announcement, 1880-1881
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, preliminary announcement, 1888-1889
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, spring session, 1876
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, spring session, 1879
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, spring session, 1883
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, spring session, 1884
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, spring session, 1885
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, spring session, 1886
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, spring session, 1888
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, spring session and post-graduate courses, 1882
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session, 1867-1868
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1866-1867), 1867-1868
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1867-1868), 1868-1869
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1869-1870), 1870-1871
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1871-1872), 1872-1873
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1872-1873), 1873-1874
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1873-1874), 1874-1875
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1874-1875), 1875-1876
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1875-1876), 1876-1877
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1876-1877), 1877-1878
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1877-1878), 1878
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1878-1879), 1879-1880
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1878-1879), 1879-1880
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1879-1880), 1880-1881
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1880-1881), 1881-1882
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1881-1882), 1882-1883
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1882-1883, 1883-1884
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1883-1884), 1884-1885
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1884-1885), 1885-1886
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1885-1886), 1886-1887
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue for 1886-1887), 1887-1888
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College, winter session (with catalogue of alumni of the college since its commencement), 1869-1870
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College (with catalogue for 1864-1865), 1865-1866
Annual Bulletin of the St. Louis Medical College (with catalogue for 1865-1866), 1866-1867
An overview of Meniere's Disease for the CID graduate student, Sheryl R. Erenberg
A pattern recognition approach to the development of a classification system for upper-limb musculoskeletal disorders of workers, Dorcas E. Beaton, Claire Bombardier, Donald C. Cole, Sheilah Hogg-Johnson, Dwayne Van Eerd, Bradley A. Evanoff, and The Clinical Expert Group
A performance test for school age children with a language handicap, Jennylouise Lockwood White
A population-based study of race-specific risk for placental abruption, Tammy T. Shen, Emily A. DeFranco, David M. Stamilio, Jen Jen Chang, and Louis J. Muglia
Applicability of the CID grammatical analysis of elicted language-simple sentence level to children educated in total communication, Laurie Jalenak
Applicability of the Test of Visual Perceptual Abilities (TVPA) in diagnosing learning disabilities in hearing-impaired children, Deborah Tubbs
Approaches for speech development, Carrie Bauza
A preschool hearing-impaired math curriculum, Patty Cox
A proposed plan for using Dr. Marie Carbo's tape-recorded books to improve word recognition skills in children with cochlear implants, Peggy Paris
A proposed program for the education of the deaf in the Philippines, Francisco Cruz Tan
Are distortion levels a problem with digital signal processing hearing aids and frequency modulation (FM) systems?, Claire Buxton
Are our tests accurate?, Amy Cassaw
A report on the language instruction provided to a group of deaf children, Luisa Pachano
Are regular education teachers ready for our students?, Abby Zoia
A resource guide: Mainstreaming a child with a hearing impairment: What teachers need to know, Erin Lanfer
Are there hazardous auditory effects of high-frequency turbines and ultrasonic dental scalers on dental professionals?, Susanna Storm Bono
A retrospective look at cochlear implantation of post-lingually deafened children, Monique Ford
A retrospective study assessing the relative clinical value of performing VRA versus ABR on infants between the ages of seven and twelve months, Nickey S. Martino
A review of tests useful for evaluating language problems in children, L Robertson
A Russian language speech discrimination test for clinical audiometry, Amy Pearlman
A set of lectures concerning an educational approach towards the young hearing impaired child, Ilse Elizabeth Grundlingh
Ashley A. Vantine [Chazy, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: Vantine’s plans to bring St. Martin to W. Beaumont. April 17, 1846
A skill-based reporting system for parents of young hearing-impaired children, Melanie McNutt-Studen
Assessing phonemic awareness skills in hearing impaired students, Christina Marie Borders
Assistant Surgeon William Gibson [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: invoice requested, enclosed requisition and receipt. September 23, 1838
Assistant Surgeon William Gibson [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: medicines for the sick at Jefferson Barracks hospital. August 17, 1838
Associations among adolescent conduct problems and perceived peer and parental acceptance of adolescent alcohol use, Julia D. Grant, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Pamela A. Madden, and Andrew C. Heath
Associations among parental alcohol problems, trauma, and depression in a twin sample, Vivia V. McCutcheon, Andrew C. Heath, Elliot C. Nelson, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Pamela A. Madden, and Nicholas G. Martin
A student handbook for the laryngectomy clinic, Janet K. Barger
A study of cochlear potentials, Robert Goldstein
A study of hearing aid user satisfaction based on the hearing aid performance inventory, Sheri L. Smith
A study of imitation, comprehension, and production, Leslie Lehner
A study of six hearing-impaired children who have been successfully mainstreamed, Janet Weil
A study of the TAGS, an enduring teaching tool: teachers’ perspectives on the Teacher Assessment of Grammatical Structures teaching practices and application, Andrea Martin
A study of threshold and loudness summation in listeners with sensorineural hearing impairments, Judy Ann Matsumoto
A study of threshold and loudness summation in normal-hearing listeners, Bruce Kwiecinski
A study of variables influencing placement in schools for hearing, Ruth F. Mathers
A study of variables that may influence continued placement in schools for the deaf, Melinda C. Richardson
A suggested speechreading program for the elderly adult, Naomi S. Schwartz
A survey of auditory training procedures at C.I.D., Melanie McNutt
A survey of CTA train noise, Susan Moran
A survey of the distribution of information regarding hearing loss to parents by hospitals and pediatricians in the St. Louis area, Karen Layton
A survey on the concepts used in the hearing aid selection process for hearing-impaired adults, Jeanne Behan
A technique to train auditory and visual memory for speech patterns in young hearing-impaired children, Bonnie Haas
A test of auditory-visual speech perception for hearing-impaired children, Nancy E. Thornton
A test of concept formation of hearing-impaired children, Sandra B. Anzaline
A theme-based creative movement curriculum for deaf and hard of hearing students: Focus on speech, language and audition skills, Andrea Osman
A therapeutic antibody against west nile virus neutralizes infection by blocking fusion within endosomes, Bruce S. Thompson, Bastiaan Moesker, Jolanda M. Smit, Jan Wilschut, Michael S. Diamond, and Daved H. Fremont
A time study, Valerie Pederson
Attributable costs of enterococcal bloodstream infections in a nonsurgical hospital cohort, Anne M. Butler, Margaret A. Olsen, Liana R. Merz, Rebecca M. Guth, Keith F. Woeltje, Bernard C. Camins, and Victoria J. Fraser
Attributable costs of surgical site infection and endometritis after low transverse cesarean delivery, Margaret A. Olsen, Anne M. Butler, Denise M. Willers, Gilad A. Gross, Barton H. Hamilton, and Victoria J. Fraser
Attributable outcomes of endemic Clostridium difficile-associated disease in nonsurgical patients, Erik R. Dubberke, Anne M. Butler, Kimberly Ann Reske, Denis Agniel, Margaret A. Olsen, Gina D'Angelo, Clifford McDonald, and Victoria J. Fraser
Audiologic findings in patients with hypophosphatemic rickets/osteomalacia, Martha Meister and Anita Johnson
Audiologic findings in patients with hypophosphatemic rickets/osteomalacia, Anita Johnson and Martha Meister
Audiologic services: a parent's view, Amy Popp
Auditory and audio-visual reception of words in noise by observers with normal and impaired hearing, Norman Phillip Erber
Auditory brainstem response with alternative transducers: implications for newborn hearing screening, Amanda Urhahn
Auditory difference limen for duration in deaf and hearing listeners, Camille Amron
Auditory speech-discrimination as a function of age and type of audiogram, Suzanne Cumberledge Holthouse
Auditory, visual, and auditory-visual recognition of vowels by hearing-impaired children, Zarita Caplan Hack
Auditory word-recognition by young deaf children, Christine S. Bousquet
Autonomic dysfunction in patients with migrane associated dizziness (MAD), Lauren Tegel
Autophagy regulates pancreatic beta cell death in response to Pdx1 deficiency and nutrient deprivation, Kei Fujimoto, Piia T. Hanson, Hung Tran, Eric L. Ford, Zhiqiang Han, James D. Johnson, Robert E. Schmidt, Karen G. Green, Burton M. Wice, and Kenneth S. Polonsky
A. Vail [London, England] to W. Beaumont, regarding: failure to secure a European publisher for Experiments and Observations. March 2, 1834
Average annual reading growth rate progress of children who are deaf, use a cochlear implant and attend an auditory-oral school, Robyn Kirk
A word study unit on Latin and Greek prefixes, roots and derivations, Darlene Kustra
Azariah C. Flagg [Albany, NY] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] regarding: advice about preparing a memorial to Congress for aid concerning his book. December 19, 1833
Bacterial biofilms in cholesteatomas of Mongolian gerbils, Angela Clabots
Balance function following cochlear implantation, Jacquelyn Lea Baudhuin
Basic world geography for upper school students, Elizabeth A. Ritter
B. (Benjamin) Silliman [New Haven, CT] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: analysis of gastric juice delayed. July 30, 1833
Beaumont’s copy of special orders from R. Jones, Adjutant General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: Elwes to replace W. Beaumont during his furlough and W. Beaumont granted permission to visit Europe. July 13, 1831
Behavior in pigeons during regeneration, Insook Lim
Benjamin Chandler [St. Albans, VT]. Letter of recommendation for W. Beaumont. September 7, 1812
Benjamin King, Acting Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: acknowledges the report of recruits examined. May 25, 1838
Benjamin King, Acting Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: articles not accounted for on returns of public property for first quarter 1838. June 14, 1838
Benjamin King, Acting Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: receipt of accounts, requisitions, report of recruits, examined, report of sick, and diary of weather. April 27, 1839
Benjamin King, Acting Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: received diary of weather and reports of sick and recruits examined. July 31, 1839
Benjamin King, Acting Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: received letter explaining articles not accounted for. July 6, 1838
Benjamin King, Acting Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: received report of recruits examined in July 1839. August 14, 1839
Benjamin King, Acting Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: return of duplicate vouchers. October 30, 1837. Beaumont’s note regarding receipt of account from the Surgeon General. October 25, 1837
Benjamin King [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: attempt to employ St. Martin, papers sent to Lovell returned by King, recruits by our friend Lawson to Florida for the Seminole War, request for account of expenses separating expenses of department from those for Indian hostilities. December 6, 1837
Benjamin King [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: funds to be sent by King, collection of King’s note from A. Sanford, difficulty recruiting young doctors for the army. April 20, 1836
Benjamin Silliman [New Haven, CT] to Jacob Berzelius [Stockholm, Sweden] regarding: W. Beaumont’s copy of thanks for volumes of Berzelius’ Chemistry and request for analysis of the samples of gastric juice sent by Beaumont to Berzelius. April 10, 1833
Benjamin Silliman [New Haven, CT] to Mr. Gahn, Swedish Consul [New York, NY] regarding: W. Beaumont’s copy of letter of introduction to Gahn and request for transmittal of gastric juice to Jacob Berzelius. April 10, 1833
Benjamin Silliman [New Haven, CT] to W. Beaumont [New York, NY] regarding: directions for sending a sample of gastric juice to Jacob Berzelius. April 10, 1833
Benjamin Silliman [New Haven, CT] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: Thompson’s offer of June 8, 1840 transmitted by Silliman, Thompson’s attempt to engage St. Martin, possibility of visit to England by Beaumont. August 5, 1840
Benjamin Silliman [Yale College Laboratory] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: review of previous work on the composition and properties of gastric juice from Berzelius’ A System of Chemistry. August 2, 1833
Bibliographic instruction in a pediatric teaching hospital, Susan Fowler
BOLD correlates of trial-by-trial reaction time variability in gray and white matter: a multi-study fMRI analysis, Tal Yarkoni, Deanna M. Barch, Jeremy R. Gray, Thomas E. Conturo, and Todd S. Braver
Bone-conducted tones masked by air-conducted noise, Peter Bryant Weston
Caloric restriction but not exercise-induced reductions in fat mass decrease plasma triiodothyronine concentrations: a randomized controlled trial, Edward P. Weiss, Dennis T. Villareal, Susan B. Racette, Karen Steger-May, Bhartur N. Premachandra, Samuel Klein, and Luigi Fontana
Captain Gardenier [Florence, Italy] to Baptiste (W. Beaumont) [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: letter of recommendation for Bargellini, letter of introduction for Hiram Powers, the sculptor. November 23, 1845
Captain H. Pease [New Orleans, LA] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: inquiring after someone for Beaumont. May 15, 1844
Captain Joseph H. Lamotte [Fort Wacissa, FL] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] requesting reply from W. Beaumont and Sarah Beaumont to letters of last May, news of change of station from Okefenokee District to near Tallahassee, Seminole War in Florida. November 11, 1839
Captain Joseph H. Lamotte [Sarasota, FL] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: news from Sarasota, Seminole Indian War. January 7, 1841
Captain William H. Bell, Arsenal [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: expects to pay Bell’s note with funds Mr. Bernard has raised on his behalf in Indiana. December 6, 1844
Captain William H. Bell, Arsenal [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: news of payment of Bell’s note, offer to sell land back to Beaumont. November 5, 1844
Cardiac signaling genes exhibit unexpected sequence diversity in sporadic cardiomyopathy, revealing HSPB7 polymorphisms associated with disease, Scot J. Matkovich, Derek J. Van Booven, Anna Hinds, Min Young Kang, Todd E. Druley, Francesco L.M. Vallania, Robi D. Mitra, Muredach P. Reilly, Thomas P. Coppola, and Gerald W. Dorn II
Case book and aphorisms of W. Beaumont, Second Infantry regarding: patients Keefe, Ferguson, and Hinkley. December 2, 1826–1830
Case study: acquisition of Japanese in aural language by the four year old child whose hearing loss was detected when he was visiting in U. S. with his family, Naoki Onuma
Catalogue and Circular of the Medical Department of the University of the State of Missouri, Volume 5, 1847-1848
Catalogue and Circular of the Medical Department of the University of the State of Missouri, Volume 6, 1848-1849
Catalogue of subscribers to Experiments and Observations, with added memo of agents selling the book. 1833
Catalogue of the Faculty and Students of the Medical Department of the University of the State of Missouri, Volume 3, 1845-1846
Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the University of the State of Missouri, Volume 4, 1846
Central auditory processing: a current literature review and summary of interviews with researchers on controversial issues related to auditory processing disorders, Anne E. Matson
Central Institute for the Deaf's assistive listening device catalogue: includes descriptions, photographs and prices, Melissa Flink Ridings
Central Institute for the Deaf's Word of Mouth class: developing its future, Rachel Condon
Central Institute for the Deaf vision screening program, Susan Levin
Certificate, Mason of the Seventh Degree, from the Royal Arch Masons [Plattsburgh, NY] to W. Beaumont. April 3, 1820
Certificate, Master Mason, from the Harmony Lodge Masons [Champlain, NY] to W. Beaumont. April 11, 1820
Certificate of membership from the Mark Master Masons Lodge [Plattsburgh, NY] to W. Beaumont. April 3, 1820
Challenges and barriers to early intervention services for children with hearing impairments between the ages of 0-3 years, Christie Summerville
Champlain Masonic Lodge, character reference for W. Beaumont. September 8, 1812
Changes in distortion-product otoacoustic emissions in chinchilla after intermittent noise exposure, He Yuan
Changes in the use of ABR testing for differential diagnosis of hearing loss from 1984 to 2002, Lisa DiMaria
Character education for the deaf and hard of hearing, Kara Fisher
Charles Hooker, Secretary of the Connecticut Medical Society [New Haven, CT] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: Beaumont’s election as honorary member. July 10, 1833
Charles T. Jackson [Boston, MA] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] regarding: Jackson’s research on the chemical composition of gastric juice from Beaumont’s sample and hopes for further chemical analysis with St. Martin in residence in Boston. May 23, 1834
Children with hearing loss who also have special talents, Joan Katz
Chronological list of events of Beaumont’s life from his birth on November 21, 1785 to Doctor Joseph Lovell’s death on October 17, 1836. Undated
Chronological list of events of Beaumont’s life from June 9, 1812–June 11, 1815, including a copy of Beaumont’s diary. Undated
CID alumni from 1986-1990: relation of performance at graduation to present class placement, Georgia Updike
Circular of the Medical Department of Kemper College, Volume 2, 1843-1844
Clara cell adhesion and migration to extracellular matrix, Jeffrey J. Atkinson, Tracy L. Adair-Kirk, Diane G. Kelley, Daphne deMello, and Robert M. Senior
Clarification strategies in oral communication for the hearing impaired student, Patricia M. Trupiano
Classroom acoustics: enhancing the listening environment through the use of amplification systems, Andrea Marie Golfin
Classroom acoustics: the national acoustic standard, Stacy Allen
Classroom acoustics: treatment options, Ann Rebecca Erwin
Clinical and genetic modifiers of long-term survival in heart failure, Sharon Cresci, Reagan J. Kelly, Thomas P. Cappola, Abhinav Diwan, Daniel Dries, Sharon L.R. Kardia, and Gerald W. Dorn II
Clinic protocol for diagnostic evaluation, Suzanne V. Smith
Colonel Joseph G. Totten to Honorable Thomas H. Benton [Washington, DC] regarding: Israel Beaumont’s possible appointment to the military academy. November 17, 1846
Common errors made by clinic patients responding to the W-22 and NU-6 word lists, Amy Marie Smith
Common Problems in Surgical Patients, John Green
Communication between caregivers and deaf patients during hospitalization, Jenny Castles
Communication breakdowns and repair strategies in oral communication and total communication children with cochlear implants, Angela C. Wang
Communication strategies used by children at a school for the deaf, Ellen A. La Nicca
Communication strategies used by teachers at a school for the deaf, Carol S. Williams Greer
Comparative study of the Gaze Stabilization Test (GST) and the Dynamic Visual Acuity Test (DVAT) for detecting patients with unilateral vestibular dysfunction, Jaime Carmody
Comparing auditory steady state response and auditory brainstem response in normal hearing adults, Gina L. Rotert
Comparing auditory steady-state response and auditory brainstem response in normal hearing adults, Anne Matson
Comparing cochlear implant users' and their partners' subjective assessment of verbal strategy use with objective assessment: does this change following psychosocial therapy?, Margaret Basile
Comparing cochlear implant users' objective assessment with a subjective assessment of conversational interactions with unfamiliar speakers, Tanya Jones
Comparing speech assessments: The usefulness of the DEAP as compared to the GFTA-2, Ashley Brianne Pitts
Comparing two receptive vocabulary tests: The receptive one word vocabulary test and the peabody picture vocabulary test, Bet-t Townsend
Comparison of a special hearing aid with a conventional aid for detection and discrimination of high-frequency phonemes, Tetsuro Arakawa
Comparison of Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP) results with subjective visual vertical (SVV) test in patients with and without vestibular dysfunction: effects of horizontal headshaking, Kristy Lee Greco
Comparison of costs of surgical site infection and endometritis after cesarean delivery using claims and medical record data, Margaret A. Olsen, Anne M. Butler, Denise M. Willers, Gilad A. Gross, and Victoria J. Fraser
Comparison of long term cochlear noise injury and age-related cochlear degeneration in mice, Ashlea Joann Wyrick
Comparison of MAP kinases in the proliferation of chick utricular epithelial cells, Meghan Kathleen Spriggs
Comparison of methods for enhancement of regeneration of the VII th nerve, Ebtisam Khalil
Comparison of NRT based MAPs and preferred MAPs in adult Nucleus CI24 cochlear implant users, Melissa Sestak
Comparison of speech processor MAP minimum (T) and maximum (C) levels with psychophysical thresholds and maximum acceptable loudness levels in users of the Nucleus 22 cochlear implant system, Elbe' Boshoff
Comparison of three speakers along critical acoustic dimensions, Karin Bramlett
Comparison of two single-channel tactile aids for the deaf, Faith Ann Russell
Comparison of video and toy reinforcers to motivate infants/toddlers for hearing tests, Kelly Clarke
Comparison of written and spoken language from deaf and hearing children at five age levels, Audrey Ann Simmons
Compensatory signal processing for profoundly hearing-impaired listeners: the transmission of fundamental frequency, Kenneth Wayne Grant
Complete genome sequence of a highly divergent astrovirus isolated from a child with acute diarrhea, Stacy R. Finkbeiner, Carl D. Kirkwood, and David Wang
Components of an oral program that can be implemented with culturally and linguistically diverse deaf and hard of hearing children and their families, Marlene J. Lopez
Components of SurA required for outer membrane biogenesis in uropathogenic Escherichia coli, Kristin M. Watts and David A. Hunstad
Computational identification of the normal and perturbed genetic networks involved in myeloid differentiation and acute promyelocytic leukemia, Li Wei Chang, Jacqueline E. Payton, Wenlin Yuan, Timothy J. Ley, Rakesh Nagarajan, and Gary D. Stormo
Computer assisted instruction for developing speech perception skills in profoundly deaf children, Andrea R. Nash
Conditioning the chinchilla to novel sounds, George Arthur Luz
Conducive hearing loss: its effect on speech perception and language development, Stephanie Newland
Conduct disorders in children at high risk for alcohol use disorders, C. E. Sartor, J. R. Haber, T. Jacob, and W. R. True
Considering usual medical care in clinical trial design, Liza Dawson, Deborah A. Zarin, Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Lawrence M. Friedman, Bimal Chaudhari, and Steven N. Goodman
Cooperative learning: a guide for teachers of the deaf, Beth Sayers
Cooperative learning: helping hearing impaired students build success, Kari Groves
“Copy of Sketch of Wm B … Life” written by an unidentified author. April 26, 1853
Copyright certificate from the Southern District of New York for Experiments and Observations. July 23, 1833
Correlates of heavy alcohol use during adolescence: Investigation of the conceptual distinction between risk and resource factors, Gilbert R. Parra, Kenneth J. Sher, Kristina M. Jackson, and David L. DuBois
Correlation of the articulation index to the MTS test under different listening conditions, Linda M. Wheeler
Creating a parent workshop that encompasses and meets the educational desires for parents of children with hearing impairments being taught in an oral deaf education program, Megan Beauduy
Cross-modality temporal resolution for auditory, vibrotactile, and visual stimuli, Donal Gene Sinex
Cued speech, Heidi Reinkemeyer
Culturally appropriate activities for Spanish speaking families and educators of children who are deaf or hard of hearing, Caroline C. Manning
Current infection control trends in audiology, Alison Burco
Current Trends in Hearing Assistance Technology, Abigail S. Keller
Curriculum guide for teaching sex education to 11 to 12 year old hearing impaired adolescents, Daniel R. Brixius
Daniel M. Whitney, Whitney and Company [Green Bay, WI] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: request to lease land in front of Washington House from Beaumont by Daniel and Joshua Whitney, intent to build a wharf, terms of lease on Green Bay land requested. December 7, 1850
David Nicholson [Saint Louis, MO] to Isaac. H. Keim regarding: lease of property. April 4, 1859
Density of myelinated nerve fibers in the chinchilla cochlea, April Kenworthy
Deposition of W. Beaumont sworn before Judge of Probate Court, Saint Louis County, MO, regarding: application for bounty lands granted to officers and soldiers engaged in the service of the United States. October 28, 1850
Descriptive roll of Sergeant St. Martin from S. Cooper, Adjutant General’s Office [Washington, DC]. March 4, 1833
Detection of words in real-speech background noise by profoundly deaf children, Anne Koester
Determining the efficacy of summer school on maintaining hearing-impaired children’s language levels, Paula Anne Mathias
Developing a set of materials to teach hearing children about hearing impairment, Christine Finley
Developing language while out in the community, Anne LeBlanc
Developing materials for teaching early elementary fundamental skills to hearing-impaired children, Ann M. Holmes
Developing pragmatic skills at the pre-school level: a case study, Anne F. Knight
Developmental sentence scoring, Carol Edley
Development of a high-frequency hearing loss questionnaire for children, Jamie M. Baum
Development of a historic hearing devices exhibit, Monique Carraway
Development of a simple index to predict benefit and satisfaction from amplification, Katie Niehl
Development of a social studies unit on westward expansion in the United States at a beginning 3rd grade level, Marianne Webb
Development of a social studies unit on world geography written at a third grade reading level, Sharron E. Potts
Development of a student workbook in conjunction with the Communication Skills Training for Professionals and Paraprofessionals Program, Kristin Anderle
Development of curriculum in noise awareness, Erin Mahnke
Development of Mandarin speech discrimination test for children, Hsiu-wen Chang
Diagnosis and management of auditory neuropathy/dys-sychrony, Erika Knox
Diagnosis of the difficulties of congenitally deaf children in arithmetic reasoning, Virginia Adrienne Padon
Diagnostic strategies using physical examination are minimally useful in defining carpal tunnel syndrome in population-based research studies, Alexis Descatha, Ann Marie Dale, A Franzblau, J. Coomes, and Bradley A. Evanoff
Dialogue journals: A non-threatening way to correct written language errors, Sara Brooke Morrell
Dialogue journal writing: an effective method of improving the writing skills of hearing-impaired children?, Rollen M. Cooper
Dichotic identification of complex sounds, Judith Larue Lauter
Dictated letter from St. Martin [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: St. Martin ready to join Beaumont and attempt to engage St. Martin by the American Physiological Society. June 5, 1838
Diet and exercise interventions reduce intrahepatic fat content and improve insulin sensitivity in obese older adults, Krupa Shah, Abby Stufflebaum, Tiffany N. Hilton, David R. Sinacore, Samuel Klein, and Dennis T. Villareal
Dietary fat and carbohydrates differentially alter insulin sensitivity during caloric restriction, Erik P. Kirk, Dominic N. Reeds, Brian N. Finck, Mitra S. Mayurranjan, Bruce W. Patterson, and Samuel Klein
Difference between default telecoil and programmed microphone frequency response in behind-the-ear hearing aids, Daniel B. Putterman
Difference limens for first formant frequencies of synthesized vowels in hearing-impaired listeners, Sheryl L. Guda
Differences in added stable gain between manufacturers, audiometric configurations, earmold styles, and frequency bands, Natalie M. Lenzen
Differences in muscle protein synthesis and anabolic signaling in the postabsorptive state and in response to food in 65-80 year old men and women, Gordon I. Smith, Philip Atherton, Dennis T. Villareal, Tiffany N. Frimel, Debbie Rankin, Michael J. Rennie, and Bettina Mittendorfer
Differences in performance in noise between conventional hearing aids and radiant multimicrophone beamforming technology, Rachel Haughey
Differential sensitivity to tonal frequency and to the rate of modulation of broad-band noise by hearing-impaired listeners, Charles Craig Formby
Digital oral history: Using the Web to give history new life, Ellen Dubinsky and Barbara Halbrook
Dimensional tradeoffs in the perception of complex tone sequences, Punita Gurpreet Singh
Dimensions of the acoustic reflex as measured in a background of noise, Robert Loomis
Directional influences in the relation between parenthood and alcohol involvement, Jenny M. Larkins, Kenneth J. Sher, Kristina M. Jackson, and Jennifer L. Krull
Discrimination of multisyllabic sequences by young infants, Roanne Gottlieb Karzon
Disentangling the Genetics of Alcoholism: Understanding Pathophysiology and Improving Treatment Brochure
Dissection of the transformation of primary human hematopoietic cells by the oncogene NUP98-HOXA9., Enas R. Yassin, Nayan J. Sarma, Anmaar M. Abdul-Nabi, James Dombrowski, Ye Han, Akiko Takeda, and Nabeel R. Yaseen
Distortion product otoacoustic emissions in children with profound sensorineural hearing losses, Laura W. Longmeyer
Distortion product otoacoustic emissions in high-risk neonates, Michelle L. Scheidt
Distortion product otoacoustic emissions in the bullfrog, Rachel E. Lohr
Do child cochlear implant users who are perceived unfavorably as communication partners have poor self-esteem?, Mary Vitt
Does a supervised recreation program influence the personality of the deaf?, John E. Taylor
Does clinical experience affect medical students' knowledge, attitudes, and compliance with universal precautions?, Donna B. Jeffe, Sunitha Mutha, Lynn E. Kim, Bradley A. Evanoff, Paul B. L'Ecuyer, and Victoria J. Fraser
Does experience in creative art influence the written self-expression of the deaf child?, Frances Gertrude Riblet
Does prenatal exposure modify the response to first use of alcohol and tobacco?, Valerie S. Knopik, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Michele L. Pergadia, Andrew C. Heath, and Pamela A. Madden
Does systematic instruction in rhythmic movement influence the speech of the deaf, Mary-Kate Waters
Do workers with self-reported symptoms have an elevated risk of developing upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders three years later?, Alexis Descatha, J. F. Chastang, D. Cyr, A. Leclerc, Yves Roquelaure, and Bradley A. Evanoff
Draft memorial by W. Beaumont, U.S. Army [Saint Louis, MO] to President Martin Van Buren [Washington, DC] regarding: appeal for redress of grievances. February 1840
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Fort Crawford, Prairie du Chien, WI] to Editors and Publishers of the Domestic Intelligence Journal regarding: J. W. Heustis’ “Remarks in relation to the use of the trocar in paracenteses abdominis.” March 15, 1831
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Fort Niagara, NY] to James Webster, publisher of the Medical Recorder [Philadelphia, PA] regarding: experiments made on gastric fluids of St. Martin (“absconded to Canada”). August 1825 – October 1825
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [New York, NY] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: departure for Plattsburgh, uncertainty about St. Martin. July 1, 1833
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [New York, NY] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: wish to rush execution of the book, drawings engraved in New York, upcoming transfer to Plattsburgh, accounts payable for St. Martin enclosed, furlough extension for St. Martin, request for transportation allowance. June 10, 1833
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [New York, NY] to Joseph Lovell [Washington, DC] regarding: supplies sent to St. Augustan, searching for Mrs. Donahoe, a warrant from the Treasury Department, and news about a New York City recruiting station. March 19, 1833
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Benjamin King, regarding: rumors of transfer to Florida, encloses bank note for Lovell memorial, determination to remain at Saint Louis. August 15, 1839
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Captain H. Pease regarding: seeking clarification on obscure letter from Pease. June 2, 1844
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Captain Joseph H. Lamotte regarding: approval of courtship of Sarah Beaumont, Lamotte’s property, relocation of Wood ridiculed. December 8, 1839
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Captain William H. Bell, regarding: request for payment of Bell’s note. December 5, 1844
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Captain William H. Bell, regarding: request for payment of Bell’s note. June 24, 1844
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to George Johnson, Jr. regarding: meeting place and date suggested in settlement of accounts with George Johnson. March 17, 1849
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to George Johnson, Jr. regarding: names T. Polk and Captain Kingsbury as his referees in settlement of accounts with George Johnson. March 15, 1849
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to George Johnson, Jr. regarding: settlement of accounts with George Johnson. March 16, 1849
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Henry Hamilton [Buffalo, NY] regarding: suggestions for payment of Hamilton’s note with statement of arrearages. May 4, 1841. Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Henry Hamilton [Buffalo, NY] regarding: receipts from Judge McPherson, requests payment of remaining balance. June 30, 1841
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Hercules L. Dousman regarding: payment of note settled with Hamilton, sale of Hamilton’s mortgage to be stopped. September 26, 1847
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to H. (Henry) Hamilton [Buffalo, NY] regarding: explanation for incomplete payment history on note, Hamilton’s offer to sell land and buy it, land speculation in Saint Louis and Prairie du Chien. August 31, 1847
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Joel S. Fisk [Green Bay, WI] regarding: price given for water lot for Washington House. December 27, 1848
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to John B. Johnson regarding: acceptance of election to Board of Physicians of the Saint Louis City Dispensary. January 15, 1842
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to [John] McCall, regarding: praise for Combe, possibility for experiments to be renewed. February 1, 1846
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Joseph H. Lamotte regarding: advice to Lamotte concerning Sarah Beaumont. February 21, 1839
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Judge Robert McPherson [Buffalo, NY] regarding: payments to McPherson suspended until the question of defective land title is settled. April 21, 1847
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Judge Robert McPherson regarding: payment of note enclosed, land title still disputed, land speculation in Saint Louis. June 28, 1848
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to M. L. Martin [Green Bay, WI] regarding: compromise on title dispute in Green Bay. September 30, 1849
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Noonan regarding: answer to Noonan’s request for the prescription for Beaumont’s most successful cholera treatment for the use by Noonan and Doctors Wolcott and Dousman. 1849
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Ramsey Crooks, regarding: attempt to employ St. Martin through Crooks. January 23, 1839
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont, Saint Louis, MO to Ramsey Crooks, regarding: attempt to regain St. Martin through Crooks. January 23, 1839
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to R. Jones, Adjutant General [Washington, DC] regarding: resignation not accepted, countermanding desired on general order number 48 on transfer to Florida, rumors of dishonorable discharge, service record, requests equitable treatment. December 20, 1839
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Robert McPherson [Black Rock, NY] regarding: payment of Whitney note held by McPherson, request for information about Hamilton. April 29, 1839
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Robert McPherson regarding: delay in payment of note to McPherson, land title dispute. April 6, 1846
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Samuel Beaumont regarding: St. Martin ready to travel with family, attempt to employ St. Martin by bribe, observed surgery by Professor Pope on an osteostafilomatous tumor, attempt to withdraw from medical practice. October 20, 1852
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Samuel G. I. DeCamp regarding: Beaumont’s defense of Decamp, statement of DeCamp’s desire to obey orders. September 10, 1840
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Second Auditor’s Office, regarding: disputes disallowed payment for forage from accounts of A. Massias. April 20, 1840
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] regarding: refusal to pay for forage. November 1839
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to St. Martin and William Morrison regarding: attempt to employ St. Martin. July 15, 1851
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to St. Martin [Berthier, Canada] regarding: disappointment over nonappearance of St. Martin especially with regard to course of lectures at Saint Louis Medical College based on his coming, possibility of bounty land for St. Martin, renewal of offer to St. Martin. February 16, 1851
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to St. Martin regarding: advice to St. Martin about route, requests St. Martin to honor obligations. August 5, 1850
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to St. Martin, regarding: attempt to employ St. Martin without family, possibility of bounty land for St. Martin. October 15, 1852
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to St. Martin regarding: request to honor obligations. May 4, 1850
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to the honorable L.F. (Lewis) Linn, U.S. Senator, regarding: general order 48 and 2, request for aid in reinstatement to army, justification of post at Saint Louis, attempts to employ St. Martin. February 5, 1840
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to the honorable L.F. (Lewis) Linn, U.S. Senator, regarding: request for aid in reinstatement to army, requests deferment of Senate action, time needed to present memorial to President. February 3, 1840
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to the honorable Silas Wright, Jr., U.S. Senator, regarding: request for aid in reinstatement to army, “redress of great and official injustice done me and personal wrong in result of orders by the War Department,” general order 48 and 2 and memorial to president. February 1840
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Thomas Green and M.L. Martin regarding: adjustments to title for Green Bay land, title in dispute. September 29, 1849
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: general order number 2 received, funds not received, acceptance of resignation not expected. February 22, 1840
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: requests leave of absence without conditions, proposed transfer to Jefferson Barracks, justification of medical officer at Saint Louis. April 14, 1839
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to W.G. Edwards [Paris, France] regarding: news of St. Martin’s health and large family, his residence in Canada, thwarted attempts to do more experiments since 1834. January 31, 1850
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] regarding: advance of travel funds for St. Martin authorized, asks Morrison to start St. Martin for Saint Louis. October 22, 1851
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] regarding: another attempt to employ St. Martin through Morrison. January 31, 1850
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] regarding: attempts to employ St. Martin through American Fur Company and Morrison, advice to send someone to find him rather than send funds, St. Martin’s drinking problem. February 1, 1846
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] regarding: attempt to employ St. Martin through Morrison, monies to be sent St. Martin through Morrison, St. Martin and family to be given house by Beaumont, doubt about St. Martin’s sincerity. May 4, 1850
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] regarding: attempt to employ St. Martin through Morrison, refusal to advance funds to St. Martin. May 29, 1846
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] regarding: no further advances for St. Martin, St. Martin and family ready to join Beaumont, St. Martin must raise own money to join Beaumont. July 15, 1851
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] regarding: request for advice on handling St. Martin, information about Pierre Jodin not obtained. February 7, 1852
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] regarding: St. Martin has not arrived in Saint Louis, anxious in attempt to contact St. Martin. October 4, 1850
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Morrison regarding: attempt to employ St. Martin through Morrison. February 1842
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Morrison, regarding: attempt to employ St. Martin through Morrison, possibility of taking St. Martin to Europe. September 5, 1840
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Morrison regarding: draft returned, disappointment over nonappearance of St. Martin, possibility of bounty land for St. Martin based on his service in 1833 and 1834. February 16, 1851
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Morrison regarding: frustration in attempt to employ St. Martin this winter due to bad weather, expect St. Martin in the spring. November 12, 1851
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Morrison regarding: monies to be used to employ St. Martin enclosed, attempt to employ St. Martin without his family through Morrison. October 1852
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Morrison regarding: St. Martin has not arrived in Saint Louis, anxious in attempt to contact St. Martin, frustration with St. Martin, course planned at Saint Louis Medical College along with experiments, fear St. Martin met with accident while traveling. December 30, 1850
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Morrison, regarding: St. Martin’s traveling expenses, contract to be settled after St. Martin arrives, advice given about St. Martin’s route to Saint Louis, cautions against misuse of advance by St. Martin. August 4, 1850
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Morrison, regarding: St. Martin ungrateful for Morrison’s help, attempt to employ St. Martin without his family, possibility of bounty land for St. Martin. October 10, 1852
Draft of letter from W. Beaumont to Andrew Combe regarding: books from Andrew Combe received, including Combe’s own Physiology of Digestion and Combe’s reprint of Beaumont’s Experiments and Observations. 1839
Draft of minutes of Army Medical Board [Washington, DC] by W. Beaumont, member and recorder, regarding: examination of Rives and Clement A. Finley as candidates for the Army Medical staff. March 5, 1834–March 7, 1834
Draft of petition letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to President Martin Van Buren [Washington, DC] requesting reinstatement at same rank after suspension for refusing order to Florida, gives record of 24 years service. 1839
Draft of petition letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: back pay due, defense of Decamp. April 1, 1840
Drafts of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Mr. (Ashley) Vantine regarding: attempt to employ St. Martin. March 25, 1846
Drafts of W. Beaumont’s [Saint Louis, MO] reply to James Sykes’ charges regarding: history of partnership with Sykes from March 18, 1839, financial terms and accounts of association between Sykes and Beaumont. 1841
Dr. Coopers [Columbia, SC] to unknown recipient in support of W. Beaumont’s memorial to Congress, with critique of parts of Experiments and Observations. April 7, 1834
Drinking and the High School Student Brochure
Drinking motives and continuing to drink in adolescent twin boys: Investigating the moderating effects of anxiety sensitivity, Michele L. Pergadia, Andrew C. Heath, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Collins Lewis, and Pamela A. Madden
Drinking practices and problems in adolescents: Evidence from female and male twins, Kathleen K. Bucholz, S. A. Ryan, Pamela A. Madden, and Andrew C. Heath
D. Wardwell, U.S. House of Representatives [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont, Surgeon, U. S. Army, regarding: thanks and praise for Experiments and Observations. January 28, 1834
Dynamic visual acuity following high-frequency head vibration, Julia Bark
Early alcohol use as a risk factor for drug use and dependence, Julia D. Grant, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Michael T. Lynskey, Jeffrey F. Scherrer, Seth A. Eisen, William R. True, Michael J. Lyons, and Ming T. Tsuang
Early cigarette use behaviors and alcohol, Pamela A. Madden, Michele Pergadia, Michael Lynskey, and Andrew C. Heath
Early experiences of children attending classes at Central Institute for the Deaf, Virginia Brinkmann Armbruster
Early linguistic development as seen in four young profoundly hearing impaired children, Thyra Cleek
Early onset alcohol use: its association with later risk of alcohol dependence: Retrospective findings from Australia, Andrew C. Heath, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Pamela A. Madden, Valerie Knopik, Elliot Nelson, Michael T. Lynskey, Wendy S. Slutske, and Nicholas G. Martin
Early use of alcohol or cigarettes in relation to alcohol and nicotine use disorders: A retrospective co-twin control study, Qiang Fu, Andrew C. Heath, Julia Grant, Kathleen K. Bucholz, and William R. True
Ed (Edward) Harm, Corresponding Secretary, Horticulture Society [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: election to the Saint Louis Horticultural Society. December 29, 1847
Educating deaf and hard of hearing students in the mainstream classroom, Rebecca Underwood
Edward Everett, U.S. House of Representatives [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont regarding: the defeat of an appropriation for experiments, suggesting resubmission as a reimbursement. April 1, 1834
Edward Everett [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont, regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. February 4, 1834
Edward Livingston, Ambassador to France [Paris, France] to W. Beaumont regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. March 16, 1834
Edward Macomb [Fort Leavenworth, KS] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: vaccine requested by Macomb and news of Fort Leavenworth. January 19, 1837. W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Edward Macomb [Fort Leavenworth, KS] regarding: vaccine sent Macomb, success of Colonel and Mrs. Kearney in recruitment for dragoon corps. February 2, 1837
Effectiveness of visual feedback provided by an electromagnetic articulograph (EMA) system: training vowel production in individuals with hearing impairment, Rachel Bock
Effective parenting in terms of language development, Sandy Grob
Effect of amplification bandwidth on intelligibility of several different speech samples for a listener with sensorineural hearing loss, Gary Friedman
Effect of amplification bandwidth on speech intelligibility, Marcelle M. Karstaedt
Effect of auditory processing on the preference of monaural amplification for adults with symmetrical hearing loss, Valerie Danielle Lynch
Effect of cultural identity and enculturation on alcohol and other symptoms after exposure to traumatic events, Catherine Woodstock Striley
Effect of moderate diet-induced weight loss and weight regain on cardiovascular structure and function, Lisa de las Fuentes; Alan D. Waggoner; B. Selma Mohammed; Richard I. Stein; Bernard V. Miller, III; Gary D. Foster; Holly R. Wyatt; Samuel Klein; and Victor G. Davila-Roman
Effect of neurotropic factors on survival of transplanted embryonic inner ear tissues, Irfan Ahmed
Effect of unilateral hearing loss on the speech-evoked auditory brainstem response in the presence of noise, Kristin Elizabeth Musser
Effect of weight loss and exercise therapy on bone metabolism and mass in obese older adults: a one-year randomized controlled trial, Dennis T. Villareal, Krupa Shah, Marian R. Banks, David R. Sinacore, and Samuel Klein
Effects of antioxidant enzyme inhibitors on free radical levels in mice and possible clinical applications for decreasing ROS damage in the cochlea, Tina M. Prout
Effects of childhood exposure to paternal alcoholism on substance use disorders in adolescents and young adults, A. E. Duncan, Q. Fu, Kathleen K. Bucholz, J. F. Scherrer, T. Jacob, and W. R. True
Effects of combined electric and acoustic hearing on speech perception of a pediatric cochlear implant user, Sharon Quadrizius
Effects of time averaging on noise floor in distortion product otoacoustic emissions, Jayma L. Branch
Efficacy of 1000 Hz tympanometry in infants birth to 4 months of age: A follow up study, Jamie Glater
Efficacy of high-frequency tympanometry in infants birth to six months of age: A pilot study, Toby Elizabeth Wilson
Efficacy of the Speech Intelligibility Index as an intervention tool with pediatric cancer patients, Megan Cahill
E. H. Barton [Fredericksburg, VA] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: request for mortuary and meteorological statistics from Saint Louis and any other western cities for paper on influence of climate on pulmonary affections. December 28, 1846
Eighth nerve degeneration in the deafness mouse, Molly M. Checkett
Elaine Paden's phonological assessment of the hearing impaired, Julie Margaret Foley
E. Martin to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: partnership request of E. Martin. Undated
Emotion perception in pre-kindergarten school children at Central Institute for the Deaf, Amanda Ruth Shinall
Emotion perception in speech: Discrimination, identification, and the effects of talker and sentence variability, Kristen P. Peters
Endoplasmic reticulum–mitochondria crosstalk in NIX-mediated murine cell death, Abhinav Diwan, Scot J. Matkovich, Qunying Yuan, Wen Zhao, Atsuko Yatani, Joan Heller Brown, Jeffery D. Molkentin, Evangelia G. Kranias, and Gerald W. Dorn II
Endoplasmic reticulum stress is reduced in tissues of obese subjects after weight loss, Margaret F. Gregor, Ling Yang, Elisa Fabbrini, B. Selma Mohammed, J. Christopher Eagon, Gokhan S. Hotamisligil, and Samuel Klein
Enhancing the acquisition of phonemic awareness in hearing impaired students, Susan Barrett
Ethan Allen Hitchcock, Steamboat [Erie Lake, MI] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: introduction to his brother, Samuel Hitchcock, Beaumont’s chances of re-entering the army, advice concerning pay. May 28, 1840
Evaluating and re-developing a more comprehensive and useful needs based assessment tool for parents and teachers of newly-diagnosed deaf and hard of hearing children, Megan L. Miller
Evaluating lexically controlled word lists for open set speech perception testing in profoundly hearing impaired children, Andrea Lynn Pfanstiel
Evaluating social skills in long term cochlear implant recipients, Amy Lee Bell
Evaluating the directional effects of acoustic horn style hearing aids using the QuickSIN procedure, Becky Batiste
Evaluating the efficacy of monaural vs. binaural FM fittings in children with auditory processing disorders, Kristen Haider
Evaluation of a feedback equalization algorithm in the CID Wearable Digital Hearing Aid, Douglas J. Wood
Evaluation of a hearing conservation program at a large industrial company: comparisons of hearing levels in workers exposed to noise on two different schedules with workers in low-noise areas, Keith A. Melda and Lisa Surber Davidson
Evaluation of a hearing conservation program at a large industrial company: comparisons of hearing levels in workers exposed to noise on two different schedules with workers in low-noise areas, Lisa Surber Davidson and Keith A. Melda
Evaluation of different signal processing options in unilateral and bilateral Cochlear Freedom recipients using R-Space background noise, Alison Brockmeyer
Evaluation of sentence list equivalency for the TIMIT sentences by cochlear implant recipients, Sarah E. King
Evaluation of sentence perception of adults with hearing loss when using a video teleconferencing system, Brenda G. Diebold
Evaluation of the effectiveness of using DVDs to elicit language for children who are deaf or hard of hearing, Robyn Mortenson
Evaluation of the SPICE auditory training curriculum, Susan B. Silverman
Evaluation technique designed to investigate the efficacy of a group communication-based aural rehabilitation program for hearing-impaired adults, Elizabeth Anne Yancey
Evaluaton of a genetic marker within the organ of Corti of transgenic mice, Julie A. Decker
Evidence-based (or not!) practices used for reading instruction in oral deaf education schools, Geeta Vijay Shandilya
Evolution and dynamics of regulatory architectures controlling polymyxin B resistance in enteric bacteria, Alexander Y. Mitrophanov, Mollie W. Jewett, Tricia J. Hadley, and Eduardo A. Groisman
Evolution of a bacterial regulon controlling virulence and Mg(2+) homeostasis, J. Christian Perez, Dongwoo Shin, Igor Zwir, Tammy Latifi, Tricia J. Hadley, and Eduardo A. Groisman
Examination of parent support groups for newly diagnosed hearing-impaired children, birth - 5 years, Karen Schrappen
Excess masking among listeners with high-frequency sensorineural hearing loss, Jean-Pierre Gagné
Exercises in reacting to sensory imagery and words carrying emotional overtones, Robin P. Henne
Experimental method for teaching specific language structures to hearing-impaired children, Karen Kay Glover
Extract from the catalogue of St. Louis University, 1844
Extract from the catalogue of St. Louis University, 1845-1846
Extract from the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 28, p. 364, 1827
Extract of the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 9, No. 6, September 18, 1833 containing two notices by Professor Thomas Sewall of Washington, DC regarding (1) the demonstration of St. Martin at the Medical College and (2) description of the work of Beaumont. September 18, 1833
Extracts from Beaumont’s official title and deed books. Undated
Facilitating educational integration of the hearing-impaired child: a proposed integration program for Central Institute for the Deaf, Karen Kay Glover
Factors related to oral communication ability in profoundly deaf children, Helen Orringer
Factors relating to the intelligibility of the speech of deaf children, William G. Thomas
Fall prevention among apprentice carpenters, Victoria Kaskutas, Ann Marie Dale, H. Lipscomb, J. Gaal, M. Fuchs, and Bradley A. Evanoff
Famous Americans curricula, Barbara Halley
Fieldwork material translation for a multiple-language genetic epidemiology study, Vy-Thao Nguyen, Krista L. Russell, Ashley H. Haden, and Rumi Kato Price
First reactions to cigarettes and alcohol, Pamela A. Madden, Andrew C. Health, Kathleen Bucholz, Christina Lessov, and Michele Pergadia
F. L. Alexander [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to W. Beaumont, regarding: hospital attendants excused for parades. August 9, 1834
Focal dystonias of the hand and upper extremity, Diego Torres-Russotto and Joel S. Perlmutter
Forging new directions: Launching a scholarly communications initiative, Cathy C. Sarli
Four discourse level speech perception under four levels of simulated profound hearing loss, Pamela D. Stewart
Francis Markoe Jr. [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: his election as corresponding member of the National Institution for the Promotion of Science. August 22, 1840
Franklin Bache [Philadelphia, PA] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: Bache not able to do analysis of gastric juice because of lack of conveniences and apparatus, the names of chemists who could do the analysis, and advice on subscriptions and an agent for Beaumont’s book in Philadelphia. September 12, 1833
Franklin Bache [Philadelphia, PA] to W. Beaumont, Surgeon, U. S. Army [Washington, DC] regarding: advice from Bache on memorial to Congress. January 24, 1834
Frequency responses of hearing aids and their effects on the speech perception of eight hard-of-hearing subjects, David Pedro Pascoe
F. Whittlesey, House of Representatives [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. February 14, 1834
Gender differences in the prevalence and patterns of alcohol use among 9th-12th graders in a St. Louis suburban high school, A. Ben Abdallah, B. D. Glass, E. L. Spitznagel, and L. B. Cottler
General order number 2 from. R. Jones, Adjutant General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont regarding: the President’s acceptance of Beaumont’s resignation from the Army as of December 31, 1839. January 20, 1840
General order number 48 from E. Schriver, Adjutant General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: Beaumont, P.H. Craig, R.C. Wood, H.A. Stinnecke ordered to examine army surgeons as part of a medical board in Fort Brooke, Florida and then report for permanent duty in Florida. September 18, 1839
Genetic and environmental influences on offspring alcoholism: New insights using a children-of-twins design, T. Jacob, Andrew c. Heath, Kathleen K. Bucholz, J. Scherrer, B. Waterman, W. R. True, R. Haber, and Q. Fu
Genetic and environmental influences on perceived peer alcohol use during adolescence, Julia D. Grant, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Pamela A. Madden, Wendy S. Slutske, and Andrew C. Heath
Genetic and temporal aspects of protection by kanamycin against cochlear noise injury, Allyson D. Rosen
Genetic influences on hypoxic conditioning, Amanda Ortmann
Genome-wide association study reveals genetic risk underlying Parkinson's disease, Javier Simón-Sánchez, Claudia Schulte, Jose M. Bras, Manu Sharma, J. Rapael Gibbs, Daniela Berg, Coro Paisan-Ruiz, Peter Lichtner, Sonja W. Scholz, Dena G. Hernandez, Monica Federoff, Rejko Kruger, Christine Klein, Alison M. Goate, Joel S. Perlmutter, and et al
George Johnson, Jr. [Philadelphia, PA] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] news from Philadelphia, attempts to engage St. Martin by European doctors, gratitude for Beaumont’s guidance. November 30, 1840
George Johnson Jr. [Philadelphia, PA] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: news of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania, organic chemists of Europe anxious to get hold of St. Martin because Beaumont’s analysis of the constituents of chyme (undigested food) was not complete. January 13, 1840
George Johnson, Jr. [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont regarding: date changed in settlement of accounts with George Johnson. March 20, 1849
George Johnson, Jr. [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont, regarding: names of referees in settlement of accounts with Beaumont. March 15, 1849
George Johnson, Jr. [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont, regarding: referee agreed upon in settlement of accounts with George Johnson. March 16, 1849
George Johnson, Jr. [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont regarding: referees disagree and refuse to accept umpire in settlement of accounts, settlement for a sum proposed to Johnson or new referees named, answer requested in 24 hours by Johnson. March 22, 1849
George Johnson Jr. [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont regarding: request for Beaumont to name referee in settlement of accounts with George Johnson. March 14, 1849
George Johnson, Jr. [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont regarding: settlement of accounts with George Johnson. March 24, 1849
George Johnson, Saint Louis Arsenal Hospital [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: his arrest, confinement, and request for help. May 24, 1836
George L. Welcker, Engineer Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: possible appointment of Israel Beaumont’s to the military academy. October 25, 1846
Grammatical analysis of spoken language samples from deaf and hearing adolescents, Susan M. Potts
Gram-negative bacteraemia in non-ICU patients: factors associated with inadequate antibiotic therapy and impact on outcomes, Jonas Marschall, Denis Agniel, Victoria J. Fraser, Joshua Doherty, and David K. Warren
Habituation of the immobility response of guinea pigs to auditory stimuli, Frank Stephen Murray
Handwritten draft, prospectus and subscription form for Experiments and Observations by W. Beaumont. 1833
Healthcare workers' attitudes and compliance with universal precautions: gender, occupation, and specialty differences, Donna B. Jeffe, Mutha Sunita, Paul B. L'Ecuyer, Lynn E. Kim, Renee B. Singal, Bradley A. Evanoff, and Victoria J. Fraser
Healthcare workers' perceptions of occupational exposure, Sunita Mutha, Donna B. Jeffe, Lynn E. Kim, Paul B. L'Ecuyer, Bradley A. Evanoff, and Victoria J. Fraser
Healthcare workers' perceptions of occupational exposure, Sunita Mutha, Donna B. Jeffe, Lynn E. Kim, Paul B. L'Ecuyer, Bradley A. Evanoff, and Victoria J. Fraser
Hearing-aid volume control adjustment by deaf children, Bessie Lau
Hearing conservation: A review of a local hearing conservation program, Christina Maroun
Hearing hazards to firefighters, Gretchen Lyn Haywood
Hearing in children with diabetes mellitus, Ann E. Sieger
Hearing screening with otoacoustic emissions and patient age in a pediatrician's practice, Krisjeana Ballard
Hearing screening with otoacoustic emissions in pediatric outpatient facilities : ages birth through five, Jordan King
Helpful information for parents of newly diagnosed hearing-impaired children, Alison M. Scott
Henry Hamilton [Buffalo, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: corrections on payments, quit claim deeds to be sent by Hamilton, mortgages to be sent to Hamilton by Beaumont. September 11, 1847
Henry Hamilton [Buffalo, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: Hamilton’s offer to sell land, payment of notes clarified by Hamilton. July 30, 1847
Henry Hamilton [Buffalo, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: Hamilton’s sale of property in Green Bay to John M. Clark and request for deferment of payment because of tight money situation in the country. July 25, 1837
Henry Hamilton [Buffalo, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: Judge McPherson’s receipt of $1200, settlement of Hamilton’s note. June 4, 1842
Henry Hamilton [Buffalo, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: partial payment of Hamilton’s note, other news. June 2, 1841
Henry Hamilton [Buffalo, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: payment of Hamilton’s note by Clarke delayed, Mrs. Smith (formerly Miss Thompson) died suddenly leaving an infant. May 20, 1839
Henry Hamilton [Buffalo, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: request for statement of arrearages up to 1841. February 24, 1841
Henry Renshaw [London, England] to W. Miller regarding: declining offer to reprint Experiments and Observations. February 24, 1834
Henry Stanton, Quartermaster, U.S. Army [New York, NY] to W. Beaumont, Surgeon, U.S. Army [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: funds for transportation. April 28, 1835
Henry Stringham [Detroit, MI] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: question of Daniel Whitney’s notes paid to Beaumont. August 27, 1839. Draft of W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Henry Stringham regarding: Daniel Whitney. August 27, 1839
Hercules L. Dousman [St. Peters, MN and Prairie du Chien, WI] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: money owed to Beaumont, land speculation in Prairie du Chien and Winnebago, attempt to employ St. Martin through Lake Superior traders, deeds sent Beaumont by Dousman. November 13, 1837
Herpes zoster risk factors in a national cohort of veterans with rheumatoid arthritis, Jay R. McDonald, Angelique L. Zeringue, Liron Caplan, Prabha Ranganathan, Hong Xian, Thomas E. Burroughs, Victoria J. Fraser, Fran Cunningham, and Seth A. Eisen
H. (Hiram) Powers [Florence, Italy] to W. Beaumont regarding: letter of recommendation for Bargellini. December 21, 1845
Higher maximum doses of oxytocin are associated with an unacceptably high risk for uterine rupture in patients attempting vaginal birth after cesarean delivery, Alison G. Cahill, Brian M. Waterman, David M. Stamilio, Anthony O. Odibo, Jenifer E. Allsworth, Bradley A. Evanoff, and George A. Macones
High frequency audiometry: sound suite versus hospital room, Lisa Gullegde Potts
High-throughput mutational analysis of TOR1A in primary dystonia, Jianfeng Xiao, Robert W. Bastian, Joel S. Perlmutter, Brad A. Racette, Samer D. Tabbal, Morvarid Karimi, Randal C. Paniello, Andrew Blitzer, Sat Dev Batish, Zbigniew K. Wszolek, Ryan J. Uitti, Peter Hedera, David K. Simon, Daniel Tarsy, Daniel D. Truong, Karen P. Frei, Ronald F. Pfeiffer, Suzhen Gong, Yu Zhao, and Mark S. LeDoux
Histological and functional aspects of Alpha-synuclein in neurodegeneration, Lauren Noelle Lawler
Historical review of articulation testing and a recent revision of auditory test no. 9, John William Hartwig
History and uses of music education for children who are hearing impaired, Theresa Kestner
Hit the target: language activities designed to develop simple grammatical structures, Mary Ellen Nevins
HIV and AIDS awareness in the deaf community, Rodrick Easterly
Hospital-associated costs due to surgical site infection after breast surgery, Margaret A. Olsen, Sorawuth Chu-Ongsakul, Keith E. Brandt, Jill R. Deitz, Jennie Mayfield, and Victoria J. Fraser
How the listener's experience influences the rating of the intelligibility of hearing-impaired children's speech, Laura Ferguson
How to write a research paper, Peggy Jones
Human stool contains a previously unrecognized diversity of novel astroviruses, Stacy R. Finkbeiner, Lori R. Holtz, Yanfang Jiang, Priya Rajendran, Carl J. Franz, Guoyan Zhao, Gagandeep Kang, and David Wang
Icing on the Cake: Idiom curriculum for deaf and hard of hearing students, Marion E. Ballas
Identification of a novel picornavirus related to cosaviruses in a child with acute diarrhea, Lori R. Holtz, Stacy R. Finkbeiner, Carl D. Kirkwood, and David Wang
Identification of delayed onset hearing loss in neonates given ototoxic medication, Robin Hudson
Identification of factors predicting spoken language development in young children with a cochlear implant, Dena Michele Witkin
Identification of issues encountered by deaf educators working with multiply involved children and the related emotional affects that go along with intervention, Kelly M. Herron
Identification of normal and abnormal acoustic speech patterns by profoundly hearing-impaired children, Susan Levin
Immediate recall by aphasic, deaf and normally hearing children for visual forms presented simultaneously or sequentially in tim, Frank Burdon Jr. Withrow
Immunohistochemistry of synergistic effects of kanamycin and furosemide in the murine model, Katherine Gorton
Implementing aural habilitation: a case study, Linda Kozma-Spytek
Implications for early interventionists: Cross-cultural and low-income family differences, Karen Elizabeth Kruse
Implications of newborn hearing screening: counseling parents of newborns with hearing loss, Ericca Rebstock
Improved compliance with universal precautions in the operating room following an educational intervention, Lynn E. Kim, Donna B. Jeffe, Bradley A. Evanoff, Sunita Mutha, Brad Freeman, and Victoria J. Fraser
Improving hearing aid users' satisfaction through a market survey, instructional video, and booklet, Jennifer Kelly
Inappropriate use of antifungal medications in a tertiary care center in Thailand: a prospective study, Apisada Sutepvarnon, Anucha Apisarnthanarak, Bernard C. Camins, Kristin Mondy, and Victoria J. Fraser
Independent project in speech and hearing, Judy Winfrey
Index created by Beaumont of different authors on digestion, stomach, and gastric juice. Undated
Influenza vaccination among healthcare workers: Ten-year experience of a large healthcare organization, M. Christina Ajenjo, Keith F. Woeltje, Hilary M. Babcock, Nancy Gemeinhart, Marilyn Jones, and Victoria J. Fraser
Informational guide for parents of residential children, Margaret Anne Peters
Injection of adult mouse mesenchymal stem cells into the developing chick inner ear, Jessica A. Randazzo
Innovative integration of Web 2.0 applications to enhance library-based bioinformatics support, Kristi L. Holmes, Ellen Dubinsky, and Lili Wang
Input/output measurements of otoacoustic emissions and differential diagnosis of cochlear function, Tina D. Worman
In search of causal variants: refining disease association signals using cross-population contrasts, Nancy L. Saccone, Scott F. Saccone, Alison M. Goate, Richard A. Grucza, Anthony L. Hinrichs, John P. Rice, and Laura J. Bierut
Integrated genomic analysis implicates haploinsufficiency of multiple chromosome 5q31.2 genes in de novo myelodysplastic syndromes pathogenesis, Timothy A. Graubert, Michelle A. Payton, Jin Shao, Richard A. Walgren, Ryan S. Monahan, John L. Frater, Mark A. Walshauser, Mike G. Martin, Yumi Kasai, and Matthew J. Walter
Integration of duration and frequency in discrimination between pure tones, Blas Espinoza-Varas
Intelligibility of one's own speech relative to the speech of others, John W. Hawks
Interaction between the UCP2 -866 G>A polymorphism, diabetes, and beta-blocker use among patients with acute coronary syndromes, Amber L. Beitelshees, Brian N. Finck, Teresa C. Leone, Sharon Cresci, Jun Wu, Michael A. Province, Elisa Fabbrini, Erik P. Kirk, Issam Zineh, Samuel Klein, John A. Spertus, and Daniel P. Kelly
Inter-comparisons of articulation tests on normal and hard-of-hearing listeners, Margaret Roosa Breakey
Intervention to prevent falls on the medical service in a teaching hospital, Melissa J. Krauss, Nhial T. Tutlam, Eileen Constantinou, Shirley Johnson, Diane M. Jackson, and Victoria J. Fraser
Intonation contours vs. syntactic structure as predictors of apparent segmentation, Ann Elizabeth Geers
Intrahepatic fat, not visceral fat, is linked with metabolic complications of obesity, Elisa Fabbrini, Faidon Magkos, B. Selma Mohammed, Terri Pietka, Nada A. Abumrad, Bruce W. Patterson, Adewole Okunade, and Samuel Klein
Introductory address to the St. Louis Medical College by M.M. Pallen, 1856
Introductory lecture in the Medical Department of St. Louis University by M.L. Linton, 1845
Introductory lecture to the course of chemistry and pharmacy in the Medical Department of St. Louis University by A. Litton, 1844
Investigation and literature review of unilateral hearing loss, Patricia Eckels
Investigation of the effect of macrophages and other leukocytes on hair cell regeneration in the avian inner ear, Elizabeth L. Simkus
In vivo amyloid imaging in autopsy-confirmed Parkinson disease with dementia, Michelle A. Burack, Johanna Hartlein, Hubert P. Flores, Lisa M. Taylor-Reinwald, Joel S. Perlmutter, and Nigel J. Cairns
Is psychosocial stress associated with alcohol use among continuation high school students?, Raul Caulderon, Jr.; Gregory T. Smith; and Marilyn Winkleby
Israel Green Beaumont’s short manuscript biography of W. Beaumont. Undated
Israel Green Beaumont [Troy, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: return from Montreal without St. Martin, visit to St. Martin at his farm southwest of Berthier, St. Martin’s refusal to travel without his family and an advance for family travel expenses. August 9, 1846
James Eakin, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Fort Crawford, Prairie du Chien, WI] regarding: returns for medicines and hospital stores. July 14, 1830
James Eakin, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Green Bay, WI] regarding: returns of medical and hospital stores. November 16, 1827
James T. Cromwell, M.D., Secretary of the Medical Society of the City and County of New York, to Samuel Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] requesting W. Beaumont’s address. January 26, 1834
James W. Kingsbury [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: Beaumont’s book and prospectus, the behavior of quacks during the cholera in Saint Louis, and news of Prairie du Chien. July 14, 1833
J.B. McDowell [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont, regarding: McDowell’s proposal of medical partnership. March 13, 1839
J.H. Freligh [Louisville, KY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: renewal of note at the Bank of Missouri. December 15, 1841
J.H. (John Henry) Freligh, Steamer Prairie [New Orleans, LA] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: requests renewal of Freligh’s note due at the Bank of Missouri. January 27, 1840
J.H. (John Henry) Freligh, Steamer Prairie [New Orleans, LA] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: requests renewal of Freligh’s note due at the Bank of Missouri, news of heavy ice on journey to New Orleans and not enough freight at port for return. January 26, 1849
J. H. (Joseph H.) Lamotte [Prairie du Chien, WI] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: land speculation about Prairie du Chien, smallpox among Indians, trial of Harris. September 2, 1836
J. L. Lee, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Fort Howard, Green Bay, WI] regarding: returns of medical and hospital stores for 1826. August 9, 1827
Joel S. Fisk [Green Bay, WI] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: request to cash check. July 9, 1841
John B. Grey [St. Charles, MO] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: dissension among Saint Louis doctors especially between Atkerson and Grey. August 5, 1839
John B. Johnson, Secretary of the Board of Physicians at Saint Louis City Dispensary to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: Beaumont’s election to the Board of Physicians at the dispensary. January 12, 1842
John H. Morison [New Bedford, MA] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: letter of introduction for J.B. Johnson. November 25, 1840
John McCall [Utica, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: extracts from Combe’s Physiology of Digestion, Combe’s comments on experiments, invitation to national medical convention in New York City. March 21, 1846
John McCall [Utica, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: letter of introduction for Mr. J. R. Warner, enclosed Digestion and Diet and N.Y.S. Medical Soc. Transactions. June 8, 1847
John McCall [Utica, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: place in history of W. Beaumont and St. Martin, news of national medical convention, Combe family, and scientific advances. July 22, 1846
John McCall [Utica, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: reference to the late Beaumont in Combe’s preface to the fifth edition of Combe’s’ Physiology of Digestion, news of Combe’s family, appreciation of Beaumont’s contribution to science. September 28, 1845
John McCall [Utica, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: reputation of Beaumont abroad, transmittal to William Combe of Beaumont’s letter to McCall. July 28, 1846
John McKeon [New York, NY] to Lewis Cass [Washington, DC] regarding: request for transfer of Mower and Elwes to New York City. January 20, 1835
John S. Whiting [Detroit, MI] to W. Beaumont [Michilimackinac, MI] regarding: notice of election to honorary membership in the Medical Society of the Territory of Michigan. March 3, 1825
John Turnbull [New York, NY] to W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: books sent by Andrew Combe via Turnbull. October 24, 1838
Jonas Platt [Peru, NY] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: Experiments and Observations with a list of agents for the book by city with numbers of the subscriptions. December 5, 1833
Joseph H. Lamotte [Fort Lloyd, GA] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: his feelings about Sarah Beaumont, news about Seminole War in Florida. May 3, 1839
Joseph H. Lamotte [Fort Lloyd, GA] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: Seminole War, Indian duplicity, Zachary Taylor, and enclosed letter to Sarah with proposition for her hand. December 18, 1838
Joseph J. B. Wright [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: requisition for medicines including pink root for children of the soldiers. November 16, 1838
Joseph Lovell, Department of War, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: Paris tour, copyright in Europe, subscriptions for his book, and Mr. Livingston. September 13, 1833
Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office, to Lewis Cass, Secretary of War [Washington, DC] regarding: giving military and professional reasons to retain Mower, the senior officer, over Elwes, his junior. February 21, 1835
Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Fort Crawford, Green Bay, WI] granting furlough. May 23, 1831
Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Fort Crawford, Prairie du Chien, WI] regarding: Elwes directed to replace Beaumont. August 8, 1831
Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: Finley ordered to Jefferson Barracks to await trial with W. Beaumont as witness. October 21, 1834
Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: Lyman Foot’s transfer to Fort Winnebago. September 4, 1834
Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: medical office to be established at Saint Louis. January 16, 1835
Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: vaccine supply sent and official notice of transfer to Jefferson Barracks. December 26, 1834
Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] to William Lee, Second Auditor regarding: returns of medical stores from many doctors including W. Beaumont. August 6, 1823
Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Mackinac, MI] regarding: case history to be submitted to The [American] Medical Recorder and Lovell’s promise to send a book of experiments on gastric liquor as a guide to making further observations. November 9, 1824
Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: rule about assignment of surgeons and assistant surgeons to medical stations. October 18, 1833
Joseph Lovell, to W. Beaumont, regarding: delay in transfer to Plattsburgh. July 8, 1833
Joseph Lovell, War Department [Washington, DC] rejecting transfers for Mower and Elwes. January 26, 1835. Alfred Elwes [Fort Hamilton, NY] to Lewis Cass [Washington, DC] copy to W. Beaumont, requesting transfer of Mower and Elwes to New York City. January 15, 1835
Joseph Lovell [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [New York, NY] regarding: outline of the case history of St. Martin. March 22, 1833
Joseph Lovell [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [New York, NY] regarding: transfer to Plattsburgh to attend to the book printing approved by Lovell, Livingston’s proposal that St. Martin and Beaumont visit Paris. June 3, 1833
Joseph Lovell [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: bilious attack suffered by Lovell and manuscripts returned by Lovell. May 5, 1833
Joseph Lovell [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: pay arrears for St. Martin sent and manuscripts returned by Lovell. April 19, 1833
Journal of cases in W. Beaumont’s medical practice, including earliest descriptions of the wounding of St. Martin, recorded at Fort Mackinac, MI. November 18, 1822–January 12, 1825
J. R. P., Secretary of War [Washington, DC] signed statement denying requests for pay from W. Beaumont and others. November 4, 1840
J.S.B. Alleyne [Saint Louis, MO] to Mrs. Deborah Beaumont regarding: condolences on the death of her husband. April 26, 1853. Resolutions of the physicians of Saint Louis on W. Beaumont’s death. April 26, 1853
J. S. (Joel S.) Fisk [Green Bay, WI] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: price of land requested by Fisk. November 23, 1849
Judge Robert McPherson [Black Rock, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: authorized to improve McPherson’s property leased to W. Beaumont, arranges for forwarding of possessions, expects to see Hamilton regarding Whitney note. November 25, 1839
Justice Joseph Story [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont, regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. March 6, 1834
Kir6.2 variant E23K increases ATP-sensitive K+ channel activity and is associated with impaired insulin release and enhanced insulin sensitivity in adults with normal glucose tolerance, Dennis T. Villareal, Joseph C. Koster, Heather Robertson, Alejandro Akrouh, Kazuaki Miyake, Graeme I. Bell, Bruce W. Patterson, Colin G. Nichols, and Kenneth S. Polonsky
Klassevirus 1, a previously undescribed member of the family Picornaviridae, is globally widespread, Lori R. Holtz, Stacy R. Finkbeiner, Guoyan Zhao, Carl D. Kirkwood, Rosina Girones, James M. Pipas, and David Wang
Language behavior of the young hearing impaired child, Catherine Law
Latency and slope values of evoked responses in children in brain stem audiometry, Brenda S. Schick
Learning disabled and hearing-impaired, LaShawn Cole
Letter and resolution of the Medical Society of the Territory of Michigan from R. S. Rice, Secretary, to W. Beaumont [Green Bay, WI] regarding: W. Beaumont’s able report on the case of the wounded stomach and the experiments on digestion read at its annual meeting in January 1828. March 20, 1828
Letter from W. B. (William B.) Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department, Washington, DC, to W. Beaumont, Saint Louis, MO, regarding: returns of hospital and medical stores of September 30, 1837 received. February 20, 1839
Letter of recommendation for George Johnson from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: 3 years study of Physic and Surgery “under my observation and instruction.” September 24, 1839
Levi Woodbury, Navy Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] regarding: purchase of 12 copies of Experiments and Observations. June 3, 1834
Levi Woodbury, Navy Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. December 30, 1833
Levi Woodbury, Navy Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] requesting 12 copies of Experiments and Observations. December 30, 1833
Lewis Cass, War Dept. [Washington, DC] to Major General Winfield Scott regarding: acknowledging receipt of recommendation for Mower. February 19, 1835
Lewis Cass [Washington, DC] to Alfred W. Elwes [Fort Hamilton, NY] regarding: rejecting request for transfer of Elwes. February 4, 1835
Lewis Cass [Washington, DC] to John McKeon [New York, NY] regarding: request received for transfer of Elwes to New York City. January 31, 1835
Lewis Cass [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont, regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. December 31, 1833
Lieutenant Joseph H. Lamotte [Fort Crawford, Prairie du Chien, WI] to W. Beaumont regarding: news from Fort Crawford, deed for land at Prairie du Chien, land speculation, prospects for city growth, leaves of absence denied to army officers, arrival of recruits. November 16, 1836
Lieutenant Potter to W. Beaumont, requesting clarification of latter’s orders. 1834
List of graduates, 1861
List of graduates, 1867
List of graduates, 1869
List of graduates of St. Louis Medical College, 1855. Taken from the Missouri Republican
List of graduates of St. Louis Medical College, 1859. Taken from the Missouri Republican
List of graduates [of the St. Louis Medical College], 1858. Taken from the Missouri Republican
List of graduates of the St. Louis Medical College, 1860. Taken from the Missouri Republican
List of graduates of the St. Louis Medical College, 1864. Taken from the Missouri Republican
Literature guide for parents of preschoolers, Kacey Gifford Lindgren
Literature review and analysis of itinerant teachers of the hearing impaired located in the midwest: Service delivery model in education, Sarah Elizabeth Knoll
Liver, muscle, and adipose tissue insulin action is directly related to intrahepatic triglyceride content in obese subjects, Kevin M. Korenblat, Elisa Fabbrini, B. Selma Mohammed, and Samuel Klein
Long-term effects of calorie or protein restriction on serum IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 concentration in humans, Luigi Fontana, Edward P. Weiss, Dennis T. Villareal, Samuel Klein, and John O. Holloszy
Long-term effects of large-volume liposuction on metabolic risk factors for coronary heart disease, B. Selma Mohammed, Samuel Cohen, Dominic N. Reeds, Leroy Young, and Samuel Klein
Lost opportunities: How physicians communicate about medical errors, Jane M. Garbutt, Amy D. Waterman, Julie M. Kapp, William Claiborne Dunagan, Wendy Levinson, Victoria J. Fraser, and Thomas H. Gallagher
Loudness discomfort levels: A retrospective study comparing data from Pascoe (1988) and Washington University School of Medicine, Jennifer N. Keller
Loudness judgments in normal and hearing impaired listeners, Karen L. Tressel
LRP1 shedding in human brain: roles of ADAM10 and ADAM17, Qiang Liu, Juan Zhang, Hien Tran, Marcel M. Verbeek, Karina Reiss, Steven Estus, and Guojun Bu
Mainstreaming, inclusion, and the elementary school age hearing impaired student, Kerry Finn
Mainstreaming: panacea or pitfall, Patricia A. Gilliam
Major J.K. Hook [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: letter of recommendation for G. Johnson. January 27, 1835
Manuscript copy of “Review of Beaumont on the Gastric Juices” (Experiments and Observations) in the Western Medical Gazette of Cincinnati, May 1834
Mapping peptidergic cells in Drosophila: Where DIMM fits in, Dongkook Park, Jan A. Veenstra, Jae H. Park, and Paul H. Taghert
Marginal cell density in young and old CBA/J and CBA/CAJ mice, Ashley Dahl
Martin Van Buren, Vice President of the United States [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont, regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. January 1, 1834
Mathematical and electrical analysis of pulsed tones, Daniel Redmond McAuliffe
MDA-5 recognition of a murine norovirus, Stephen A. McCartney, Larissa B. Thackray, Leonid Gitlin, Susan Gilfillan, Herbert W. Virgin, and Marco Colonna
Meaningful use of speech scale: application to orally educated hearing-impaired children, Jillian Crosson
Measurement of distortion product emissions in chinchilllas, Syed Ahmed
“Medical and physical journal commenced November 1, 1818 in the sixth year of medical and surgical practice.” November 1, 1818
Medical College of St. Louis University, catalogue of the winter course, 1842-1843
Medical College of St. Louis University, catalogue of the winter course, 1842-1843
“Medical science and common sense,” a lecture to the 1859-1860 class of the St. Louis Medical College by M.L. Linton, 1859
Memo, draft memorial, W. Beaumont to Congress, with narrative of experiments on St. Martin and expenses incurred. 1834
Memoranda from John Henry Freligh [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont, regarding: credit to Beaumont at the Bank of Missouri. July 10, 1839
Memoranda written by W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: injunction served Sykes and dissolution of partnership, misuse of funds by Sykes alleged. 1841
Memorandum by W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: relationship between him and Johnson including enlistment of Johnson with commencement of studies in 1841, no partnership formed but relationship one of merchant to clerk, salary allotted George Johnson, room and board given. March 19, 1849
Memorandum from Mr. Gahn, Swedish Consul [New York, NY] regarding: gastric juice sent to Berzelius by American brig Marcella. July 30, 1833
Memorandum from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to George Johnson, Jr. regarding: settlement of accounts with Johnson, rent to be paid for use of Beaumont’s office. November 1, 1849. Memorandum from George Johnson Jr. regarding: list of names and amounts paid in cash from January 2, 1844 through November 27, 1847 with interest he assigned. March 27, 1849. Memorandum from George Johnson, Jr. regarding: duplicate receipt of $1500 paid to Johnson by Beaumont and list of Johnson’s uncollected accounts to January 1, 1848. March 27, 1849. Memorandum from George Johnson, Jr. regarding: memo of old unsettled balances on books through January 1, 1850 and list of names with money owed Beaumont. January 1, 1850
Memorandum of W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: W. Beaumont’s assets in property and mortgages, including real estate held in Green Bay and Prairie du Chien, WI. December 8, 1833
Memorial to the Honorable Lewis Cass, Secretary of War [Washington, DC] from New York Congressmen A. Mann, Jr., C.P. White, John J. Morgan, John Adams, C. McVean, S.G. Hathaway, Abraham Bockie, Charles G. Ferris, C. C. Cambeling, W.K. Fuller, and Edward Howell petitioning transfer of Alfred W. Elwes to New York City station after rejection by Cass and Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General. February 12, 1835. Statement of concurrence with additional signatures including A. Huntington, W. Taylor, J. Pierson, R. Day, John W. Brower, R.H. Gillet, Silas Wright, Jr., N. P. Talmadge, J. Turrill, S. Beardsley, Aaron Ward, Henry Mitchell, Reuben, Nisol Halsey. February 14, 1835
Memorial (with narrative of experiments and expenses incurred) of Doctor William Beaumont, a surgeon in the U.S. Army to 23rd Congress regarding: request for government assistance to continue experiments, remuneration for expenses already incurred. January 1834
Memory for articulated sequences and lipreading performance of deaf observers, Carol Lee de Filippo
Metagenomic analysis of human diarrhea: Viral detection and discovery, Stacy R. Finkbeiner, Adam F. Allred, Phillip I. Tarr, Eilleen J. Klein, Carl D. Kirkwood, and David Wang
Methods for hearing aid selection and fitting, Regina A. Salomon Feiner
MicroRNA-133a protects against myocardial fibrosis and modulates electrical repolarization without affecting hypertrophy in pressure-overloaded adult hearts, Scot J. Matkovich, Wei Wang, Yizheng Tu, William H. Eschenbacher, Lisa E. Dorn, Gianluigi Condorelli, Abhinav Diwan, Jeanne N. Nerbonne, and Gerald W. Dorn II
Midwest Alcoholism Research Center: Future directions, Andrew C. Heath
Milo L. North and Edward P. Terry, Connecticut Medical Convention [New Haven, CT] to W. Beaumont, regarding: resolution of thanks. May 15, 1834
Minutes of Army Medical Board [Washington, DC] by W. Beaumont, member and recorder, regarding: examination of Rives and Clement A. Finley as candidates for the Army Medical staff. March 5, 1834–March 7, 1834
Modeling the cost–benefit of nerve conduction studies in pre-employment screening for carpal tunnel syndrome, Bradley A. Evanoff and Steven M. Kymes
Modeling the cost–benefit of nerve conduction studies in pre-employment screening for carpal tunnel syndrome, Bradley A. Evanoff and Steven M. Kymes
Monaural and binaural loudness summation of speech, Ebtisam Khalil
Monitoring of monosyllabic words by deaf children, Carol Ann Vegely
More appropriate: additional stories for students who are hearing impaired using the "Specialized Program Individualizing Reading Excellence" (S.P.I.R.E.) curriculum, Audrey Jane Davis
Morgan L. Martin [Green Bay, WI] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: land title dispute in Green Bay with heirs of Stoddard by Indian woman. September 10, 1849
Most comfortable listening levels of hearing impaired people: effects of everyday auditory and visual environments, Judith A. Rubin
Mothers' verbal language to young hearing impaired children, Star Christine Leonard
Motor adaptation scaled by the difficulty of a secondary cognitive task, Jordan A. Taylor and Kurt A. Thoroughman
Motor asymmetry and substantia nigra volume are related to spatial delayed response performance in Parkinson disease, Erin R. Foster, Kevin J. Black, Jo Ann V. Antenor-Dorsey, Joel S. Perlmutter, and Tamara G. Hershey
Movies as a source of non-occupational noise exposure, Julie Mullen
Mr. Binney [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont, regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. January 24, 1834
Mr. Chase [Plattsburgh, NY] to W. Beaumont regarding: thanks and praise for Experiments and Observations. December 7, 1833
Mrs. Potter, U.S. Arsenal [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: services of Beaumont not needed in the case of Lieutenant Potter. May 23, 1838
Multicenter study of surveillance for hospital-onset Clostridium difficile infection by the use of ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes, Erik R. Dubberke, Anne M. Butler, Deborah S. Yokoe, Jeanmarie Mayer, Bala Hota, Julie E. Mangino, Yosef M. Khan, Kyle J. Popovich, Kurt B. Stevenson, Clifford McDonald, Margaret A. Olsen, Victoria J. Fraser, and Prevention Epicenters Program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Multimedia telephone systems as a valuable communication tool for the hearing-impaired, Kerri A. Cook
Multiple meanings of words in arithmetic textbooks, Audrey Ann Simmons
Narration for instructional video: operation and maintenance of the Nucleus 22 Channel Cochlear Implant, Rachel Spears
Neural correlates of STN DBS-induced cognitive variability in Parkinson disease, Meghan C. Campbell, Morvarid Karimi, Patrick M. Weaver, J. Wu, Dana C. Perantie, Nina A. Golchin, Samer D. Tabbal, Joel S. Perlmutter, and Tamara G. Hershey
Newborn hearing screening: A retrospective analysis of hit and false positive rates in the NICU and how they are influenced by risk factors for hearing loss in a suburban birthing hospital, Maria Goldenberg
Newborn hearing screening: examining the presence of risk factors for hearing loss, Andrea Marie Golfin
New Hope learning center, James F. Wilson
Newspaper clipping, “Alisma plantago,” regarding: an herbal cure for hydrophobia. August 28, 1818
Newton Hayes [Franklin House, New York, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: letter of introduction for Dr. Morgan. December 12, 1843
N. L. Jarvis, Camp Worth [Fort Jesup, LA] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: Camp Worth, expedition with Major Riley into Caddo country, operation by “Dr. H.” for fistula, Major Moessig’s trials, death of Lovell. December 7, 1836
Noise exposure impact in a manufacturing environment: A hearing conservation program needs assessment, Jill Diesman
Noise exposure in basketball officials: A pilot study, Lara S. Smith
Noise exposure in high school aged youths and distortion product otoacoustic emissions, Susan Goldstein
Noise exposure in school-age children, Suzanne B. Govett
Noise exposure in the fire department, Cynthia Diel
Noise exposure in the operating room, Mary Usher
Noise exposure levels of high school music teachers, Ross Harwell
Noise levels and hearing conservation in a water treatment facility, Tessa Gilfillan
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is associated with hepatic and skeletal muscle insulin resistance in overweight adolescents, Sheela Deivanayagam, B. Selma Mohammed, Bernadette E. Vitola, Gihan H. Naguib, Tamir H. Keshen, Erik P. Kirk, and Samuel Klein
Notch-deficient skin induces a lethal systemic B-lymphoproliferative disorder by secreting TSLP, a sentinel for epidermal integrity, Shadmehr Demehri, Zhenyi Liu, Jonghyeob Lee, Meei-Hua Lin, Seth D. Crosby, Christopher J. Roberts, Perry W. Grigsby, Jeffrey H. Miner, Andrew G. Farr, and Raphael Kopan
Notes on “Review of Beaumont on the Gastric Juices” (Experiments and Observations) in the Western Medical Gazette of Cincinnati, May 1834
Notice of the dissolution of the practice of Drs. Sykes and Beaumont with division of property. April 1, 1841
Novel THAP1 sequence variants in primary dystonia, J. Xiao, Y. Zhao, R. W. Bastian, Joel S. Perlmutter, Brad A. Racette, Samer D. Tabbal, Morvarid Karimi, Randal C. Paniello, and et al
Novel word-learning for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired children, Michelle Gremp
N.P. Trist to W. Beaumont (at Joseph Lovell’s Office) regarding: invitation to call on the President. [1833]
N.R. Smith [Lexington, KY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: letter of introduction for Thomas Reyburn. March 12, 1839
NRXN3 is a novel locus for waist circumference: a genome-wide association study from the CHARGE Consortium, Mary F. Feitosa, Aldi Kraja, Michael A. Province, Qunyuan Zhang, and Ingrid B. Borecki
Nucleus 22 cochlear implant: a case study, Erica Knese
Objective validation of behavioral maps in children with advanced bionics cochlear implants, Jamie Hayden Cadieux
Observations on the effects of a single-channel cochlear implant on a seven year old, Kathryn K. Barringer
Occupational hearing conservation in a rural woodworking company, Tammy Dunn
Occurence of autism spectrum disorder in the hearing-impaired population: how to achieve earlier diagnosis, Laura Elizabeth Saia
Ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (oVEMP) using air conducted sound: Effect of body position on threshold, Andrea Rae O'Neil
Office noises and their effect on audiometry, Wilbur Dale Currier
Open-set speech perception of school-age cochlear implant users, Quinn Stahl
Optical environment in classrooms for hearing-impaired children: recent developments and continuing needs, Susan Langtry
Optimal dose of Kanamycin for protection from noise induced hearing loss, Mary Elizabeth Rybak Rice
Oral and manual language skills of hearing children of deaf parents, Rachel I. Mayberry
Order from A. Van Burn, Adjutant General’s Office [Washington DC] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: order to report to the Surgeon General. November 23, 1833
Order of lectures and clinics, spring session, 1881
Orders from Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [New York, NY] regarding: transfer of funds to Russell on leaving New York. June 13, 1833
Outcomes and measurable indicators drive the logic model approach for a liaison program, Neville D. Prendergast and Elizabeth Kelly
Outcomes of conventional amplification for pediatric unilateral hearing loss, Lauren A. Wendorf
Panic symptoms, cigarette smoking and drinking in adolescent female twins, Michele Pergadia, Andrew C. Heath, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Elliot C. Nelson, Christina N. Lessov, Donald F. Klein, and Pamela A.F Madden
Parental observations of children's responses to three sensory aids: cochlear implant, tactile aid, hearing aid, Nilam Patel
Parental response to newborn hearing screening, Beth Knopf
Parental response to Universal Newborn Hearing Screening, Megan Elizabeth Terry
Parents as advocates for their hearing impaired children transitioning from a private setting to a mainstream setting, Elizabeth Anne Pitlyk
Patient perception of disability following acoustic (vestibular) schwannoma removal via gamma knife and microsurgical techniques, Dondra O. Nichols
Patient satisfaction in the Central Institute for the Deaf Clinic, Rebecca A. Thompson
P. C. Fuller [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont regarding: thanks and praise for Experiments and Observations. February 5, 1834
Pdx1 and other factors that regulate pancreatic beta-cell survival, Kei Fujimoto and Kenneth S. Polonsky
Pediatric conversion to the HiResolution processing strategy: 6 case studies, Jamie Marie Hayden
Perception and cognition in deaf children, Joseph Rosenstein
Perception of speech through a 500 Hz low-pass filter: sensory aids and communication strategies, Lois Isaacs and Judith Rubin
Perception of speech through a 500 Hz low-pass filter: sensory aids and communication strategies, Judith A. Rubin and Lois Issacs
Perceptual aspects of a three-dimensional vowel space, John Warren Hawks
Perceptual correlates of spectral changes in complex tones, Punita Gurpreet Singh
Perceptual validation of an acoustic metric for measuring vowel production by deaf children, Regina M. Gilbert
Performance of postlinguistically deaf cochlear implant patients on the connected speech test (version 3), Ramona P. Sarkis
Phoneme analysis of cochlear implant recipients' responses to CNC words using the MPEAK and SPEAK speech coding strategies of the Nucleus cochlear implant system, Kristin Hedges
Phonological awareness in children who are deaf/hard of hearing, Susan Corine Theobald
Phonological processing in the reading of deaf and normally hearing children, Nichole Marie Czarnecki
Phospholipase C gamma 2 is critical for development of a murine model of inflammatory arthritis by affecting actin dynamics in dendritic cells, Viviana Cremasco, Elisa Benasciutti, Marina Cella, Marina Kisseleva, Monica Croke, and Roberta Faccio
Physical activity, psychological complaints, and occupational health, Bradley A. Evanoff
Physical and perceived noise levels within the neonatal intensive care unit of St. Louis Children's Hospital, Julie Berron
Physical education and the hearing impaired, Lesley K. Wilke
Pill Cochie’s parting admonition to his dear old wife, Deborah [Plattsburgh, NY]. November 1832
Pilot study of static immittance values before and after cochlear implantation, Betsy Nan Gordon
Plasticity of the systemic inflammatory response to acute infection during critical illness: development of the riboleukogram, Jonathan E. McDunn; Kareem D. Husain; Ashoka D. Polpitiya; Anton Burykin; Jianhua Ruan; Qing Li; William Schierding; Nan Lin; David Dixon; Weixiong Zhang; Craig M. Coopersmith; W. Michael Dunne, Jr.; Marco Colonna; Bijoy K. Ghosh; and J. Perren Cobb
Play of the preschool age deaf child, Carmelita Klorer
Population-based estimate of sibling risk for preterm birth, preterm premature rupture of membranes, placental abruption and pre-eclampsia, Jevon Plunkett, Ingrid Borecki, Thomas Morgan, David Stamilio, and Louis J. Muglia
Portions of diary entries written by William G. Eliot, Jr. [Saint Louis, MO] describing Beaumont’s illness and death in Saint Louis. April 22, 1853–April 26, 1853
Post-mortem report written by W. Beaumont and D. M. Martin, attending physician regarding: Mary, a female slave of James Harrison showing chronic lung disease, enlarged spleen and mesenteric glands. October 10, 1840. W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Dr. Somerville, regarding: request for advice concerning a fee. September 29, 1840
Postsecondary education for the deaf and its supportive system: the United States in comparison to Japan, Akira Honda
Potentially pathogenic bacteria in shower water and air of a stem cell transplant unit, Sarah D. Perkins, Jennie Mayfield, Victoria J. Fraser, and Largus T. Angenent
Predicting for the hearing impaired the intelligibility of different kinds of speech materials, Pamela T. Mortensen
Predicting music enjoyment in cochlear implant users, Rose Bradley
Predicting the ability to lip-read in children who have a hearing loss, Jeanne Breitmayer Flowers
Prefixes and suffixes, Marlene Miller
Preliminary development of a connected-discourse speechreading test, Charles L. Gammel
Preliminary work on development of a new hearing aid booklet for parents of young hearing impaired children, Susan Hummer and Kelly Wassell
Preliminary work on development of a new hearing aid booklet for parents of young hearing impaired children, Kelly Wassell and Susan Hummer
Presence of the KPC carbapenemase gene in Enterobacteriaceae causing bacteremia and its correlation with in vitro carbapenem susceptibility, Jonas Marschall; Robert J. Tibbetts; W. Michael Dunne, Jr.; Jonathan G. Frye; Victoria J. Fraser; and David K. Warren
Primary level curriculum units based on the Simple Sentence TAGS, Sarah Pourchot
Procedures for selecting hearing aid compression ratios based on individual loudness judgements, Matthew F. Lucas
Programme of summer lectures at Saint Louis Medical College, 1871
Program of lectures of the St. Louis Medical College, 1894-1895
Progress Report No. 1, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 10, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 11, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 12, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 13, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 14, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 15, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 16, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 17, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 18, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 19, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 2, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 20, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 21, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 22, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 23, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 24, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 3, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 4, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 5, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 6, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 7, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 8, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress Report No. 9, Biomedical Computer Laboratory
Progress toward identification of alcoholism susceptibility genes on chromosome 7 in the COGA dataset, Alison M. Goate
Project for instrumentation in education, Pat LaCoste
Promoting consumer health resources through new employee orientation, Misty Carney
Promoting social skills in hearing impaired children ages 11 - 14, Roxanna Thoma
Promotion of responsible authorship & publication practices: A library role, Ruth Lewis and Cathy C. Sarli
Proposals for publishing by subscription, a new work, to be entitled Observations and experiments on the gastric juice and the physiology of digestion by W. Beaumont, M.D. Surgeon in the U.S. Army [Plattsburgh, NY] August 15, 1833
Prospectus, “Proposals for publishing by subscription, a new work, to be entitled “Observations and experiments on the gastric juice and the physiology of digestion by William Beaumont, M.D. Surgeon in the U.S. Army.” [Plattsburgh, NY] August 15, 1833
Psychophysical estimation of the effective level of internal noise in the auditory system, John Robert Franks
Public handbill, “To the public, Plattsburgh,” regarding: a quarrel between G. H. Richards and W. Beaumont. June 12, 1815.
QTLs of factors of the metabolic syndrome and echocardiographic phenotypes: the hypertension genetic epidemiology network study, Aldi T. Kraja, Pinchia Huang, Treva Rice, Dabeeru C. Rao, and et. al.
Quality of life in children with unilateral hearing loss: a pilot study, Sarah A. Borton
Quality of life measure for adolescents and children with hearing loss, Amy M. Streufert
Quantitative metabolomics reveals an epigenetic blueprint for iron acquisition in uropathogenic Escherichia coli, Jeffrey P. Henderson, Jan R. Crowley, Jerome S. Pinkner, Jennifer N. Walker, Pablo Tsukayama, Walter E. Stamm, Thomas M. Hooton, and Scott J. Hultgren
Questions teachers ask, Julie Otto
Ramsey Crooks [New York, NY] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: advice on sale and distribution of the book. September 29, 1833
Ramsey Crooks to W. Beaumont regarding: dinner invitation. December 17, 1832
Ramsey Crooks [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: attempt to employ St. Martin through Crooks. April 27, 1839
R. Cox [Sparta, TN] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: request to buy Experiments and Observations. December 6, 1833. Deborah Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] appended to Cox’s letter (31A), regarding: Cox’s letter and family news. January 2, 1834
R.D. Thomson [London, England] to Benjamin Silliman [New Haven, CT] regarding: request for gastric juice, attempt to engage St. Martin by Thompson. June 8, 1840
Reaction-times of hearing-impaired children to acoustic stimuli of different sensation levels, Leslie E. Herman
Reading achievement of the deaf: another look, Dorothea Baker
Reading aloud to children who are deaf or hard of hearing, Eileen Bouldin Brankatelli
Reading fluency in children who are deaf or hard of hearing, Lisa Emerson
Reading instruction for hearing-impaired students in an auditory-oral setting, Michelle Scotino
Reanalysis of perceptual confusion matrices, Nicole Michelle Wham
Recall of deaf and normally hearing children on a short term memory task, Jacqueline Scott Hartman
Reception of acoustic speech signals as a function of sensation levels by hearing-impaired children, Linda H. Witt
Reciprocal regulation of myocardial microRNAs and messenger RNA in human cardiomyopathy and reversal of the microRNA signature by biomechanical support, Scot J. Matkovich, Derek J. Van Booven, Keith A. Youker, Guillermo Torre-Amione, Abhinav Diwan, William H. Eschenbacher, Lisa E. Dorn, Mark A. Watson, Kenneth B. Margulies, and Gerald W. Dorn II
Recognition of temporarily modified speech stimuli, Joanne Kocunik
Recognizing emotion in illustrations and photographs: Comparing responses of children who are deaf or hard of hearing with those of children with normal hearing, Sarah Sisk
Recommendations for a mathematical curriculum to be used in conjunction with an oral deaf education program, Megan Rae Freese
Re-education of the aphasic with the emphasis on the young adult, Dorothy Britton
Regenerative capabilities of the rat seventh nerve using suture and collagen splint techniques: a comparative study, Beth A. Holstad
Register of Beaumont’s correspondence between September 1824 and May 15, 1852 with synopses of each letter. Undated
Re-interpretation of early speech perception test (standard version) in Urdu language, Bushra Ajaz
Relation of audiometric patterns to the etiology of auditory disorders in children, Elizabeth Kay Smith
Relationship among otoacoustic emission suppression and auditory processing measures in adults, Bethami Joseph
Relationship between prenatal maternal smoking and drinking and subtypes of ADHD in two population based samples of Missouri twins, R. J. Neuman, Andrew C. Heath, R. D. Todd, and L. Sun
Relationships among audiological measurements, tinnitus measurements and self-reported hearing handicap in subjects with occupational hearing loss, Iok-In Cheong
Remedial reading technique applied to the deaf, Elizabeth A. Gorsuch
Replication of association between ELAVL4 and Parkinson disease: the GenePD study, Anita L. DeStefano, Jeanne Latourelle, Mark F. Lew, Oksana Suchowersky, Christine Klein, Lawrence I. Golbe, Margery H. Mark, John H. Growdon, G. Fredrick Wooten, Ray Watts, Mark Guttman, Brad A. Racette, Joel S. Perlmutter, and et al.
Representation of Cued Speech in teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing preparation programs, Aaron Rose
Reproducibility of postprandial lipemia tests and validity of an abbreviated 4-hour test, Edward P. Weiss, David A. Fields, Bettina Mittendorfer, M.A. Dorien Haverkort, and Samuel Klein
Resources for non-english speaking parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing and learning english as their primary language, Jennifer Olumba
Respiration for life vs. respiration for speech, Michelle del Mundo
Review of Beaumont’s Experiments and Observations. Undated
Reviews of reading materials for parents, Patricia Sommerville
Revisioning the library - Adapting organizational structure to a changing information landscape, Robert Engeszer, Judy Hansen, Kristi L. Holmes, Will Olmstadt, Cathy C. Sarli, Paul Schoening, and Lili Wang
R. H. Wilde to W. Beaumont, regarding: thanks and praise for Experiments and Observations. January 27, 1834
Rhythmical training for deaf children, Louise Salant
Risk factors for endometritis after low transverse cesarean delivery, Margaret A. Olsen, Anne M. Butler, Denise M. Willers, Gilad A. Gross, Preetishma Devkota, and Victoria J. Fraser
Risk factors for surgical site infection after low transverse cesarean section, Margaret A. Olsen, Anne M. Butler, Denise M. Willers, Preetishma Devkota, Gilad A. Gross, and Victoria J. Fraser
Risk factors for surgical site infection following orthopaedic spinal operations, Margaret A. Olsen, Jeffrey J. Nepple, K. Daniel Riew, Lawrence G. Lenke, Keith H. Bridwell, Jennie Mayfield, and Victoria J. Fraser
R. Johnson [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: inability to work due to cauterization of an injury to the third finger with silver nitrate, criticism of W. Beaumont’s “caustic theory.” July 17, 1835
R. Jones, Adjutant General’s Office [Washington, DC] granting six-month furlough to W. Beaumont. June 6, 1832
R. Jones, Adjutant General’s Office [Washington, DC] revoking W. Beaumont’s furlough. October 24, 1831
R. Jones, Adjutant General’s Office [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont regarding: special order 35, to report to Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. April 30, 1834
R. Jones, Adjutant General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: resignation not accepted until general order number 48 on transfer to Florida obeyed. October 25, 1839
Robert McPherson [Black Rock, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] letter of introduction for A.M. Gardner of Buffalo, NY, professor of law. May 1, 1842
Robert McPherson [Black Rock, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: lack of payments by Hamilton on note, economic depression. March 20, 1842
Robert McPherson [Black Rock, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: news on payment of Hamilton’s note by Doctor Clark, visit of McPherson anticipated. May 19, 1839
Robert McPherson [Black Rock, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: request for payment of note, land speculation in Black Rock. April 14, 1839
Robert McPherson [Buffalo, NY] to W. Beaumont, regarding: payment of note received by McPherson. July 12, 1847
Robert McPherson [Buffalo, NY] to W. Beaumont regarding: request for payment of note, news about Henry Hamilton’s intentions concerning note. May 25, 1847
Robert McPherson [Buffalo, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: claims by Stoddard’s heirs to land purchased by McPherson and sold to W. Beaumont. May 3, 1846
Robert McPherson [Buffalo, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: request for payment. March 20, 1849. W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Robert McPherson regarding: payment of note held by McPherson. May 1, 1849
Robert McPherson [Buffalo, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: requests for payment of note and news of land title dispute. June 21, 1848
Robert McPherson [Buffalo, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: second request for payment. May 8, 1849. W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Robert McPherson [Buffalo, NY] regarding: reply to request for payment. May 21, 1849
Robert M. Johnson [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont, Army [Washington, DC] regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. January 21, 1834
Robley Dunglison, Professor of materia medica, therapeutics, hygiene and medical jurisprudence [University of Maryland, Baltimore] to Senator Asher Robbins [Washington, DC] in support of the memorial to Congress. January 25, 1834
Robley Dunglison, Professor of Physiology [University of Virginia] to Joseph Lovell [Washington, DC] regarding: experiments suggested by Dunglison on artificial digestion. January 12, 1833
Robley Dunglison [University of Virginia] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] regarding: receipt of gastric juice by Dunglison and further experiments suggested by Dunglison. January 29, 1833
Robley Dunglison [University of Virginia] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] regarding: receipt of gastric juice, Dunglison’s idea that gastric action is by solution not by chemical conversion, and new experiments suggested by Dunglison to test this idea. March 23, 1833
Robley Dunglison [University of Virginia] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] regarding: results of his analysis of gastric juice. February 6, 1833
Robotic assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomy for suspected renal cell carcinoma: Retrospective review of surgical outcomes of 35 cases, Sam B. Bhayani and Nitin Das
Role of alpha synuclein in noise induced hearing loss, Melissa Mooney
Role of synuclein proteins in auditory function, Catherine A. Young
Royal Arch Masons, Champlain Chapter [Plattsburgh, NY]. Character reference. November 12, 1814
Royal Arch Masons, Champlain Chapter [Plattsburgh, NY]. Character reference. November 13, 1814
Samuel Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to St. Martin, regarding: W. Beaumont’s return to Saint Louis and his continued negotiations with St. Martin. January 12, 1835
Samuel Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: account of unsuccessful negotiations with St. Martin, visit to Morrison and family at his farm, delay in publishing of the second edition of Experiments and Observations. August 21, 1846
S. Beardsley, Surgeon, U. S. Army [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. January 28, 1834
Scar formation in the inner ear followig acoustical injury: sequence of changes from early signs of damage to healed lesion, Barbara Ann Bohne
School counselors in the mainstream setting: a tool for working with students with hearing impairments in the public school environment, Andrea Lynn Niekamp
S. Cooper, Adjutant General’s Office [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [New York, NY] regarding: order for St. Martin’s transfer to Beaumont. June 10, 1833
S. Cooper [Jefferson Barracks, Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont, regarding: transfer to Fort Crawford, transfer of Finley to Jefferson Barracks. October 1, 1834. W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: Finley’s desertion. October 1, 1834
Self-reported childhood abuse and illicit drug abuse/dependence, Elliot C. Nelson, Andrew C. Heath, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Pamela A. Madden, Michael T. Lynskey, D. J. Statham, and N. G. Martin
Sensitivity and specificity of the finger tapping task for the detection of psychogenic movement disorders, Susan Criswell, Callen Sterling, Laura Swisher, Bradley A. Evanoff, and Brad A. Racette
Sensitivity and specificity of tympanometric gradient and middle ear resonance in young children and infants, Brandy R. Jones
Seth Pomeroy [Burlington, VT]. Letter of recommendation for W. Beaumont. September 1812
S. Highley, [London, England] to Thomas P. Jones [Washington, DC] regarding: declining offer to publish Experiments and Observations and return of manuscript. February 20, 1834
Short- and long-term attributable costs of Clostridium difficile-associated disease in nonsurgical inpatients, Erik R. Dubberke, Kimberly Ann Reske, Margaret A. Olsen, Clifford McDonald, and Victoria J. Fraser
Should homework be required? parent attitudes at Central Institute for the Deaf, Laurie Johnson
Sigma-2 receptor ligands potentiate conventional chemotherapies and improve survival in models of pancreatic adenocarcinoma, Hiroyuki Kashiwagi; Jonathan E. McDunn; Peter O. Simon, Jr.; Peter S. Goedegebuure; Suwanna Vangveravong; Katherine Chang; Richard S. Hotchkiss; Robert H. Mach; and William G. Hawkins
SN10: reliability and validity, Jennifer Marie Taylor
Social-emotional adustment in deaf children: An investigation of the relationship between academic and speech perception abilities to social-emotional adjustment, Lisa D. Cantarini
Social invitations mailed to W. Beaumont from Mrs. Lewis Cass, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Livingston, Colonel Abert, Colonel and Mrs. Towson, Major J. K. Hook, Joseph Lovell, Ramsey Crooks, and Eliza Lovell. 1833
Social skills issues of mainstreaming hearing-impaired children, Robyn Kaye Patton
Social skills training for the deaf child, Daun R. Snyder
Social skills training in deaf and hard of hearing preschoolers, Nancy Barklage
Social training activities and resources for hearing impaired students in elementary school, Peggy Hammond
Some considerations of word association test responses among deaf children, Betsy Frick
Southern District of New York, certificate of copyright issued to W. Beaumont for his book, Experiments and Observations. December 20, 1833
Special order 101 from R. Jones, Adjutant General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: W. Beaumont’s transfer to Plattsburgh. July 5, 1833. Special order 177 from R. Jones, Adjutant General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: order to report to Surgeon General’s Office. November 25, 1833
Special order from R. Jones, Adjutant General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: W. Beaumont’s assignment to medical board. March 4, 1834
Special order from S. Cooper, Adjutant General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: furlough granted to St. Martin. March 4, 1833
Speech and the hearing-impaired child: evaluation and revision of the CID Speech Skills Worksheet, Lauren Nichole Mungenast
Speech audiometry in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, Beatriz M. Rosas
Speech intelligibility in noise-induced hearing loss: effects of high-frequency compensation, Margaret Walker Skinner
Speech perception by the chinchilla: discrimination of /I/ and /A/ in various consonantal contexts, Nan Lynn Dunlop
Speech perception through profoundly deaf ears, Beth Hawes
Speech recognition in reverberation in biomodal cochlear implant users, Christine Alexander
Spelling errors in children who are deaf, Laura Ann Houston
Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions, Ahmed El-Fouly
Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in a chinchilla: audiometric correlates as seen in audiogram microstructure, Marta Solomonson
Stapling and Energy Devices, Mary Klingensmith
Statement of the funds of the Forum (a Plattsburgh civic organization) addressed to the President and Secretary, signed by W. Beaumont, treasurer, together with notice of Beaumont’s resignation. November 1, 1817
St. Louis Post-Graduate School of Medicine and Polyclinic catalog, 1886
St. Louis Post-Graduate School of Medicine and Polyclinic catalog, 1886-1887
St. Louis Post-Graduate School of Medicine and Polyclinic catalog, 1887-1888
St. Louis Post-Graduate School of Medicine and Polyclinic catalog, 1892
St. Louis Post-Graduate School of Medicine and Polyclinic catalog, 1893
St. Louis Post-Graduate School of Medicine and Polyclinic catalog, 1895
St. Louis Post-Graduate School of Medicine and Polyclinic catalog, 1896
St. Martin [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] refusing to join Beaumont because of wife’s objections. June 26, 1834
St. Martin [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont, regarding: St. Martin ready to travel with family. September 25, 1852
St. Martin [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: readiness to travel if he can bring his family. April 25, 1846
St. Martin [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: refusing offer under conditions of leaving family, claiming family would not have interfered, request for payment of back wages to Mrs. St. Martin for laundry services, willingness to proceed if W. Beaumont came to Canada for experiments, attempts by other doctors to engage him. July 6, 1846
St. Martin [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: request for money. Undated
St. Martin [Cavendish, VT] to Israel Green Beaumont regarding: news from St. Martin, death of Mrs. Deborah Beaumont. April 3, 1870
St. Martin [Cavendish, VT] to Israel Green Beaumont regarding: sorrow over death of Mrs. Deborah Beaumont, requests news about Beaumont family. April 17, 1870
St. Martin [Cavendish, VT] to Israel Green Beaumont regarding: St. Martin requests Israel to write. March 2, 1870
St. Martin [Cavendish, VT] to Israel Green Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: death of Mrs. Deborah Beaumont. May 30, 1870
St. Martin [Saint Thomas de Joliette, Canada] to Israel Green Beaumont regarding: request for money, news of health and family of St. Martin. Undated. English translation of document in Box 18, Folder 31A.
St. Martin [Saint Thomas de Joliette, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] State of Illinois, news of St. Martin’s family, request for money. May 24, 1843
St. Martin to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: St. Martin and family ready to travel, Morrison refuses St. Martin travel funds, St. Martin complains about Morrison. May 15, 1852
Strial capillary permeability following noise exposure in mice, Noel Y. Dwyer
Structural analysis of narratives produced by normal-hearing and deaf children, Jillian Ann Crosson
Student musicians' perception of loudness and how it correlates to the measured level, Amanda Moore
Studies on the anatomy and physiology of the tongue, Jacqueline Keaster
Studying the transition to college: A new prospective study, Kenneth J. Sher
Subjective impressions of child cochlear-implant users: effects of conversational fluency, intelligibility, speech perception, and communication mode, Sharon Shoults
Subjective preference for a high power hearing aid utilizing a directional microphone, Maureen M. Stephens
Subjective versus objective measures of daily listening environments, Jennifer Suzanne Taylor
Subthalamic nucleus stimulation-induced regional blood flow responses correlate with improvement of motor signs in Parkinson disease, Morvarid Karimi, Nina A. Golchin, Samer D. Tabbal, Tamara G. Hershey, Tom O. Videen, J Wu, Mwiza Usche, Fredy J. Revilla, Johanna Hartlein, Angie R. Wernle, Jonathan W. Mink, and Joel S. Perlmutter
Suggestion for linkage of chromosome 1p35.2 and 3q28 to plasma adiponectin concentrations in the GOLDN Study, Laura J. Rasmussen-Torvik, James S. Pankow, James S. Peacock, Ingrid B. Borecki, James E. Hixson, Michael Y. Tsai, Edmond K. Kabagambe, and Donna K. Arnett
Surgeon’s commission, U. S. Army [Washington, DC] for W. Beaumont, signed by President John Quincy Adams. February 15, 1828
Surgical Instrumentation, L. Michael Brunt
Survey of hearing-impaired adults and parents of hearing-impaired children and their knowledge of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Pamela L. deSena
Suturing: Free Hand Pass, L. Michael Brunt
Suturing: Free Hand Pass Two Hand Tying, L. Michael Brunt
Suturing: Instrument Pass, L. Michael Brunt
Suturing: Instrument Tie, L. Michael Brunt
Suturing: One Handed Knot Tying, L. Michael Brunt
Suturing: Tie Running Stitch, L. Michael Brunt
S. W. Beall [Buffalo, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: deposit at the Bank of Wisconsin of Whitney’s notes for $2000 received in exchange for property that Beaumont sold him. June 22, 1837
S. W. Beall, Cooperstown, NY to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: payment of note. April 8, 1838
S. W. Beall [Cooperstown, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] requesting payment of note now in the hands of Lyman Foot. February 13, 1838
Symptoms of imbalance associated with cervical spine pathology, Catherine Clara Rieke
Synergistic effects of noise, kanamycin, and hyperoxia on ABR thresholds in CBA/J mice, Elizabeth Ann Baum
Syntactic development in the oral and written language of profoundly deaf adolescents, Amy C. Ivey
Tactile errors of localization on the sternums of tactaid VII users and non-users, Eric J. Frederick
Tactile localization of acoustic stimuli with an earmold vibratrory aid, Zila Wapinski
Tactile perception of rhythmic patterns in normal, blind, deaf and aphasic children, Joseph Rosenstein
Targeted ablation of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide-producing cells in transgenic mice reduces obesity and insulin resistance induced by a high fat diet, Matthew C. Althage, Eric L. Ford, Songyan Wang, Patrick Tso, Kenneth S. Polonsky, and Burton M. Wice
Task-specific dystonias: a review, Diego D. Torres-Russotto and Joel S. Perlmutter
TCF7L2 variant rs7903146 affects the risk of type 2 diabetes by modulating incretin action, Dennis T. Villareal, Heather Robertson, Graeme I. Bell, Bruce W. Patterson, Hung Tran, Burton Wice, and Kenneth S. Polonsky
TDP-43 accumulation in inclusion body myopathy muscle suggests a common pathogenic mechanism with frontotemporal dementia, Conrad C. Weihl, P. Temiz, S. E. Miller, G. Watts, C. Smith, M. Forman, Phyllis I. Hanson, V. Kimonis, and A. Pestronik
Teacher burnout: A look at stressors affecting teachers of the deaf, Caroline Leigh Holstein
Teaching deaf children how to use telecommunication devices for the deaf, Adrienne Marie Owens
Teaching language (at the primary level) through theme-base units, Alisande Rapps
Teaching speech to hearing-impaired children using the Speech Skills Worksheet: Phonemes, Ellie Rice
Teaching written language to students who are deaf or hard of hearing, Elizabeth Giddens
Temporal processing in listeners with unilateral hearing loss, Deborah K. Miller
Test-retest reliability of distortion product otoacoustic emissions in high-risk registry neonates, Albert Zhao
Test-retest reliability with the Madsen ZO70 electroacoustic impedance bridge, Peggy Solis
The acoustic approach to speech correction, Susan Edson
The applicability of the California Test of Personality to a hearing-impaired population, Ann Elizabeth Beeler
The applicability of The Test of Word Knowledge to hearing-impaired children, Brigid Zemann
The application of a specific interest inventory to the deaf, Dorothy Eileen Knisley
The association method for diagnosis and treatment of congenital aphasia, Mildred Agatha McGinnis
The best Christmas pageant ever: creating a captioned version, Debra K. Blauman
The bioinformatics program at Washington University's Bernard Becker Medical Library: Making it happen, Lili Wang, Kim Lipsey, and Carol Murray
The calibration and use of probe-test microphones, Robert Wilmer Benson
The Central Institute for the Deaf Computer Lab: a guide to technological integration, Karen R. Mankin
The Challenges of College-Age Drinking Brochure
The characterization of distortion product otoacoustic emissions in the Sprague-Dawley rat during development, Aimee Woolard
The clinical evaluation of language functions (CELF): its applicability for hearing-impaired children, Rene' Bouffard
The cochlear implant process from candidacy to surgery, a guidebook for parents and teachers, Jill Nichole Hardesty
The comparison of tympanometric results to distortion product otoacoustic emissions, Erika Nicole Knox
The comparison of vestibular functions in hearing and hearing impaired populations, Karen Noss
The construction and administration of a word hearing test, Alfred Robert Thea
The construction of a thyratron inflection indicator, its behaviour with certain vowels, and its use in instructing deaf children, Tikvah Alper Sterne
The contribution of self-reported childhood abuse to the onset of alcohol-related outcomes, Elliot C. Nelson, Andrew C. Heath, Kathleen K. Bucholz, Pamela A. Madden, D. J. Statham, and N. G. Martin
The desk set 50 years later, Susan Fowler and Misty Carney
The developmental expression pattern of TUJ1 and Tenascin in the utricle and saccule of Japanese quail, Emily Elizabeth Bradof
The Developmental Sentence Analysis and the Grammatical Analysis of Elicited Language - Complex Level: a correlative study, Gabrielle Rubin
The Developmental Sentence Scoring Procedure, Kay M. Rheinhardt
The development of a computerized version of a revised W-1 word list for obtaining speech reception thresholds, Sara C. Meyers
The development of alcoholism in a community sample of men: An 11-year follow-up study, Collins E. Lewis, Kathleen K. Bucholz, and Jihong Liu
The development of a phonetically balanced word recognition test in the Ilocano language, Reynita Sagon
The development of language and communicative behaviors in deaf/hearing twins, Angela Nagle
The development of principles underlying auditory training, Mary Jane DeWeerd
The development of syntax in the written language of hearing-impaired children, Lisa M. Hipps
The development of the computerized version of the early speech perception test battery, Mary H. Russo
The discrimination of auditory and visual number, Elizabeth Gilliatt Reynolds
The effect and the use of the typewriter upon the reading and language of deaf children, Leo Gerson Doerfler
The effectiveness of directional microphone alignment in the Baha Divino, Kristi Ann Marie Oeding
The effectiveness of noise cancellation headphones for hearing impaired listeners, Catherine Schroy
The effectiveness of phonics instruction for children with hearing impairments, Tara Beck
The effectiveness of "Word of Mouth" classes on the use of communication strategies, communication attitudes and lipreading skills, Susan Hamilton
The effect of click rate in variance ratios for auditory brainstem responses in normal hearing ears, Elizabeth Kohl
The effect of electroacoustic adjustments of hearing aid battery drain, Sandra E. Stumpf
The effect of group aural rehabilitation, Laura Brinkman
The effect of nonlinear frequency compression and linear frequency transposition on speech perception in school-aged children, Kelly L. Helm
The effect of "picture story" context on verbal elicted imitation in deaf students, Gregory R. Leigh
The effect of pre-implant puretone thresholds on post-implant speech perception ability in children, Jyothi Murthy
The effect of talker age and gender on speech perception of pediatric cochlear implant users, Jillian B. Levine
The effect of the handwriting without tears program on student cursive writing achievement at Central Institute for the Deaf (CID), Julie A. Galanis
The effect of writer's workshop on the development of students' writing abilities at Central Institute for the Deaf, Alexis Nicole Zendejas
The effects of a phonological awareness training program for hearing-impaired children, Sarah Stewart
The effects of carboplatin on hearing sensitivity in children, Julie Lyn Old
The effects of earmuffs and hearing impairment on word discrimination in noise, Carole Campbell
The effects of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) on auditory brainstem responses (ABR) in neonates, Staci Earnest
The effects of gravity on the development of otolith organs in the Japanese quail, Melissa Lowe
The effects of group-based psychosocial therapy on conversational fluency and communication handicap, Deborah Kupchik
The effects of hearing aid gain on speech perception and the articulation index, Marla Schwartz
The effects of inadvertent venting introduced by a probe tube in real ear gain, Susan Dailey
The effects of noise exposure on nitric oxide synthase knockout mice, Emily Timmermann
The effects of noise exposure on rock bands, Karen Schaff
The effects of phonological and semantic priming in speech production, Lynne Whitmel Shields
The effects of special lighting on the lipreading performance of profoundly deaf children, Christine Reimler
The effects of the SKILL Program on the language and socialization of hearing impaired children, Aimie Marlow
The effects of training in the tracking procedure on the speechreading ability of two profoundly hearing-impaired children, Kimberly G. England
The effects of varying amounts of visual information on telephone intelligibility, Debra N. Levine and Mary C. Saggau
The effects of varying amounts of visual information on telephone intelligibility, Mary C. Saggau and Debra N. Levine
The essentials of written language, Sara Haller
The factors needed for hearing-impaired children to benefit from closed-captioned television, Rachel Adler
The formation of learning sets by the chinchilla in an auditory discrimination procedure, Flint Arthur Boettcher
The high risk register and identification of hearing impaired infants in an NICU, Julie A. Wirth
The importance of direct language instruction for hearing impaired children, Christa M. Garrett
The importance of parental involvement in language acquisition and activities and techniques to enhance the home-school connection, Meghan Cole
The influence of sentence length and complexity on the speechreading performance of profoundly deaf children, Charles Gammel
The influence of siblings on the development of social skills in children who are deaf or hard of hearing, Lindsay Poole
The influence of various types of question forms and test directions on the educational achievement of deaf and hearing children, Ida Lillian Liss
The inner-relationship among lipreading ability, auditory speech perception ability, hearing loss, and language level in hearing impaired children, Hope Ann Cordonier-Stewart
The intelligibility of cleft palate speech with and without dental prosthesis, Madeline C. Haertter
The intelligibility of different kinds of test material used in speech audiometry, Rae Leila Levin
The intelligibility of speech through phonetic transcription, Barb Richman
The Lindamood Auditory Conceptualization Test and its use with hearing-impaired children, Tiffany Brill
The mainstreaming process and materials for the mainstream classroom, Kari Delzer
The outcomes of a survey regarding the socialization of CID's alumni, Kelly Bernreuter
The perception of vowels in hearing and hearing-impaired subjects, Nicole Wyzinski
The phase relations of normal ears compared with the phase relations of otosclerotic ears before and after the fenestration operation, Irvin Shore
The prevalence of hyperbilirubinemia as a risk ractor for hearing loss in newborns, Michael Scott
The psycholinguistic communication strategies of a mother of a hearing-impaired infant, June C. Chan
Therapeutic procedures on the aphasic population, Marilyn J. Wilson
The reassessment of central auditory processing disorders in children 7 to 12 years of age, Dawn M. Carpenter
The relation between intelligibility and the acoustic characteristics of deaf speech: An acoustic analysis of the vowels /i/ and /aw/, and nasals, Jennifer Micheletto
The relation between parental attitudes and cochlear implant benefit in eight and nine year-old children, Danielle Pennel
The relation between the electroencephalogram and the ease of autonomic conditioning, Kirti Kumar Charan
The relation between Wechsler Performance Quotients and quotients on the Snijders-Oomen Non-Verbal Intelligence Scale, Karen Kramer
The relation of E.Q and I.Q. to learning from the standard self-instructional programs in spelling and english, Joseph Edward Hartung
The relationship among perceived hearing handicap, pure-tone average, and articulation index for an elderly population, Mary M. Brenton
The relationship between performance on the Stanford Achievement Test and the Peabody Individual Achievement test for a group of hearing-impaired children, Carol S. Bayersdorfer
The relationship between popular culture awareness and socialization in the deaf/hard of hearing and hearing populations, Amanda L. Stever
The relationship of hearing-impaired children's scores on the Beery Visual-Motor Integration Test and the reading subtests of the American School Achievement Test, Lonnie Anderson
The relationship of language development to theory of mind understanding in young deaf children, Bethany Lyn Gehrlein
The reliability and validity of monitored connected discourse as a test of the threshold of intelligibility, George Alexander Falconer
The role of glutamate receptors in cholesteatoma induced bone resorption, Kelly Constable
The role of integrin avB3 in bone remodeling, Natalie Ozburn
The role of pediatrician in hearing loss: from detection to connection, Jamie Ranee Bailey
The role of siblings in the habilitation of families with children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, Lyndsey Jalvia
The school and the social-emotional adjustment of hearing-impaired adolescents, Lisa Brown
The slow cortical evoked potential: cross modality interaction of auditory, vibro-tactile and shock stimuli, Izak S. Hay
The smoking/drinking connection: smoking reduces the effects of alcohol on postural reflexes, John W. Rohrbaugh, Andrei B. Vedeniapin, Erik J. Sirevaag, Tracy L. Goldenberg, Rachel G. Sandy, Caroline Ryan, Molly M. Rauscher, Kenneth J. Sher, and Andrew C. Heath
The social difficulties children encounter transitioning from a self-contained deaf education program into a general education program, Gina Marie Martino
The southern sotho speech identification/discrimination test construction, Jacob Japane Mohale Semela
The stapedial reflex as an early indicator of cis-platinum ototoxicity, Fiona Kark
The status of nine former C.I.D. students who are attending public high schools with hearing peers, Meredith Ann Stewart
The structural component of linguistic meaning and the reading of normally hearing and deaf children, Helen Mary Eugenie Woodward
The study of prefixes and suffixes, Pat Kirkham
The thirty-first commencement of the St. Louis Medical College and the seventh commencement of the Missouri Dental College, 1873
“The unity of mankind,” an introductory lecture to the class of the Medical Department of the St. Louis University by M.L. Linton, 1854
The use of a language eliciting procedure as a tool in the establishment of teaching goals, Barbara Shore
The use of a single channel, two attenuator hearing aid by severely hearing impaired children, Karen Suty
The use of digital technology for portfolio creation, management and utilization, Linda H. Tomlinson
The use of dramatization to teach social studies to hearing-impaired children, Timothy M. Lamb
The use of music education in oral schools for children who are deaf and hard of hearing, Julie Fix
The use of otoscopy and middle-ear measurement as screening procedures, Pamela Nelson
The use of three speech training aids by a profoundly deaf child, Martha Mitchell
The use of video-tape in the acquisition of volleyball skills, Arthur Johnston
The utility of social behavior rating scales for children who are deaf and hard of hearing, Francina Marie Silvey
The validation of CID's Grammatical Analysis of Elicited Language with language delayed children, Mary Ruth Denvir
The value to deaf children of an extra-curricular reading activity, Kathryn Daniels Becker
The Wechsler-Bellevue and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children as predictors of academic achievement for a severely hearing and speech impaired population, Ernest E. Haecker
Third Medical Society of Vermont [Burlington, VT]. W. Beaumont’s certificate of medical examination and license to practice medicine. June 1812
Thomas G. Mower [New York, NY] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: duplicate receipts for monies transferred to Mower. November 16, 1833
Thomas G. Mower [New York, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: acquaintances in New York City especially “Poor B.” (Major Boynton), resignation of Dr. Bryant, and promotion of (Robert C.) Wood. June 8, 1835
Thomas Green [Green Bay, WI] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: Beaumont’s property in the territory. June 5, 1841
Thomas Green [Green Bay, WI] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: deeds offered by Thomas Green, death of Mrs. Israel Green, and other family news. April 23, 1839
Thomas Green [Green Bay, WI] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: Green’s moving from Washington House (W. Beaumont’s house) for Astor House, new renter for the property. July 8, 1839
Thomas Green [Green Bay, WI] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: news from Green Bay, compromise on land title dispute for Green Bay property. October 23, 1849
Thomas H. Benton, U. S. Senate [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] regarding: thanks for Experiments and Observations. January 28, 1834
Thomas Henderson to W. Beaumont, U. S. Army [Fuller’s Boarding House, Washington, DC] regarding: thanks and praise for Experiments and Observations. January 8, 1834
Thomas Henderson [Washington, DC] to Senator Asher Robbins regarding: endorsing W. Beaumont’s memorial to Congress. February 10, 1834
Thomas Jones, Thomas Henderson, and I. C. Hall [Columbian College, Washington, D.C.] regarding: copy of memorial to the Joint Committee Library of Congress in support of W. Beaumont. April 1834
Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: endorsement of accounts enclosed, accounts submitted to Secretary of War. November 4, 1840
Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: receipt of accounts and disbursements for first quarter of 1838. July 24, 1838
Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: receipt of accounts for second and third quarter, duplicates requested of semi-annual returns. November 7, 1839
Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: receipt of report on recruits examined, copy of letter to Adjutant General received, duplicates requested on semi-annual returns. December 14, 1839
Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: receipt of the disbursements for third quarter of 1838, the quarterly report of sick, the diary of weather, and semi-annual returns of medical and hospital stores. October 22, 1838
Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: received report of recruits examined. July 16, 1838
Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: received report of sick and diary of weather. July 20, 1838
Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: received weather diary, accounts, reports of sick and of recruits examined. March 7, 1839
Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: reports of recruits examined during September and quarterly report of receipt of accounts, the sick, diary of weather, semi-annual report of returns of hospital and medical stores not received. October 25, 1839
Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: reports of recruits examined. September 24, 1839
Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: request for leave of absence denied unless Beaumont pays replacement. March 27, 1839
Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: secretary of war’s order to proceed to Florida before consideration of letter of resignation. October 26, 1839
Thomas Mower [New York, NY] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: funds to be transferred to Mower. November 8, 1833
Thomas Mower [New York, NY] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: journey of 9000 miles via steam boats, rafts, stage coaches, and carts. October 14, 1833
Thomas P. Burnett [Prairie du Chien, WI] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: correspondence neglected by Beaumont, proposed creation of Wisconsin territory, Israel Green and family, Mrs. Smith, Governor Cass, Burnett’s candidacy, advice about sale of Burnett’s farm, land speculation in Saint Louis. June 17, 1836
Thomas P. Jones [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont, regarding: letter from A. Vail on failure to secure a London publisher for Experiments and Observations. April 19, 1834
Thomas Reyburn [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont regarding: Mary Dugan case, malpractice trial. July 31, 1846. Thomas Reyburn [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont, regarding: Mary Dugan case. August 1, 1846. Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Thomas Reyburn [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: reply to two letters concerning questions on the truth of Mary Dugan’s affidavit, the credibility of T. J. White, and the correctness of Reyburn’s statement before the judge in the malpractice trial published in the St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal. August 10, 1846
Thomas Sewall, Chairman of the Committee of the U. S. Senate [Washington, DC] to Asher Robbins, with attached note by Joseph Lovell to Asher Robbins, regarding: their favorable opinion of Experiments and Observations and Beaumont’s memorial to Congress for ongoing expenses of this work. January 20, 1834
Thomas Sewall [Washington, DC] to J. K. Mitchell [Philadelphia, PA] regarding: letter of introduction to Mitchell regarding analysis of gastric juice. February 5, 1833
Thomas Sewall [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [New York, NY] regarding: Sewall’s comments and questions after discussions with Silliman about Beaumont’s gastric experiments. July 24, 1833
Thomas Sewall [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] letter of introduction for Dr. Morgan. February 19, 1844
Three drafts of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Henry Hamilton, regarding: request for payment of Hamilton’s note, threatening foreclosure. April 29, 1839
Three texts: [1] “Notes, Remarks etc.,” an extract from a report from a speech in the British House of Commons about General Hastings (pp. 1-11). [2] W. Beaumont, Ft. Niagara, initial lines of a draft letter, evidently discontinued. [3] Extract from the Medical Recorder, no. 33, p. 204 in The London Medical and Physical Journal for August 1825 regarding: counterfeit diseases. March 11, 1826
Threshold adaptation, temporal integration and frequency discrimination-learning in hearing impaired children, Roy Warner Gengel
Tone burst sensitivity in normal and sensorineural hearing impaired listeners, Janet M. Solecki
Toward an acoustic vowel metric: listener validation, Christine Anne Brenner
Training hearing adults in the use of communication strategies to prevent communication breakdowns with hearing impaired individuals: A pilot study, Lora A. Hill
Training hearing impaired consumer advocates of assistive listening devices, Kristine Freed
Transcending bibliometrics: Measuring knowledge transfer and clinical impact, Cathy C. Sarli and Susan Fowler
Transect sampling methods for a minority population genetic epidemiology study, Nathan K. Risk, Krista L. Russell, and Rumi Kato Price
Transitions in conjoint alcohol and tobacco use among adolescents, Kristina M. Jackson
Translating Basic Science Findings to Guide Prevention Efforts Brochure
Translating Basic Science Findings to Guide Prevention Efforts Web Flyer
Trauma and Alcoholism Brochure
Truman Powell [Burlington, VT]. Letter of recommendation for W. Beaumont. September 10, 1812
Tutoring a little boy in language, N. Pava
Twelve sequence stories for use as part of reading curriculum for deaf children, Amy McDonald
Two drafts of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Judge Robert McPherson regarding: payment of Whitney’s note. June 19, 1839
Understanding cochlear implants: a guide for parents and educators, Lauren Pfaender
Understanding deafness: an ability awareness video, Kristine Ann Voytas
Understanding the communication needs of individuals with hearing loss in the workplace, Jacqueline L. Spry
Unilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation has a measurable ipsilateral effect on rigidity and bradykinesia in Parkinson disease, Samer D. Tabbal, Mwiza Ushe, Jonathan W. Mink, Fredy J. Revilla, Angie R. Wernle, Minna Hong, Morvarid Karimi, and Joel S. Perlmutter
Unilateral vs. bilateral STN DBS effects on working memory and motor function in Parkinson disease, Tamara G. Hershey, J. Wu, Patrick M. Weaver, Dana C. Perantie, Morvarid Karimi, Samer D. Tabbal, and Joel S. Perlmutter
United States geography curricula, Carrie N. Fletcher
Unofficial notice from Joseph Lovell [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: order to report to the Surgeon General. November 23, 1833
Usage of oral skills by orally educated deaf adults, Ann Deatherage
Use of diagnosis codes and/or wound culture results for surveillance of surgical site infection after mastectomy and breast reconstruction, Margaret A. Olsen and Victoria J. Fraser
Use of mechanical patient lifts decreased musculoskeletal symptoms and injuries among health care workers, J. Li, L. Wolf, and Bradley A. Evanoff
Use of personal protective equipment and operating room behaviors in four surgical subspecialties: personal protective equipment and behaviors in surgery, Deniz Akduman, Lynn E. Kim, Rodney L. Parks, Paul B. L'Ecuyer, Sunita Mutha, Donna B. Jeffe, Bradley A. Evanoff, and Victoria J. Fraser
Use of the storage oscilloscope to train deaf children to convey meaning in sentences through intonation control, Linda Nakashima and Terri Loewenthal
Use of the storage oscilloscope to train deaf children to convey meaning in sentences through intonation control, Terri Loewenthal and Linda Nakashima
Using love and logic at home: A workshop for parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing, Brittany Barney
Utilizing hearing assistive technology (HAT) to assess speech recognition: Comparison of word recognition scores obtained by hearing instrument users, Stephanie Schutzenhofer
Vacation studies for deaf children, Sol Richard Silverman
Valedictory address to the graduating class of St. Louis Medical College by Charles A. Pope, 1860
Valentine Mott [New York, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: letter of introduction for John G. Morgan, former Professor of Surgery at Geneva Medical College. December 28, 1843
Validating the Mainstream Success Index, Abby Elizabeth Baden
Validation of a fiducial-based atlas localization method for deep brain stimulation contacts in the area of the subthalamic nucleus, Tom O. Videen, Meghan C. Campbell, Samer D. Tabbal, Morvarid Karimi, Tamara G. Hershey, and Joel S. Perlmutter
Validation of an automated algorithm for auditory brainstem response testing, Kelle Williams
Validation of a speech intelligibility measure for profoundly deaf children, Cynthia J. Williams
Validation of the reference tissue model for estimation of dopaminergic D2-like receptor binding with [18F](N-methyl)benperidol in humans, Jo Ann V. Antenor-Dorsey, Joanne Markham, Stephen M. Moerlein, Tom O. Videen, and Joel S. Perlmutter
Validation of the Rhode Island Test of Language Structure with orally educated hearing-impaired students, Monica A. Faherty
Validity of Nordic-style questionnaires in the surveillance of upper-limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders, Alexis Descatha, Yves Roquelaure, Jean Francois Chastang, Bradley A. Evanoff, Maria Melchior, Camille Mariot, Catherine Ha, Ellen Imbernon, Marcel Goldberg, and Annette Leclerc
Valuable resources for parents of hearing-impaired children (ages: birth - 5 years), Susan Tershak
Variability in distortion product otoacoustic emissions among normal ears, Joanna R. Ramsey
Variables that influence the real-ear response of the TDH-49 earphone, Norman Phillip Erber
Variants in the CD36 gene associate with the metabolic syndrome and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, Latisha Love-Gregory, Richard Sherva, Lingwei Sun, Jon Wasson, Timothy Schappe, Alessandro Doria, Dabeeru C. Rao, Steven C. Hunt, Samuel Klein, Rosalind J. Neuman, M. Alan Perlmutt, and Nada A. Abumrad
Variations in the transcriptome of Alzheimer's disease reveal molecular networks involved in cardiovascular diseases, Monika Ray, Jianhua Ruan, and Weixiong Zhang
Velocity discrimination of angular motion at different frequencies in individuals with normal vestibular function, Brittany Nguyen
Verification of computed tomographic estimates of cochlear implant array position: A micro-CT and histological analysis, Jessica Teymouri
Verifying and constructing validity for the CHIVE, Susan Rathgeb
Video supplement for teaching "Little Red Riding Hood", Wendi M. Richardson
Visual intelligibility of words in isolation and in sentence context, De McMahan
Visual perceptual skills, reading ability and the young deaf child, Joseph Edward Hartung
Visual speech perception: a comparison between younger and older adults, Valerie Ann Pavlovich
Vital M. Grist to Patrick Keating, Circuit Court [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: copy of discharge of sureties, case of James Sykes vs. W. Beaumont. April 3, 1846
Vowel target articulation of the deaf, Dale Shaughnessy
Warrant Number 138 from Richard Rush, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Green Bay, WI] regarding: money of the estate of Richard Fleming. January 26, 1828
W. Beaumont and Deborah Beaumont [Mackinac, MI] to her parents [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: family news. December 18, 1823
W. Beaumont and St. Martin, draft articles of agreement [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: planned experiments. October 1832
W. Beaumont and St. Martin, four articles of agreement [Plattsburgh, NY]. St. Martin to submit to the experiments of Beaumont under conditions fully set forth. October 16, 1832–November 7, 1833
W. Beaumont, Army Medical Board, to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: Lucius Abbott’s refusal to appear for examination. March 7, 1834
W. Beaumont, Army Medical Board, to Lucius Abbott [Washington, DC] requesting Abbott to appear for examination as candidate for the Army Medical staff. March 7, 1834
W. Beaumont, Army Medical Board [Washington, DC] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General of the United States Army, regarding: hospital inspection tour report for Fort Constitution, NH; Fort Preble, ME; Hancock Barracks, ME; Fort Sullivan, ME; Fort Wolcott, RI; and Fort Trumbull, CT. May 17, 1834. W. Beaumont, Army Medical Board [Washington, DC] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General of the United States Army, regarding: hospital inspection tour report. 1834
W. Beaumont, extract from the Monthly Review, London, Vol. 1, No. 4, April 1834, regarding: comments by Prout on the chemical analysis of plant and animal substances as it relates to digestion. April 1834
W. Beaumont [Fort Howard, Green Bay, WI] to his mother (Mrs. Lucretia Beaumont) and siblings [Lebanon, CT] regarding: moccasins sent to family from Mrs. Ransom, his promotion despite differences with officers of the post. May 3, 1828
W. Beaumont [Fort Howard, Green Bay, WI] to William Lee, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] regarding: acknowledgement of warrant received for Richard Fleming’s estate. April 2, 1828
W. Beaumont [Ft. Niagara, NY] notes on a case history of an abdominal abscess and a case history of ascites. September 1825
W. Beaumont, inaugural address as the President of the Saint Louis Medical Society, May 1840
W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: Certification for furlough and request for sick leave by Lieutenant Phillip St. George Cooke. August 11, 1834
W. Beaumont Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: inventories of effects of two dead soldiers, William Telford and Corporal Jones. October 25, 1834
W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: request for furlough for family reasons. September 6, 1834
W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: arrival at Jefferson Barracks, St. Martin absent without leave, letter from St. Martin received, news of Jefferson Barracks, transfer of Foot requested. July 31, 1834
W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: official notice of arrival at Jefferson Barracks. July 30, 1834
W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: court-martial of Finley and Lieutenant Nichols, termination of Lieutenant Nichols, acquittal of Finley. March 17, 1835. W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: departure for Plattsburgh after discharge from attendance on court-martial. March 17, 1835
W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: hopes to employ St. Martin and to continue observations and experiments, preference for posts more centrally located and conducive to research work, and request for furlough. September 6, 1834
W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: request for transfer of Samuel G. I. Decamp to Jefferson Barracks instead of Finley. October 20, 1834
W. Beaumont [Jefferson Barracks, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: trials of Finley and Lieutenant Nichols at Saint Louis, transfer to Saint Louis for trial, news from Jefferson Barracks. February 27, 1835
W. Beaumont, memo preparatory to drafting memorial to Congress requesting reimbursement for experiments. 1834
W. Beaumont [New York, NY] to Jacob Berzelius [Stockholm, Sweden] regarding: request for analysis of samples of gastric juice sent to Berzelius, case history of St. Martin, and artificial digestion in vitro. April 17, 1833
W. Beaumont [New York, NY] to Joseph Lovell, regarding: advice on publishing given by S. B. (Beaumont), rough draft of manuscript prepared, request for transfer to Burlington and Plattsburgh for the printing of the book, chemical analysis from Berzelius not expected for 5 to 6 months, documents to be returned by Lovell. June 1, 1833
W. Beaumont [New York, NY] to Joseph Lovell, regarding: request for accounts payable for St. Martin, difficulties of working in New York because of calls of the curious, progress on manuscript, and request for advice about publishers, sample of gastric juice sent to Silliman, and his suggestion that gastric juice be sent to Berzelius. April 16, 1833
W. Beaumont, notes on a woman with breast cancer. April 1819
W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to Adjutant General [Washington, DC] draft acknowledging special order 177. December 7, 1833
W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to Franklin Bache [Philadelphia, PA] regarding: gastric juice sent to Bache. August 9, 1833
W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to John Beaumont and other family [Lebanon, CT] regarding: notice of permanent station in Saint Louis, travels across the United States, possible agricultural investments. April 22, 1835
W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General, regarding: copies of receipts for moneys transferred to Thomas Mower sent to Lovell. November 21, 1833
W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] draft acknowledging special order 177. December 7, 1833. W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to Mr. Smith [Washington, DC] draft request for 400 copies of Experiments and Observations. 1833
W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: acknowledgement of letter from Lovell and Quartermaster’s (Stanton’s) check. May 1, 1835
W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to Lieutenant Colonel H. (Henry) Stanton, Quartermaster, U.S. Army [New York, NY] regarding: receipt of Quartermaster’s (Stanton’s) check for transportation. May 1, 1835
W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to Major Kirby, draft request for book revenues and money owed to St. Martin. June 15, 1834
W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to Professor Thomas Sewall [New York, NY] regarding: acknowledged honorary degree bestowed by Columbian College. July 31, 1833
W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to R. Jones, Adjutant General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: St. Martin on duty with Beaumont. July 28, 1833
W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to Robley Dunglison [University of Virginia] regarding: analysis of gastric juice requested. August 9, 1833
W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to Thomas G. Mower [New York, NY] regarding: funds transferred to Mower. November 12, 1833
W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to William Morrison regarding: attempt to employ St. Martin through Morrison. April 18, 1835. W. Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] to Joseph Lovell [Washington, DC] regarding: reporting arrival in Plattsburgh. April 16, 1835
W. Beaumont’s account of money paid to St. Martin for experiments. November 1, 1832–October 23, 1833
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Adjutant General [Washington, DC] regarding: error in Official Army Register for Beaumont’s date of birth and date of appointment. October 20, 1838
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Benjamin King, Acting Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: case of Lieutenant Potter malingering. May 24, 1838
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Captain Symington, Commander [Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: arrest and confinement of George Johnson. May 24, 1836
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Captain William H. Bell, regarding: request for payment of Bell’s note due August 15, 1844. November 5, 1844
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to David Campbell, the American Physiological Society [Boston, MA] regarding: attempt to re-engage St. Martin with help of the Society. August 29, 1837
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Francis Markoe Jr., National Institution for the Promotion of Science [Washington, DC] regarding: acknowledgment of notice of election. September 5, 1840
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Henry Hamilton regarding: deferment of payment of note on land Hamilton sold to John M. Clark. August 12, 1837
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to H. (Henry) Hamilton [Buffalo, NY] regarding: request for payment of Hamilton’s note. January 9, 1838
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Israel Green Beaumont regarding: trip to Canada to confront St. Martin. July 1846
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to James Sykes, regarding: declined partnership offered by Sykes. September 25, 1837
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to J.H.F. (John Henry Freligh), regarding: his suit for Sarah Beaumont’s hand. December 26, 1837
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to John McCall regarding: renewal of experiments planned for June or July, request for copy of Combe’s book Digestion and Diet, hopes to meet Combe, a national medical convention, family news, satisfaction with his life and prospects. April 19, 1846
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: requesting excuse to decline chair of surgery at Saint Louis University. October 21, 1836
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: requesting excuse to decline chair of surgery at Saint Louis University. October 31, 1836
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Major Ethan Allen Hitchcock regarding: request for aid in reinstatement to army and reimbursement, acceptance of Beaumont’s resignation from the Army, aid for Linn and Wright, family news. April 1, 1840
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Mr. Polk regarding: partial payment for Polk’s services during the litigation. April 2, 1848. W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Theodore Green regarding: partial payment. April 24, 1848
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Robert McPherson regarding: payment of Hamilton’s note, threatened foreclosure on Hamilton, title dispute over McPherson’s property. April 23, 1842
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Samuel Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: possibilities of escort of St. Martin to Saint Louis, partnership with Samuel Beaumont. April 4, 1846
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Samuel G. I. DeCamp [Jefferson Barracks, MO] regarding: “Surgeon General Lawson’s threats,” Beaumont’s defense of DeCamp, treatment of DeCamp. Draft of letter from W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Colonel (Ethan Allen) Hitchcock regarding: inviting Hitchcock to visit, settling of accounts, Beaumont’s resignation from the Army. 1840
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to St. Martin regarding: account of interference of St. Martin’s wife and family in Observations and Experiments, ending this work in 1832, refusal to advance money except for $50 for planned journey to Saint Louis with Israel Beaumont in June. May 29, 1846
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to St. Martin regarding: St. Martin’s unsigned security and receipt of advance, travel expenses to be deducted from first year’s salary, terms of proposed contract. August 5, 1850
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to S. W. Beall [Cooperstown, NY] regarding: payment of note. March 2, 1838
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees [Saint Louis University] regarding: accepting the chair of surgery unless new surgeon general disapproves. February 10, 1837
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: account of expenditures, report of illness, diary of weather and semi-annual returns, warrant from treasury not received, continued care for officers and their families, last application letter and copy to Surgeon General. April 1, 1840
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: general order number 2 received. W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Adjutant General [Washington, DC] regarding: general order number 78 received. W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Thomas Lawson, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] regarding: funds not received. February 20, 1840
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to unidentified recipient regarding: Army’s payment for forage. April 15, 1840
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to Vital M. Garesche, regarding: discharge of Garesche and Surtees as receiver of Beaumont and Sykes accounts. April 9, 1844
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to War Department [Washington, DC] regarding: statement of reasons for remaining at Saint Louis post, payment for army medicines, DeCamp not able to handle Saint Louis post. 1840
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Combe [Albany, NY] regarding: receipt of Andrew Combe’s reprint of Beaumont’s book on gastric experiments. April 18, 1839
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William G. Eliot, Jr. [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: declining the offer of chair of surgery at Saint Louis University. October 6, 1836
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William G. Eliot, Jr. [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: statement on personal health for life insurance policy application. November 4, 1846
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] regarding: appeal to employ St. Martin for experiments on digestion. W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to St. Martin [Berthier, Canada] regarding: request for St. Martin to travel to Saint Louis. March 28, 1846
W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] to William Owe [Independence, MO] regarding: treatment prescribed for scrofulous diathesis. December 15, 1842
W. Beaumont’s commission as surgeon in the 15th Regiment, New York Cavalry, signed by Governor DeWitt Clinton Secretary J.V. Watts [Albany, NY]. April 6, 1819
W. Beaumont’s draft of a case history of Fr. B. Jemison regarding fracture of the left leg and ankle joint complicated by gangrene. March 1, 1838
W. Beaumont’s draft of “Physiology of digestion–dyspeptics take notice, the stomach,” promoting sale of Experiments and Observations. March 1834
W. Beaumont’s draft of testimony in the Davis-Darnes trial, page 49 of court record regarding: case history of trephining a fractured skull post-mortem indication of subdural hematoma and brain abscess. November 1840
W. Beaumont’s full manuscript of Experiments and Observations. Undated
W. Beaumont’s manuscript copy of article on statistics with commentary on actuary tables. Undated
W. Beaumont’s manuscript copy of extracts from Sam Hood M.D.’s Analytic Physiology. Undated
W. Beaumont’s manuscript copy of “Gastric Liquor” by Benjamin Silliman, American Journal of Science and Arts, Vol. 27, No. 2, January 1835, p. 405-407. February 28, 1835
W. Beaumont’s manuscript copy of reviews of Experiments and Observations extracted from The Athenaeum (Journal of English and Foreign Literature, Science, and the Fine Arts) No. 338, April 19, 1834. June 4, 1834
W. Beaumont’s notes from works of Jan Baptist van Helmont including “His Dream on the Flux or flowing unto generation” and “Prophetic Poems on himself and his works with an acrostic on his name.” Undated
W. Beaumont’s notes including those titled “Inferences from the foregoing experiments” and “Thoughts on digestion, Progressive motions of the alimentary canal.” Undated
W. Beaumont’s notes on digestion. Undated
W. Beaumont’s notes on preparation of citrate of morphia and potato paint. On verso, a note on use of croton oil. October 1825
W. Beaumont’s notes on science, nature, philosophy, and truth. Undated
W. Beaumont’s notes “On the phenomena of animal temperature,” regarding: inflammation, combustion, and theories of Crawford and Black. Undated
W. Beaumont’s notes on the treatment of diphtheria regarding: prescription and dosage. Undated
W. Beaumont’s “On physical man or the phenomena of life principally in relation to nutrition.” Undated
W. Beaumont’s preliminary manuscript text of Experiments and Observations. Undated
W. Beaumont’s “Suggestions for a plan and regulations of commercial hospitals.” Undated
W. Beaumont, Surgeon, U.S.A. [Ft. Niagara, NY] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General [Washington, DC] September 1824. “A singular case and extraordinary recovery from a wound and perforation of the stomach,” Manuscript report, June 6, 1822–September 1824, and first series of experiments, September 1823–August 1826
W. Beaumont to Finance Committee, draft of memorial to Congress sent to the Committee. June 3, 1834
W. Beaumont to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General’s Office [Washington, DC] regarding: draft of report on second series of experiments on gastric fluid case of St. Martin. March 1831
W. Beaumont to Mr. Dick regarding: phlegmonous inflammation and abscess, cure of chronic umbilical fistula. W. Beaumont to Colonel Ethan Allen Hitchcock regarding: investment of Hitchcock’s money, concern for safety in Mexican War. February 1847
W. Beaumont to Professor Thomas Sewall [New York, NY] regarding: credentials sent. March 1, 1833
W. Beaumont to Professor Thomas Sewall, regarding: progress on getting the right chemist for the analysis of gastric juice. July 31, 1833
W. Beaumont to unnamed recipient; three drafts concerning consultation regarding lameness in William Smith’s 18 month-old daughter. 1836
W. Beaumont to William Morrison regarding: letter of introduction for Israel Beaumont in attempt to employ St. Martin through Morrison. July 7, 1846. W. Beaumont to Samuel Beaumont regarding: letter of introduction for Israel Beaumont. July 7, 1846
W. Beaumont, U.S. Army [Plattsburgh, NY] to Samuel Beaumont [Clinton County, New York] regarding: power of attorney for recovery from Lilly Wait and Company Booksellers (Boston) of money from sale of 500 copies of Experiments and Observations. May 21, 1835
W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to 23rd Congress, draft of memorial with narrative of experiments and expenses incurred requesting reimbursement. 1834
W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to 23rd Congress, draft of memorial with narrative of experiments and expenses incurred requesting reimbursement. May 27, 1834
W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to Deborah Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: travels by boat and stage from Louisville over the Allegheny Mountains to Virginia. November 15, 1834
W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to Joseph Lovell, Surgeon General, regarding: physical examination and physical defects of recruits, remuneration of examining physicians. April 6, 1835
W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to Robley Dunglison [University of Virginia] regarding: experiments on digestion of vegetables and meat in vitro. February 10, 1833
W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to Robley Dunglison [University of Virginia] regarding: expressing gratitude for interest in Beaumont’s gastric experiments, a sample of gastric juice sent to Dunglison. January 25, 1833
W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to Robley Dunglison [University of Virginia] regarding: sample of gastric juice sent to Dunglison for chemical analysis and the digestion of gelatin in vitro. February 19, 1833
W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to Sarah Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: present of music sent to her to sing by Mr. Lamotte and Major Hook, advice to Sarah Beaumont on assembling a library to instruct the children on the coming journey. May 29, 1834
W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to Secretary of the Navy [Washington, DC] suggesting purchase of 100 copies of Experiments and Observations for that branch of service. June 2, 1834
W. Beaumont [Washington, DC] to Secretary of War [Washington, DC] suggesting purchase of 100 copies of Experiments and Observations for that branch of service. June 2, 1834
W. B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Fort Crawford, Prairie du Chien, WI] regarding: Lieutenant P.R. Green account. September 28, 1829
W. B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Fort Crawford, Prairie du Chien, WI] regarding: returns for medicines and hospital stores. December 13, 1831
W. B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Fort Crawford, Prairie du Chien, WI] regarding: returns for medicines and hospital stores. December 22, 1829
W. B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Fort Crawford, Prairie du Chien, WI] regarding: returns for medicines and hospital stores. January 25, 1831
W. B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Fort Crawford, Prairie du Chien, WI] regarding: returns of medicines and hospital stores. July 2, 1832
W. B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Fort Crawford, Prairie du Chien, WI] regarding: returns of medicines and hospital stores. June 5, 1829
W. B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Fort Crawford, WI] regarding: returns for medicines and hospital stores. January 10, 1833
W. B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: accounts settled for third quarter of 1837. November 2, 1837
W. B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: offering advice about a warrant issued to Beaumont from Purchasing Department. November 6, 1837
W. B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: returns of medical and hospital stores for September 1836. May 10, 1838
Weight loss therapy improves pancreatic endocrine function in obese older adults, Dennis T. Villareal, Marian R. Banks, Bruce W. Patterson, Kenneth S. Polonsky, and Samuel Klein
What it takes: Issues in implementing electronic portfolios, Kristen Steele
What resources are available to assist parents of hearing-impaired children to increase their children's reading abilitites?, Casandra Merken
Who am I?, Meaghan McCavitt
Why are manual workers at high risk of upper limb disorders? The role of physical work factors in a random sample of workers in France (the Pays de la Loire study), M. Melchior, Yves Roquelaure, Bradley A. Evanoff, J. F. Chastang, C. Ha, E. Imbernon, M. Goldberg, and A. Leclerc
William B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: accounts settled for first quarter of 1839. April 29, 1839
William B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: accounts settled for fourth quarter of 1838. April 3, 1839
William B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: accounts settled for second quarter of 1838. July 31, 1838
William B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: accounts settled for second quarter of 1839. June 4, 1839
William B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: accounts settled for third quarter of 1838. November 17, 1838
William B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: monies issued by Treasury Department for medicines. November 2, 1839
William B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: notice of warrant issued for funds. May 9, 1838
William B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: payment requested on forage. October 9, 1839
William B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: receipt of accounts for first quarter of 1838. June 11, 1838
William B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: returns of hospital and medical stores of September 30, 1837 received. February 20, 1839
William B. Lewis, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: returns of hospital and medical stores of September 30, 1837 received. February 20, 1839
William Combe [Albany, NY] to John McCall [Utica, NY] regarding: news about his brother Andrew Combe, extracts from Andrew Combe’s letter, request for Beaumont’s letter to McCall. July 27, 1846
William Combe [Albany, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: a copy of W. Beaumont’s work on digestion republished in Great Britain by Andrew Combe. March 18, 1839
William C. Roberts [New York, NY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: partnership request of Roberts withdrawn, thanks for Beaumont’s offer of aid, testimonials to Robert’s competence. September 8, 1840
William G. Eliot, Jr. [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont, regarding: election to chair of surgery at Saint Louis University. October 4, 1836
William G. Eliot, Jr. [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont, regarding: election to chair of surgery at Saint Louis University. October 4, 1836
William G. Eliot, Jr. [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: holding open the chair of surgery at Saint Louis University. October 12, 1836
William Howe [Independence, MO] to John O. Agnew [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: request to name doctor to cure chronic scrofula. December 1843
William Lee, Second Auditor’s Office, Treasury Department [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Fort Howard, Green Bay, WI] regarding: administration of estate of Richard Fleming by Beaumont. January 22, 1828
William Mason, M.C. [Washington, DC] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: discussion of family, national politics, a proposal to establish commercial hospitals on the “western waters”. January 2, 1835
William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] to Samuel Beaumont [Plattsburgh, NY] regarding: attempt to employ St. Martin through Morrison, St. Martin and family ready to travel. April 26, 1837
William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont regarding: St. Martin left for Saint Louis and has not arrived, fear St. Martin met with accident while traveling. September 28, 1850
William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: arrival of Israel and Samuel Beaumont in Canada, aid in attempt to employ St. Martin. August 6, 1846
William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: attempt to employ St. Martin through Morrison, St. Martin and family ready to travel. April 2, 1839
William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: attempt to employ St. Martin through Morrison, St. Martin and family ready to travel, change in habits of drinking. February 20, 1846
William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: St. Martin and family ready to travel, monies requested by St. Martin, St. Martin described as a reformed man, St. Martin and family to be employed by Beaumont for 1 year and given board and travel expenses. February 23, 1850
William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: St. Martin and family ready to travel, request clarification of terms for St. Martin, Morrison’s advice that travel advance be taken out of salary. October 30, 1851
William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: St. Martin and family ready to travel, request instructions about St. Martin. May 4, 1852
William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: St. Martin ready to join Beaumont, request for travel funds for St. Martin. May 9, 1851
William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: St. Martin ready to travel with family, request by St. Martin for advance for travelling expenses. June 24, 1850
William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: St. Martin’s readiness to travel if he can bring his wife and children to Saint Louis, request for instructions from Beaumont, advice not to pay St. Martin directly. April 26, 1846
William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: St. Martin’s readiness to travel, inability to raise money for journey. October 6, 1851
William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: St. Martin unable to join Beaumont due to illness, his return from the U.S., return of draft to Beaumont. January 21, 1851
William Morrison [Berthier, Canada] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: St. Martin will join Beaumont in the spring, requests information about fate of Pierre Jodin, employee of the American Fur Company. December 28, 1851
Wills DeHass [Saint Louis, MO] to W. Beaumont, regarding: medical partnership proposal. March 15, 1839
Winfield Scott, Headquarters, Eastern Department [Washington, DC] to Lewis Cass, War Department [Washington, DC] regarding: army regulations and professional considerations in the case of the removal of Mower from New York City in favor of Elwes. February 19, 1835
Word level speech perception under four levels of simulated profound hearing loss, Trisha Ruddick
Word study: synonyms and antonyms, Purita I. Pagkalinawan
Work, a prognosis factor for upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders, Alexis Descatha, Yves Roquelaure, Jean Francois Chastang, Bradley A. Evanoff, D. Cyr, and Annette Leclerc
Workers' compensation for occupational hearing loss: what we know or don't know, Rebecca Zellmer
W. R. Jawett [Harrodsburg, KY] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] recommending a Dr. Prather to practice surgery. August 12, 1835
W. (William) Gibson [Philadelphia, PA] to W. Beaumont [Saint Louis, MO] regarding: attempt to engage St. Martin by British doctors, letter of introduction for Moses. October 26, 1839
W. W. (William) Matthews, American Fur Company [Mackinac, MI] to W. Beaumont [Green Bay, WI] regarding: encounter with St. Martin at La Chalupe and request for reimbursement of expenses. August 13, 1827
W. W. (William) Matthews, American Fur Company [Mackinac, MI] to W. Beaumont [Green Bay, WI] regarding: reimbursement of Matthews expenses and negotiations for employment of St. Martin and wife. August 18, 1827
Zachary Taylor, First Infantry [Fort Crawford, WI] special orders regarding W. Beaumont’s furlough along with orders to take care of the sick and wounded militia as far as Saint Louis. August 22, 1832